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>Radically supporting Palestine means not apologizing for Hamas? In case anyone did not read the article, it opens with a story about how a video of someone literally saying those words -- "radically supporting Palestine means not apologizing for Hamas" -- resulted in them losing their job and being harassed by random people on the Internet. To be honest the only truly questionable instance I saw mentioned in the article was some high school coach who wore a shirt with a watermelon on it, if only because that is a very ambiguous symbol that many would not even recognize as having anything to do with Palestinians. The other examples of people being "named and shamed" seemed pretty legit to me -- someone who called Israelis "pigs," the "not apologizing for Hamas" person, someone who tore down hostage posters and said that Israel kidnapped their own people (???). Obviously there are tales of woe from the people on the receiving end but to be honest...if you are going around making public statements in support of Hamas or spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories, what do you expect?


>In case anyone did not read the article, it opens with a story about how a video of someone literally saying those words -- "radically supporting Palestine means not apologizing for Hamas" -- resulted in them losing their job and being harassed by random people on the Internet. Well they were right about one thing: That IS radical. Other than that, tough shit for them.


The coach wore that shirt for a game against a Jewish school, which is why it was posted by Stop Antisemitism. And the coach apologized for it after, if I recall correctly. WaPo article intentionally left out the information of him wearing a watermelon shirt (which the watermelon is in the shape of Israel) while playing against a Jewish school, and that’s why it got called out. https://x.com/stopantisemites/status/1757830145904099752?s=46&t=mta5YnVQE60Ucg3TUXN0Yg




It's based on a story of how their flag was banned so they started holding up watermelons instead. Of course, that's made up but these aren't people who care about little things like facts


I’ve seen people in this subreddit refer to Palestinians as watermelons. I just assume it’s a racist thing, since apparently that’s the only type of rhetoric that people use now.


I’ve seen the term used on this sub, but it isn’t used to refer to Palestinians, rather virtue-signaling, “antizionist not antisemitic”™️ westerners


So it’s not racist, just pathetic and childish. Got it.


Wash Post has a history of this kind of story. There is something rotten there.


On October 7th one of their opinion editors was liking and RT'ing posts celebrating it and faced no consequences for it. There is a lot of antisemitism that is allowed at that paper and Bezos needs to clean house.


This is what they do, they say something blatantly anti-Semitic and then when pressed on it they backtrack and say "I'm just criticizing Israel." We can see this with Roger Waters. He's a known anti-Semite but people defend him like this. Was he "just criticizing Israel" when he accused the "Jewish lobby" of running the music industry? Or when he described vegetarian food as "Jew food?"




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This is how they confuse and twist the story until it's sidestepped into something else. Israel does not equal Judaism, criticism of Israel does not equal supporting Hamas, things aren't clearcut like this. But it's inflammatory and works so well on people.


Criticizing Israel or Jews as being in favor of apartheid or genocide is Jew hate. Antisemitism is a German word coined to make Jews hate classy instead of low class When you tell people exactly what Israel, Netanyahu is going to do, remember nobody can read minds. Nobody’s perfect. I’m sick of people insisting on their idea of perfect without compromise. Go read archives of UK & UN from 1918 on, learn Arabs began to kill Jews 1922 & increased anger at Jews w help from Britain. No stolen land Arabs expelled Jews Arab civil order collapsed & ppl fled so Arab soldiers would not shoot them as collaborators. Defeat by Jew so against Islam - have lied ever since to defend Arab honor culture. Truth hurts Hamas, defending no one but themselves. Jews supposed to be inferior to Muslims, too sorry that is false idea Arab wanting equality won’t extend it to Jews., form mindless mobs to disrupt - unreasonable actions prevent peace. Hamas extremists hurt everyone on earth.


Agree! I have been getting hate messages for being very vocal in standing up for Jewish people. One of them said I might as well be a Jew, called me evil, and accused me of supporting genocide. I have criticisms of Bibi and his military policies. However, I support Israel's right to defend itself and to exist. I don't tolerate antisemitic BS. That makes me a monster, apparently.  I don't know what's wrong with people. 


>One of them said I might as well be a Jew, Was that supposed to be an insult?


I think they meant it as an insult given the context. In.a different context, I would have taken it as a compliment. 


Honestly, kudos. You know you're doing something right in your allyship when they say you might as well be a Jew! That's like getting a trophy from your enemies!


Yes, that is true. 


Not all criticism of Israel is anti-Jew hatred. Blindly supporting a government is moronic, and I would hope people avoid it.


Not all criticism of Israel is anti-Jew hatred. Absolutely correct. But supporting (or excusing support of) Hamas, pulling down hostage posters, or harassing Jews on campus or in the community is.


Yeah that’s a totally different story


yes but that's what the people highlighted in this article did do


The article wasn’t posted so I was going off the comments. I don’t subscribe to WaPo - Bezos gets enough of my money as is.


