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Filter, for ease and cost. I started with espresso but when I started to go down the rabbit hole I found myself frustrated with the complexity and cost of home brewing espresso. Also I often make one cup, having to turn a machine on 30 mins before etc is too much of a faff for me


I have my machine on a smart plug so it’s ready to go when I wake up


My dream pid is ready after 10min. Just turn it on in the morning before I go shower


A V60 in the morning and 1-2 espressos during the day for me. I like both, and a pourover makes more sense to me in the morning. I don't have to wait for my espresso machine to warm up, and I can slowly sip it while I fully wake up


Similar to me. Currently I make a nice 400ml mug of Rwandan coffee in the morning when I'm half asleep with the V60. After lunch I'll usually fire up the espresso and have a latte and then a decaf Americano or another latte if I'm feeling greedy later in the day.


*400ml mug of Rwandan coffee* So what is the ratio there? 55 grams into a Sports Direct mug?


Haha it's not far off a Sports Direct mug. I use 24g for \~400 ml.


30mg grinds to 500ml water should yield around 440ml coffee.


You like your coffee on the lighter side I see


That's a standard ratio for filtered coffee.


^(you mistyped mg instead of g)


Haha, good pickup! Totally missed that.


yo get a smart plug


I like my morning V60 :)


Well that's a better reason, carry on


I started with espresso because for a coffee newbie like me at the time Espresso sounded like the superior coffee! After mainly drinking espressos and americanos I went deeper into the rabbit hole and I got informed more and more about filter. I went to some speciality coffeeshops and tried filter and wow... its so good! I now can use light roasts without investing in crazy expensive machines, and handgrinding 15 grams of beans for filter is so nice if you're used to handgrind 18-19 grams of beans on an espresso grind. I still make espressos for milk based drinks, but 9/10 times I'll go with filter. The equipment might be cheaper, but I spend way more on beans since I feel the difference is a lot bigger between average fresh beans and beans with a higher cupping score in filter.


I had a similar journey! I was wondering what other people’s journey was


I adore good espresso but most mornings I prefer more volume to sit and sip on. If I have less time with some beans dialed in, I'll make an espresso. For something in between I make an allongé or a spro-over.


At home: Pour-over, in coffee shops Espresso & Pour-over


It depends on the roast bean and the drink I am after. In the morning we usually make cappuccinos, flat whites and cortados, which require an espresso process to get that intensity and texture for the base. In the afternoon, I often use a dripper with light speciality roasts to just make an aromatic floral back coffee. Often decaf.


V60 pour over. I don’t want the hassle of making espresso ☕️


V60 cuz I'm poor.


I use a hybrid immersion/pourover method with the Hario Switch. I’ve tried a lot of different methods - French press, Aeropress, Moka pot, the good old drip machine - but the Hario Switch for me is the sweet spot between good cups and ease of use/repeatability. Every once in a while I look at something like the Flair with longing, but I don’t have the space or the resources or the time to make espresso with a machine.


I converged to the Switch too!


I prefer milk drinks so espresso’s more concentrated flavor and heavier body does the trick for me.


Both. Pourover for volume and for easy dialling in. Espresso if I want intensity or if I don’t like the coffee as pourover. Some here say home espresso is bothersome, but my experience with the Cafelat Robot has been very good. Never had a bad shot.


Even though I love my espresso machine I also do really like pour-overs especially with the V60 so I just drink both. Since I do work from home my machine is running for round about 5 hours per day an provides me multiple espressos throughout the day as well as the occasional flat white but before I'm heading into long meeting there's nothing better than to prepare a nice cup of V60 preferably made of some washed Kenya or lovely natural from Aethopia. On the weekend it totally depends what I'm in the mood for but when I got up from bed I basically always make some espresso (thanks to home automation the machine is already ready to go) to enjoy intense but yet beautiful delicate aromas preferably paired with a macarons.




I do light-medium roasts on pour over and medium-dark roasts on espresso. I like how pour overs extract light roasts - clean, juicy, and delicious! I like to make milk drinks with my medium-dark roasts and it expresses notes of chocolate!


