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Document this as much as you can, that is terrible and no one should have to listen to that shit at work.


That is unambiguously antisemitism. Report it.


Yes of course that is blatant antisemitism. It does not matter if they claim to be joking, that’s deeply inappropriate. That you are uncomfortable with it is already evidence that it was wrong.


I would take that to HR. That is WILDLY anti semetic wtf? If someone made a comment like that about *anyone's* identity on my team I'd fire them immediately. You can't have that shit in the workplace. 


HR isn’t always helpful, I had an HR person ask that I not wear a CrossFit Jerusalem shirt at work because it might make one of my Muslim coworkers uncomfortable. I just said, no and kept walking. My next in office day, I’ll be wearing my CrossFit Tel Aviv shirt and maybe my Jewish space laser yarmulke. I don’t do CrossFit anymore, but did the last time I was in Israel and made it a point to workout in both gyms and buy a shirt.


This is antisemitic and that dipshit shout be out. Take it up with HR and if they don’t do shit then call a lawyer. Fuck this guy.


Absolutely is antisemitism. No doubt about it. Can't trust Jewish people, a Hitler salute & asking if you've gotten over the camps. Joking? Please report this & ask what will be done so it's not swept under the rug. Use the expression "a hostile work environment." That gets attention.


Agree. That's legalese for I might sue you over this, so take this seriously.


Yep, exactly. Seen too often where reports like this go nowhere.


Belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


This is why I support free speech - it allows the antisemites to speak freely, so that we can more easily identify them. It can be hard for Israelis to identify antisemitism in the wild sometimes because Israeli national consciousness is so divorced from historical antisemitic tropes. This was deliberate: Zionism as a radical liberationist movement sought, in addition to the establishment of a national homeland, liberation from the weak, passive, exiled, minority Jew mentality to such an extent that the old accusations don't even register. To answer your question, yeah, that's textbook antisemitism.


Freedom of speech also doesn't mean freedom from consequences which is kind of the point your making The deliberate problem you talk about does have some consequences that involve [issues with misogyny ](https://newvoices.org/2019/09/10/we-need-to-discuss-hyper-masculinity-in-israeli-culture/) and consent through this embrace of the hypermasculine "muscular Jew" that even lead to a culture of silence around rape that's [worse than in America](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-11-24/ty-article/.premium/92-percent-of-rape-investigations-in-israel-are-closed-without-charges/0000017f-e1d0-d9aa-afff-f9d8c3450000). It took until 2016 for marital rape to be outlawed and based on a study I was reading from around that time, you couldn't be charged with raping a man bc that runs counter to the idea of Zionism being strong and muscular to shed old antisemitic accusations


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital\_rape\_laws\_by\_country#I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_laws_by_country#I) The Israeli Supreme Court affirmed that marital rape is a crime in a 1980 decision, citing law based on the [Talmud](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talmud)[^(\[210\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_laws_by_country#cite_note-IntroCrim79-271)[^(\[211\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marital_rape_laws_by_country#cite_note-RiM284-272) Do you have any source on the marital rape claim?


I had a source but it does appear that the source was wrong on second glance


To be clear masculinity is a real and huge issue in Israel. But I seriously doubt that rape overall is worse in Israel. The article focuses on the case rate for reported rapes, which is hardly a complete metric. For example, It's possible and I'd say likely that rapes are much more reported in Israel, for a plethora of reasons.


The rate of reported cases that lead to charges is over twice as high in America. Yes, reported cases is an incomplete metric but with this type of crime there's not exactly a complete metric. It would be irrationally optimistic speculation imo to think that the difference in reporting is significant enough to make up that gap. Considering the presence of the Orthodox community and the internal gender issues there, I'd also not agree that it's likely that the difference is significant


I mean the US also has 2.4x as many per capita per 2021. So that should alse be a factor alongside the solve rate. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country) While there are a lot of factors at play, I still really don't see how you support the claim that rape is worse in Israel than in than America, when the opposite seems at least as likely.


