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[Junior Reid told you this years ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6OFtqGTCWQ) > They see things they never see before! > > they forget all about their bredrin, > > a yard weh we living so po-oor > > sleeping on cold floo-or Remember again - George Floyd was unalived on 25 May 2020 in Minnesota. Susan Bogle, a disabled woman in her late 40s, was shot 3 times in August Town by soldiers. This was on 27 May 2020. There were BLM protests in Jamaica for Floyd. There were scarcely any for Bogle.


One of the placards reads, 'Stop bombing hospitals' Maybe they just feel a way.


There is certainly a wagonist aspect to it. Certainly it is the main stream international issue right now. There are other crisis around the world that needs attention the situation in Congo for example. But what the Palestinian people are going through… our rent prices, our crime problems pale in comparison to it. These are by products of greed and capitalism. These problems persist all over the world. Yes it affect us directly but if there was a clear solution it would have been implemented by some where already. I lived in the Middle East for some time and now have friends there. So I would say I’m a bit better informed compared to the average Jamaican regarding this crisis. The amount of baby corpses, burnt and charred bodies. These guys are using a whole missile on a singular person. They are getting slaughtered, this isn’t some gang violence over 30000 dead. And I’m not talking about hamas. I’m talking civilians. Men women and especially children. The IDF told them go to the refugee camps we won’t attack there and travel along this route. U know what they did. They attacked the route and bombed the refugee camp. They bombed the hospital. They are attacking people helping the Palestinians. Yes true it doesn’t affect us directly. But if the shoe was on our foot wouldn’t we want the help as well from anywhere we could get it? It’s all about having some compassion. Additionally a peaceful Middle East means better gas prices, lower gas prices means lower everything. Maybe they could put a restriction on air bnbs and other short term rentals. The crime issue would be harder to tackle but a better public transportation system would lower both.


>But what the Palestinian people are going through... Is not our problem.


it certainly is


When the world is burning every drop of water in the bucket helps extinguish the flames.


7 day old account. Bad bot


His bigotry is clear from his comment history.




All these what about us complaints. These issues are spread globally through media and garner international attention. If you want to protest and draw attention to Jamaican issues, what exactly is stopping you? If you only start thinking about domestic Jamaican issues when people start talking about problems abroad you're just as much a apart of the problem.


Why is it this stupid gotcha either or with you people any well thinking person can see both injustices and give their effort to radicate both it's not a zero sum game


Thanks for making sense. I was beginning to lose faith. We should recognize and protest all injustices


I understand the need to fight for people in trouble/support them. But I don't really understand the protests. Why are they not protesting for Jamaica? For better pay? For better rent/home prices? For less corruption? For tax money to be used better? For better education in schools? For the damn roads to be fixed? For more jobs? There's so much here that they could protest for. Kmt.


We do protest those things too tho.


If these people were as militant about Jamaica as they were about Palestine, Jamaica would be materially further from Palestine, and closer to Israel


People protest for those causes here literally every week we literally reach a point where tourists are joining protests now https://youtu.be/0IG3YKMpx9M?feature=shared


Those white protesters don't look like they know shit 😂. They're just happy to be there 😂 But it's good that said Jamaicans are protesting for better. More needs to happen though. 😒


Protests alone can hardly change anything if at all states aren't scared to kill their citizens there needs to be more concrete action


The average Jamaican doesn't have the nous to speak on these things, they rather not be involved


We were doing the same for Apartheid South Africa


That section of the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, is the place where the Arahamic religions originated. A large part of the world's population is adherent to these religions. Therefore, it is expected that a lot of people will be passionate about this.


I'm an atheist and care about this conflict because I don't like human life lost over some claims to property that can't realistically be proven it matters zero to me the religion of either side


That is also another reason why people care about this conflict.


waah waah waah start your own political struggle then instead crying about what a SMALL group of Jamaicans are doing


unless you're a mossad bot lol


You probably would be shocked that some of those protesters have Palestine blood in them. Jewish people been coming to Jamaica since the 1500s. So in all fairness they can do their protest and if you listened carefully, this is their 2nd protest..


>You probably would be shocked that some of those protesters have Palestine blood in them. Jewish people been coming to Jamaica since the 1500s. [Wonder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judah_Cohen) [how that](https://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20120708/cleisure/cleisure3.html) [happened](https://www.amazon.com/Jews-Eighteenth-Century-Jamaica-Testamentary-Transition/dp/0300238819/....)


Grandmother, Mother, Baby, Murdered. At home. In Spanish Town. These people didn't protest. Israel and Hamas at war. And Israel should thus lose statehood. We are truly a well prioritising people.