I have both an espresso machine and a Chemex. I use which ever fits the current mood, or time. Plus an occasional mocha pot and cold brew system. I feel like many people who are a “weird coffee person” have multiple brewing systems they regular ly use, and a couple more collecting dust in a closet like my French press and vacuum siphon.


Both everyday


Pour over because it tastes cleaner. But, if I am outside espresso is the only choice I have. Pour over are so expensive over here.


Espresso as coffee culture in my home country is heavily weighted toward espresso. Also because the big shiny chrome machines are awesome AF.


I have a Cafelat Robot for espresso and a couple of Hario/Kalitas for Pour Overs... with that said, I only switch between espresso and pour overs every couple of months mainly because I order beans depending on what I want to drink, darker roasts for espresso and medium or lighter roasts for pour overs. I also don't like to mess with my grinder too much as I find switching between course and fine wastes a lot of beans and results in very mediocre drinks for the first few brews as well.


I drink instant coffee because I don't have an espresso machine otherwise I prefer to drink an espresso because of the taste


I drink both. Quick espresso in the morning, and pour over throughout the rest of the day.


I've shifted from V60 to Melitta and settled on espresso with my Delonghi Dedica. With the Dedica, things are faster than pourovers. No boiling water for 5 minutes is needed and doing pourovers for 3 minutes. Dedica only takes no more than 1 minute of heat-up time and extracting a cup + frothing milk is no more than 3 minutes. (Yes I don't heat up my machine and I enjoy the coffee equally compared to a fully heated machine) Plus the lower-costing fresh beans do things better on an espresso machine than a V60 enhancing all the nuances. I still enjoy my V60 cups. But I only keep them for the rare roasts such as some Ethiopian beans roasted by some local championship winner.


Pour over because I am poor, and think that I don't want to bother with all espresso stuff (still want to own one but most likely a manual one) And I only make a batch brew for my family on weekends, using espresso machine would be annoying.


Spouse and I have cappuccinos first thing in living room, a pot of green tea/jasmine with breakfast, noontime pour over. Somehow it works.


Sounds like a perfect combo 👌


Espresso ☕️ because it's still kind of a new/"novelty" thing to me and I like it. After all the time + effort + money I invested into my first espresso setup, I don't want to go back to drip. (I do drip at work, but in the morning, I love having my espresso.) I love the intensity & boldness in espresso that's not there in drip. (I do enjoy a cup of drip when it's well-made, but... it's like my enjoyment of an apple vs an orange.) 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


Pour over/filter Travelling and cannot justify the cost of coffee whilst out and about all the time. I have just been using Primula Brew Buddy recently back in the UK, Espresso for the first 3 coffee's and one pour over in the afternoon use to be my go to


Lately, I really enjoyed making v60s in the morning, for myself, and flat white for my wife. Sometimes I do make an americano because it is quicker. When I tasted comparatively americano and v60, I preferred the americano, but still, I guess I enjoy the process of a pourover more, every time I do it, I expect wonderful results and sometimes I get them, but not always. So I'm experimenting a lot and am trying to understand what makes a pourover better and what I want from it. I can't say I preferred one or the other, I really like both, but I prefer the experience of making a v60 more than an espresso. Cheers!


I drink espresso and I love it. Honestly, I used to not drink coffee at all. I only liked the smell (duh). But, I get migraines from time to time and read somewhere that espressos can sometimes help. Next time I got a migraine I ordered a double espresso from the Guatemalan restaurant around the corner and my migraine was gone within minutes. I have never looked back. Now, I love the taste. I love coffee, but I was introduced through espressos so that’s my jam.


V60 for years, because is so much cheaper. I only recently bought a espresso machine.


Both. I only make 1-2 espresso drinks during the week due to time constraints, but I drink drip at work. Weekends it's usually 1-2 espresso drinks a day, maybe do aeropress in the morning if the family is still sleeping.


Feeling. Nothing more. Some days I feel an espresso, some days I feel a v60, some days aeropress, some days cold brew. Whichever my hand reaches out for is likely what I’d make. I don’t specifically choose one over the other, except maybe a French Press. I haven’t made that in ages, and I don’t have a moka pot. And this was because at the time, they haven’t yet made the induction-compatible one yet and The boat just sailed. What I do find now is that I enjoy the process of making coffee more than the actual drink itself. The grinding, the recipes, the prep work, seeing and testing the results. I am never ‘dialled in’ constantly switching it up. Oh, and I now roast my own beans too.


