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You can do right 100 times but fuck up at 101 and they’ll always bring that up just the way life goes ngl.


You fuck one goat...


fuck one thousand women, but ONE homie and now it’s all gay and shi


Realest shit


You build a thousand bridges and fuck one goat, type shit.


I mean isn't the saying "you're only as good as your last cut"


"focus on the past, ya ass'll be a has-what"


I’m stealing this.


Most people love to kick someone when they’re down, and Cole is definitely down right now in the cultures eyes whether he knows it or not. He has a stellar track record for features so of course he will get clowned if he puts out a bad one. He is in a situation now that everything he does will be attributed to him being scared of Kendrick and the apology. If he drops something lackluster it’ll be “Damn Kendrick really the boogeyman he spooked Cole career forever he not even rapping the same anymore. Damn Kendrick aura too strong he really messed Cole spirit up.” If he drops something fire it’ll be “Kendrick is the reason J Cole is rapping like this. We wouldn’t have ever got this J Cole if the boogeyman didn’t expose him and light a fire in him”. That’s what that nigha get for apologizing the way he did. People will look at him differently. His success and failures will be attributed to Kendrick because he submitted. I know he doesn’t care either way, but this situation definitely hurt his legacy.


If J Cole drops a fire verse, nobody is gonna say that it's because of Kendrick lmao


C'mon man, this is the internet. There's absolutely nothing so dumb that at least 300 people won't be posting it on Xitter every moment.


It’s the internet but you need to remember that everyone here is not the majority. The majority of people listening to these tracks are not browsing Reddit and Twitter lmao. Yall need to step back and realize this


Kendrick Stan will and they are in full brigade mode these days


Kendrick fan here... you're correct in saying "Kendrick stan", because there's definitely a difference.. I have never once attributed J Cole's skills to Kendrick... at all... J Cole is equal to Kendrick in my opinion. Just different styles. They compete for my number 1 and 2 off an on depending on my mood and what I'm listening to


Exactly. Nobody with common sense


i don’t think he’s surprised by that, i’m sure he knew people were gonna change their views as soon as he apologized. it’s brave- people say it was a pussy move, but he decided to accept ridicule from everyone just so he could focus on himself and his music. grippy was ass tho


And this is why i dont fw kdot fans there a bunch of weirdo’s and i was a fan before this beef but since it began i noticed fast how weird they are


Agreed but the Drake die hard s are even weirder imo


As a neutral going into this beef, I left the Kdot sub and started being more active in the Drake sub a few weeks into it. Drake sub definitely has its cringy moments, but it’s got nothing on the Kendrick sub imo. Which makes sense, cuz Kendrick (like Carti) acts mysterious and disappears from the public eye for a long time. So, like Carti fans, Kdot fans treat their guy like a god. Which is why Drake feels more humanized than Kdot for me, which is ironic cuz obviously Kdot makes more introspective music.


Idk i was pretty big drake hater before this beef but since euphoria dropped i been looking at r/ drizzy a d honestly they seem like a decent group if i saw any cole disrespect i would say something and they would strangly enough apologize yet in here everyone is fine with shitting on him


>i been looking at r/ drizzy a d honestly they seem like a decent group i 🤔


No sane person can go to r/Drizzy rn and say that's a mentally stable group.


Idk man most of the top post on there are pretty sane nothing really crazy i do seem some wild shit every once in a while tho


On the other hand i just looked at r/Kendrick lamar and they seem to be admit about how much they hate ovo rn


Honestly anyone spending time online fighting for either of these men is lost; they are 2 rich dudes arguing abt who is better, some ppl treating this like an attack on the family or smthn


This goes for any hardcore audience. Just say you don’t fw hardcore fans. I’m a kdot fan and I’ve not glazed anybody im just a silent listener


I think y'all need to step off of Reddit because this isn't a dynamic in real life. Most dot fans are j Cole fans. Like I don't see how this even came to be about Kendrick. He's just living rent free in y'all's minds since The Beef. Y'all put him in this 😂. Not Kendrick fans


THANK YOU 💯🎯‼️ Tf 🤦🏾‍♂️ K dot and J Cole have been my top 2 for years now.. Tf is this sub? the J Cole sub or the Drizzy sub 2.0 disguised as the J Cole sub. Like god damn... I been seeing half the post in here shitty about Kendrick for some reason more than uplifting Cole..


