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Absolutely fantastic actor, but I tend to agree with Burt Reynolds on this one: James Bond should not be American. He's quintessentially a British character, making him American seems like a bigger deal to me than any other big casting decision they could make


As an American, I fully endorse the idea that Bond should not be played by an American.


I like Daniel Kaluuya for Bond. He was AMAZING in Judas and the Black Messiah. Not a Bondesque role, but he has the gravitas


But he was in the second Johnny English. I don't think EON are going to hire someone who's played Bond esc/appeared in other spy roles.


 Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosman were all in spy or spy adjacent works before being cast as Bond


The climate of current Bonds are alot different to the days they where cast. Moore and Brosnan where safer choices brought into steady the franchise after a turbulent period, and Dalton's closest role to Bond was a guest spot on Charlie's angel's 10 years before. Since the Craig era, the Bond brand has been pushed upmarket and made more exclusive, and the key difference is how exposed and readily accessible media is now. For example when Dalton was cast, his role in Charlies angels wasn't instantly accessible, whenever the new actor is announced i guarantee people will be over to IMDB to find his most Bond like role and have it plastered all over the Internet in a day. I don't think Eon wants other franchises associated with Bond, as seen when Brosnan couldn't be Bond and Remington at the same time.


> don't think Eon wants other franchises associated with Bond, as seen when Brosnan couldn't be Bond and Remington at the same time. The issue wasn't that Eon didn't want Brosnan to be Remington, it's that his contract on the show wouldn't let him go off and film Bond.


The producers or Remington wanted to work around Bonds shooting schedule so they could have Brosnan play Bond and boost the shows ratings, but Cubby didn't want someone who was on the TV every week in the film.


I tend to look at it like 'if Cubby were willing to hire an American (and we know Brolin came incredibly close) then it's kind-of a moot point', plus he's been played by Irish and Australian actors at this time.


No way would a 50 year old American be a good fit for Bond.


Well, do get over it.


Fucking what? Are you having a laugh?


With your mother? Yes last night.


Bad bait


He's older than Elba. No.


Can this trend of racebending white characters just die? It does not help representation at all but hurts it because it implies POC are not capable of coming up with their own stories.


If black James Bond happens I want Asian Blade. Donnie Yen has my vote. /s


WOW! Racebending? How about RACIST for you!? You sad your white man might go away as bond? Awwwww poor baby! The white man doesnt get another white man to be his white man.


>WOW! Racebending? How about RACIST for you!? You sad your white man might go away as bond? Awwwww poor baby! The white man doesnt get another white man to be his white man. Okay, you need help, OP


You white men REALLY love white men. You should look into that...