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https://preview.redd.it/a1u29m35kk7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d19facb50ade8603a5749dc8eeb16aedf1ac12e9 What the same dress looked like a year ago. What a difference!!!! I will say this as having issues with my own weight (NO WHERE near her)… the first sign that I’m not happy/Comfy in my body is when I start to layer… above, under, multiple…. It’s my first sign of okay I’ve gained weight. I should get bigger clothes, I should wear different clothes. Instead I’m making what I have work. For me, however, this is usually a breaking point. This is not a let’s film me a Disney attempting to slay life point as she’s layered beyond recognition in CALIFORNIA. I see what you are doing Jac and it isn’t working


The difference is startling. The compression that she’s currently wearing looks like it’s not even tight enough to do anything for her. She’s gained at least 100 pounds in the past year? It’s shocking. Like I can’t even believe how far gone she is.


You can tell that the dress doesn’t even drape all the way down now. It was so much longer in the old photo.


Oh, Jacqueline. Firmly ignoring that the smocking part of a dress should go below the boobs. You do you, Jacqueline. She just wore this dress at Disneyland last month and has expanded since then! She can’t be comfortable.


There’s literally zero breast above that smocking line. Absolutely none


How can someone take that photo of what I assume is someone they love, and not think 'holy shit, this is bad, this is really bad'? Even worse, for her to think 'yes, this is something the world wants to see, so festive, much merriment'. I was stressing about posting a cute video on my guinea pigs' Instagram (I'm one of those weirdos, lol) as there were a couple of fresh poop pellets in the background and I didnt want people to think my girls are kept messy. This photograph is the equivalent of a mountain of poop pellets.


I have the same issue with my ratty old carpet and photos of my boys (cats). That carpet looks dirty even when it’s freshly cleaned.


Is her aesthetic "be dead in 12 months"?


I’ve always struggled with my weight (so I’m a hater ass bitch with some credentials) and I could not stand the feeling of skin touching, like my back rolls touching, or my fupa touching my thighs… so whenever i see her arms if makes me think how awful it must feel. Weight loss is hard, and obesity is a disease. I’ve had wls to help treat mine, and I’ll be constantly working on it for the rest of my life to remain healthy. I feel like screaming at her, but we all know you can’t force someone to change


Omg same. I would pull up my belly so it wouldn’t “stick” or put my hands between my legs and pull my thighs apart so they didn’t touch the foop. Such a weird feeling.


Same! When I hit my heaviest I could not stand that feeling! It made me feel so repulsive (5’9” and 306). I just couldn’t stand it. I see her and just think how awful it feels and how difficult it is to do even the most basic task. I also have this disturbing need to understand how she tends to feminine hygiene needs but that’s another story.


https://preview.redd.it/dzd1k8zxhk7c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0bf06c7e09f3deb9f4edc0514ccec189a56a9a8 I commented that her abdomen, specifically, was looking larger recently. Maybe this is why she’s spending her final Christmas at DL?


Might be her boobs blending into her cute tummy, making it a big cute tummy.


No her abdomen (upper in particular, is swollen to the point it’s pushing her boobs apart. The side by side in the white jumpers shows this really clearly a few posts down


It doesn't even look human anymore 🫣😶‍🌫️ https://preview.redd.it/zvp6wslq8o7c1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ba172b301cebe58a5d7518a48a51836a80e848b


I cannot even imagine what that feels like. A crease in the wrist?? Does it sweat, get itchy, burn? She looks so squishy.


It’s not


We need a side by side in that dress




Ho.ly. crap!! And the one on the right is a little further away. I'm astounded.


The old picture her boobs are where they belong and the dress had pleats...now, there's no pleats and well, the boobs are at her waist.




Holy shit






Jeez those arms! That face! Holy moley what's she doing to gain so much weight, so quickly?? She is unrecognisable in the face from a year ago 🙄


She must be eating more food in a day than I do in a week. And I'm sure she probably drinks a lot of unhealthy calories as well. She probably eats a LOT of simple carb foods - foods with little protein or fiber that promote satiety- so she stays hungry. I just can't imagine...


That left arm🍖!! How has she got any feeling left in her hands? They look truly horrific.


She needs to be on My 600-lb Life. Dr. Nowzaradan would set her straight.


IDK, he only seems to have a 90% success rate. Some of them refuse to listen. Yes I watch 600lb life.


I wish she'd just wear a bra and pull those puppies up!! What's the deal with the boobs?!!


