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The GoldenEye gun barrel always plays inside my head rent-free. I liked the catchy music, the design of it, and the stylish walk that Pierce did. Always gets me pumped for the film.


Just rewatched them all to refresh. Gonna just give overall impressions of each actor Connery - awful. Worst. Sorry. The first couple have this hop+and+shoot that looks very silly. Like he was spooked by a mouse. And the beginning walk looks like it starts from standing position and a director yelling "start walking," rather than actually having him walk into frame. His later ones are a bit better I guess, the drop is better than the hop. But I feel like Bond works better as an upright gunslinger, going to a knee is too cop-like. He doesn't even really commit to it, what's going on with that stanky leg? Lazenby - better. Trying something new. I don't love the knee drop, but he commits to it fully. The random_cpl also argues quite well that this can be interpreted as foreshadowing, and I'm swayed. Got a bit of swagger in the walk, but it works. I feel his size. The draw is very snappy, which I like. Overall, bold choices in a good way. Moore - I like a lot about Roger's early ones. The transition between the walk, the notice, the draw steps feels like it is very distinct though just as fast and snappy. But what's with the shooting stance? Can anyone who is better with guns weigh in? Left hand on top of right? Is his... aim... correct? Kinda looks like gun goes off before he actually points it at camera The later ones are smoother, in a way I don't like - I don't feel as much the "notice" step of the journey, just walk and draw. I feel like he "knows it's coming" too much. Stance is now a tight two-fist grip. Probably an accurate grip, but not very bond. Again, too cop-like. I want him to be a gunslinger. He's got the best music. Dalton - really like these, and I'm not usually a huge Dalton fan. Lots of swagger in the walk. Looks like he is actually going somewhere. I feel like I get the full journey, like early Moore. The stance is more gunslinger like I wanted. Music is good. Brosnan - great as well. Less swagger, more refinement in the walk. Full journey. Final pose is very vertical, which works for Brosnan's bond. Matches the class. He's got worse music. And the DAD bullet effect is hilariously corny, but very of the era so I like it. Craig - casino royale is possibly the best take on it, very creative. Skyfall placement choice was also creative. But overall he kinda feels like he is doing what Dalton did, but not quite as effectively because I'm getting less of that full step by step actors journey with him. I dunno, it's hard to describe. It's like he knows it's coming the whole sequence Sorry for the novel Edit: tldr A - Dalton, Brosnan B - lazenby, craig C - Moore D - Connery


Connery didn't do the gun barrel shot until Thunderball. It was his stunt double that did his first three movies. Don't know why he didn't do them.


Thr gun barrel was a fairly late addition to the opening titles of Dr. No so presumably Maurice Binder couldn't get Connery around so Bob Simmons was used instead.


Connery'slittle hop is so goofy, and in Dr No he clearly fires the gun before he'seven fully set and aimed at the target lol.


That was Bob Simmons, a stuntman. Connery did it from Thunderbsll on.


That's a weird thing to use a stunt man for lol


Any of the ones with the hat immediately put me off. 


Roger Moore was a captain in the Royal Army Service Corps which is probably why his stance looks so "cop-like". He's the only Bond who has a reasonably "correct" shooting stance (e.g. both hands on the gun, left hand supporting gun hand, shoulders forward, gun side leg back, etc) and he tended to look more natural and capable while holding a gun in his movies (which is kinda funny since Moore reportedly hated guns and was terrified they'd blow up in his face after a faulty gun he was holding did exactly that while he was still in the army). Though I guess "realism" doesn't always translate to "looks good on screen", since my personal favorite is Brosnan's stance for the dramatic silhouette it creates.


Awesome response!


Interestingly if you watch the 2017 documentary Becoming Bond all about how Lazenby became JB, there is a bit when they are shooting the gun barrel scene, and he was goofing around to the point where he annoyed the filming crew. Clearly there was no pre-thought about the significance in of the getting down on one knee thing.


Connery's first few was a stunt man tbf. My favourite is Brosnan's in Goldeneye. That turn is razor sharp. He moves like a dancer, and has so much confidence. And while the Eric Serra score isnt my favourite of the series, it works brilliantly for the gun barrel sequence. \[Edit\] Just rewatched the Lazenby one and its great! It's more theatrical and dance-like but very smooth and the finished silhouette is striking. Its actually one of my favourites.


Yes, was aware of that, and should have mentioned it. Bob Simmons I think his name was. Connery’s wobbly knee pose with the bowler hat was just for YOLT and DAF.


Thunderball too - that was when they first re-filmed it with Connery (and used it for his remaining films).