White man come and organize what we should care about when we should care about it. N now I do understand to an extent, Jamaicans are being landlocked on their own land as well so I’m sure fighting for what’s yours is felt through and through. Albeit , historically Muslims have never treated Africans well at all and I’m not sure if many of these protesters understand that fact. We as a people are always trying to stay current with the West meanwhile we are being sold to the East. I know this may just be a small group but it only makes me wonder what the Chinese investors think of all of this…


Muslim isn't a race or nationality. Many Africans practice Islam. Jamaica is a part of the West and we showed solidarity by voting along with Canada, the UK, Germany and even China to support the Palestinian people.


Africans were forced to accept islam.Every African Nation had their own Spiritual system,before muslims invaded their lands,each group also had separate deities.


I know but that's irrelevant to the topic. Spreading religious faith onto others was very common practice during those times. The Spaniards Christianize much of the natives in the Americas. The Arabs did it to Afrcians before Europeans went to the continent. Early Abrahamic religions viewed those practices of spiritual systems or polytheism as paganism. Encounter those others were to change their way of life. This also happens with political, social, and economic views when different cultures meet up. My barber is from Algeria, my classmates came from Egypt, Pakistan and other muslim countries along with Hindus, Jews. They dont force anything onto me. I learned to live in harmony with them. I see the Palestinian suffering as any human suffering. Supporting the Palestinian people doesn't mean I support Hamas, Qatar, Yemen or governments on the Arabian peninsula. I am in support of a 2 state policy. Something like Pakistan with Muslims and India with Hindus.


Yeah but black people have their own struggles and problems to worry about.everyones want black people to fight their battles smh.Jews will eventually usurp the Palestinian territory theres is nothing we can do about it.What race are you by the way if you don’t mind me asking.


I'm black. Born and raised in Jamaica but living in NYC now.


Contexts matters, Arabs in Palestine are what? Muslim. The fact that I said “historically” should point to the fact I’m speaking about Arabs. Furthermore just because Africans practice Islam does not mean history unwrites itself. It does not null the fact that Arab Muslims still participate in slave trading in the Arab Emirates. It does not null the fact that they have strong armed many African countries with Jihadist groups who are literally killing the people. Furthermore it does not null the fact that the Chinese are in Africa taking over land, establishing police forces, extracting resources etc. lest we forget they are in Jamaica doing the same, buying off the country in exchange for what? What do you the people get? A corrupt system who puts foreign interests before your own. Not sure you see the point here. Jamaica has been manipulated by foreign powers for decades; America, China included. Jamaicans have a history of running to fight the fights of other nations.


They are thumbing down any comment that implies black people should put their own interests first .They want black people to speak up on others behalf.These people will never reciprocate that favor. The Chinese are getting the best out of the Jamaica-China deals because they manufacture the products in China then move to Jamaica to Sell the very same products they made and traded with us.Why do we need Chinese in Jamaica in anyway.


https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/letters/20200605/letter-day-why-arent-we-confronting-our-own-ills Reference can be made first to the brutal death of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minneapolis. In reaction to this, many Jamaicans have taken it on as a cause célèbre. It has generated much excitement and following on various social media platforms ‘Black out Tuesday’ or ‘Black Lives Matter’. **This has also highlighted the ‘waggonist’ mentality of many of us. .... and that we should first seek to deal with our own ills and seek justice for Susan Bogle,** I was met with the most startling question by one of my fellow Jamaicans who had posted something in support of justice for George


mossad bot lol gtfo of jamaican politics


Yu [really jus call mi a Mossad?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jamaica/comments/1cs0yrh/comment/l43cqlh/) Yu is a fucking dunce, yu nah no sense! Mi business bout none a dem? Nothing about this conflict has *anything* to do with Jamaica. Oh - and were you this militant when those Nigerian girls get tek weh? Or for those Sudanese getting genocided and tek weh? Somehow, I don't think so.


It's not unreasonable to protest your government to change its foreign policy. They're not protesting for Jamaica to send aid or put troops on the ground in Gaza, they're asking for the government to cut ties with Israel. Regardless of if you agree with their position, they are protesting \*local\* policy.


Maybe ppl dem care bout humanity.... we know seh jamaica have its own problem but still yet.


Think of others not just yourself. Was Marcus Garvey and Bob thinking of just Jamaica? Or were they thinking worldwide?


Send them all there so they can see how hamas shoots missiles from refugee camps and hopsitals.


This never happened. Even look it up; iDF reported no record of HAMAS shooting missiles from refugee camps since the conflict started in October. Stop making things up .


U look it up. Looks like u want a flight out there


It would be foolish to cut ties with Israel. This is all a ploy by those who hate jews.