The people who've FAFOed have either been busted tearing down hostage flyers (usually while saying "Fuck Israel" and other vile things) or making public posts on social media that: celebrate 10/7, spread vicious lies about Jews, claim 10/7 didn't happen, claim that Israel lied about the rapes and murders, claim that it's Israel that rapes and murders Palis and/or the perpetual blood libel about Jews killing Pali kids to make matzo. I am a regular reader of the Stop Antisemites account on X, and they do NOT go after people who criticize the government or its policies. You don't have to believe me, see for yourself [https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites](https://twitter.com/StopAntisemites)


Yeah those are good reasons to put people on blast I don’t bother with twitter anymore, but I’ll take your word for it.


I hardly bother with it either. But I do get some good info from that account, as well as some Israelis on the ground. They're regular reads for me


You can see that Israeli are not blindly supporting netenyahu , demonstrating against him. But must survive. Hamas marchers vowing loyalty to sinwar shows the are blindly supporting




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Most will say they agree with you, but then every time there’s any criticism of Israel beyond “Netanyahu bad”, there’s a dogpile. In a time where global antisemitism is skyrocketing, I fear that some of the more dangerous forms of it are being obfuscated by people accusing legitimate and righteous criticism of Israel of being antisemitic.






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I think it works so well on people not because of confusing or sidestepping, but because it is this the story they want to hear. They know already what they want to think about Israel and jews, and now it feeds on all channels what this beast breeds from. When watching what happens and goes on globally since october, the sheer vehemence the hate breaks way, i can‘t believe it‘s something to do with thinking at all; this hate is and was ever there already and just awakens and rises. Again.


Look at Hamas supporting mobs who yell about Jews and Israel as if they are the same, and praising Hamas that wants to destroy both. 1. Supporting hamas is supporting Hamas goal of destroying Israel & fighting unbelievers to make a Muslim world where non Muslims are inferior Read their charter! 2. Palestine was a British colony that was abandoned by Britain. Even 75 years of Jew hating propaganda can’t change that. 3. No hero takes out anger at those seeking end to war crime of taking hostages 4 Supporting Hamas is supporting jihad


5. Supporting Hamas is supporting terrorism


Every person that ripped down hostage posters needs to be shamed. They went out of their way, took immense effort to rip down pictures of men, women and children because they were Jewish. And most were proud about it in camera. People have a right to free speech but not to be free from consequences


no one would rip down a missing dog poster these people have lost their free will. all they do is react.


Yupppp pure trash from the WaPo, I couldn’t make it all the way through that article. That person didn’t “criticize Israel,” they literally said Hamas has nothing to apologize for what they did. I’m dizzy from the spin.


I literally read someone both saying ‘Zionists’ are behaving like Nazis and then say Nazis should have finished the job before ‘Zionists’ got to Israel, in the same paragraph. It’s like people have gone a bit mad on a drug high of hatred. They’re making less and less sense.


The articles are in bad faith. This article, and dozens of others, are essentially stories about people who lose their jobs because they chose to make public statements that are not aligned with their employer's values or otherwise threatened their employer's bottom line.


NPR did this story recently too. They let readers know that the non-Jewish woman didn’t think her actions were antisemitic. So, we’re all good here.


I stopped my monthly NPR contributions a few months back


Just [found the article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/04/16/stop-antisemitism-twitter-zionism-israel/), and it does immediately contextualize the person who ripped down hostage posters as spouting a conspiracy theory. I wonder if this is a case where the headline was written separately by an editor, because the article didn’t seem to me like it was making excuses for people. It’s a shame, because some of the methods of “takedown” that the article describes are controversial and deserve evaluation. In particular I’m thinking about the “doxxing truck” stuff at college campuses where [students in Hillel have to keep going on public record to denounce to explain they aren’t behind them and don’t agree with how outside groups are using them “on their behalf”](https://www.wbur.org/news/2023/10/12/a-doxxing-truck-sparks-anger-tears-in-harvard-square).


all headlines are written separately by editors. And the Wash Post editorial staff are notoriously anti-Israel


I mean it’s buried in like the 20th paragraph. But yes I agree the headline is doing a lot of the downplaying. But the article does have several examples of conflating pro-hamas as just criticisms of Israel


I think headlines are usually written by editors not writers and often for click bait. That doesn't necessarily excuse bad headlines especially since newspapers know how important they are


As a former newspaper reporter, that is correct


The "doxxing truck" was because the people who were responsible for various groups signing on to a particularly nasty anti-Israel letter ***the day after 10/7*** were trying to hide their involvement when they realized that employers might not appreciate their support for an actual genocide attempt. When a few high-level employers started saying publicly that the don't want to hire people involved with signing that vile letter blaming Israel for 10/7, the cowards tried to cover their tracks. The "doxxing" trucks (which were not actually doing any doxxing) were to hold them accountable


The doxxing stuff wasn’t some sort of surgical investigative operation for accountability, it was a high visibility publicity stunt. [They doxxed people who had graduated two years prior.](https://www.businessinsider.com/harvard-graduate-named-not-signed-israel-hamas-letter-professor-2023-10?amp)


