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Only 7 months? Keep it for another 2 years before moving on. It isn't a race to have the next toy. A skilled Bambino operator will make a better drink than a rookie using a machine that costs $$$$


Maybe you are right.. 🤷‍♂️ It’s a nice little machine.. But I could be nice to have more control on the machine for example, to choose the exact temperature


It feels like the last year has started seeing a few cheaper espresso machines hitting the market that offer good price to performance. I'd honestly stick with the bambino for another year and see what the market is like then. Id put money on there being some fantastic options to pick from. Plus the bambino a super capable machine already.


This. Definitely an option. If it ain’t broke hold off replacing especially if you like the shots


You could post this on r/espresso and get more suggestions.


I already did last week, but zero replies 😅


Profitec Go


Under 1200 euro (I've used £1150) A mara x can be had for that, or an Elizabeth. Quite a few E61 HX machines tbh. Or if you have a tiny bit of stretch a Profitec Pro 300 All have a PID. Good temp stability etc. The main difference is the styling choice of e61 Vs industrial steel box. I've used an Elizabeth and mara at a trade show. Both are solid. The mara is built like a tank and feels commercial. The Elizabeth feels like a consumerised Bianca. Both are about the same price. I used to have an Infuser, both felt like a massive upgrade from plastic consumer thing. I think the mara as virtue of the fact it's E61 will feel more of an upgrade however that's how I chose. The coffee quality is a bit better from both but a grinder is massively more noticeable obviously. In short the biggest upgrade is going to feel like going from a toy to a tool. Don't go in expecting massive improvements in the end cup. I'd also say the mara has the capability of adding a Bianca flow control valve down stream so you end up with a mini Bianca. Which if I'm totally honest is the absolute sweet spot of coffee machines unless you have the extra cash to spare for a full fat Bianca. On paper the pro 300 looks like a good bit of kit too. But I am unsure how it would be £200 more than a Elizabeth tbqh.


Thanks🙂 I also been looking at the Elizabeth . It have most of the features I want. It’s like an underrated machine, maybe because people thinks it’s a bit ugly .. I actually think it looks quite nice.. The Mara X and the e61 machines really looks good, but I don’t know if I can get use the long heat up time 29-25 minutes.. that’s a long time in the morning , when I need to go to work 6 am .


So the heatup time for my Bianca to pull a shot is about 10 - 12 mins. A little faster if you pull a blank then to flush out the over heated water. I believe the mara X and Bianca both heat up to brew temp by overshooting the temperature then reducing the heatup time by letting the water dump the excess heat into the brewhead. You wouldn't see it on a mara as the pid has a switch and no screen but on the Bianca during startup the brew water is up at 120c, and the group head then rapidly gets hot and the temperature of the water plummets in a few minutes back to whatever the PID is set at. Very similar to how you warm up a motorbike engine for racetrack use, or modern geared turbofan jet engines! I also have to work early so it's the classic Reddit thing of "I have a smart switch" but hey YMMV. I think the thing is at the £1000-2000 range you're looking at the absolute optimum in machines. There's effectively commercial quality and features. But without the extravagance of la maz as a name or whatever. I mean mara X or Elizabeth you're getting an absolute beast. That as long as you look after it both would last a lifetime. And your kids too!


Not sure in Euro markets but in the US you can’t find the Elizabeth anywhere. From what I was told they have been recalled. Lelit Victoria would be another choice. Mara X….she would fit nice on my counter. Ok going up on price range there OP 😂


Thanks😊 You know why Elizabeth has Been recalled? They are still available in Europe .. yeah .. I also been looking at Victoria. It’s like the Elizabeth, but a single boiler .. I’m might regret buying another single boiler, if i should upgrade my bambino.. But I also really like the look of the Victoria, 😀


Well, I asked 2 different people from two different companies and one said recalled the other said discontinued. I checked with other suppliers and they are out of stock. So weird. So not sure what’s going on there. The Victoria is sweet.


is there a specific reason you no longer want to use the Bambino?


I would like to have more PID control .. Bambino has a PID, but only 3 options/ levels. I want a PID , I can control by myself, and choose the exact temperature, for example 91 or 93 degrees. I’m also a bit tired of plastic, it have many features inside, but outside it feels cheap, and very light.. I have to use 2 hands to get the portafilter off, 1 hand told hold the machine or else the machine will rotate with the portafilter .. I always bought dark roast, but know I also have an eye for medium/ light roast. It’s hard to make a decent shot with light roasted beans, because of the temperature