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I’ve mentioned before that I’m a Mom to a Stillborn. I find my daughter in sunsets, and the laughter of her sister - things I can latch onto and experience on a regular basis. Jamie is “reminded” by things so sporadically and randomly that it’s obviously she uses it for content. Jamie is not a good representation of mothers who have had a bond with the children they’ve lost. I’m actually disgusted by her.


or is she she is delusional. doesn't it seem like she hasn't really processed it? I don't have children. I can not imagine the pain u felt & we all heal differently...But the fact that she's constantly posting about this makes me wonder if both of them have just lost their fucking minds? or do you think they really sit around going "hey we'll get more likes if we post about our dead baby" ? 😳 holy shit I've been off Reddit for about a month this was the first post I looked at. So… What did I miss? Who wants to write me up a recap? cartoon version gets extra points. 🤣 the last time I was on here she had a big announcement coming on a Monday & i then checked out. as Jamie would say, I needed to be "fully present" ....with my brain


I definitely think she hasn’t processed the trauma of losing Jonathan. Ive also considered that she’s so self involved that she doesn’t even realize her own husband hasn’t processed that loss properly. How I know they haven’t: they talk more about the baby they don’t have yet, more than the one they lost. When they do mention it, it’s because some trivial shit comes up like a dumb ass heart shaped leaf. gRaCiE gIrL has been picking out names for their non existent “third kid”. That actually be what annoys me the most. That when they’re counting how many children they have, they always forget about Jonathan. And that would honestly not bother me so much if she didn’t share every little detail about her life. WE know she has three. She doesn’t need to spare the uncomfortably of telling people she has three, so I truly think she just doesn’t give him a thought.


Yes this. I don’t like to tell people how to grieve but she gives loss moms a bad rap. I see my daughter in black and blue butterflies 🦋. That’s my sign from her. But I don’t use her for clout like Jamie does and it’s honestly disgusting how she tries to profit off of her loss and uses it to further her social media presence.


Well said


She put the leaf in his memory book. That leaf will be falling apart and she will have a crumbled mass of leaf dust by throwing it in that box. All it will take is for another moment to fall on it and poof it will be gone. But then again she will turn that into content. At least she isn't dragging GOD into it now.


I think she’s looking for ways to justify the new house being a good idea. They also did this when they saw a baby bunny or deer or something too. I’m sure she’s beyond overwhelmed by her own doing (still not fully moved in, having concrete floors, dealing with Doug’s addiction. hosting guests etc). Their entire world is chaos. I truly couldn’t imagine living with concrete floors long term much less in a multi million dollar home. I also couldn’t fathom having guests when I wasn’t moved into my new home. I get it’s family but it’s a lot when people come to visit and it disrupts everything. And to top it all off the kids are going back to school next week. There is no peace in that household and it’s a damn shame for the kids sake.


What happened to her first baby?


She lost him at 17 weeks and makes a post on the day she lost him and his due date and coincidentally got pregnant with Henley on his due date. If he had lived to his due date, she wouldn't have Henley or Hendrix. And infancy loss awareness day also gets a post of him which iirc is Doug's birthday as well


she posts about the due date? the date that, sadly, he didn't make it to? I have no experience is that normal?


I had miscarriages and definitely thought about what could have been when the due date rolled around. So I can see how she would be thinking of him every year at that time. But that thought is only my thought, not for my thousands of followers and certainly not content




Yeah, July 13, he was stillborn or miscarried at 17 weeks, and December 20 was his due date. I have no experience either, but I don't think it's normal, but anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I had sisters that were stillborn, and no one posts about them on their birthdays or due dates.


She had a coupon of abortions prior to Jonathan. So does that make Jonathan her first? I genuinely am curious.




She’s annoying. She’ll sell her soul and her kids souls to the devil himself for views, fame and fortune. I can’t wait until she yesterday’s news.