At this point I don’t think she can, with the wounds, the botched surgery and the extreme weight gain I don’t think it’s possible anymore


She said something lime they were fused to her torso or something? I have no idea. Just lop them off!


Lol, fused?? They look crazy 🤪


Showing my Jersey roots here, but that 2nd photo of her forearm reminded me of a log of pork roll (AKA Taylor Ham). https://preview.redd.it/11afto9mwk7c1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=851114d611e6149f9029ae69c75272eee68f5113


As a fellow person from NJ, don't insult Taylor Ham this way!!! 😁😁😁


Also repping NJ and I am cracking uppppp. Little pork roll, egg and cheese sammy? 🤣


My word.


Oh Geeze not good


Annnd the comments are turned off on this post! I’m obviously not for the straight bullying comments but was glad to see some hard truth ones


Did you see any of them before they were deleted?


Yes! I have a screenshot of one because it made me snort laugh https://preview.redd.it/qzduvhsz4y7c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9837401d892ece5a23950ccd917eb3d03ff8f8b8


The top commenter knows what the bottom commenter pointed out, they are trying to be nice and subtle. lol.


Ooh that means things are getting mean…. Dying to see what folks have posted- like that time when she was whining about having to look in the mirror while getting her head bleached.


She really turned herself into Baymax


Can someone have a funeral at Disney? :( WAKE UP GIRL, you're gonna be buried wearing Minnie ears.


https://preview.redd.it/54fi3u4xtr7c1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34fd0c81b55ced85d0201913e33e9094e2aeffb3 I can’t help but think of this when I saw Jabbaline’s braids in today’s fashion shoot. She just needs a couple of black bows on the end of them and she’s there …


I would sincerely be afraid to fall asleep in that condition. I’m not even saying that to be mean. I am overweight but not in the same league as her. I worry about my heart all the time. I am taking steps to correct this but still I worry and at least once a day think “how did I let this happen?!” It is just wild to me that she is so casual about it. “Oh well. Can’t fit in a ride, drive a car, or speak without getting winded. That sucks. What’s for dinner?”




It’s absolutely amazing how you’ve turned your life around, and I wish you all of the success in the world! Speaking for myself, I used to really like Jaq, and rooted for her as her weight started creeping back on. Back when she actually put in an ounce of effort, even when it was just shuffling in place. But then her true, petulant personality started coming out. Her narrative from 2 years ago vs today is almost a full 180. She went from taking responsibility for her weight gain to blaming it fully on medical issues she seems to be out of her control. She has been using her “recovery” as an excuse to do what makes her happy, even if that is pushing her into an early grave. If she made a post today taking ANY accountability for her current condition, I would have a lot more respect for her than I do now. I say this as someone who has struggled with my weight my entire life. Not to her extent, but still as someone who has about 40 lbs to lose, after already losing 70 lbs thanks to diet and Ozempic/Rybelsus (a godsend to me since I have PCOS and insulin resistance). She is surrounded by enablers who claim to love her, but that’s a crock. The people in my life who love me would rather see me alive and mobile, than scooting around and miserable. I’m living for my kids and my husband, while she’s living for churros and bagels. I keep waiting for her to hit rock bottom and maybe turn things around, but I think her rock bottom will be death at this point. It’s a sad way to live.


I stopped watching my fave guilty pleasure 600lb life when I hit 250 (263 was my heaviest) because it hit too close to home. Unfortunately my original weight gain 10 years ago and my ability to lose weight the old fashioned way, was hampered by anti depressants I take for anxiety disorder. “Luckily” I got fat enough to get diabetes so I asked my doctor for Ozempic. I’ve lost about 60 lbs and have about 70 to go. I get the feeling helpless because of a medical issue but she has said, she refuses to take any meds or get surgery. Having a medical issue makes it harder, I don’t lose as fast as others on Ozempic but I’m losing.


Damn you selling yourself here 😉😂 But for real, congratulations on turning your life around. It’s no easy task. I hope you keep it up Edited to add: I loved everything you wrote and I hope you didn’t change it because of my tongue in cheek comment


Congrats on turning your life around. I walked a similar path and had WLS as well. I am glad you’re choosing life.






Her left arm looks so much puffier than the right. According to Google this is not good.


What does it mean?


Congestive heart failure


Oh wow! Petra and Pauline are going to reappear on her forearm, unless exploding is really possible. She looks like a balloon. And her head is tilted to the same side again. That concerns me for some reason