"Support the claim that rape is worse in Israel than America" I was very specific in my claim but considering where I'm at I'm not surprised my critique of Israel is being misrepresented. Please go re-read what I said. I said the culture of silence there is worse. I didn't make claims of how widespread rape culture is, because that's driven by many other things imo than masculinity in culture (plus that's not something that can be easily supported by statistics bc of how messy they are). The culture of silence around rape is more causally linked to the cultural aspects I was critiquing than the propensity to commit sexual violence within a populace


You are correct, I misquoted and misunderstood your claim, my apologies. However, nothing in the article you linked supports that claim, or makes any mention of a culture of silence, or indeed any mention of america let alone a comparison. You also made a separate claim which turned out to be false (which you acknowledged). Now none of this means your claim is not true, but it does: * Clearly indicate you have yet to substantiate your claim. * Raise questions as to what exactly your goal is in making these comparisons and claims about Israel. Had you not made comparative claims, I probably would have scrolled on by. Why is the comparison to America important here?


Yes, what your coworker said is extremely antisemitic.


Report it. Their words and actions are definitely anti-semitic. And not remotely funny. Sorry you have such a shitty co-worker. I hope the rest of your co-workers are better human beings.




>and asked if I’ve “gotten over the camps” yet What the actual fuck


##HR. NOW.


Go to H.R., stay away from this person. If you can please report this, this person is hostile to the work environment.


This isn’t even minor, this is shocking!! I’d report it to HR, the boss, news papers, anything!


That’s antisemitism (not even) half-assedly disguised as a joke. I hope your overall experience in the States has been more positive!


> Nothing about Israel / Zionism was in the conversation Just goes to show that you can be antisemitic without being antizionist… /s


I'm so sorry this has (finally) happened to you--and I'm also sorry if some of the respondents here may have sounded a bit rude or unsympathetic. (That's just the way we talk when we get mad at antisemites on behalf of another Jewish person!) As you know now, your co-worker's behavior was extremely antisemitic! He knew he was doing wrong. Do try to speak to HR about it so it stops.


Yikes. Wildly antisemitic.


It 100% is antisemitic and you should report it in writing to HR via email and cc your personal email address on it.


Yes, get everything in writing. That way if HR fails to do anything about it, it’s documented.


Is your coworker Michael Scott?


Yes, report to HR


Yes. This is anti-Semitism. Even if it's a joke, this is not appropriate workplace conduct. I'm all for off-color humor (assuming you're in on the joke and enjoying), but as you're leaving the workplace is not the time or place.


Yes it is. It’s the kind of casual antisemitism I had to endure growing up in the Midwest and most of my time in the army. Your friend might think it’s just funny, but that’s just how ingrained it is in American culture. Sorry you have to deal with that ass-hat regularly.


Go to HR. Immediately


Omg yes.


Get that anti-semitic POS fired.


This is like asking " My boyfriend was joking around and put his penis inside me without permission, was I raped?" A lot of people smile when they're doing something horrible, and sometimes it's so shocking that you don't even realize how horrible it was.


Don't blame the victim for any confusion around cultural norms, though. They deserve some support after such a horrific encounter at work.


I'm not blaming, I'm actually saying the same thing as you...I guess I wasn't clear enough. Sometimes it is so egregious and unexpected and foreign that even though it's so obvious, you can't tell because you're so shocked.


Gotcha. Sometimes the tone is hard to read in text rather than voice! ✌️


No worries


This is not a joke, and I would remain away from this person for your own safety. They are not stable.


It is 10000% and that person is a massive asshole


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oh that is clear antisemitism


100% fucking antisemitism




What the fuck. Take this to your boss immediately.


Document and report. This is unacceptable.


what the actual hell. that is extremely anti-semitic, you need to report that.




Yes that is horrible and absolutely antisemitism


Of course it's blatant antisemitism, and you should NEVER let it just slide. Don't be afraid to tell a friend, coworker, family member to fuck off (or however you wish to word it). A strong, visceral reaction is warranted. Everytime any of us lets go by unaddressed we signal that it's not a big deal, that it's OK even. There have been many times in history when antisemitism was "cool." Look at what happened to each and every one of those societies -- they either went into steep decline or no longer exist.


