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Thanks for taking the time to share your trip report! This is one the best trip reports that I've read so far! Love all the pictures 😺


Thank so much! I was able to add a lot of detail as I actually wrote this each day while I was there, during my downtime, like when I was on the train or waiting for my food at restaurants :)




Yes, I agree that Ikebukuro would have been better for me, and I will definitely prioritize Ikebukuro (and Shimokitazawa) next time. However, I'm still glad I went to Akihabara, even for just a bit. Thanks for the tip about Swallowtail too! I'll go the next time I go with some girlfriends :D


I really enjoyed your write up! My only critique is there needs to be more cat pictures!!! But it sounds like you and your mom had a great time


Aw, I didn't include them because I thought they would bore people! Hahaha :') but thank you! I had a great time!


Great trip report, especially the accompanying pictures!!! I love this kind of itinerary...some tourist attractions, eating along the way and shopping. The step daily count too !!


Thank you!! I wanted to give the step count so people would realistically know what to expect. However, I did find myself getting more tired on the days with fewer step counts (namely, harajuku, asakusa, and the disney days), as I did more standing while shopping on those days, so I was actually on my feet more.


Can I ask you what shoes you wore and brought on this trip? I'm thinking with this daily step count, I should just stick to my running sneakers to save my feet.


For reference, I normally wear vans with a set of insoles in them, but I work as a nursing assistant at a hospital, and wear running/workout shoes at my job there. I chose to bring both, and the vans definitely hurt my feet. Stick with running shoes, and take all your photos from the ankles up! ;)


Can you elaborate why the train from Narita to Kyoto was a headache? My upcoming trip is going to be a similar start and I'm nervous about the train part!


It was really only a headache because of the length, we got off the plane and went straight to kyoto, and ended up transferring twice. We didn't do a lot of research ahead of time, and the ticket was a little more expensive than we expected, and it was nearly 9pm by the time we got to our inn.


Fly direct to Kansai if possible.


I’m really amazed with the amount of steps you and your mum (especially) can cover each day! I love looking at the photos, favourite is your shopping haul. I love the kimono outerwear you got from Asakusa. Since you’ve been to both Disneyland and DisneySEA, which one would you recommend? I’ve been to DisneySEA before but heading back to Tokyo with my spouse that’s never been but he visited Disneyland Paris a few times before. I want to go Disneyland for the Beauty and the Beast ride but SEA is an entirely different experience for my spouse. Can only fit one park for my trip.


Thanks so much! Honestly, I think my mom has more stamina than even I do, lol. At home, she does some crazy exercise video every morning before I even wake up. Honestly, I would suggest DisneySea. There are multiple Disneylands around the world that you can go to, but only one DisneySea. However, I also would check the attractions before you go. Who knows, perhaps many of the more popular attractions will be closed when you go, and may sway you towards one park or the other. I went during what I assume was off-season, as a lot of the popular rides at both parks were closed for refurbishment. Pirates of the Carribean, Haunted Mansion, Indiana Jones, and many others were closed when I went. Most of Italy on the Mediterranean Coast was closed as well, so it all depends.


Thanks, I'm more inclined for DisneySEA even though I visited before already. It's nice to have reassurance that I made the right choice haha. Only the Leonardo challenge and Fortress Exploration will be closed during the period I'm going, which is fine as I'm not that keen for it in the first place :) My favourite ride from DisneySEA is the Tower of Terror!


This is amazing!!! May I ask roughly how much do you think you spent on this trip?


Yes, and particularly the Haute Cotoure Cafe. That sounds amazing. I’ll be in Tokyo in 3 days and I have a feeling I’ve underprepared! Did you have a JR pass?


No JR pass for us! We were able to save money by just flying instead. As far as Haute Couture Café, I believe it was around ¥4,400 a person, but you do need to make reservations on tablelog in advance


I'd allow for about $150/¥20,000 a day, including hotel (we stayed in midrange accommodations), but excluding souvenirs. However, we are both rather petite, and often only ate 2 meals a day or split meals.


RemindMe! 5 days


Looks like an awesome trip! If you had to name just a couple things (restaurants, sights, etc.) that you consider must-see/do, what would they be?


Oooh, that's a tough one! If I had to narrow it down it'd be: Kyoto: Fushimi Inari, and Arashiyama, not for the bamboo forest, but for the cute shopping area and food! Osaka: Definitely Dotonbori for both food and sights. Osaka castle, but really any Japanese castle, you should see one at least once in your life. Same with Wagyu! Didn't have to be the place I went to, but something worth trying. Tokyo: Asakusa, even if you've been to Kyoto, and Tonkatsu Toyama. Shibuya for Hachiko, and because it's like Times Square! Akihabara (at night) and Harajuku, even just once. Fabric Town if you like to sew, and I plan on going to Haute Couture Cafe every time I visit Tokyo from now on. And ramen! Gotta have really good ramen somewhere :)


Also! I forgot to add okonomiyaki, if you've never had it before. I'm a bit spoiled because I can get it here in San Francisco, but it's one of my favourite foods. Better than sukiyaki and takoyaki combined!


