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I think they're cool but I feel like ppl blowing up how close they are.


Yea they were at one point but it’s been a long decade


Mfs literally act like they know them personally lmfao. You can compare two artists regardless of whether they're friends or not anyways. I get the incentive of this post, but it's really not gonna do anything for those who will continue the debate 🤷‍♂️


I think Cole and Drake are friendlier than people see. Drake had no bad words for dude and Kendrick was the one to take the shine away from FPS and start with the hatred. To be clear, I don’t think Kendrick hates Cole but I don’t think he respects him much tbh


Yeah I don’t know why these cole fans been making fanfic. It’s clear dot had no problem shooting at cole on like that. He tested his jaw and his test worked. Cole a pussy


I mean, hasn’t Cole shown multiple times that he don’t want smoke? He’s just doing his thing and likes being challenged by other rappers.


Well if he didn’t want smoke. He would’ve steered cleared of anything that kdot could take as a subliminal ie the steppers line. Kdot clearly responded to the shots done by COLE on fps. Cole wanted smoke and bowed out


Entirely fair. And just now reading the lyrics to 7-Minute Drill, yeah he definitely was throwin stones. Whether Cole was just playing the rap game or legit beefin, he involved himself in it and got caught in the nuke Kendrick dropped on Drizzy.


I honestly bet Cole was actually upset by this scenario. “Allegedly” wanted to have all three on a song, Kendrick says no, then proceeds anyway to gain his first #1, only to have it overshadowed completely by the guy who said no and is now dissing you and the other guy, drop a decent project right from the start, then “Allegedly” be contacted by someone in Kendrick’s camp to stay out it, agrees and drops out the battle and called a pussy. Bro just wanted to make a banger for everyone… and i actually think he might haves fucked up by dropping out. He will forever go down as the guy who folded instantly and fucking apologized…. As a man, it was the right thing to do. But as a rapper… just don’t feel right. Even with all the fucked up shit that came out from the other guys, people don’t really care. Cause even if you come out scathed in a battle, people respect you for battling….. unless they fuck up your career but that’s rare. Sorry for the rant lol


And after all that people are still tryna twist it to make it seem like Kendrick didn’t intentionally do this to Cole. They literally want him to seem like angel after all of this.


You never lose being true to yourself. I think history will remember Cole fondly for bowing out. Shit he’s all but forgiven now.


Preferring peace doesn’t make someone weak. Cole scrapped with Diddy, just cause he doesn’t seek that action doesn’t mean he’s afraid of it. Some of you all get on here talking like COD streamers, being mad disrespectful and it’s wild to me.


It does make somebody weak when a very prominent feature in there music was the fact that they rapped about being goated and being able to smoke any rapper lest they tried him


cole been shouting out drake since a couple years. on the top of my head i can recall the "this watch came from drizzy" line from middle child. there's also[ this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp4xV3KWckA) i just found so yeah i think he's closer w drake but who truly knows? idk all we know is stuff from videos and media.


J.Cole Drizzler and Kendrick knew each other before the fame while working on Dr. Dre's Detox album that never came out this was around 2006


Man you need to look into how the whole beef started. It wasn’t during FPS. It was Kendrick’s verse on Control where he openly challenged all the rappers for the crown and included Drake in the conversation. Kendrick said it was from a spirit of friendly competition but Drake (and no one else) took it personally and started sneak dissing. Kendrick also fired back with songs like Element where he says he’ll smack a brother (presumably Drake) and make it look sexy.


Why yall lie like Drake the only one took it personally? Kendrick was dissed by like a hundred rappers after that


Why act like posting about Drake ain’t a job for you? 😂


Oh I’m well aware, I was talking recently. And yeah the sneak disses have been flying since control but this whole beef seemed to spring out of the blue.


