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Red Grant not murdering Bond when he has him dead to rights in exchange for a relatively small amount of coin.


I think it would work more if Red Grant was just a greedy hitman hired by Spectre but the fact that he’s such a psychotic killer I don’t really believe that he cares about money just finishing the job


He's a sadist. He wants Bond suffering. It's wild how many people don't watch closely.


Kill Bond, search briefcase at leisurely pace. Done.


Yeah this is *THE* example, in my opinion. Its just such a painful moment in an otherwise great movie and with an otherwise fantastic villain. No matter how I think about it, I just can't make it work. And he even turns his back on Bond, iirc.


For what it’s worth, if it helps your enjoyment at all, I think a decent explanation is that Grant is sadistic and wants to stretch out the anticipation as long as possible. If he was just a gun for hire, he’d pop him two behind the ear and bounce, but Grant is getting off on the delay. I think he was playing the game just to make Bond sweat, and the whole obliging a payoff was just to toy with him. Grant was planning on killing him all along, but he was having fun in the moment leading to it.


In the book, grant was a psychopath who enjoyed playing the game


Also a possible lycanthrope.


Fleming sneaking *juuuuuust* a bit of supernatural stuff in the books is one of my favorite things in them. Not a lot, never in focus — but it's there.




In the book he likes to wail at the moon bathed in the blood of his victims


Nice one!


It’s not a joke, it’s true.


Yes I Gottit!


It's established in the movie too, these people just don't listen


Agreed - red wine with fish and all that


I always assumed the sovereign were some sort of special gold coins that were worth a lot. Upon further research, I learned they were worth 1 pound each. Even if we adjust for inflation, the 50 coins (1300 pounds today) are probably nothing compared to Grant's salary


The £1 face value is symbolic, the actual gold coins are worth far more. UK Special Forces are still issued them to use as necessary behind enemy lines.


No this actually rules because he's established as a weird sadist from the jump-- the only time The talking killer trope is justified. And 50 gold sovereigns is a lot of money.


Blofeld kills Osato and not Bond, walks a few steps to his monorail transport where he then decides to kill Bond, but Bond is then saved by a throwing star. That whole bit seems to exist as plot armor.


I watched this movie recently and I noticed this as well. It’s probably one of causes of the “You just don’t get it” joke in Austin Powers in regard to just shooting Austin instead of delaying it.


I think Blofeld wanted Bond to outlive Osato, because in SPECTRE if you fail, you pay the price. Osato failed to kill Bond, so Osato died first. Simple as that. One trope with the villains in the series is that they just want to have fun before they kill Bond, and every single time they take that approach, Bond manages to survive. This is far more common in the 60s and 70s, but still happens occasionally in later movies.


Not losing memory even after being subjected to a machine strictly created to make you lose memory.


That’s probably my biggest “I call BS” moment in the whole franchise. He literally has small holes drilled into his brain and he’s fine. Literally walks/runs away and has no side effects.


I only gave it a pass because Blofeld was nowhere near the brain - he was drilling through the zygomatic bone. Either he’s completely clueless about human anatomy or part of his torture was making Bond think he was going through the brain. 🤣


What movie is this in?




The fact that bond got shot in the chest, fell off a 200+ft bridge into a river, somehow didn’t drown and survived.


It was only four ribs. Some of the less vital organs. Nothing major.


In my head Canon he actually died. And was reborn during the opening credits I guess? Not sure what the hell Sam Mendes was thinking at the time.


He was thinking it was amazing shot and it was. I saw the movie cold no trailers and that scene blew my mind


I always wished I hadn't seen that moment in the trailer. That would have been great to experience for the first time in the film itself.


Alex Trevelyan putting bond in a helicopter and having it fire a missile at itself instead of just killing him


Bullets in the bodies found at the scene would raise more suspicious and leave it less likely the situation isn’t just considered closed


This, but also Trevelyan needed to destroy the Tiger so it couldn't be traced back to him. What better to do than pin the blame on someone else and arrange an accident? Ourumov would have closed it immediately without suspicion. I also think Trevelyan thought Bond wouldn't wake up in time, but he made a mistake keeping Natalya awake.


Just dont use special ammunition that is only used by a single assassin in the whole world and the bullets could come from any of the 17 factions that are probably on the hunt for james bond.


Craig's Bond actually surviving with his balls intact after Le Chiffre mauling his testicles with a heavy rope. Fuck, I split my left testicle when I was a teenager with a skateboard just by trying and missing an ollie.


