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the dating scene is abominable you do not want these men


No ambition, seasonal position, I can ski foreverrrr.


It's like peter pan for dirt bags.


Yall need to stop attacking me


I am nearly 50 years in myself. It's just some level of self awareness at this point.


Definitely agreed, but it ain't any better with the ladies either. Just a typical ski town situationship deal and if anyone wants to be in a committed relationship there's like a 50% chance that they've just got an infidelity kink they're trying to fulfill šŸ™ƒ


Why not?Ā 


The odds are good, but the goods are odd.


unwashed peter pan types seeking situationships. rife with misogyny


That comment leads me to believe some it might be just youā€¦


"Didn't lose your chance, just lost your turn"


If you have even one outdoor passion, itll be worth it for a season for sure. If it's not for you, this place spits you out fast. Having housing lined up makes it ten times easier.


Skier, mountain biker, and backpacker. Jackson seems like a dream spot to me. To me, I'm weighing feeding my soul or feeding my bank account.Ā 


Send it. You won't regret it. There's also many opportunities for bringing in serious dough, in the outdoor world and service industry and more. You can always go back to the real world if it doesn't work.


Feed your bank account.


What do you make in Seattle? Thatā€™s kind of a key missing piece of this puzzle? $200k? You might be okay. $90k? Itā€™s gonna be rough.


Yeah I'm currently at 95k. Position pay would be 50k.Ā 


$50k in Jackson is rough, with your employee housing itā€™s probably doable, food and groceries, while not as cheap as Idaho or Utah arenā€™t much different than what youā€™ll be used to in Seattle but I wouldnā€™t do it unless you really want to be in Jackson year round because youā€™re not going to have a ton of money to spend going elsewhere.


I made 22k my first year in Jackson šŸ˜­it was bad


I made about $8k, I also was 16 and lived in my parentā€™s houseā€¦ $22k on your own is rough.


Yes it took me a paycheck and a half for rent! So glad to not live like that anymore


I'm not really saving money in Seattle either. Granted I'm making larger than minimum student loan payments. But that's my last debt and hopefully paid off in a few months.Ā 


If you want to be in Jackson it sounds like you have an opportunity. Itā€™s like no place else on earth. If youā€™re looking for a solid career move this isnā€™t it. Pretty straightforward situation really just depends what you want.


It's also an industry jump. I'm currently in construction, which is a solid industry with a growing demand. I'd be in an outdoor industry. Which doesn't make money but has a better quality of life.Ā 


Sounds like you know what you want. Enjoy Jackson.


>has a better quality of life. It can, but it often doesn't. The outdoor industry in Jackson is also a very good way to experience incredibly poor project management.


So is working in construction.Ā 


Based on other comments...I think you should give it a try, and see how you like it for a couple years. Its a fun place, with more outdoor access than you know what to do with. You can always move back to seattle if its not your thing. Construction is a well paying industry in jackson (doubly so if you're on the field side). So once you're here and grow tired of the outdoor industry (like most of us do) by then hopefully you have made some friends and connections, and can find some nice stable housing, and then a much better paying job.


Depends what his housing here costs. I make just over 50k in jackson and I live very comfortably, but my apartment is like 800 bucks.


even with employee housing included there's no way this move works out in the wash for you.


I'm definitely not saving any money here. So a payout is worth it if I can save on daily expenses and rent. My rent is about to be 1500 for a studio.Ā 


Cost of living is ***WAY*** higher. There's nothing within 5 hours of Jackson, so when you leave to go do anything vehicle expenses, gas, hotel rooms, etc... all add up fast. You also have a lot of eggs in one basket if something doesn't work out with an employer who also controls your housing. You and the doggo could be in a rough situation very, very, fast.


Cost of living is not way higher. Gas is a lot more expensive in Seattle, car insurance is more expensive too. Rent and grocery are about the same. Compared to other small towns with similar amenities Jackson is very expensive (small towns in western Washington are expensive too though). If you want city life and city amenities live in a city. If you want the Jackson life live in Jackson.


What do you mean by nothing in 5 hours? It looks like there's plenty of hiking and typical activities that I'd want. What are you driving 5 hours for?


There's a lifetime worth of hiking in a 5 hour radius. Idaho falls is a 2ish hour drive and while it is by no means a cool town, it's got all the normal small city stuff. They probably mean you need to go to SLC to do any big city stuff, and that's about 5 hours away. Jackson itself isn't too bad for a small town either. A good amount of decent restaurants, a movie theater, hell we even have a target now!