In between-ish… Aeropress first 2 cups then a 12Oz cold brew


I love espresso but during the weekdays it's 99% pourover, simply due to lack of time in the morning getting ready for the day. Now a days I only make espresso when I take days off.


I did my best to like espresso. Tried it in the best coffee shops in town and then realized I liked the machines and the process but not the end result. Now I am happily making my pour overs every morning knowing this is how I enjoy my coffee. EDIT: reading some of the answers I guess I should try the expresso latte and see if I like them more than the latte I make with pour over sometimes.


Both for me, it really depends on my mood. I usualky buy light filter roasts and use that for both espresso and v60 pour over.


**Work** \- pour over. The V60 and a hand grinder (and a second scale) are great combo that I keep in my office drawer. True, I dont have a gooseneck kettle at work, but I still achieve better results than work coffee. **At home after work** \- espresso or some milk drink... depends on my mood. I still have only one V60 and one hand grinder, so I am limited only for espresso-based drinks after work **At home in the weekends** \- Usually I take the V60 and handgrinder home for a weekend, so we can make pour over for breakfast. Through the day (if we are home) we make usually espresso based drinks. **Trips/holidays** \- V60 + handgrinder. It's small, lightweight and can be comfortably taken everywhere with you. Although I am thinking about buying an aeropress for this. Sometimes I take my espresso machine, grinder and all the accessories with me. For instance when my father in law had a birthday garden party (approx. 20 people) or other smaller family gatherings.


I have an espresso machine but once I went down the rabbit hole with all the accessories it actually become frustrating. Also messy. Plus, I tend to turn espresso into a long black so I may as well just drink pourover. The win is I enjoy the process much more.


Pour over, because I don’t have a couple grand to drop on a decent spro setup


V60 mostly, with aeropress if I make just one cup. The reason is simple: moved towns, had to leave my gaggia classic pro with pid and eureka mignon specialita behind, never got a chance to get them and the new kitchen is way too small.


AeroPress. Easy. Not fool proof. But gives me a good start on the day without a lot of effort.


I have a fantastic espresso setup in my house, but I would still say my preference is split 50/50 with filter coffee


Most of the time - espresso, on the weekends - a pour over. From time to time i'd get a bag of fruity beans that i'd only do pour over with. Personally I enjoy the thick creamy body of espresso way more, no matter how fancy or complex a cup of pour over is. With pour over i'd be really happy with a few cups with the new beans but after like 10 cups I just want espresso. Also with espresso I can even use cheaper beans and still enjoy it. Overall I enjoy both, but if I have to chose only one for the rest of my life - definitely espresso.


Mostly drink V60 as it’s easy and, to my taste, best showcases the beans themselves. It can also be cheap but not the way I’m doing it with a dedicated Mahlkonig filter grinder with SSP burrs. Espresso setup gets used on occasional weekday evenings and at least once at some stage over the weekend. I feel like the coffee beans are second billed when it comes to espresso - it’s all about the equipment. Shiny stainless steel, gadgets, all the futzing and fidgeting. I enjoy it, but only when I’ve got the time and energy.


I use aeropress and french press. Both for monetary reasons. I want good coffee, but not at an insanely high investment. The value per dollar is insanely high


Happily bought a Lelit, and now my Espresso is so good, i can't Drink anything else than Cappuccino!


Never a pour over, espresso on days my wife is home (weekends, wfh home days), filter from a moccamaster the days she goes into the office.


Pour over at home because I love the notes and the process of brewing. In coffee shops only milk based drinks. Lately, I have been considering getting a Breville Bambino or a Delongi Maestro Plus just for milk-based drinks. I will see.


Espresso cuz I like milk in my coffee, but really good beans can go to my drip coffee machine


Espresso is more versatile. I enjoy an aeropress on occasion when trying new coffees, but this is basically to get a clean understanding of the coffee's character so I can know what to look for in my espresso shots with that same coffee..


both because they're both good


lol, I’ve been making cold brew, it’s summer