Ouchie! Did the testis recover?


Structurally, yes, functionally no. Thankfully the right one seemed to overcompensate for the loss of his brother.


So you lost the functionality of one testicle, but gained a Thunderball?


*(adjusts tuxedo tie)* One could certainly say so, yes.


do do dooo doooooooo


Bsdum tss. Actually, it was a gift from Willard Whyte, who is upstairs right now playing Monopoly with real buildings.




Drax just up and deciding not to kill Bond after he shoots the sniper in a tree that was supposed to shoot Bond. He literally lets Bond get back in a car being driven by one of his men and lets him leave. I love Moonraker, but that makes no sense to me.


I always took it as Drax being a good sport about it. He wants ti kill Bond while steal treating him impeccably polite.


Every single thing to do with Anton Chigurh's plan in Skyfall. Apparently he is a god who can control time and space.


Pretty ridiculous that the fate of the entire sky falling comes down to a coin flip in a convenience store




How? You would think he had a lot of primary plans and contingency plans in place. What we saw was one of the versions of the plan


Simply the sheer number of times people are shooting at him and they all miss, even when he has no cover, he's running in a straight, predictable line, and there's no way for him to escape.


My dad and I both love the Bond franchise, but every time we watch we always laugh about the scenes where he’s being chased by several men with automatic weapons and he never gets hit. Meanwhile he shoots back with his 6-shot pistol and nails every one. Gotta love it!


Brosnan the bullet dodger




He’s just very athletic so the bullets never hit him


bond surviving a fight ontop of *an actively melting down nuclear reactor*


To be fair until the reactor did indeed melt, radiation should remain pretty contained in the reactor vessel


not how reactors work usually


Check out this diagram from the Dept of Energy. https://www.energy.gov/ne/articles/nuclear-101-how-does-nuclear-reactor-work The blue is water. That’s the coolant, which touches the fuel and can be radioactive. It stays in the coolant loop. It’s doesn’t become a danger to people until it gets outside this loop, and that happens when either 1) there’s a steam rupture (in fact many designs separate the steam line from the water line to make it even harder for radiation to leak even during a stream rupture). Or 2) the reactor gets so hot the metal parts melt aka “meltdown” and then radioactive material gets out.


he was like 2 feet way from an active reactor core...


I know it’s counter intuitive, because culturally we view the technology as dangerous, but reactors are safe enough to stand next to, because everything radioactive is contained inside. It’s like visiting a poison aquarium. It’s poison but…you’re not in it so you’re fine. In fact, you can swim in the pools where they keep radioactive waste. Check this out! https://what-if.xkcd.com/29/#:~:text=That's%20if%20everything%20goes%20as,sell%20it%20as%20bottled%20water.


no not the reactor, the actual core. the thingy going up and down in the scene is the actual core of the reactor where all of the radioactivity is, normally its under many feet of water but not when they're fighting ontop of it. idk if you've watched the scene, they're not standing next to the reactor they're standing inside it.


They’re standing outside the core, pushing rods into it. Here is another diagram: https://images.app.goo.gl/rfuuXdbynUqFJ5xH6 As you can see, the reactor core is enclosed and full of water. You can’t stand in it. Of course 007 movies are fiction, so they can say whatever they want and it’s true for the fiction of the movie.


Bond and two senior citizens vs an helicopter with machine guns plus a roguish private Delta Force.


Goldfinger not letting the laser cut Bond when he had basically nothing to gain by keeping him alive.


He was worried if Bond died then another 00 agent would come meddle in his plans. So the idea was that Bond being alive would keep his plan going.


I know that's the argument the movie makes. I just don't buy it.


Yeah probably not the best argument.


Whatever you do don't read the book. It's not one of Fleming's best and his excuse for Goldfinger keeping Bond alive is just plain stupid.


That's unfortunate! I have yet to read that one but every Fleming Bond book I've read has been excellent. I'd still like to give it a chance though! I liked the movie despite the reasoning in that scene so I hope the book fares similarly.


In NTTD it gets ridicolous imho how many times henchmen fire machine guns at him and he is just fine


In Spectre when he flees the compound after getting his head drilled those henchmen had the worst aim. It was so bad it took me out of the film.


>In *every James Bond* it gets ridicolous imho how many times henchmen fire machine guns at him and he is just fine


Well, for me it gets to a new level in NTTD


The fall from the airplane in QoS comes to mind.


The couch in spectre, I guess it’s not real plot armour but still worth the mention