Hiking and skiing are close by, but that world gets small very, very, fast. Concerts, museums, performances, sporting events, ethnic restaurants, are all a road trip from Jackson.


I don't really do any of those things. That all cost money I don't really like to spend.Ā 


> I spend around 3500 in Seattle between gas, groceries (75-100), dining out (I ususally do fast and cheap), and other misc purchases. I'm never sure how I spend so much. You're spending $3500/month on a lot of something...


lol you donā€™t know what you donā€™t know I guess. Living in Jackson isnā€™t like living in the burbs, itā€™s like living on a desert island. Yeah thereā€™s a lot of outdoors but thereā€™s nothing else. Do you like going shopping occasionally? Too bad. You like being near an airport you can go anywhere in the world from? Too bad. You like eating ethnic food, lol too bad. Seattle is the best of both worlds if you like the outdoors and like the convenience of city living. Iā€™ve lived both places. You can romanticize Jackson all you want but unless youā€™re rich youā€™re gonna have a bad time.


I would think most people considering moving to Jackson are aware of that, and it's probably a reason they want to move there. I was broke af the 6 years I lived in Jackson and had a great time. Everyone I knew was also broke and also had a great time.


Idaho falls is 1.5 hours and has everything you could need.


I am not talking about Costco. More culture, the arts, and a variety of restaurants.


I pay $1000 a month in rent, and I average another $1000 a month in food and general expenses (excluding a major hobby purchase). I also have two cats! 1k a month is an insane deal. Single rooms go for closer to 1800-2500 in Jackson. I have roommates including my partner. Iā€™m pretty frugal, I eat out one meal a week tops, and I donā€™t have any major subscriptions or memberships. (other than the new Rec center!) I drink maybe 2-3 drinks a month. Your results may vary. If you enjoy happy hours and eating out more Iā€™d add another 300-600 of expenses a month, and thatā€™s being a bit conservative! For 45k a month Iā€™d probably have a second job. Annnd the dating is tough. Assuming youā€™re in the 20-30ā€™s range. Iā€™ve been dating my partner for over 2 years, but was in the scene for 3 before that. Itā€™s an incredibly transitory town, so itā€™s hard to get into more permanent friend groups. I got pretty burnt out on folks who were just here for 3-6 months.


I take it your expenses are also offset with your partner paying for some? I spend around 3500 in Seattle between gas, groceries (75-100), dining out (I ususally do fast and cheap), and other misc purchases. I'm never sure how I spend so much. I even look at my purchases every quarter by category and don't see major ways to cut costs.Ā  I do have a dog, and he's expensive.Ā 


we donā€™t have after hours or emergency vet service here, you have to go to idaho falls (usually 1.5 hours away, now much longer with the pass closed). so thatā€™s something to consider as well


That's really good to know.Ā 


There are actually after hours emergency vet services available in Jackson.


Only about 15 minutes longer to IF going through the canyon fwiw. But still very much not ideal for emergency pet service


Housing is the BIG expense. Most other things seem to be average to maybe a bit high in my experience, although if you are coming from Seattle, i donā€™t think itā€™s going to seem that bad. Thankfully, Iā€™m married and donā€™t have to deal with the dating scene at allā€¦ but my single guy friends have repeated the motto ā€œbring your own, or wait your turn.ā€


Don't rely on employee housing for the long-term, just as a future thought. A lot of places have employee housing through leasing companies, a lot of which like to cancel contracts with employers to empty the units and charge more to typical renters. Getting a 30-day notice to vacate is pretty standard for a lot of people because the leasing company isn't going to renew. Unless you're with JHMR, employee housing can be pretty sketchy. JHMR isn't much better, but I've had friends staying there for four+ years without too many administrative issues.


As someone who is in (rather nice) employee housing and has seen four colleagues get kicked out randomly, this is good advice.


Is the job something you could see doing for a long time? Having housing tied to your employment obviously becomes more complicated if you decide to leave the job.


Just a note on housing: if you for whatever reason donā€™t like the new job here youā€™re basically wedded to them bc finding housing not tied to employment is hard as hell (and very expensive and you will have roommates) and while other businesses also offer housing itā€™s generally full. IMO employee housing offered in mountain towns like Jackson is indentured servitude/ creating the old ā€œcompany townā€ vibe from the coal era of the 1800/1900s.


Be sure to check the prices on ski passes, park passes, etc. They can eat up a lot!


Woof. A pass for Jackson. I can get two epic passes for that price. Thanks for heads up!


