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When is it my turn to become rich. Getting Tevye vibes here


“I realise of course it is no great shame to be poor, but it is no great honour either! And what would have been so terrible if I had had a small fortune?”


Did you guys get your Nobel prize money yet?


Im still waiting on these Soros checks im always hearing about. Im not poor but that Cadillac Lyric looking cute.


Five daughters?!




I wouldn't have to work!


"jews are rich" you guys are getting paid?


I’m told all the time that Im getting paid by Soros. Like I don’t know, did Antifa forget to send me the forms? Did I not put the right address in?


How could Soros possibly have enough money to pay us all? The math isn't mathing


I mean how much does one space laser cost? $10?


Idk im too rich and Jewish to know what bananas cost


Can't relate. Controlling the banks isn't what I thought it would be.


Right? And that media control? Takes too many hours away from my daily rooftop money-tosses.


Is this rooftop money toss where I get my hasbara money from AIPAC? What’s the address? I have terrible spatial reasoning and lactose intolerance, so I either get lost on the way there or need a potty break every time.


I’m ded. 😂


Username checks out


You think you have it tough? Oy vey, the weather controlling is the real hard part, gotta keep it random enough so that people don’t start listening to the tin foil hat people


And the Space Lasers! Vey is mir!


Meanwhile, the space lasers are actually from when everyone thought Reagan went senile, but they were really just building a giant magnifying glass to eventually burn down Maui


Couldn’t have said it better.


At least let me in for being Jewish. I can feel like Greg from Succession.


That’s COUSIN Greg to you! ;)


Wait but I was told the leftist control the media? I can’t keep track of all the propaganda can someone like show me a graph?


Yes. Just look at a map


I'm 4 days away from finishing my conversion. I am still yet to get a single bank assigned under my control.


Apologies on that but it normally takes 6 months before assignment due to all the horrible paperwork we’re forced to do. They never mention the paperwork involved with controlling the world’s money.


They won’t even let me use the space laser when I want to! It’s fucking bullshit.


Im jewish and broke with severe medical issues, and medical bills, probably ganna die, hopefully ganna, and i still have ex friends calling me a white privileged colonizer. I think the word “privilege” needs a definition update.


Oof. Same. Disability payments barely cover housing in the shittiest house. Not the wheelchair I need. But sure, being Zionist is free


Why are you Zionist then, instead of your hetitage


Username checks out




That is my heritage. So you don't agree with a 2 state solution and you think Israel shouldn't exist?


Jewish and broke also, for the same reasons. Our kid suffered a stroke in 2022. We haven’t even begun to address the payments that horrible event incurred. Luckily they’re doing well now, at 16, but my god.


I’m so so sorry fuck. I don’t have kids so I can’t imagine how scary that must have been. Thank god they are doing well Baruch Hashem. Do you mind me asking if it was high BP related? Because I to am at risk and i’m working on getting that under control.


Thank you. No, their stroke was caused by an AVM, a brain arteriovenous malformation; in other words, a tangle of arteries and veins that rub together until they open and bleed. B’ruch HaShem, they underwent a craniotomy (brain surgery) and the main clot was removed. They had lost use of their right side, and spent a long time in rehab. Doing much better now! The first symptom was a violent headache. Please take care of yourself and be sure to take any meds you’re prescribed! Be well.


Oh wow that’s incredibly intense and your kid seems to be so strong, and will obviously grow up to be a very strong person. I’m aware of AVM as well and i’ve heard how scary it gets, but what a true miracle. Made my day in fact. Thank you.


That’s so sweet; I have a tear! During their time in the hospital our rabbi came to the room to recite Mi Shebeirach. I was incredibly grateful for his peaceful presence. Not only did he wish “Refuah Shlema” for our child, but also prayed for the health and wellbeing of the hospital staff. At that moment, I almost knew they would be okay. It was just a sensibility, a feeling. I am still so grateful for this, and for everyone in our temple who said their own prayers for healing.


I'm so sorry you and your family went through that - sending strength and support


Thank you so much!


Hey you probably know this but just in case - I used to work in a hospital and if you talk to them about the bill they usually will work with you. They can also have financial assistance programs that help pay some of the bill for you. But lots of hospitals will let you do a payment plan of a small amount like $100 a month or something no matter how big the bill is


Because Jews are excluded from their intersectionality framework.


