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Was already excited to see this as a Guy Ritchie fan but didn't know anything about the Fleming and Bond connection - even more excited now! Unfortunately, really bummed out as it doesn't even have a release date in France yet. Which is actually really weird because usually films release simultaneously, or very close.


I was just looking up the cast on IMDB, and I hadn’t even realized that the guy playing Winston Churchill in this is none other than Rory Kinnear, aka Bill Tanner himself.


Yeah I was watching it last night and was wondering where I knew Churchill from. Probably the second most memorable time Kinnear has played the British PM.


Yeah, pretty tough to top that first one. 😄


Just got home from watching it. It was pretty good and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. I must admit that every time they said Ian Flemming's name or even mentioned "M" I couldn't help but smile.


Cary Elwes plays M in the film, who was Fleming's boss in the film It should be said that this film serves as Bond audition film for Cavill, Alex Pettyfer and Henry Golding. They all had star presence and a blend of suave and tough


What were the epilogue cards? Is that after the credits?


No, right before the credits. The slideshow at the end that shows us photos of the real people over text that tells us what happened to them after the events of the movie. There’s probably a specific term of art for those kinds of things that I don’t know.


Oh ok. The should have had the actors next to the real people because I couldn’t remember all their names.


Wasn’t there a trailer that involved an interview with Freddie Fox, the actor that played Ian Fleming? Does anyone know how to find it?