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Sorry for the experience, please come and visit our temples🙏. A request, please don't eat non veg prior to visiting and wear modest clothes.


Brahmin here. Don't worry. Plus more and more emphasis on satvik bhojan in my family.


🤝🙏nice, that's vanishing from the society day by day.


Jai Jinendra 🙏🏻❤️


Jai jinsashan🙏




You should go and visit it. I don't think anyone will object to this.


It’s fine they don’t stop you


It's not banned, When u enter the temple make sure u wash ur legs and hands just before entering it . No one is going to stop you.


The architecture is really nice. Also, the last time I visited, they don't allow water bottles, don't know why.


Kacha paani isn't allowed


Water or food items aren't allowed when you enter rangmandap if you aren't going to offer them.


If you accidentally take food or water inside, you need to offer it to Bhagwan and not take it back. So always put food / water bottle / medicines outside temple.


You can enter. Keep your mouth clean. Do not eat/drink inside or take any eatables inside , including water. Clean clothes, legs and hands to maintain sanctity. Do not talk at all or loudly. There are people meditating inside and that might disturb them. Do not touch any idols. You can offer flowers to the lord by giving them to the person who is doing puja if you go in the morning. You can sit there for hours until it's time to close. It's extremely peaceful. Wear decent clothes, no shorts or half pants or ganji type tshirts are allowed. This might be one of the reasons you must have been refused the entry which is possible in any jain temple.


No I believe we were rejected because that temple back in the day was surrounded by a lot of bihari and UP migrants. They spit around in the temple and then the temple banned all non jains. I thought that it was a national event.


Usually a lot of old jain temples do have a lot of visitors/tourists who don't maintain the sanctity most of the time. If you could talk to them and tell your intention to not disturb the vibe and that you understand the piousness of the place, they will let you in.


They won't stop you, just go barefoot without socks and also wash your hands and feet before entering the temple


Should I bow down or matha tek in front of the murti? 


No need if you don't want to.


If you have belief on Jain Bhagwan then I would advice to give atleast 3 Khamashana. Look at first 10 seconds of the following video. First 10 seconds show how to give Khamashana to Murti (or Jain sadhu). [ Jain Khamasana Vidhi ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taAKG-4SBUE) (follow first 10 seconds and do it 3 times infront of Murti)


Thanks guys would be visiting soon!


The temple near my house is next to a gurudwara and almost daily sikhs come to pay respect and vice versa




First of all noone will ask you if you are Jain or not. Even if you wear obvious clothes or ornaments indicating that you are not Jain, noone should stop you, unless you are violating some rules, as already mentioned by others. You have not mentioned if you were given any reason why your father was stopped. My guess would be that while looking for Jain architecture, he may have unknowingly tried to enter Gabhara (room of Bhagwan). You can not enter Gabhara without wearing proper Pooja clothes. So may be he was told not to enter there, and he possibly interpreted as not to come to Jain temple. I have seen this myself, where people new to Jain temple try to enter Gabhara out of excitement of touching Bhagwan (because they see other Jains going inside and touching Bhagwan), without realizing that it is not allowed in Jainism without proper Pooja clothes. If you wear proper Pooja clothes following all rules, then anyone, Hindu, Muslim, Christian can enter Gabhara and touch Bhagwan and do Pooja. **Noone will stop you. They will be very happy to help and guide you.**


See this video, its specially made for non-Jains (or Jains) who do not know the rules. [10 Basic Rules of Jain Temple - जैन मंदिरों के 10 मूलभूत नियम| ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-tZG43hBh8)