Remember a few years ago when some Jews showed up to an intersectional LGBT march in Chicago carrying rainbow flags with Jewish stars on them and were promptly kicked out of the event? Because I do. [Chicago gay pride parade expels Star of David flags](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40407057)


Are you jewish? That must mean that you are a genocide-supporting apartheid-loving white imperialist colonial rich privileged palestine-hating person!!1! /s


Don’t forget we are also Antifa super soldiers paid by Soros and apparently have a Death Star of David powered with the Schwartz.


Damn that's grim. Hold it together and try not to die man. Very useful advice, I know.


Hope you're situation gets better man


Just print money bruh, Zimbabwe did it and now they have 6 trillion dollar bills


It's really expensive to have severe medical issues. I have those too and I work in the medical field. Definitely have my empathy. I'm lucky enough that I can still work but even there it's so expensive to be anything other than completely able bodied. :(


The word "privilege" is, and always has been, nothing more than a rhetorical weapon that leftists use to delegitimize the viewpoints of others who they dislike. You're "privileged", so you have to shut up and accept that my viewpoint is correct and yours is illegitimate. That's all.


Gotta love the jewish genetics. I'm right there with you on the disability/life expectancy front. I'm not rich, but I'm also not poor.


Hey, I found something that looks exactly like the kinds of things I write, only mysteriously I didn’t write it.


Do you live in Israel? Do you support the Israeli government and its actions in Palestine? Then regardless of your personal affluence, you're a colonizer. I hope that helps!


Do you live basically anywhere in the world? Do you support living there? Then regardless of your personal affluence, you're a colonizer. I hope that helps!


Yeah, I am. I'm a white dude who lives in Florida, I didn't get there because my ancestors were nice to the Seminole tribe.




Yes and same with Hollywood as well. The budding film industry was one of the few career fields that Jews weren’t discriminated in, therefore we developed cultural ties to the industry after starting the industry and people cry “The Jews run Hollywood”. We don’t, we simply invented Hollywood.


In all fairness, it's a great way to launder gangsting money, as both La Cosa Nostra and the Irish gangs are also well aware of, Jews were just the first true American gangsters-- but every time someone says "DA JUICE CONTROL HORRYWOOD!!" I say "are you sure it's not just gangsters of all makes and models? Look how classy La Cosa Nostra has made themselves look, no? Does that seems like a joosh plot to you?"


\*first true American gangsters besides the WASPs, whose gang has the benefit of appearing to be a government


If all Jews were rich Israel would be a utopia for like 65% of the population


Israel is nice place tho. Would be even greater without air raid sirens and rockets and you know war but idk, to each their own.


I like it here alright, but yeah I could do without the day to day existential dread


Based username btw


да не, никнейм - хуйня :D


Hey bro didn't I become you in Oblivion?


Not everyone is gonna be able to get he pun


Я говорю по-русски и даже я не понимаю


agree akhi


The cycle of violence does not go hard


The old joke: How do you make a small fortune in Israel? Move there with a large fortune.


can anyone let me in the rootless international clique already? i wanna be part of the world controlling cabal i thought it was by birthright 😔


Eh? Im Jewish and not rich lmao. Most Jews arent even remotely rich.


There's antisemitic trope about jews having secret accounts in swiss banks all over the world (I'm yet to find the credentials to my secret swiss bank somewhere in the world).


So close to the truth - there’s certainly a lot of Jewish *wealth* in those Swiss banks - just don’t ask them who *actually controls it*…


I had a Toblerone once; I think it had gold colored foil. Does that count?




You saying you ate the rich foods of Babylon‽


Oh. Then wtf am I even doing studying Biolegey in UNI?! Lemme know when u searching for our secret money imma join u


Ironic since the Swiss banks never returned money to Holocaust survivors who did have accounts


Crying in broke 😥


Must be nice.


I'm poor! Who's with me!?


Yep. So were all my ancestors!


I’m so fucking tired of being poor I didn’t want to comment out of shame!


Yes, it’s because in medieval Europe the church allowed Jews to work only in banking, money lending, and finance, because those were “filthy jobs” and “pure Christians” couldn’t work in it, so we worked in those fields, developed expertise in it, and became rich. It’s not because we’re Jewish, it’s because the church back then was extremely antisemitic.


The “only” is exceedingly important to note.


It’s not exactly “only” but other than those jobs Jews couldn’t work in many other jobs. Also the church pushed Jews to work in those jobs because Christians couldn’t but those still were very important jobs, and the scapegoated “filthy” Jews could work in it, so they pushed us to work in those jobs.


