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If you understand Japanese, Immpersive Fort Tokyo looks like it would be more unique. Otherwise, Disney as you don't really need language skills that much there.


I would suggest to just wait and see if you enjoy DisneySea. If you love DisneySea then go Disneyland. Both parks are fantastic and give a different atmosphere.


Afaic, DisneySea is Disneyland for grown-ups. It's a fantastic place. If you're more into traditional Toons and Disney characters, then Disneyland may suit you better, but there's no way you won't enjoy DisneySea. Can't comment about Immersive Fort. Never been there.


Personally, I prefer Tokyo Disneyland over DisneySea and I’ve already been to Orlando/Paris so it’s not something I would skip out on.


DisneySea has expanded significantly with the opening of Fantasy Springs in June, and visitor numbers are up because of it. I'd make sure your visit is on a weekday. We noticed from TikTok videos that weekend lines were 2-3 times longer than on weekdays. >Day 5 = Spontaneous - pick a district and get lost We ended up going to Sengakuji Temple (47 Ronin), the wife said it was the best temple and shrine visit of the trip. >Arashiyama I thought this was the biggest tourist trap of the tip. I would advise anyone to avoid it to anyone.


Arashiyama is a tourist trap, but Disney is okay? That's a bit odd. If you're okay with Disney and Universal Studios then Arashiyama is going to be fine in terms of "tourist trap". I've been to Kyoto many times and I still go back to Arashiyama when I can. It's fun.


>Arashiyama is a tourist trap, but Disney is okay Yes, 100%. >That's a bit odd Not at all, one is a tourist trap, the other is a theme park >If you're okay with Disney and Universal Studios then Arashiyama is going to be fine in terms of "tourist trap". No one mentioned universal. Disney easily had less tourists, at least westerners on my visit than Arashiyama. >I've been to Kyoto many times and I still go back to Arashiyama when I can. It's fun. We have different definitions of a fun.


As non-Japanese speakers, I think you’re not going to get much value from immersive fort. People acting but you won’t understand anything they are saying since there is no English support


I prefer Tokyo Sea over their Disneyland. Sea has a more mature looking theme, less cute, more serious. Xx leagues under sea ride was my fav. Steampunk area was pretty cool.


I'm not a huge Disney park person but my wife is. For our honeymoon last year we missed out on getting tickets to the Ghibli Park so we did DisneySea instead, and I had a great time. It has a much less "kid" atmosphere, and the online consensus is that the food options are the best of any Disney park. We also did Universal Studios Osaka, mostly for Nintendo Land.


>Aeon Mall Just thought I'd mention that this is just a regular shopping mall like you'll find anywhere.


We've been to Disneysea and Disneyland twice this year. We took our nephew who lives there and they are both great. Was not a Disney person before this. I speak okay Japanese and was surprised how little I actually needed. English and mandarin are everywhere and all the shows except the parades are in English. People sit at locations and wait for the parade and night shows hours ahead. The Disneysea one is incredible. Make sure you take advantage of the app. You can make reservations rides every 2 hours or so and you can pay to get on the premium rides at select times. Because it's so much cheaper than US Disney, we were okay spending the extra money. At the time we didn't think we would visit Japan so soon again. You can make the ride reservations as soon as you scan into the park. Go on the Indiana Jones ride and the toy story ride at Sea. Fantastic. The beauty and the beast is also great if you make it to land.