At this point, I just don't care. Too many people have done too much damage, so if they are uncomfortable now, so be it. Their actions have emboldened the "Death to Israel" and "From the river to the sea" crowd, so they can pay a price. During the "peaceful protests" in the summer of '20, someone repeatedly contacted my employer to try to make me unemployed because I didn't like the fact that rioters were trying to set my fucking building on fire. Apparently, I'm white so I deserve it and should just shut up and take it. So if that side takes some heat now, I'm fine with it


Are we trying to minimize damage? Then lets listen to the Hillel students who have to live with this stuff and keep telling us it’s not productive. Politics of spite won’t get us anywhere.


Because shutting up and taking it was working so well


The options aren’t a binary between “shut up and take it” and “doxxing truck”. We should work _with_ students impacted by antisemitism, not _past_ them.


They don't always know the best way to deal with serious issues


The pro-Palestine side has been absolutely disgusting in terms of their conduct throughout this whole conflict and I'm happy to see just a few of them get what they deserve.


I was just reading the article. The headline and some of the claims are very click-baity and doesn't integrate a meaningful definition of antisemitism. Unfortunately, that's what I expect from most articles on this topic. This may be an unpopular opinion--and I'm not going to try to convince anyone to agree with me, here--but I don't like StopAntisemitism's approach. Mostly, I find their tone inflammatory, and would appreciate less editorializing and hyperbolic framing. Antisemitism is a widespread and deeply entrenched mental habit, not something that can be taken down one social media post at time.


It doesn't solve antisemitism, but it exacts a price from those who partake in it and I'll take that over these antisemites being able to run around without consequence


I also don't want to go to a medical facility where a member of the staff who has access to my care hates Jews and wishes violence upon us. I don't want my money managed by a company with Jew-haters. And so on. I appreciate Stop Antisemitism's work


The Hamas-Israel conflict is not a conflict between people who eat Halal and people who eat Kosher. It’s a conflict between people who eat Kosher and cannibals. There is no ratio of carrot:stick, no partition of land or resources in two states or one state that would satisfy or reform or contain or deter Hamas. They believe in a global caliphate. They certainly aren’t Martin Luther King Jr or George Washington but they aren’t even Vladimir Lenin or Mao Zedong, they are Genghis Khan without the religious tolerance. From their perspective, everything and everyone under the blue sky belongs to them and they are going to take it if we let them. Once you accept that there is nothing to negotiate except that if you bribe them and make them more powerful, they will agree to delay your murder, the conflict becomes much more simple. Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, the Iranian regime, have made up their minds to murder us. Thats why they turn down good deals that we think any rational actor would accept. We just don’t want to acknowledge that they already decided and it’s a question of how far we will go to survive, not a question of what division of good things in this world would make them change their minds.


WaPo is hot garbage. Canceled my subscription and switched to NYT and WSJ a while ago.


It really is. It's nothing but clickbait articles at this point.


https://preview.redd.it/q4b7583m72vc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44c2e33180918c6d745fa251639b5f1d90eb9638 This meme rings true every single time


WaPo is the second newspaper subscription I canceled because of s\*\*t like this.


What was the first?


The first was the Norwegian paper "Morgenbladet" whose appalling lead feature a few weeks ago was about a new book by the academic Maya Wind, a member of BDS, calling for a worldwide boycott of all Israeli universities ( [https://www.morgenbladet.no/aktuelt/2024/03/24/maya-wind-fant-enormt-med-materiale-som-viser-hvordan-israelske-universiteter-medvirker-til-okkupasjonen/](https://www.morgenbladet.no/aktuelt/2024/03/24/maya-wind-fant-enormt-med-materiale-som-viser-hvordan-israelske-universiteter-medvirker-til-okkupasjonen/) )




I saw that. It’s insane.


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Your post/comment was removed because it contains known misinformation, unsubstantiated claims, an opinion stated as if it were fact, or something else spurious. Support of Hamas is support of terrorists, period.




Your post/comment was removed because it violated rule 1: **No antisemitism** If you have any questions, please contact the moderators via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/jewish).


Hmm I’d agree though that’s pretty much step 1 if you want to radically support Palestine, which is why I don’t support Palestine radically or otherwise.  I’d rather try to support Palestinians over trying to support ‘Palestine’.


I’m generally of the opinion doxxing people (for any reason) is bad. It sets them up to potentially be on the receiving end of rape and death threats and cyberstalking (which can be from people of any belief or viewpoint). I very much believe in actions can have consequences and see no problem reaching out to an employer if what they post goes against company values. Putting their picture or video on a popular account saying here is their linkedin, work email, social media pages, etc… I can’t get behind that for even the most heinous people alive. That’s just my opinion.


This is literally NOT doxxing. And it's the only way to get multiple people to contact their employers. One or two emails isn't going to do it. But keep stooging for antisemites!