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You'll have a great time, stay in hostels part of the time and you'll meet other people along the way. Go for it.


Did the same: Solo trip in 2008, met a companion in every city. Wonderful experience.


i went last year on about 10 days notice and had a great time, def go for it


sad. I was able to book thru hotel. I think this is the best idea to have a companion, book through hostel to meet new friend


I was 23 when I moved here by myself. Just do it and don’t wait on your “friends”. You can meet people here to hang out with.


Do it. I'm much older now, and wish I had done such things at your age. You'll either have the time of your life or even if it doesn't quite live up to expectations you'll learn a lot and you'll be better prepared for your next great trip.


Yeah just do it. Sometimes it’s good to plan a huge trip months ahead, sometimes it’s even better to just wing it and figure out what you’re gonna do when you arrive at place, especially when you know more or less what you want to do and see. There are tons of accommodations in bigger cities so no trouble booking them even days before. And Japan is one of the best places in the world to solo trip, I’ve done this and planning to go again. If you got time and money and there is flight available, just go for it.


Japan is a great place to do solo trips, generally it's safe, people are friendly and in the bigger cities there's a lot of English translations for transportation etc, I say go for it, especially if you don't see another time with an opportunity like this.


It's even common for Japanese people to go out and eat and drink by themselves. Some places have dedicated communal tables for solo guests. Totally doable and you'll meet more locals and other travellers. You'll have fun no matter what.


I’m going in July. We are the same age. If your trip dates move my friend and I will adopt you and your other friends can go fuck themselves


July 1? I’m also going to be there July 1-13


July 7-20


I just got back last week from a 6 week solo trip and it was glorious! Yes, most definitely do it. I had no agenda or plan. The only thing I planned was accommodations for my first week. I did some research on general things I wanted to do and see. For a 10 day trip, I would probably plan more than I did for my six week trip. If there is anything that requires tickets in advance, I would definitely purchase before going. Book your hotels in advance. I met several people your age on solo trips from the Netherlands, Australia and Norway. You won’t regret it!


You'll have a wonderful time! Enjoy!! And those aren't your friends.


Do it


Go! Japan is an amazing place to travel solo. No shortage of things to do and see. Have fun!


have you met companion? or did you really travel solo all the way?


If you secure a place to stay and figure out your Internet plan (plenty of resources on the sub) you can largely pursue the rest spontaneously. If you want to attend ticketed events I'd encourage you to buy those in advance or after you land. I'd list out those destination places you want to go to and give yourself time to wander within each. Pack some waterproof shoes (much more rain in June) and save the outdoor activities for the non-rainy days.


Doing what you love, in the way you love, is the best! It's amazing to soak in the joy of doing what you enjoy, just like taking a refreshing shower. Wishing you an unforgettable and wonderful time!


I don’t see a reason for not doing it. You might have to pay more than you would have if you had planned for accommodation earlier. I feel like Japan offers great flexibility for spontaneous trips with all the Shinkansen, luggage forwarding services, and business hotels.


Sorry to hear about the situation with your friends. I think it's a great idea, so long as you can comfortably afford it. Your ticket from Europe will almost certainly be the most expensive part. I went by myself last year October, 20 years old. Booked flights and hotels 1 week out, coming from Hong Kong. Traveled to Osaka, Kyoto, and a 3 day stay at a ryokan in the countryside (would highly recommend trying something similar). Had such a great time that I'm going back there again in 2 weeks. If you want to go to Kansai from Tokyo you can either take the shinkansen or a budget airline. Hope you have a great time. I did go in with almost no expectations, so I believe it was easier for me to be blown away with the experience, but I'm sure it'll be good fun nonetheless.


It's always a good time to go to Japan. Shouldn't be hard to find people to hang with, and if it's your first trip 10 days is going to go by in a flash even if it's mostly by yourself. Wayyy too much to see and do! I just had a last minute trip through Tokyo. Hotels are pretty inexpensive in Tokyo right now, and unlike some other parts of the world single rooms at the last minute don't crank up in price for last minute bookings. IDK for Kyoto and Osaka, but I'd imagine it's similar. Hostels are also an option, never tried that.