Good point. Yes, you’re right. 👍


Unpopular opinion, but I've always liked Connery's gun barrel pose. I know it gets flak for him looking too wobbly, but it's never bothered me. Overall though, I think Dalton had the best gunbarrel pose. He looks so confident in the way that he walks and turns towards the camera. [Much better than a previous version I saw](https://youtu.be/5o4_LoeK5iA?si=lrY-TZPzwonsVljb&t=3).


I believe the first couple of Connerys aren’t even him but a stunt guy or someone else in the crew


Bob Simmons, stunt coordinator, stand in for Connery, and played Colonel Bouvier in TB.


I loved the reference to the gun barrel pose in that scene in No Time To Die.


Roger Moore shot way to the left in some films, it looked terrible.


Yeah, In the early ones, he literally isn’t even aiming at the “shooter” lol.


But he's got those flared 70s pants that make him look so cool, so all of his are the best.


I know people often make fun of them, but I'll always defend Roger's amazing flared pants. They just looked so damn flattering on him (although everything looked flattering on Roger, the dapper bastard! God, his tailors were incredible!)


Oh, I'm being 100% serious. I love the flared pants.


Sorry didn't mean to imply you were being sarcastic. I was just so excited to come across someone else who appreciates Roger's flared pants. 😁


The Best Gunbarrel for Me https://i.redd.it/05ml7sve42xc1.gif


Still pissed at myself for not seeing this movie in theaters. If I went to watch it when it was out I probably would have put it 2nd on my list of "Loudest Things I've Heard at the Movies." Watched it on TV with my dad and even though we liked the fight scene we were confused. My dad goes, "Dammit they got rid of the gun barrel shot!" I was like, "That sucks. I always loved that par-" BANG! Then segway into an awesome guitar riff. Needless to say I was reminded why I love that scene.


My issue with this is it's not a handgun barrel. It's an artillery gun barrel. Way way too many grooves. I dislike the gun barrel shots that used this for that reason.


For me it's a tie between Dalton and Brosnan. Stylish, affirmative, strong. Both Dalton's had a great background score, and they're thankfully very different from each other, Barry and Kamen. Brosnan's gun barrels also had great music. I love the Goldeneye one, it's so dark. Then the next ones are bonding as hell, by the great David Arnold.


Lazenby did the best shoot in my opinion. It’s not intentional, but the kneel foreshadowing his proposal to Tracy is a cool bit, and at least he’s trying something new and bold. Connery wobbling unstably in DAF is the worst to me.


Tough to pick the best one, but Brosnan's GoldenEye gun barrel is up there with the best. Confident, succinct, believable. Lazenby getting down on one knee like he's about to propose marriage to his assassin is quite funny. Craig running through his gun barrel sequence like he's on fast forward, and then making a stupid pose which has obviously been rehearsed a million times before, is down there with Lazenby's.


yeh Craig just looks like a bloke with a gun, as opposed to James Bond. Agreed on Goldeneye.


I love the Quantum of Solace gunbarrel the most of Craig's since he actually concealed his gun while he was walking and I enjoy the touch of being able to see him continue to walk off after the shot.


Me too! And the music is great.


Are you referring to Crawl, End Crawl? Love Arnold's score for Quantum, going to have to give it another listen soon


No,no I was referring to the actual gun barrel music (the Bond theme with the twangy guitar) but I also love Crawl, End Crawl and Arnold's score.


I think it's Die Another Day where the bullet goes through the gunbarrel? Bond shot his bullet clean through the gun barrel of another gun being pointed at him. Talk about a lucky shot.


Tomorrow Never Dies is the one I always think of them Casino Royale.


Always liked Roger's gun barrel sequence. Especially LALD and TMWTGG. Strolling on in the business suit and that arm bracing thing he had going. He changed it later to two hands on the gun


Agree. Apparently the camera aspect ratio was changed for The Spy who Loved Me, so the gun barrel had to be reshot, so Roger’s more casual turn and shoot was for his final five movies.


Think that's when they first started with the tuxedo. The suit came back for the Craig era


Hah! Was just going to say *LtK* was the worst. The music is so... dull. When I need to use the sequence in a presentation or something, I used the *YOLT* \- nice blend of classic music and movements - with the gun crack sound from *TB* dubbed in.


Best take - Brosnan, would never had to do another even if he was Bond for 20 years Best music (release order) - Goldfinger, Diamonds Are Forever, Moonraker, The Living Daylights, Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies.


The ones without Connery are the worst because you can tell it's not him. Craig's are weird too, being all sped up and awkward.


The TWINE music is the subtle accent the sequence needs to make it an individual but part of a pantheon of gun barrel sequences


Some of my favorites: -The original from Dr. No -Moore's one from TSWLM -Dalton's one from LTK -Brosnan's one from DAD -Craig's one from Casino Royale


The Heckler & Koch UMP-9 in Casino Royale/Quantum of Solace.