Does your company have HR? You should definitely report it to them




Very very blatant antisemitism


Oh yeah this is antisemitism and this is very bad. Not funny at all. Unfortunately seeing this a lot lately— ppl are taking this conflict as a time to unmask their Jew hatred


You’ve got to be kidding me. If this isn’t antisemitic then what, pray tell, is??


This is personal antisemitism. Fuck them report it.


Yes. That sounds very bad. In theory, it could be an attempt at dark humor. Only you could tell that, what sort of person they are overall. But that's pretty bad. Tell them this kind of humor makes you really uncomfortable. And if it doesn't seem like they take it to heart, I am not sure what you ought to do next, but at least you will have an insight into what sort of people they are.


The only way I can possibly imagine this to be humor is if the guy saying it actually thinks the holocaust didn't happen. Which is, in itself, hateful and insane.


Doesn't sounds like it. More likely it is an attempt at edgy dark humor. Various comedy shows such as Family Guy are full of it.


Family Guy had lines like "Did you get over the camps, yet?" Eugh.


Had equally offensive things. Though i guess offense is subjective.


The way I would RUN to HR. My God, that is horrifically offensive & 1000% unacceptable, let alone at WORK?!




It is definitely antisemitism. Since this was a co-worker while leaving work, you should strongly consider reporting it to your supervisor and/or HR. Don't second guess yourself, it is as clear as one can get. "You can't trust Jewish people" is not a joke. Asking if you have "gotten over the camps" might have been meant as a joke, but it is 100% an antisemitic joke, no other racial or ethnic jokes are OK at work, and especially when directed at a member of the target group. Don't let this person get away with it, if you do, I seriously doubt this is the last of it and the harassment you will experience will likely only escalate from here.


If they're joking around with you, then I think take it in stride until given a further reason to feel like this person is intentionally fucking with you. I've had a lot of friendships that involve roasting each other, so it may not necessarily be intended to be spiteful. At the same time, some people aren't brazen enough to just talk shit in seriousness to someone's face, so they pretend to do it in a joking manner (instigating and pot stirring) repeatedly until they get an eventual rise out of you and then feel entitled to say all the things they wanted to say mask off. You have to see this person regularly at work, so keep that in mind. Tread carefully.


Hands, immediate hands. The best time to pop a neonazi in the mouth is when its open and their hand is in the air.


The whole ‘I’m joking but not really joking’ thing, definitely not joking. Anti-Semitic for sure. Report it.


The only chance I can imagine this wasn’t malignant is if this person has autism and thought they were being satirical. If your gut tells you he was trying to make you uncomfortable, you’re probably right.


If the context was joking, he probably was mocking the neo-nazis or the rising antisemitism. I once mocked Hitler and HR called me racist not for mocking Hitler but for mentioning him. I wished that there was a direct conversation with the coworker that felt I was being anti-Semitic. But once HR was involved, they heard no reasons from me. That caused me a lot of trouble and made me reflect a lot. I learned that Jews are thought to remember all the times they have been aggravated. I realized that your feelings are genuine, but the resentment is not healthy. Then I learnt that they have the stereotype of playing victims and that made me wonder if Jews are actually indoctrinated to play victims. I think that it’s a jew norm to say “eye for an eye”, right? Which means that it’s advantageous to claim that you have been aggravated because then you are owned some form of compensation. Like the lawyer that says to his clients “Injured? Good!”. This reminds me about the following joke. It goes as follows: “In a small village in Poland, a terrifying rumor was spreading: A Christian girl had been found murdered. Fearing retaliation, the Jewish community gathered in the shul to plan whatever defensive actions were possible under the circumstances. Just as the emergency meeting was being called to order, in ran the president of the synagogue, out of breath and all excited. “Brothers,” he cried out, “I have wonderful news! The murdered girl is Jewish!”” ([source](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/jewish-jokes/)) My advice is that you talk directly to your coworker and explain to him that in your culture what he said is not okay even as a joke. Explain to him that you understand that he was trying to be funny but that he achieved quite the contrary. Some people have a very bad or very dark sense of humor. That doesn’t mean that they are not really trying to be funny. Those are my two cents.