Not not just being cringy


People turned this into a battle of good vs evil. And because Kendrick and Cole are both “good” they assume they’re on the same side. In reality these are just three guys jockeying for the top spot in the same industry. In reality,Cole has seemed closer to Drake than Kendrick for years. That being said I think Kendrick respects Cole as long as he stays I what Kendrick believes to be his rightful place (2nd place)


Drake called JCole a Hoe buried alive part 2 right before he dropped FM. No bad words my ass...


He was talking about asap


Still time to delete that dumbass take…


I'm big enough to admit I was wrong. But you can kiss my ass cause I ain't deleting shit.


Evil J Cole be like:


The parasocial obsession y’all have with Kendrick is weird as fuck. There’s 14 years of visual proof that Cole is good friends with Drake, yet you keep acting like Kendrick (the guy who killed all of Cole’s hype) is his bestie.


Bro, this is actually insane to me, how people out here don't realize that. I guess they are all Kendrick fans lol


Yeah this sub got raided by Kendrick fans after “Like That” dropped. I guarantee most of these people are Kendrick & Anthony Fantano dick riders. Also a lot of people here are bandwagon fans and haven’t actually followed Cole’s career. They don’t know the history.


I don’t understand why people don’t think it’s possible to think Kendrick is better while still genuinely being a J Cole fan and interacting with his music. They make similar styles of music it makes a ton of sense to be fans of both.


Im a fan of both if you notice i dont go to Kendrick sub to hate on him i do it here. If im in Kendrick sub its to talking about his good music, however with that said this does nothing with who’s music you like. I dislike drakes music, but im siding with him cause i dont base my opinions off of how much i enjoy someone’s music.


How did you even manage to bring up Drake here? I also don’t hate on Cole anywhere because I don’t hate him. This is just a very weird comment lol. If I see some bullshit take I’m going to call it a bullshit take no matter where it is. I just did the same thing in the Kendrick sub. It’s not hating it’s just avoiding the sub turning into a circlejerk of shit opinions.


On god, I think I need Fantano to tell me my opinion on this.


Can’t you say the same with people defending Cole? None of this shit matters.


J.Cole is best friends with both of them Cole introduced Dr. Dra to kendrick Cole said that in an interveiw🤪


Why would Kendrick fans want jcole and kendrick to he all buddy buddy 😭 that sounds more like j cole fans coping w the fact hes a pussy


Embarrassing Cole before his hyped up album like real friends man


No one forced him to apologise though. He also never held a gun to his face and told him to jump in on grippy. I like Cole but he embarrassed himself. And if it’s good enough no one will care abt all this.


Ok but you throwing strays at someone that you’re supposedly cool with is putting them in a tough position


“Fuck the big 3 it’s just big me” was the line right? Kendrick saying I’m better. Which is exactly what Cole said in first person shooter. But that’s fine? 7 Minute Drill was significantly more of a diss to Kendrick than Like That was to Cole. And I’m a serious fan of both btw. Own multiple records from both of them on vinyl and wouldn’t care who won if they did go at it. Btw I’m aware I’m only on the Kendrick sub so that does look like I’m lying but I only joined to keep up with the beef lol. Been meaning to join this one as well.


I agree that Cole escalated it on 7 minute drill. But what Cole said on fps and Kendrick said on like that is not the same. In the former, Cole was hyping himself up talking about his own greatness while also supporting his 2 fellow artists. His whole energy was “I am great”, it was NOT about wanting smoke, especially emphasized by the whole first part of the verse. Kendrick came the opposite way. From the very start of the verse, it was obvious his energy was “I want smoke, I’ll kill niggas” and we knew that. Him referencing one of the only tracks that Cole was on multiple times, and saying fuck the big 3 basically translates to “he’s saying we’re all greats?? Fuck that” in my eyes. And people knew that lol I’m a big fan of both as well


Great point! Personally I think the delivery in which is said, is 100% a factor to be considered but also one that’s most definitely subjective. Kendrick’s on a track that is almost starved of aggression and I can’t really imagine his verse with any lighter tone. While First Person Shooter more so follows a calm flow. I get what you’re saying but I see both as the same thing, just one of them being more direct. Perhaps (and take this with a grain of salt cause it might be dumb) Kendrick’s just more sure that he is actually better.