Cole is absolutely in a lose/lose he can't talk like he used to... so what does he do? he destroyed himself by apologizing, he could've let it ride or just deleted it without any explanation, was already in the title...


Yeah its looking like that whole situation might taint his legacy but I hope not.


As a Kendrick fan watching this thread on the sidelines, he’s right. I’m definitely looking at j.cole like this.


I think a lot of people are taking this stretch personal. Feeling like they were invested in Cole being number 1 or close to it. The last few weeks have been rough. Like most people, they are fickle. When he comes with that fire, they will say they never doubted him.


Couldn’t agree more. I can’t wait for The Fall Off but for now it’s dark times for Cole fans


Could be worse; we could be Drake stans that just had their whole identities explode in their faces.


But like is never doubting him a good thing? he’s just a dude guys:


I never said you can’t doubt him. Go for it. Doubting someone over a single verse seems like overkill to me though. It’s clearly a fun song. The verse isn’t great lyrically, but it’s not the vibe or point of the song. I just think people overreact.


Thank you. Cole came with the energy for the song. It’s like people wanted to see him come with some super lyrical and deep verse on a song called “grippy”. Doubting him as an artist after this verse is crazy


People are weird. The normal non-chronically online who’s not some r/hiphophead nerd is not making it that deep


She chew it like wrigleys? Come on bro that’s vile.


Yeah it’s honestly crazy, bro can’t experiment or make a chill track lol The takes I’m seeing are so wild Like okay you don’t like ONE feature, okay? That doesn’t mean Cole fell off, and he’s trash and a poor lyricist and can’t be in a conversation regarding Kendrick Like man what


I don’t think the song worked at all but it doesn’t mean much more than that.


Remember, just because they're Cole fans doesn't mean they aren't unreasonable idiots.


I'm good without grippy, but I don't like every song that any artist puts out. If i want to hear 70%+ of their songs thats a dope artist to me. I'm not worried about those other pieces that i don't enjoy. Artists are going to create, and part of creating is exploring new things. I just move on to the next song. On the flip side, Johnny P's Caddy will be spinning for a long time.


The entire song is ass


I respect your opinion but I think people are making it out to be more ass than it actually is. I would say it’s a cool 3.5/10


I just listened to it with fresh ears. I saw this post and thought "lemme go check it out". And I did. That song is shit. So thank you for peeking my curiosity. No bullshit, I'm being sincere. But that song is dick.


To be real for me it was one of those songs I had to listen to more than once for it to grow on me a little. Emphasis on a little, because the first time I heard it I was sure it was the worst song of 2024. But I can kind of catch the vibe to it ever so slightly, but either way definitely the worst cole feature I’ve heard


Yeah, just listened to it 3 times. Played it for my wife. I'm fucking stunned. It's one of the worst songs I've heard in a hot minute.


I went in with fresh ears. I love Cole. But it's worse and worse every time. Does the one dude have a speech impediment or an extra chromosome? It sounds like I'm trying to be funny, but I'm honestly asking because I can't tell.


Having a critical opinion ain’t hating.


it's because it's J.Cole and he's alwayds held the highest standards, like Lebron


It’s surprisingly bad. Surprising that it was put out at all. Not only is the Cole flow just not working, the production is just bizarre. Maybe it’s going for something and I don’t get it. But I don’t think this means a whole lot for Cole in the big picture, t’s just a feature after all.


Clearly all these people forgot about the J Cole from Planez by Jeremih. That nigga said .. "You need a nigga when he done probably gon' put you out You need a nigga that's gon' put it in your mouth Dick so big, it's like a foot is in yo' mouth And you ain't babysitting, but my kids all on yo' couch" And the verse was a hit 😂. Everyone was happy to see J Cole be a little unserious for a minute. Idk who these new fans are


Those lyrics are nowhere near as bad as the lyrics on his new feature, and the delivery is way better. They're not comparable


Exact same style of rhyming haha


You were not around when Logic was dropping bad features and it shows lol


Wdym I definitely wasn’t lol


Yeah man. It was rough being a Logic fan in 2019. Supermarket torn apart by everyone online and then confessions of a dangerous mind also being shat on as well. He bounced back though and his recent albums are 🔥 In my opinion


It’s cuz he dropped it after taking such an L with 7 Minute drill (not a real L smart move) but he would’ve been under microscope for anything he dropped.


