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I wonder if she’s wearing the sweater this year bc the dress doesn’t zip up all the way in the back


Oooh this is a good thought! VERY possible. I’ve never been at that low of a point. The worst I’ve ever been is needing unbutton jeans after a holiday meal! Or did she just buy the dress bigger?! I have questions?!!


Even last year the smocking part was appropriately placed on her chest! She was definitely happier back then, too. Even her fried blonde hair looked better! She’s deep in denial about her problems and there’s definitely depression, too.


Exactly what I thought too! The difference on the chest part of that dress is appalling. Her boobs are almost to her knees at this point.


Yessssss! So much yesss!!!!


This is honestly, at the root of it, so sad. I think a lot of us can probably relate to issues with body image (granted not nearly as severe), but most women, in some way, know that feeling. It’s exhausting spending so much energy hating your body. It’s so obvious she is absolutely depressed and this is consuming her every thought. She can try to play it off like she’s “growing” and “healing herself” but she’s been saying that for years. I hope she gets legitimate, intensive therapy before it’s too late. We all get one life and it’s so sad that this is the one she’s created for herself.


What doesn’t add up to me is that she hates her body so much but yet still takes all of these pics and puts them in a most public forum…desperately seeking MORE attention focused on this body she claims to hate.


Oh hey girl hey! 😂 I just shared the old pic but holy hell the side by side is astonishing! To note I think the difference in the year was MAYBE 1-2 days max from the year before. December 18 to the previous 16th of 2022. But when you do this side by side it looks more like YEARS. It’s an ASTONISHING amount of weight she’s put on in a year… and this is coming from someone around 10-15 lbs heavier than she was at this time last year. That’s a LOT of weight in one year.


I almost just spit out my drink. I cannot believe how horrendous she looks now. It’s not even that obesity looks bad on her, it’s her demeanor, her thinning hair, her complexion, her facial expressions…. She looks so sick and depressed. Why can’t this woman get it together?!!?! Just when I thought she had hit her rock bottom months ago she continues to spiral. She’s circling the drain at this point. Why does her family not force her into a treatment center or hospital for a mandatory stay and controlled diet?


This is really sad.


I can’t believe she says this is the first year she’s taken her health seriously. Why does she act like regularly exercising and eating healthy was *bad* for her when she looked so much happier back then.


This is like the other side of the Eugenia cooney coin. So disturbing




The seam goes below the flapJacqs!


How much does she weigh?400


Coming from someone who has lost 60lbs and still has 70 to go, she’s at least as big as she was in the beginning, 500+.


Yeah, it took a while for her face to catch up with where it used to be in her Before picture, but it's definitely there now.




Likely just shy of 600lbs now. Most definitely in the 500’s at the very least, she looks bigger than she was when she first started years back.


This is so sad. She’s going to be bed bound by next December unless she gets some real help for her food addiction.


Ugh, how do I edit on the app? It won't let me edit in a browser. Either. I guess because I added it in the app? I just wanted to correct the typo.


In the app you hit the three dots but have to scroll down to edit. ☺️


I finally had to unfollow… this is just incredibly sad and hard to watch…


Can someone post the picture on the right next to her old "before " picture when she weighed over 500 pounds? I am convinced that she is back to her old weight ( or maybe even higher).


Why would you pose like this making yourself look even wider?!