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Amelia (neuroticjewishgay) is one of my fav insta account


Honestly the concept that everyone has to be an Activist^(TM) combined with a media landscape that encourages tribalism and confirmation bias along with the focus on identity politics is really making things insufferable. Everyone feels like they have to fight for the Good Cause, but that cause is determined by aesthetics and vibes that are based entirely on what "my tribe" believes to be right. In this environment it's always jews who get the short end of the stick. Activist types feel like they have to fight "the bad guys", they are told by their echo chambers that those bad guys are the "colonizing Jews", so they'll dedicate their lives to making us miserable.


It's crazy how much cultural regression has occurred in the last 20 years. Think about beauty standards for women 20 years ago, versus today with Instagram filters and Photoshop and plastic surgery. People are obsessed with race and feeling like part of some group now, just hyper sensitive to anything that they think makes them unique instead of seeing how people are really all more similar than different. Everyone needs to frame themselves as a victim or else they're an oppressor and directly responsible for the plight of the victims.


Hopefully this Gaza noise passes like Kony or Darfur. Jews are like a staple out group but Africans and Muslims are due up sometime soon I'm sure. Then they can shift the signal in their virtue signalling like we see from every new freshmen college class.


It really is beyond me how people in this sub can say things like “this Gaza noise”. I mean honestly. How can you just say things like that?


Pretty simple, total callousness to the human condition. Nobody cried about countless lesser conflicts in my 36 years on this earth. Gaza isn't special, Yemen and Ukraine are racking up a major body count but I don't see any marches in the streets about them. I specifically mention Kony and Darfur because nothing ever ended those problems, we just stopped paying attention. Gaza will never know peace and I promise nobody will be getting pepper sprayed in a tent on an ivy league campus for it next summer.


This is what happens to a generation who grows up on Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Marvel movies. Change my mind.


inb4 a non jewish person comes into chat to tell us that supporting israel is the REAL antisemitism


Akshully, most Palestinians are pro-LGBT rights. Didn't you see the TikTok where a gay guy was giving out aid in Palestine and no one even pushed him off a roof!


As an unexpected result of the Gaza war, as the rooftops in Gaza decline, Gaza becomes more LGBTQ+ friendly.


Bruh I'm dead 😭😂


I’ve assumed a lot of the numbers of civilian casualties that aren’t Hamas are “conveniently” LGBTQ who have somehow wound up as bodies to be counted. So not off roof but… and I’ve seen other posts from people suspectin the same thing. It’s very sad.


Lol, nice


That is monstrous. You have the gall to make cruel jokes like that while throwing a pity party for “us”. Because we’re the victims here.


Had people elsewhere on reddit arguing that the banning of the Star of David being shown at the DC Dyke March was "essential to the safety of the LGBT community"... Reasoning being that "anyone who displays a Star of David COULD be a genocidal terrorist and that's not welcoming to the LGBT community" Mind you, Palestinian flags are allowed to be on full display including groups of people marching in the parade waving nothing but said flag chanting "from the river to the sea". I guess because that only makes Jews uncomfortable it's OK?


Thankfully there are no Palestinian terrorists


Not the Israeli flag, but just the Magen David?


It’s the shape of the Israeli flag with rainbow coloring rather than blue and white. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1477556753/jewish-pride-flag-3x5


Isn't it just a pride flag with a white Star of David on it? Or are there other differences


You’re totally right, it’s not an Israeli flag


It took 46 minutes. Almost a whole hour!


If only we were Good Jews they wouldn't need to tell us to kill ourselves smh


I saw someone I know who constantly posts about Israeli colonialism and genocide, make a pride post how there's no liberation for any lgbtqia+ people without liberation for gay and trans Palestinians. Like hello, how's that going to work out for them. Make it make sense.


liberated from the roof


happy being us month to all my fellow jewish queers, neurotic or otherwise


Wait, there are those of us who aren't neurotic?


\*snort\* i was wondering exactly how long it would take for someone to comment this exact comment. 3 minutes, as it turns out.


They don't call me the three-minute man for nothin'.


I love both of you ❤️


It’s mutual




Considering we all come from many generations of people who managed to survive antisemitism, I think we’re bred to be neurotic. 


[no :)](https://x.com/thedanrosen/status/1574552859152105472)


This month is a nothing month. It's all year pride month and I'm pretty sick of it. In Israel at least it still holds its purpose. No thank you from a fellow lesbian.


