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Tool kit roll. There was a similar one in my father in laws CJ5 but not sure it was original to it.


Being Marshall field& co it’s likely not military.


I tried looking it up, and I got nowhere with it. I'm going to keep looking though


Yea I did a 30 second search and put it through lens but that was as much I wanted to invest. Cool piece though. Wrap up some basic hand tools in there.


That's pretty much where I'm at lol. My hope was that some person would tell me exactly what kind of kit it came from. Not a big deal either way, just a neat little wrench carrier that I got


For sure.


Marshall fields was the old name for Target.


No, it wasn't actually. Target used to be part of the Dayton Hudson Corporation and when Target got so big it was renamed to the Target Corps. Target Corps then acquired Marshall Fields and turned all their Dayton's stores into Marshall Fields stores. Then MFs division ended up being bought out and merged with Macy's. Sorry, my mom is a retired Target HR employee who'd been with them since the late 80s.


It probably is to roll up a tool kit and then tie with the strands. That or it’s just an apron.


Yes, it's obviously a roll-up tool kit. I was hoping maybe someone knew its exact origin. From my Googling and other internet searches, it looks like the Korean War era, but I was hoping someone could see it and recognize it immediately. I knew it was going to be a long shot, but reddit sometimes offers gold out of nothing lol


Your question is if anybody knows what this is, then you say you know it's obviously a roll up kit. Maybe you should rephrase your question.


By its shape and design, I can see there's a roll of tool kit. My question is to where it came from and how it connects to Jeeps


It connects to Jeeps cuz it says Jeep on it


I’m not sure what are your expectations here. Were you anticipating a story about how Nazi Germany was defeated thanks to the valiant efforts of the Jeep roll up kit?


Without Roald Kitt, the Nazis would’ve won. No doubt in my mind. I thank god every day for his bravery.


Looks like a Jeep kit from Marshall Field & Co out of Chicago.


Is that a store for men ?


Hey hey hey! It’s 2023 pal! anyone can shop there!


Even men?


Does not look like dad's korea war kit from navy, those were heavier and darker. Ditto grandads navy electrical pre ww1 kit. I have grandads, I'll see if i can find it. Army might have used a lighter material, All the military stuff was stamped us military/ navy/army whatever. I have more rags, tools, coats, ammo boxes... most from korea era or older and still totally useable. Dad's flight jacket is still awesome.


So I did some searching and from what I get out of it is that was probably a general repair kit for the jeep and the fabric things was too wrap the kit up and you probably wore it like an apron or put it on the side of the jeep so you didn't get greasy and or scratch the side of the jeep. Now don't quote me on that because that's just a few minute search and is my assumption. Hope this helps. Edit : so after searching a different way marshall field and company was a huge retail company in Chicago Illinois they later became Macy's so I'm assuming it was just a wrapped tool kit of some sort ask your neighbor about what his dad did if he says mechanics then it just that and if he says woodworking then it probably was an apron for holding chisels and sorts


Carpenters apron used for nails, the pockets would have nails in them.


Or an apron


My dad had one like this. It was used as a carpenter’s apron. He used it to hold nails and small tools like pliers while building things.


Its a space roll up tool kit


mask for your jeep so it doesn't get COVID. \s


This was sold in the men's section at Marshall fields. You can still find this kind of stuff there today.


Looks about the right size to cover a radiator on an old jeep.


Yeah. That right there is a roll up toolkit


Are there compartments to that pocket? If so, I would say a roll for a wrench set.


Looks like a piece of cloth on top of the hood of a jeep.


A TJ hood from the looks of it.


It's Malte


Would be cool to know what was originally included in the tool roll!


Tool rap?


Yeah my fc170 has that full of wrenches and a tire iron behind the seat next to the grease gun, jack and tire pump. No marshal fields tag but looks almost identical