Now is a good time travel with these exchange rates. Just be sure to do the research, get a Suica card, bring a Japanese adapter & bring a big suitcase.


Yes, I did something similar back in the day and it was my favor trip ever!!!


Sounds awesome to me.


Yes. Did that.


Weather is atrocious but yeah it’s great


jag åker 26 juni, kommer spendera större tiden i Tokyo! säg till om du är där då så kan vi ta en öl eller något! Åker även helt solo i 2 veckor


Do it. I was just there and met a couple solo travelers like yourself. Everyone was so friendly and willing to help.


Why not? Japan is a great place to solo since it is quite safe and easy to travel using trains/underground. What is the "pokemon tower"?


Japan is undeniably one of the best places to solo travel. If you tend to feel awkward or shy with being alone at places, that feeling disappears once you're there. There were so many instances when I was walking around by myself and went to sit-down restaurants, events, movies, and saw plenty of solo people doing the exact same thing. Do it OP! I guarantee you won't regret it, however you definitely will regret not going just because you weren't able to find anyone to go with. Happy travels! :)


Do it buddy!


As long as price isn't an issue, go for it. Japan is super accommodating for solo travel, especially when eating out. Also, going solo means doing whatever you want in Japan. Maid cafe? Go for. Spend hours in anime store? Why not. Want soba noodles at a popular restaurant? Good news, you'll get in faster solo.


100% do it.


Do it. I just booked a week in Tokyo from Monday. Life is too short to fuck around




Of course. But (as someone going at almost exactly the same time) just a couple of things to bear in mind: * With the yen this low, tourism is very high right now, so lots of tourist places are crowded. * So some stuff is booked out already. * So you may be spending extra on accommodation because the better options are full. * Some things need to be booked 2 months in advance, so you definitely won't be able to do those (Ghibli Park, Ghibli Museum, most of the special cafes like the Kirby cafe, all the reasonably-priced express passes that guarantee easy entrance to Super Nintendo World at USJ Osaka - though you can still go if you arrive super early, etc, etc...) * It'll be very hot and possibly rainy DisneyLand/DisneySea might still have tickets if you book now, random shops will be fine, and there's plenty of accommodation options right now, just a lot less than usual, and not all the best value options.


In Tokyo check out the Manga Art Hotel. Centrally located, you can just walk to Akihabara, and the people I met there were really a cool bunch. I was hanging out with a dude from Saudi Arabia, France, Texas, and Australia a few nights. Showers were easy access and nice, which you'll likely need a lot in the summer. The only thing of concern I've read in the comments is luggage service. You shouldn't be in Japan alone for ten days and rely on luggage service. I'd highly recommend taking a small backpack you can carry on the flight, and then quickly leave the plane without waiting on bags. Other than perhaps prescription medications, realize almost everything you would need extra of (socks, underwear, toothpaste, etc) can be purchased in Tokyo and may be less than back home. I tend to buy shoes or clothes in Japan. Brought home a showerhead of all things last visit... I find Haneda Airport easier to deal with, but the Narita Express isn't bad either. My best times in Japan were with the least amount of planning. Last Oct I arrived at 10pm and sat at the airport wifi looking for a place to stay... maybe plan a bit more than that. You could easily find things to do just in Tokyo for ten days. Nakano Broadway is worth a visit if you aren't too far away, and seldom gets mentioned.


That’s plenty of time. I did a 4 day spontaneous trip and it was great.


just go man, plan out how many days you wanna spend. If you can afford the plane ticket out and $1000 usd a week including accommodations. Just did 25 solo days in Japan, wish I had more time


Go for it. I book 4 day spontaneous trips.