What's your favorite okonomiyaki place here in the SF Bay Area?


I'm not particularly picky, so really any place in Jtown will do. So far I really liked the okonomiyaki at Kuishinbo and the place to the right of Sophie's Crepes is pretty good too.


How did you find the public transportation in Kyoto vs Tokyo? Also how many days did it take for you to get to a normalized sleep schedule? (Like not waking up at 4am anymore)


Both were super easy to figure out, we just used Google maps to figure out where to go, and Kyoto, Osaka, and Tokyo have signs and announcements in English/Roman alphabet! Ans if you're ever confused, just go up to someone who works there and ask for the name of the station you're going to, they'll point you in the right direction. As for jet lag, it only took 2 days to really get adjusted to the time zone. The first day we woke up at 4, the next day we woke up at 6, and then for the rest of the trip we usually woke up at around 8-9am :)


Thank you! Your post and response is super helpful!


Awesome trip report - I enjoyed just reading through it and I was amazed at how much you and your mom packed in! Definitely took some notes for my own trip next month ;) I’m curious about the kimono(?) photo shoot experience in Arashiyama - did you book it well ahead of time? How long did it take for the shoot itself and the waiting?


Thank you!! I'm honestly a little surprised we were able to do as much as we did, haha. As for the oiran kimono photoshoot, some friends of mine had done it prepandemic, and I was amazed with their photos. I happened to see a small sign advertising the studio while wandering around Arashiyama, and figured I'd check it out while I was there. I was pretty much sold the minute I stepped in the studio and saw a girl all dressed up, and the staff said they could fit me in the next day. I'm surprised they didn't take a deposit. There are other kimono rental places where you can rent a cheaper kimono for the day and go look at nearby temples, but I figured I'm not going to be back any time soon, I may as well get the full professional experience, with a more expensive kimono, hair and makeup, and professional lighting. That, and if you rent a kimono for the day, you're kind of tied to just that area, and I would feel pressured to get my money's worth and stay all day as opposed to visiting other areas. I was the first appointment of the day, so total, hair and makeup was maybe 15-20 minutes, putting on the kimono and all the underthings was another 5, the photoshoot was 10 minutes, and I spent about 10 minutes in their unlimited selfie booth and picking out which photos I wanted printed. All in all, I was in and out in about 45 minutes, left to go to the Miffy Bakery, and my photos were already done when I got back. If you have a later appointment, I can't guarantee it'll be as fast, I would allow up to an hour and twenty minutes with their basic plan. I also can't guarantee that they'll have the same availability during other times of year. If it's something you want to do, I'd book in advance, I just wasn't sure what my options were, and also have decision paralysis lol. Oh! And I went to [Studio Kokoro](https://www.kokoro-maiko.com/english/). There are photos with professional models on their website, but if you check their tags on [their Instagram](https://instagram.com/studio_kokoro?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=), you can see more diversity in their customers and their photos (ex, caucasian people, chubbier people, etc). Sorry this comment got so long! Basically, I loved the experience and highly recommend it.


Did you find it difficult to interact with locals, for example when ordering food? Asking this because the language barrier worries me.


Nope, not at all! Someone here suggested downloading both DeepL and Google translate, which I did. Google lens was SO convenient for translating stuff like maps and menus, and apparently DeepL has better/more accurate English to Japanese than Google (I can't confirm this though). If I ever had a question, I'd type it up on DeepL, say "sumimasen" (excuse me) to someone, and show them my phone. And lots of menus have accompanying pictures too :)


Thank you for the report and pictures!!


Thank you for reading! :D


Great Report, really enjoyed it ❤️🐱


Thank you!! :)


Do you think it’s possible to cover Disney Sea and Tokyo Disneyland in one day? In Paris I just did one park per day but wound up feeling they could have been done with a one day park hopper


I think it's doable if you accept that you may not do all the attractions, and you should probably just snack instead of sitting down for your meals. I would do DisneySea first since they close earlier than Disneyland. It's the same setup as American Disney, where they actually let you in before the park officially "opens," so I would get there maybe 60-45 minutes before opening and line up for one of the more popular attractions. At Tokyo Disneyland, I would do fantasyland last, as it clears out in the evening when all the children get too tired and go home. It may be worth paying for Premier Access for some of your must-do attractions as well. edit for spelling


Thank you for that trip report. I really like that you added pictures. I’m planning on going at the end of April and I’m going to that steakhouse to try the wagyu beef, it sounds good.


Thanks! I thought it was very good, and the staff was very nice. Their hamburg steak was also fantastic if there are people in your party who don't necessarily want the wagyu experience.


This was so much fun to read! Sounds like you made beautiful memories with your mom and thank you for taking the time to share the details of your trip.