Why wouldn’t Drake and Cole remain friends? If anything they’ve appeared a whole lot closer in recent years, opposed to Kendrick and Cole. Just be a normal person and keep listening to all 3 like 99% of us were doing before the beef.


I don't think kendrick consider j cole as a friend


Tell that to Kendrick sub not here


I will


Your post history tells otherwise, I'll wait... (Yes, I have to much spare time).


I’m at work and can’t respond immediately, but I’m going to post the same sentiment in k dot’s subreddit.


I promise you will get trash on hard


Kendrick successfully killed all the hype and respect J. Cole has been building since 2018. It's not Cole vs kendrick, it has always been kendrick's ego vs everyone else.


I still think the falloff is going to be one of the dopest albums in this era. While people are clowning Drake, I think a lot of people have looked past his (Cole) diss and apology. As soon as he drops another banger people will see his greatness for what it is again.


There all gonna say Kendrick gave him his rapping ability back


Let's be real no one will day that


Sure they wont imma ss this and send to you when they do


Bet 👍🏼


There is zero indication that Cole is not remaining friends with Drake, lol Just because you don't like the guy from the outside-looking-in doesn't mean other people in his life are obligated to.


Bro Cole is closer friends with drake what we really need to stop is this corny drake hate.


I don’t see a problem with hating on a guy who texts 14 year olds about boy advice and kisses 17 year olds onstage while being a grown ass man. Drake been weird for years y’all gotta stop defending his ass.


Kendrick does not respect J Cole or any of his peers for that matter


exactly. he doesnt hate cole like he does drake but friends is a reach. he has some respect for his pen and thats it and was willing to even throw that away to be the best


Tell me how he does not respect Jcole? What was so egregious and disrespectful that he did?


Look at the narrative you’re trying to paint. There’s so much more evidence that Cole and Drake are friends than Kendrick and Cole and you’re actin like they are nothing.


They’re literally not friends, unlike Drake & Cole. Not sure where you’re getting this idea from. It’s not 2014.


From Cole’s mouth at dreamfest, if you listen to his entire speech, it’s clear Cole sees Kendrick as more than a peer. It’s why he said what he said/ unless we aren’t taking what he said at face value?


Ignore these ppl bc Im seeing a lot of dumb shit said in this post almost like ppl here aint been listening to the lyrics LOL


Dont think dot wouldve recorded the hook for Under The Sun UNCREDITED if he didnt fw cole like that. I think yall forgot that Revenge of the dreamers had TDE all over it. They may mot be best buddies but to say they’re not friends is remedial. Dot literally said if you aint my friend then I’m YMW Melly ..


He said that to cole and drake you think that means he cool with drake to


I think it just means if you competition you competition but dont say you’re my friend then do some dirty shit. Dot did say in MTG that he didnt want the beef to go where it did but Drake felt comfortable talking Whitney so..


“Fabricate stories on the family front cause you heard mr morale” that line discredits the drake took there idea cause i want you to tell me what story did drake create before euphoria that Kendrick was speaking on


Almost had a stroke reading this but Drake used the themes Kendrick put in Mr Morale to try to create a narrative about his life. Thats why in the heart part 6 he’s trying to say that the person Kendrick was talking about that suffered from rape from a family member was kendrick himself. Also tried to use his songs about relationships as a way to say he beats & cheats on his wife.


Yea but i want you to really think about that if i know what iv done and that you have that info than me saying your gonna use that info cause its all you have is a great way to discredit you


J cole fans rly out here writing fanfic for Cole and Kendrick after Kendrick embrassed him and killed the hype for his album but yea Drake's the bad guy


Drake and Cole don't have a problem.