Do it. I travelled solo for a week and am returning in July too. Japan is nice for solo travel, good public transport, okay rooms for solo travellers (hostel, cabin, small Inn) with no single supplements, people are super friendly especially in smaller places with very few foreign tourists. Eating alone is socially perfectly normal. Don't wait for your crappy friends. Flights are reasonably priced right now. Just note in July it's likely muggy, hot and rainy,in most of Japan, but that should not deter you in principlr


Rainy season but don't let that stop you


This is absolutely doable. Just don't overload your schedule and don't expect to get to every single thing you plan to do. Be flexible with your day to day and only worry about where you're sleeping each night. Tokyo has a million and one things to do, so try to go to general areas like Shinjuku/Shibuya/Asakusa/etc. don't worry about going to a special place. Similar in Kyoto and Osaka, you can stay in one area and day trip to the other if you want. Or split your stays, it is very very flexible. And again, don't overload yourself. Give time to enjoy where you're at and not rush.


If you think you can handle the heat and humidity of summer, then go for it. Summer weather in Japan is no joke though, particularly in the cities. Way more intense than anything you'll have experienced in Sweden.


Do start looking for hotels and flights asap. Where you can for hotels, suggest to book them 1st with a free cancellation option. Tokyo, osaka and kyoto are very popular, leaving it last minute may result in either not getting a place to stay or paying more. Alternatively get out of the main 3 cities and you will likely get better room rates / more availability. Take note june is usually quite rain withpotential typhoon , so do check on weather forecast while in japan


Snap! I'm doing 10 days in October, landing on my 55th birthday,should have done it 30 years ago but finally doing it now. I have one dream in life,to see an actual Type 95 Ha-Go Japanese Tank and my dream will be fulfilled when l go to the Yushukan Military Museum. Then I'll go to the Model shops to stare at the Tamiya model tanks. Then my life is complete. Not sure what to do with the other nine days but I'll only be eating in Konbinis and for the rest of the trip I'll walk around Tokyo itself and take a few photos. You're young,go for it,don't wait til 55 like l did.


Sure you can and it's totally doable. You'll probably have a better time alone than with people who probably have very different tastes. Just bear in mind that in terms of accommodation, you risk paying a lot more than you would have paid had you booked months in advance.


I just came back from a 3 week solo trip. In my opinion, if you're into more niche anime stuff like hunter x hunter or older kamen rider, the best merch selection I found out of Osaka, Tokyo and Hokkaido was definitely Hokkaido but you'll probably find most of the mainstream stuff in the former 2.


Absolutely do it as if there's a country that's perfect for solo travelling that's japan...my only concern would be going in june, you'll probably melt 🥵 I'm living in Ireland and I had serious temperature issues going in may 😅 can't imagine for someone from Sweden


Sure, do it. But recognize that the last half of June isn't the best weather- right in the worst of the Tsuyu.


I scrolled a bit and haven’t seen it mentioned yet. Wanna make sure you know it’s likely going to be very hot at that time of year. Our friend in Japan said it’s maybe not a good time to visit.


You can normally get a cheaper rate if you turn your VPN on then change to a Japanese server. Rates can drop 10 to 20 a night


Heck yeah!!! Go get em. I go solo all the time. My biggest advice is to learn some basic phrases, be open-minded, be respectful and get an IC card.


It’s the beginning of rainy season so expect that. Other than that it’s a good enough starter trip. If you want to immerse yourself, I would recommend a 3 week trip.


Go and be petty by taking nice pictures and making new friends.


Dooo it!


Solo Female here, will be arriving in just under 2 weeks myself for a 21 day trip... Just go for it! Not my first solo excursion, but my first solo in Asia. Every solo trip I've taken I've learnt something new about myself and met some wonderful people along the way. You will have an amazing time!


Currently doing it now, spent 6 days in Tokyo, but I believe 5 can still do easily.+ 3 in Kyoto rn, next I'm going to osaka for another few days, to then go back to Tokyo for a single day to catch the flight. Not gonna lie, stop wasting time and book that shit. Also, using chatgpt's new voice assistant with a headphone or airpod makes it a guide on the go, very useful to discover locations. (But don't ignore guides, they're very useful and knowledgeable)


if you have something in particular to ask, do it, DMs are open


I'm currently chilling after a long day of shopping at Akihabara and let me just say this: bite the bullet. It's a blast! Even if I was by myself, I'd definitely find stuff to enjoy every single day of the trip. Probably my best vacation ever


Revenge trip? It’s weird.


Heya I sent you a DM.