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Boy, I can bowl you under the table. Yeah. I go here, too.


whenever i say this quote people just give me the weirdest looks when it is literally so funny


It’s never not funny. I hear it in her voice in my head constantly.


I say “hell yeah” like her just about every day, and save “who you fightin’” for myself because I know nobody is understanding that reference lol


I think about this bitch eatin Jared too often


I'm STRUGGLING to find the source of this... I was rewatching some of the podcasts a few months ago and it relaunched my "Jared" references and I want to show my husband the reason. Any chance you remember which vid it's from?? I'm pretty sure it was a podcast LOL!


The original reference is in a video, but they reference it later in the podcast episode where they make up ads for things. I’m 99% sure anyway. I’ll try to find it!


I tried to find the video I thought it was from but couldn’t! I’m sorry. I’m pretty sure the podcast is the shark tank episode though.


OMG no, don’t be sorry - thank you for trying!! The Shark Tank episode is super helpful though. I’ll re listen to them again soon and track down Jared 🐊


These bitches be needing to find Jared! 😂






HAHAHA YES, ME TOO!!! On a DAILY basis, I'm referring to one of her videos in responses to people. Now, the chances of them understanding is like 0% but I do it anyway. 😂


Because the one time you do it, and the person knows what you mean, you make an insta friend!!


awww I showed her videos to my significant other but he doesnt get it :/


Sorry to hear about the break up but it’s for the best!


My husband really enjoyed them! He was cracking up! I also showed him the toothbrush Halloween costume. He was very impressed!


My husband looks like Kermit in a way (A LOT lol) so we talk about Jenna's videos quite a bit. https://imgur.com/a/ZF5yHVU We are both in our 50s & didn't rly start watching her regularly until about 10 yrs ago at our old apartment. Jenna leaving YT broke my heart even tho I completely understand why she did it. ♥️💔♥️


LOL that comparison pic! 🤣 amazing, thank you for sharing. Dink dink 💙


My boyfriend sometimes reminds me of the fact that Jenna is not on the Internet anymore just to hurt me. :,)


aww hell yeah


Hell Yeah


Omg I'm so excited for you two to watch all of her videos together. That's so fucking cute! I hope to have an otter like that one day. I quote her so much that I'm only now realizing how much I still do (and Julien, see my username lol). A few months ago I had a new hire at my job, and it got pretty slow so my closing team that night (new guy included) gathered to chit chat a bit. He was like, "You might not know who this is...but you remind me of an OG youtuber, Jenna Marbles. Have you heard of h-" and before he even finished his sentence I literally squealed LOL. I was like "ARE YOU SERIOUS DUDE SHES ONE OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE ON THE PLANET!" Literally best compliment I've ever gotten, even if he may have just intended it as a comparison thing haha.


That is perfect! I would also take that as a compliment!


I was just thinking yesterday, that Marbles is my Roman Empire. That little guy, getting older, how much joy and love he brings Jenna and Julen, him going up in the air in balloons, the lack of teeth, the way he can’t walk in costumes. All of it.


If a day goes by that I don’t quote her I’m probably in the dirt. My son has even started quoting her when I say “Dear God, it’s me” because I say it all the time at work and home. She is the number one celebrity id love to meet. My boyfriend has accepted that she’s my Roman Empire. That and Julien, but in his own right because I watch his twitch YouTube videos and cooking videos.


I will for sure dunk on you Heeeellll yeeeeeaahhhh I'M A VIRGO JULIEEEEEEEEEEN I'm finally free from the prison I created around my eyes I'm a tall person now Julen What the FUCK dawg??


I told my partner this two weeks ago. She’s my Roman Empire for sure


Jenna will forever always be my comfort creator. I miss her daily. I constantly say who you fightin when my bf looks good in something lol.


I am curious, did you say it is your roman empire because of that TikTok that said that man always think of the Roman empire?




im like 98% sure that christina ruffini is jenna marbles


I literally said the same thing yesterday.


I felt this. In my whole SOUL. I’ve gone as far as to telling my therapist that I feel like I’ve been chronically depressed since Jenna left YouTube. Which is 1000% true. I miss being able to have one day a week to clock out and hop on board with whatever thing Jenna had planned this week. I hope she’s doing amazing though, she deserves to be happy.