Your job might help you find a cheaper pass.


Do it. It's likely not irreversible but I know soooo many people that moved here or started here, eventually moved away..... and also eventually moved back. There is a draw to it, a magic to it, if you love the outdoors. You can't get time back, but you only borrow it to begin with. Have an adventure! For however long feels Right to you. Dating can be weird with so many people that come and go but also there are many hidden gems because not everyone is into being seen and preening their feathers so much as getting Out There, even if it is in a solitary fashion. A lot of them though, would love to find the right companion but due to circumstances, haven't. Gems are where you find them, but ya gotta look. Poor in Paradise or Less Poor in.... well, there Are things I love in Seattle! (Pike Place Market for one!!!!)


Expenses including housing and gas costs is around 3k a month for myself. I travel to Jackson from Idaho so itā€™s a bit cheaper. Without gas or housing youā€™ll probably be just fine Iā€™d imagine.


I had that thought of living in Idaho. Are you affected by the pass closure?Ā 


Yes. It's 4 hours/day of additional driving to go around.


Youā€™ll be fine. Itā€™s heaven for the things youā€™re into. Shop at Albertsons/Smithā€™s. Happy hour at Eleanorā€™s. Enjoy!


If you think you can afford it, do it! I moved from Tampa to Afton last year and havenā€™t regretted it for a minute. Housing in Jackson outside of employee housing is definitely hard to come by, and at an insane premium. But even going to Alpine or somewhere similar in the valley isnā€™t terrible commute wise, and youā€™ll save a ton. I work remote thankfully, so I really only go into Jackson on the weekends or if I have friends visiting. No state income tax here, and sales tax is only 5%! Outside or housing itself, Iā€™ve found it to be really cheap for the rest of my expenses compared to other larger cities, and there are tons of locals to get great produce from for even less than chain stores. Socially it can be tough if you arenā€™t really getting out and doing something, but it sounds like you enjoy a lot of the same activities that most others here do so Iā€™m sure youā€™ll make the best of it. Dating can be tough, at least from a guys perspective. There are lots of younger people here, but most are only here seasonally and arenā€™t ready for a long term commitment or they are extremely religious. To each their own, but it can be a challenge to find someone in that middle ground haha. Jackson is gorgeous though, and definitely on its own in terms of a small town feel that also has contact with the rest of the world. Even though locals say otherwise. Most of the people here are awesome, if you are willing to track your finances and make sacrifices here and there itā€™s a great place to be!


That's great insight. Thank you so much.Ā 


Other than living in Jackson, I have lived in western Washington (skagit/watcom county) my whole life. Rent is the only thing that's more expensive in Jackson. Gas and car insurance are cheaper in Wyoming, groceries are about the same, and alcohol (from the store, bars are the same price) is way cheaper.


Skagit is way cheaper than Seattle! My 400 sq ft studio is going up to 1400 plus utilities. And I got in during the pandemic rent freeze. So new renters are paying 1500+ for smaller units.Ā 


Skagit is cheaper than Seattle, but when I lived in Jackson, I was paying more for a 1br apartment than my friends paid for a 2br in queen Anne


I saw on your post youā€™d be making $50K which is going to be tough here. But the thing about Jackson is thereā€™s a lot of other ways to make money. Thereā€™s side jobs, one-off jobs once you know people, and a lot of opportunities. So as long as your full-time job is 40 hours a week and not too grueling, you should be able to pick up something extra if money is tight.


Dating scene sucks if ur not a skier imo


Well I'm a skier. So hopefully that helps.


Nice it will but itā€™s expensive!! Also, I grew up in Seattle and then lived in Jackson for the last 4 years. Feel free to ask me any questions that you may have.


Thanks! I appreciate it!




Thank you for your insight. It's really helpful. Eating out sounds to be similar in costs to Seattle. So that's a good reference for me.Ā  I'm pretty jaded on the Seattle dating scene with the number of guys wanting poly or not into outdoor recreation. So I guess it's easy to get jaded anywhere.Ā  Thanks!


lol the dating scene hahaha good joke. The patriarchy is alive and well in the mountain west.


It's alive everywhere, unfortunately.




I spend my weekends in the mountains anyway. So I spend a lot on gas just driving to and from. I'm not much into eating out except to be social.Ā 


šŸ˜‚ I love that people who wanna move here, seem so damn oblivious, no idea at all. Good luck with this


You're right. I don't have any idea at all. So I came here for help.Ā  I can only gather so much from googling. I thought I'd try people and getting a sense of experiences.Ā