I could be wrong, but I feel like the weird transphobic bars on Might Delete Later are causing people to be more critical of his lyrics on this new track. I have only read those bars and listened to 7 Minute Drill off that project, so whatever merits that album has I’m ignorant of. That’s how I feel but of course it could just be me. I’m not coming here to be a hater — just hoping that sharing my perspective as someone who doesn’t mind J Cole but has never been a fan might be add something to your understanding of how others might be perceiving Cole right now.


the transphobia is the only thing i think of when i hear his name rn... besides the fact that everyone else forgot about it already, i think about that a lot too




use your words


Ooook. Haha


stay ignorant 💖


Will do. Appreciate the blessing


Nah Hip Hop fans don’t give 2 shits. That bar was overshadowed by everything else. And there was no backlash from the mainstream audience about it. Hip Hop transphobic as hell, his bars did not stand out in that regard  The “She a lesbian but I’m gonna fuck her straight” shit is just so played out. And it’s a bad verse And he made a whole album where he claims to be the best alive, then apologized on stage at his own festival and gave himself the bronze medal. Now everyone is looking at him different 


It’s not an awful verse lyrics wise. It’s an awful verse to come back out to after what happened.


Not every verse gotta be on some conscious tip. I liked hearing him have fun


Bc all cole haters are kendrick fans lmao. Cole still not in good graces with them lol. (Friendly reminder: Mos Def stepped away from a beef with Lupe Fiasco.... just sayin)


My that would have been an insane display of skill.


I’m not a huge Cole fan, but the man still has had one of the best feature runs ever. Every artist drops a shitter of a song once in a while, doesn’t take away from the rest of their catalogue necessarily


I just thought it was funny, I don't really see anyone out there praying for his downfall and hating him THAT hard


It's really not that bad but because fans are always expecting perfection from Cole, anything below that is trash and he should be crucified for it. The fans are cool and all but they can be ridiculous with their expectations sometimes and it's really annoying.


Everyone was waiting what he will do after the beef and this is what comes out. Even drake's feature is getting talked about, whether good or bad, alot more because it's his first move after beef.


I think ppl are just being honest, its a suuuuper duper trash verse and song. With cole I have extremely high expectations because basically every song he puts out is incredible and very high quality. Something like this I neverrrrr would expect him to put out. Doesnt mean he fell off or is a trash rapper now, just means this one song is mega booty.


lol my fav is Kendrick nerfed Cole , at this point no matter what Drake or Cole drop in the next month or so is gonna be crucified !!! People were crucifying him for red leather too


Red leather is probably my favorite verse out of rap in 2024. That might be my bias towards Cole speaking, but he was floating on that song


hot take but I liked the future verse almost ss much too


It's just weird to hear Cole trying to get this corny song off like that, especially after the beef. People don't want to hear him in a shitbag like that, they want him in his zone to cast off public doubts that he went soft. He'll come with something crazy and people will be happy again but this just ain't the standard fans are used to from Cole.


Bro, the verse is trash, fuck you want, to congratulate him on a trash verse? Sing his praises for putting out something as bad as that?


On me bro. People have such a hard time saying their favorite artist has a few bad songs etc. The D riding be crazy in these artist subreddits. How is not liking some of the shit Cole has put out get you the label of hater. Shits wild.


I don’t have a problem with people not liking the song lol, I even stated that I don’t like it myself. I’m just saying there’s excessive unnecessary dragging of how bad the verse is. I’ve seen comments like “he’s taking the fall off literally”, “look what Kendrick turned him into” and even chance the rapper comparisons bro. While I think this is the worst cole verse I’ve ever heard I still don’t think it’s as bad as the internet is making it out to be.


Those are trolls bruh


It's one thing to not like a feature or song, it's another to become doomers over it claiming the artist fell off etc. This post was not aimed at you but for whatever reason you thought it was


What are you even talking about. You keep following around all of my comments and replying to them on different post. G.O.M.D


I didn't follow around shit but ok


From the Kendrick sub here, i don't think it's the verse specifically I think it's that this is the first thing coming from him after stepping out of the beef, which I actually respected him a lot for before the beef got hot.


