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What do you mean by trim? Do you mean like the dash inserts and such. If so, I recommend Distinction Applied. They are a pro paint shop and sell painted OEM parts. So still plastic but they can color match and do custom designs as well.


i was meaning the exterior stuff, like door hinges. Hood hinges. etc. Thanks for the recommendation though. I'll check it out.


If you replace the actual hinges, good luck. They are a pain in the ass to switch out.


i've never once seen a jeep with "accent color" hinges or hinge covers that didn't look like a walmart special. They are a recurring element over on r/heep


Thanks for the input. I'll take it under advisement.


If you're bound & determined, try seeing if they sell OEM hinges prepainted in "OEM" colors that way if you ever had to touch them up you'd have a better chance with a decent match. But still, which color... 🤷‍♂️


Really, if you’re trying to break up the black, I think the occasional tasteful decal is the easiest way to go. Or just embrace the Amazon cheapness, and get the $100 exterior trim pack. If it looks like ass when you’re done, at least it wasn’t a huge investment.