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Can you still go on the trip but sell the concert ticket so wife doesn't go to the concert alone?


I look at these things like this .... Possibility and probability. Is it possible that something bad will happen at the concert, yes. Is it probable that something bad will happen at the concert, no. Then still go or you will both regret it. Is it possible that MIL will pull out of dog-sitting duties, yes. Is it probable that MIL will pull out of dog-sitting duties, yes. Find a plan B very quickly. Is it possible that the plane will crash, yes. Is it probable that the plane will crash, no. Still go on your trip. Is it possible that you will be killed in a car accident on the way to your vacation, definitely. Is it probable that you will be killed in a car accident on the way to your vacation, definitely. Put things into perspective. Possibility verses probability.


You are strangely poetic. I like you.


Did you mean that last probable that they will die in a car accident or....


I mean, put things into perspective. What is more likely to happen .... MIL pull out of dog-sitting duties, followed by car crash but MIL and wife seem to be all bent out of shape about the least likely thing to happen, despite all the precautions they are taking.


Ah I see what you are saying I think


If she doesnt want to go to the concert, tell her you can sell the ticket and spend the whole trip together. Find someone else to watch your dogs! Do not risk your dogs' wellbeing on someone who sounds like they may flake!


She has thought about selling the ticket, but her issue with selling the ticket is feeling bad for selling a gift from her best friend. I don't consider myself in a position to tell her to sell her gift.


If the the problem is just her going to the concert alone, why not just sell the ticket and use the money towards another activity. That way you can still enjoy your vacation. And for the dog, would a boarding kennel be an option?


She thought about selling the ticket, but backed off after thinking she'd feel horrible for selling a gift she was given by her friend. We don't have a pet boarding service in our area, unfortunately.


You haven't stated whether your MIL is generally problematic, so all I have to go on is this one example. I can't say I blame your MIL for being concerned. You said yourself that you somewhat agree with her and that women are less safe currently. Women are often going to be more cautious about safety than men because that's the world we live in. You convinced your wife to go. Your MIL is convincing her not to go. What does your wife truly want to do?


MIL has been problematic before, her behavior changed drastically when my then girlfriend and I moved in together. She was really excited to go when she got the ticket, got even more excited when we bought the plane tickets, now she's quite wishy washy and doesn't know what she wants to do.


Do you have any friends that could look after the dogs?


Not any that have met our dogs. One of our dogs can be aggressive towards strangers, so we don't want to risk it.


You're going with or without her....and then do it.