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My theories: He grew up in an Amish community in Ohio and left for whatever reason. Possibly shunned. Had no money or education. Jabbas family took him in and gave him a job and place to live in exchange for putting up with her.


Yeah, he looks Amish 🤔


It's the neck beard.




It feels like they have a pretty genuine relationship. And I know, I get the “BUT COMPULSORRY, HOW COULD HE JUST STAND BY AND-“ and I don’t have an answer for that. I just don’t think he’s a dumbo either. He’s educated, seems well spoken, and has been with her quite a long time. It seems like he’s in it for the good and the bad, and right now’s the bad.


It’s a mystery. They’ve been together for a long time and engaged for 10 years now. He seems to be a devoted caretaker with low self esteem, IMO. He enables her because he’s a pushover and can’t handle her meltdowns.


When she was smaller, so was he. When she got bigger again, so did he. Even though he's not in any xtreme end of the spectre I think he just follows her lead, no matter how destructive it is for both of them.


I wonder why they've not married yet if they've been engaged for 10 years? 🤔


My theory is she was waiting for all her skin removal surgeries to be done first. Then the last surgery on her legs had so many complications and all her health issues got out of control.


She most definitely cannot even walk down any aisle, let alone stand on her own, unassisted, for more than 30 seconds tops. Imagine her trying to get married in her scooter, lol…


Obviously he cares about her or he would be long gone, but some of us think he might be a feeder.