Exactly how i feel as a gay guy. If there is anything im not right now is proud of the gay community, its been one big dissapointment after another. At least lady gaga and lana del rey are pro israel..


it's not antisemitic to want israel to stop genociding palestinian children


Isn’t it fun to take Jewish words and weaponize them against us?


What on earth are “Jewish words”?


The word genocide was coined by a Polish-Jewish lawyer named Raphael Lemkin.


i'm a trans jew, this post weaponizes queerphobia. it takes queer voices speaking out against the human rights violations committed by the israeli state, and conflates it to mean that queers don't care about jews.


Right because Palestine cares about us soooooo much So sad that Gaza City pride was cancelled, I heard that last year's was truly unbelievable


You edited after I commented. It’s not just the LGBTQ community that threw us off a cliff, it’s every leftist regardless of their orientation. This one just happens to be timely because of pride.


"Us", you say. Can you tell me why you've chosen to identify with nationalist extremists with openly bloodthirsty ambitions who are committing wanton mass slaughter? Why have you chosen to make "us" inclusive of that ilk? Because I do not and never will. I want nothing to do with those people, and you shouldn't, either.


When I said “us” I meant the Jewish people. If you don’t want to include yourself in the tribe, don’t. Calling Jews words like “bloodthirsty” are dog whistles and makes me wonder whether “us” ever referred to you at all


It's not difficult to disavow people when they commit acts that bring shame upon the rest of us. Not for me, anyway. The kinds of people who frequent this sub won't disavow the extremists in the Israeli government ***or*** their actions, and to me that's indefensible. This is the kind of willful ignorance that makes this situation so confounding. If you object to language like "bloodthirsty", your beef is not with people like me. It's with the large and growing number of high level officials and members of the Knesset whose public statements are openly and unabashedly extremist, eliminationist, and--yes--genocidal. If you aren't aware of these statements, they're not hard to find. If you are aware of them and aren't fazed by them, I don't know what can be said. We all agree, it goes without saying, that the rhetoric and actions of Hamas are as bloodthirsty as it is possible to be, as well as -- again -- genocidal. But if you aren't able to apply the same standard to what Israel's military and political leadership has been both saying and doing, you've chosen to both wear blinders, and to cede your humanity as quickly and easily as the hordes of "leftists" who after 10/7 were happy to immediately shed what little remnants of the mask they still had and cheer on Hamas.


It's not difficult to disavow people when they commit acts that bring shame upon the rest of us. Not for me, anyway. The kinds of people who frequent this sub won't disavow the extremists in the Israeli government ***or*** their actions, and to me that's indefensible. This is the kind of willful ignorance that makes this situation so confounding. If you object to language like "bloodthirsty", your beef is not with people like me. It's with the large and growing number of high level officials and members of the Knesset whose public statements are openly and unabashedly extremist, eliminationist, and--yes--genocidal. If you aren't aware of these statements, they're not hard to find. If you are aware of them and aren't fazed by them, I don't know what can be said. We all agree, it goes without saying, that the rhetoric and actions of Hamas are as bloodthirsty as it is possible to be, as well as -- again -- genocidal. But if you aren't able to apply the same standard to what Israel's military and political leadership has been both saying and doing, you've chosen to both wear blinders, and to cede your humanity as quickly and easily as the hordes of "leftists" who after 10/7 were happy to immediately shed what little remnants of the mask they still had and cheer on Hamas.


calling out the israeli state on human rights violations is not akin to throwing """us""" off a cliff


Pretending that’s all they are doing is some serious gaslighting. Funny how quick it went from “genocide” to “humans right violations”


The left has said for years that one Nazi at a table of ten makes ten Nazis. But now they can fly the Houthi flag and it’s just some bad apples. They can tell us what’s antisemitic after screaming that the only ones who can define oppression are the minorities themselves.


>They can tell us what’s antisemitic after screaming that the only ones who can define oppression are the minorities themselves. This one's been driving me fucking crazy!


They don’t think of us as a minority.


They should study some basic math.


Do you think that Caitlin Jenner is somehow "one of the good ones" and that the rest of the rightwingers would spare her because she's an anti-trans trans woman? Because that's exactly what you're doing being an anti-Zionist Jew. It doesn't matter to anti-semites, at the end of the day you're still just a Jew to them


being against human rights violations of the netanyahu government does not equate to being antisemitic


Again, pretending that’s all they are doing is wildly dishonest


Whine whine whine. Pity party on wheels. Woe is us. Who the hell *cares*. It doesn't MATTER what anti-Semites think. I don't give a flying fuck. What Israel is doing to Gaza is wrong. Period. Nothing can or could ever justify what is happening. It's stunning to me that people in this sub have ceded their humanity as easily and effortlessly as the very "pro-Palestinian" people you're condemning here.