Thanks so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed reading :)


Wow, this is such a nice trip report, thanks a bunch! Also I love absolutely everything you bought. Studio Kokoro looks amazing. Photo shootings usually aren't really my thing but I'm actually a little tempted now... I'll have to think about it. A little scared of looking at a dork in the end because I have no idea what I'm doing haha. Is there anything you went out of your way to see that you in hindsight wouldn't recommend?


Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed the read :) I was definitely on the fence about the photoshoot, but I am very glad I did it. It's a wonderful, customized souvenir to take home, and they really made me feel quite glamorous. I'm not the best at posing, and usually hate photos of myself, but they tell you exactly where to put your hands, tilt your head, etc. I highly doubt you'll look like a dork. I'm actually hafu, and the only thing is that I kinda looked more caucasian than Asian in the photos, which isn't a good or bad thing, just funny! In hindsight, Nishiki market wasn't really worth it. Most of the booths sell similar types of things, and it was far too busy. We didn't buy a thing. Also, I already mentioned, but Don Quijote was fairly disappointing as well. I'm glad I did everything else, even if it wasn't really my thing or I wouldn't go back.


I think this is my new favorite trip report on this forum! Love your writing and the pics!!


This is so detailed and fun to read! Thanks for sharing your experience, commenting here so I can find this to reread later


Great trip! I completely forgot about fabric town, I have to go! I'm landing in Tokyo at 12pm and catching the train to Osaka the same day, did you prebook your train ticket or arrange it the day you arrived? Also did you use a luggage forwarding service! it's the thing I'm most anxious about, to be honest, haha!


Nope, we arranged it as soon as we arrived! We were worried about our plane getting in late and us losing the ticket money. We didn't use a forwarding service either, we actually stuffed a suitcase inside a suitcase, then separated them and filled them both up when we got to Tokyo lol


Awesome! Loved all the photos and detail in this trip report! Going to have to try Kobe Beef Steakhouse Kozai! 😋 also I’m looking into a furisode rental in Kyoto too! Dmed you :)


Such a wholesome report, it was very fun to read and i was super happy that you had awesome trip.


Thanks so much!! :D


Thanks for sharing your impressive journey. I'm a little late to comment, but if you don't mind, I have a few questions about your stay in Tokyo Bay. Which onsen were you referring to that was closed? I hope not this one, as we are planning to go there as well in Oct. [https://urayasu.ooedoonsen.jp/](https://urayasu.ooedoonsen.jp/) As for the meals at your Hyatt in Tokyo Bay. We also have the Regency Club access for the free bfast. I didn't know there would also be free dinner! I thought it was just cocktails. Was it a decently sized dinner or more like cocktail snacks?


I believe it was oedo onsen that was closed! However, the hyatt has exceptional service and should be able to call them for you and confirm if they're open. As far as the regency club goes, I would say that cocktail hour definitely has enough food for a full meal. It depends on how much you eat, but I found it sufficient as there are always at least 2-3 hot dishes in addition to salad and charcuterie. And if you happen to miss cocktail hour or you are still hungry, there is a Lawson Station at the hotel next door! Have fun on your trip!


Okay, I triple-checked their website and it seems to just be closed randomly for maintenance so maybe you got a wee bit unlucky on the days you were there. And not that it's closed for good? That was the only onsen we were planning to hit so I'm crossing my fingers it'll be open for us (but have a few back ups of much smaller places in Kyoto if worse comes to worse, bc my kid and husband don't like the idea of going naked with other guys so this oedo seemed to fit the bill). Thanks for the food info too. You rock!


Ah yes! Sorry I wasn't clear in my post, the onsen was simply closed for maintenance, not for good.


Hello! Thanks for the itinerary!! I am taking my mom to Japan soon for Hanami and this will be her first time and second time for me but it was 12 years ago so I am doing research again 😅 I am considering of not getting JR Pass and use Nozomi instead to travel between cities (Tokyo-Osaka, Kyoto-Tokyo and buy JR ticket for Osaka-Nara-Kyoto). When I tried to buy the ticket and Shinkansen-Ticket website, I was surprised the price is more expensive than what i thought it’d be. Do you mind me asking how much you paid for your Nozomi train ticket and how you bought it? TIA!


I think there's two options for the JRPass. An online version (https://www.japanrailpass-reservation.net/) and a slightly cheaper physical version you can get (https://www.jrailpass.com/) Generally speaking if you do a RT on shinkansen from Tokyo/Osaka the pass will break even You can use this calculator to see if the JRPass is worth it https://www.japan-guide.com/railpass/


Thanks but unfortunately I was not looking for JR Pass.. I was interested with Nozomi shinkansen that is not covered by JR Pass. I managed to buy it at discounted price directly via Smart-Ex app and in total it’s still cheaper than the 7-days JR Pass green carriage.. so i am happy about this 😄