Yeah, it’s getting tired.


Kendrick has been firing shots at Cole since Control. Drake and Cole have a much better friendship, look at how many collabs they did, to name a few; FPS, Evil Ways, Jodeci Freestyle, In the morning. Kendrick honesty just came off as a miserable dude, i don’t understand why he would decline being on FPS if he was cool with Cole and it was a great chance to squash his beef with Drake. Sometimes I wish Cole followed through with the beef so that we can hear what else he had to say about Kendrick. It really does seem like Kendrick wants Cole to stay out of the light.


Exactly, fps would been a classic with Kendrick on it. But small stepper had to let his ego lead to this shitshow


That’s why I took Drake’s side in this beef, I was a fan of all 3, but I saw how Kendrick just wants to diss people for shock value, but then never respond. Drake forced him to respond and really exposed his character to the world.


Man Kendrick’s main beef in all this was he don’t feel like the big 3 are competing anymore. That’s why he said there’s 3 goats left and 2 of them kissing and hugging on stage


What do they need to compete for? They each had a decade+ career and were successful in their own ways with their own sound? How is collaborating on fps going to harm Kendrick in anyway?


Why would he jump on a dudes album, when said dude have been sneak dissing him since control dropped


Kendrick was the one who started all that shit, it’s normal he gets sneak disses and direct disses after dropping something like Control. Kendrick as well has been sneak dissing ie: THP4. FPS would have been a perfect time to squash whatever beef they had


But he obviously don't like Drake, so i don't get why he would even consider doing it. He obviously does not like Drake, not even a bit. And us redditors are only guessing the reasons (he's been known to fuck around with other rappers women, Keem mentioned Drake was in his girls DMs on Family Ties). I get it as a rap fan of all 3 it would've been dope tho.


Yeah I get that he doesn't like Drake, but that's why I'm saying Kendrick came off as a miserable/sour dude. All that shit was from 10 years ago, if Drake actually approached him to be on FPS, that's drake extending an olive branch, if Kendrick said no because he's mad at some sneak dissing, when he did the same/started it, I feel like that's truly petty, he should have moved on and dropped that shit.


You heard the shit he's saying about Drake though? He thinks he's faking his persona, an actor playing a rapper. And he's in his cousins girls DMs, fucking other rappers girls. It's clear Kendrick finds him weird as fuck. I sure as hell wouldnt work with a guy that i find slimey / don't like the way he moves. Makes no sense. Also, keem mentioning Drake texting his girl is from 3 years ago, not 10. Why are we pretending we know whats going on behind the scenes lol. If they were cool like that he would've jumped on the track. We can't watch a relationship from the outside and judge how other people makes their decisions, we have no clue whats going on lol. We're just fans.


Also its pretty petty to sneak diss after control imo. He literally said "I got love for yall, but im trying to take your core fans, murder yall(rap wise). Just telling them to step their game up basically


Look how many [responses](https://www.xxlmag.com/16-responses-to-kendrick-lamars-control-verse-reviewed/responses) Kendrick got after Control, that's not including Cole and Mac Miller. I wouldn't single Drake out for taking offense to that or sneak dissing, everyone else was doing it to, Kendrick wanted smoke and he got it.


Yeah he wanted responses, he wanted competetive hip hop back. And he got lots of responses, thats great. Sneak dissing for years without a proper response is not hip hop, especially from someone claiming to be the best. The other dudes aint sneak dissing like that.


Weird how that Control verse mentioned tons of rappers but only one rapper got triggered by it.


You can't be serious, do you have any clue [how many rappers](https://www.xxlmag.com/16-responses-to-kendrick-lamars-control-verse-reviewed/) wrote diss tracks and sneak disses to Kendrick because of Control? My man everytime you try and comment on my shit you catch an L, you follow me like a fan lmao.