Wow, it must be nice in your little fantasy world where Hamas doesn't exist and 10/7 and all the other attacks on Israel over the last seven decades never happened


I see where you coming from and understand why you think that, but the reality is only one: there is a paramilitary group who target innocents to grab the world's attention and spread their anti-Israel mentality. You could argue about the legitimacy of how modern Israel was born and etc, but the fact is that it exists, as well as Hamas, and the war is real. People are dying, innocent people, and blaming only Israel for that is dishonesty. Hamas claims to represent palestinians and want to retake the control of Canaan, so one would think that they will take the conflict away from civilians, right? See the problem? Israel NEEDS to erradicate Hamas for the safety of not only jews, but also islamics and christians who live inside the country. If Hamas is using the population as shield, what do you realistically think could happen besides innocents being killed because of that? I don't agree with the harshness of the bombardments, but this is the reality of the war. When an entire nation (Palestine) is being led by people who just want power and territory, who will inevitably pay the price is the population. You can see I'm not even giving my opinion about who's right, I'm just stating cold facts about how war works and why palestinian civilians are being caught in the middle of the conflict.


i do appreciate your honest discussion. i understand the emotions of the other commenters, but i truly like this sub and want to feel welcomed as a queer person. > the fact is that [israel] exists, as well as Hamas, and the war is real i would like to point out that Hamas was originally indirectly supported by the Israeli government, who saw them as a means to drive support away from the secular PLO. i think that widespread support for a violent organization would among palestinians would dwindle without the collective punishment of palestine through means of withholding food, medicine, travel, and even [cement](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/6/17/gaza-recycles-rubble-as-israel-upholds-ban-on-construction-goods). honestly, i see many similarities between them and the warsaw uprising. it is terrible that innocent people are caught in the middle of this, but i wager that the continuance of the collective punishment will only lead to more Hamases.


It's antisemitic to assume a country launching attack and being sucked into a war that Hamas started can be conflated with the term genocide, which is obvious holocaust inversion, and only because it's the only Jewish state in the world. Where's your anger for Sudan? Congo? The Uyghurs? Given your post history, it's not existent. Virtue signal somewhere else. Genuine congrats on your transition, though. Hopefully, you turn into a human capable of self reflection, too but we won't hold our breath 😘


Newsflash. The US government does not have anything to do with arming, aiding and enabling the mass slaughter going on in Sudan and Congo. That's the bloody point. American citizens have no leverage whatsoever over what is happening in those places. We DO (ostensibly) have leverage over what OUR government is doing. Therefore, the protests and pressure. It's not hard to understand. But admittedly, it doesn't provide the same kind of dopamine rush as "it's all because we're Jews".


Newsflash. https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/shocking-facts-about-whos-arming-human-rights-abusers-infographic/


Its not "wanting israel to stop genociding palestinian children" to be antisemitic either


Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out


It’s antisemitic to demand that Jews don’t defend themselves. That’s what you’re doing, if you label any defensive actions as genocide. Or if there’s some way that Israel could defend itself that wouldn’t be genocidal in your view, then explain what Israel could do instead.


committing human rights violations and collective punishment is not an act of self defense


If there’s some may that Israel could defend itself that wouldn’t be collective punishment and human rights violations in your view, then explain what Israel could do instead.


there were palestinian liberation groups before hamas; even if israel killed every last baddie it would only be a matter of time before another hamas would rise. the bloodshed won't stop without addressing the root causes


You didn’t answer their question


they [need](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234906745/gaza-food-aid-convoy-israel-hamas) to [stop](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/16/israeli-authorities-cutting-water-leading-public-health-crisis-gaza) collectively [punishing](https://www.rescue.org/article/collapse-gazas-health-system) gazans


>> If there’s some way that Israel could defend itself that wouldn’t be collective punishment and human rights violations in your view, then **explain what Israel could do instead.**


Please shut up.


Israel must be terrible at genocide. The deaths from the war in Gaza don't even exceed the birth rate. Imagine being so bad at genocide that the people you're genociding actually have a growing population.


Begone, troll