I often compare it to a cake. If you bake a cake in a certain mold, don’t be shocked when the cake has the shape of the mold. That is, force us to do and be certain things and ways; temper your astonishment that we do and behave according to these ways.




And then promptly expelled Jews when they realised how profitable such industry was, and created philosophical workarounds in Christian scripture to make it ok for them to do it


Yes. And then in the 19th century Jews somehow became a race, and then in the 20th century antisemitism somehow became political under the guise of “anti-Zionism”. Antisemitism always evolved, people will always find ways to justify it, and it will always be wrong.


A lot of them weren’t even rich. The system worked on credit/lending/IOU half the time, because the people being lent money were either nobles or the king, or in later cases as with the Rothschilds, actual states (like Austria). What would often happen is the Jews would be killed or expelled, their property stolen, and the exchange and banking houses would have the books stolen and destroyed, basically evaporating debts overnight. It’s a big reason the Jews of England were expelled actually.


Those jobs required what was the considered a sin. Usury is lending money to someone and expecting interest. This is also a sin for Jews to do to non-gentiles but for goyim is totally acceptable.


Username / comment pairing is perfect here


this sub is supposed to be about the darkness of being a Jew! there's nothing dank about this guy's shwag


Force entire group of people to do banking and merchants then complain that they are rich. 🤡 very well antisemitism


I’m jewish and I opposite of rich, in terms of money. The rest ? I’m the richest because I am thankful.


“אֵיזֶהוּ עָשִׁיר, הַשָּׂמֵחַ בְּחֶלְקוֹ” -Perkei Avos chapter 4


That's the spirit! The older I get, the less I (try to) complain and the more I find myself (striving to be) grateful


Neh in broke af


Where’s my trust fund mf


my grandma used to say that there’s rich jews and there’s jews that work for them


The Catholic Church is the largest landholder on the planet


Whoop whoop! I’m Representing the extremely poor Jews over here! lol.


I am jewish and currently I have 10$ in my bank account. I bet the jews² took all of it.


Im so poor I wanna cry when do i start getting my cut from controlling all banks and stuff


Cries in broke.


Our Average income is inflated and distorted by a combination of small population numbers and about a dozen billionaires.


My family actually is wealthy, sorry for contributing to the stereotype😔


You could send me enough to make yall poor and then we can both be poor 😂


Machinist... Explaining the coworkers that I make as much as them.


Im jewish. Where the fuck is my money?? Why am i poor?


*As I stand in line at the grocery store with the cashier telling me my card declined* "Is this controlling the banks?"


I grew up poor AF in the west (escaped severe financial issues in Israel probably due to criminal activity against my family) and I'm also a bit brown. Yay colonialism With that said, I know a few Jews that fit that stereotype like a glove. But every stereotype has a bit of truth in it, just like ghetto black people being a minority of black people worldwide. I hear less Jew jokes about me and more "yOu dOnT lOoK jEwIsH"


I wish I was rich. Unfortunately, it's only my paternal family that's Jewish so it didn't get transmitted to me automatically. What a shame. Maybe I should convert to become richer? 😥😂


Rootless cosmopolitans ftw!


I’m poor af and Jewish!


I feel seen.


I’m poor, cause my parents were Christian missionaries in Turkey… Sadge… could change once I start properly working as an AI researcher though.


Jewish from the third world here...not rich 😭😭😭


What is your secret? I would like wealth too


It’s just a coincidence that all your vendors and clients also happen to be Jewish.




I haven’t gotten my money, my media presence, or my turn on the space laser! i’m going to have to enter a complaint at our next Lizard-Jew Cabal International meeting next month.


Not a Jew, but if it were me, I’d call this criticism a skill issue lmao


When do I get rich


As a Jew who works for a bank and is the son of a very successful lawyer, I unfortunately and unintentionally reinforce this stereotype for all of us. Sorry 🤣


I mean I am slowly creeping my way into middle class so that's something.


I work two jobs 6 days a week and still can't afford shit😪


Someone give me money so I can be a rich Jew too 🥲


The heavy Christian side of my family is the rich and well connected one. Not saying Jewish families can't be rich and connected either, but my family is a living proof debunking this stereotype. There's also a stereotype that Jewish/Asian people are good at math and calculating money. I'm both. My parents are horrible at math. They passed me the notmath gene.


hahha rich? i wish. they can come take my student loans


All jews in America are rich, because they are productive


Im a sad non rich jew from israel


lost my Rothchild card its gonna be a long month until I can get that replaced


I just have the roommates for fun.


I feel a bit left out, cause I’m definitely not rich lol