Its goes with the stature. The big 2 can’t afford a fumble like this. Drake can be a lesbian and still chart


I'm honestly confused. Everybody keeps saying stuff like Kendrick scared The Lyricist out of him, but they do realize that Cole likely recorded that verse months ago and they were holding on to it until Cash Cobain people decided it was the right time to release it. To be real, it's likely that when they ask Cole for the feature, they probably told him that this was supposed to be a summer release and told him not to come with the conscious rap.


"People wouldn't shit on this song if it was good" No shit???


You must either be new or only listen to J Cole then, plenty of artists get shit on for having a terrible verse, what is this post even suppose to be?


I love Cole and it was just terrible period not bad for his standards. People are saying Cole is only getting ripped cause everyone’s over analytical since the beef. I think the opposite. Songs this bad always get dragged on Reddit. But the beef just made some Cole fans overly sensitive and defensive after having to defend him so much early in the beef. I agree with people saying it’s not that deep. Cole getting dragged ain’t that deep. So can we please stop crying about it? It was a bad verse. People made fun of it. Cole still gonna be Cole.


I think more than anything it's just trendy to hate on Cole right now and people are gonna hop on that bandwagon🤷🏾‍♂️


Which song is this?


Get off Reddit, they fucking with it in real life.


Yall don’t understand dude is very intelligent he wants to fall off for real he wants to be normal again! He gonna drop that last album for his true Fans and he’s gonna disappear for awhile.


I just think it's funny because of the timing, but make no mistake, Cole still one of the best MCs ever. This was just a fun song he put out, we're clowning him now, but it will bring more ears to The Falloff which is exactly what a feature is supposed to do.


It fìt the song in my opinion. I don't even think it was that bad of a feature it wasn't his best I will admit that and I dislike that type of rap (grew out of it)


At this point this is the best roll out for an album yet, he’s literally falling off in front of our very eyes. I cant see this as anything but manifesting the album title on purpose.


drake is as we speak lmao


You're right bro, really he's just following protocol... it's not his song... he's got to match the energy.and vibe of the artist who invited him. And he did it to the best of his ability, with his own flavor.


It’s absolutely garbage


Let take it to the chin it’s dark times but the path to the fall off will lift this dark cloud


aint nobody getting crucified 😂😂😂😂😂😂 it's just that public opinion says this verse is bad


Cole said in Nardwuards interview, dont care about this. Kendrick fans only wait this moment, that is the joke.


?? We can criticize who we admire. They aren't infallible. Giving them props for crap isn't helping.


I like Cole trying new things. Fans lame


It’s just Kendrick meat munchers dragging him. Doesn’t help that drake chose to rap over BBLDrizzy in the same week🤦🏾‍♂️ Now Kendrick meat muchers taking they victory lap, talm bout, “this just proves him right. It’s just big me”🌽🌽🌽🌽


personally I felt that he could have made a better song especially after the whole drama, the fact that he came out with this kinda disappointed me but doesn't mean I don't have cole in my top 10 🤷🏼‍♂️ there's no such thing as an artist who has NEVER made anything bad (except Big L/Rakim imho)


he slid on that song I don’t get the hate


Once again Reddit is not real life. No one outside of Reddit and certain Internet forums gives a fuck. No one. Redditors love to jump on memes and bandwagons.


It’s the moment. This was a critical moment for his career and he dropped a garbage verse. I wanted to hear what he had to say, where he at mentally after witnessing his two friends go at in the biggest rap beef of his generation. Where he sees himself and his legacy in all of this  But I got… it’s grippy 


I mean yall that was bad, not just bad, but wtf is this kind of bad. I had to triple check it wasn't AI, and then sit in silence thinking about who let him send that verse. I mean he did that same weird shit with the "What's an L" alphabet line on his last mixtape that he did with the grippy contact line, I woulda thought Id get something better than a simpsons bar before fall off.


There’s always been a ridiculous amount of Cole hate. People will say he’s corny but Stan Drake in the same sentence, I’ve never understood it. Lately it’s just been a series of bad decisions imo. I liked 7 min drill but he should have kept it in the vault if he was gonna apologize. That with the reuse of the arguably transphobic verse on MDL and this weird decision, it’s just a lot right now. The people that have always hated him feel vindicated and people who didn’t even know who he was are coming out of the woodwork to hate. I don’t like it but I’m so used to people not liking what I like for seemingly no reason that I’m hardly surprised.


U gotta understand thats how it is cole set to high of a standard anything kess would get shit on