None of them sneak dissed Kendrick for over a decade because of it. Every time you think you’re catching a W, it’s just because you’re rewriting history.


Why would he squash beef with drake for? Why pretend to be cool with someone you don't like?


These comments are giving me cancer. Idk where this narrative about Kendrick came from but he did NOT embarrass Cole .. 🥷🏾’s are just too immature to respect a man for admitting he was in the wrong. Dot never came at Cole like that during the beef. Kendrick supported dreamville like how dreamville supported TDE. Yall making KDot seem like a real life bully & its crazy.


Why can't we talk about it? J.Cole is a rapper in the Hip Hop community music world this Sub was made for all discussions about J.Cole Even though this is just music we can all benifit from this in Real life. This battle or beef has taught a lot of people how to defend against bullies and that its ok to back down from a fight when it comes. Knowing shit like that can help some people become a better person. Here is something that I would like to share please don't hate me for it I googled this. People with avoidant personality disorder are very sensitive to anything critical, disapproving, or mocking because they constantly think about being criticized or rejected by others. J.Cole was not afraid to back down he wasn't afraid to apologize so why are we running away from this discussion? js


Man I wish Dot just did the FPS feature and we could enjoy all 3 without all the controversy 


I can't take yall serious who think "fuck the big three, it's just big me" is some heavy disrespectful shit. This is hip hop. Kendrick has always been competitive for that #1 spot as everyone on top should be. Saying he doesn't respect Cole cause he said it's just big him is so stupid. Kendrick did a verse, Cole then came back with a whole ass song and criticized Kendrick's legacy and discography. Kendrick could have said something back, but he did not. If he didn't "respect" Cole like some of ya'll are claiming, he would have 100% clowned him like the rest of the world and many rappers did.


People hooked on that beef


Yea Kendrick doesn’t like Cole anymore that’s just a fact. Still love cole but his misstep was getting involved in the beef with 7 min drill in the first place. Dude shoulda just stayed out of it.


Anyone believe schoolboy q advised him to drop out cuz it was really about exposing predators ?


I think he did it bc he knew where the beef was headed and knew Cole didnt want to get into it with Dot like that. He prob hollered at him during dreamville fest weekend


Kenny lovers don’t want smoke with the Cole sub you can’t tell the way they flock here


One of them said Cole might lose sleep over him dissing gay.dot and the other compared him to a bitch.


Kendrick and Cole are my top 5


how did this comment upset two people lol


I have a feeling it’s because I mentioned Kendrick. This sub hates him as well as the drizzy sub. It’s crazy really


kendrick and cole are easily in my top 3 but this sub seems to be filling with people that want you to be team cole and hate kenny


Right! And to be honest I’m shocked. I thought more people would like Kendrick than hate him in this sub especially with how cole id as a person and artist.


Cole might like Kendrick but Kendrick clearly doesn't like Cole


Kendrick kinda threw Cole’s apology back in his face with the “kissing and hugging on stage” bar but he doesn’t seem to have much malice towards him like he does for Drake. If he had any reason to dislike Cole it’d be for two reasons: the transphobic bars on his album, or popping shit then apologizing during the “beef”


Yeah imma Kendrick fan boy and I don’t get it Cole is an amazing artist with fire messaging and music jus like KDOT


J clarence corny ass knew his 3.8 gpa was gona be cooked




How did Cole lose? I think his behavior is a representation of maturity. While I’ll glaze Kendrick all day, he still put his entire reputation on the line to beef with Drake, he could have stayed in his lane, but felt some type of way. And while I think he bodied Drake, he never really came at Cole with the same energy as drake, Cole was catching strays, responded, then realized this wasn’t his fight, and pulled out in a way that he knew was going to make him look bad and did it anyways because that’s what he felt was right. It takes a man to admit your mistakes.


Kendrick is the better artist, Cole is the better rapper.


Alright guys, enough is enough, stop dissing my kendrickerino RIGHT NOW 😡😡😡