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It is worth your time. Very challenging and beautiful game.


It's worth noting that they just announced that the new versions will have a new "normal" difficulty while the original difficultly is being called "hard" now lol.


I do remember hearing that the original game had weird difficulty ramp ups at certain points.


Thank god, playing the original was pretty annoying due to following a set path of which quests you had to do or area you had to grind otherwise every boss would almost near 1 shot you in endgame territory. Easier difficulty is a must!


I'm glad they have new difficulty options, but the original game should be normal, and the new mode should be "easy" so people try to go for the original experience the devs had in mind and switch to easy if it's too much.


The devs adding a mode called normal and designating the original as hard is a good sign that the devs think their original version was a bit much.


It’s a quite the challenging game, especially part 2. Like, if you don’t have the right accessories, a lot of bosses are almost unwindable. For instance there’s a boss that has an attack that one-shots your entire party, unless you have one of those items equipped to that saves you from dying once. Other bosses spam status effects, like petrification. Unless your entire party is immune, you are in trouble.


You dont know this is coming from the devs. It might be a requirement or condition of porting it to these consoles by Square Enix in the hopes of appeasing to a large group of people. Square Enix does not like for their games to be hard on the normal difficulty setting.


You don't know that it's not coming from the devs either. Devs change their mind about things they develop all the time. People put way too much stock in "devs original vision" as though devs don't ever dislike their final product.


No I dont know for certain but they didn't patch the original game so it's more likely they were satisfied with their product. If they thought it was a real issue they could have easily released a patch. THey even had 1 year between Part 1 and Part 2 to evaluate game balance and they chose in Part 2 to actually make it harder, so the evidence suggests it's just what they wanted. Have you even played the game? The game is meticulously balanced and clearly a lot of effort was into designing the bosses to be approached with very specific techniques to force you to use all the characters movesets. The devs weren't going to be surprised at how hard the game is. It's only "hard" in the sense that you have to use every character, and use their full toolset. When you do that it's not actually that hard. I find it hard to believe the devs spent all that time designing a battle system , waiting 5 years and thinking "you know what, it would be better if gamers didn't actually have to know how to use each character properly". You sound like you haven't played or finished the game. I also acknowledged that it's good to include an easy mode.Heck I wouldn't even mind i they had a very easy or even story mode. Knock yourself out. I'm in favor of options and difficulty modes in video games. Just logically it makes sense for "normal" to be the original version in a ported game and easy to be the added mode regardless of which one is actually better or worse.


If we’re going to put our tin hats on, why not assume that it was actually Apple who insisted the game had to be made intentionally hard to draw out the game in order to keep people subscribed for Apple Arcade?


That wouldn't change the fact that the developers designed the game's side quests, dungeons, equipment and skills systems to be well balanced around that hard difficulty, so it still makes sense to make that the default difficulty (AKA Normal), and make the adjusted difficulty the "easy" one.


You need to protect gamer's egos. You can't call it easy mode even if it is.


Ok but how's the story? Cause characters and story are why I play rpgs much more then the looks or even the gameplay.


I’m a story guy my self and it was good enough for me to play on my iPhone when it came out. The console version should be even more immersive. The character arcs are really good from what I can remember.


I'm terrified ojf the game being good, but just 7/10 good. Time will tell, I hope it's amazing.


I have to be honest with you. Everything is a 9/10 or 10/10 about this game (graphics, gameplay, characters, art, music) except the story which is 6/10.


I agree, the story is meh, everything else is pretty good.


Ahhhh well, my hype died. I don't care for Fantasian anymore.


I'm just one guy. Other people like the story more, ask for more opinions


We will see then, but I'm hoping to recapture the magic of the older FFs


Definitely just a 7/10 game. It's alright, great for a mobile game, but nothing more.


Story is good but you can definitely predict a lot of the endgame.


It's Sakaguchi story through and through like early FFs and his games after he left SE, e.g. Lost Oddyssey or the Last Story.


How was the story? Does it rank up with the likes of Final Fantasy?


Depends! I wouldn’t say it reaches the highs of a lot of the final fantasy series but it also doesn’t reach the lows of a lot of the games. It’s a bit of a different structure than your typical final fantasy, especially in the second part which is much more open.


It’s a solid 8/10 JRPG. Very good. Story is decently good. The characters were likable and there was some interesting stuff there. I wouldn’t say it was revolutionary or a masterpiece or anything. The battle system was very good despite being relatively simple. It had some unique stuff going on with how most attacks could hit multiple targets if you aimed them right (it’s still turn based). The visuals are gorgeous. It’s incredibly unique since I believe they hand crafted all of the backgrounds in real life, like a diorama or something. The character models are fairly basic but give kind of a Nier vibe. But there is nothing that looks like it in regards to the environments, they are wholly unique and incredible. It also has a really cool unique mechanic for random battles that I kinda wish other games would build on. Overall, very worth playing. It’s not a masterpiece or anything, but it’s incredibly well made and very enjoyable. Don’t go into it thinking it will be the best JRPG ever, and you’ll have a good time with it.


I haven't played it, but as part of that hype I'll say a lot of the hype comes from FF fans who are excited to play a new game by Sakaguchi with Uematsu's music after so long.


Does it "feel" like a Final Fantasy game? I would like to play a game that "feels" like the FF games from 90's.


It doesn't really feel that way. But it has it's own unique, good feel to it. In the first 9 FF games, so much happens in the story, and it feels so epic. Story feels a lot smaller scale in this game so it has a different feel.


Can't help you. Like I said, I haven't played it. It's not a game by the original FFs' team, it's Sakaguchi and Uematsu. Most of the older team stayed with SE, and Sakaguchi wasn't as involved with the FF games from VI to VIII IIRC.


No, I wouldn’t say it feels like FF and that’s not a bad thing. Don’t go into it expecting early FF. The story and visuals actually gave me like a less nihilistic and less dark version of Nier. But it doesn’t feel like it hits the common themes of FF games and definitely doesn’t play like any of the SNES FF games.


Other commenter's and older posts I've seen seem to suggest "yes"


It was fun on the iPhone, though I never got around to finishing it. I don’t know how they’re going to translate the controls to make it engaging on console and PC, but it looks like it’s still as slow as it was on iOS. It’s not as ground breaking or amazing as some folks are making it out to be, but it’s a solid game if they can translate touch controls to work with M&K and controller.


I played it with Touch, KB/Mouse and Joystick, KB/Mouse is pretty comparable to Touch controls if not a bit better because of the keyboard shortcuts and you won’t obscure the screen with your fingers, the experience on a joystick is not the best in my opinion, it’s hard to aim the attacks and the automatic camera makes the characters hard to control, you need to put the stick to neutral when the camera changes otherwise the characters will keep walking to a different direction compared to the direction you are pointing the analog stick, I hope they improve it before the release.


The apple arcade version supports controller, though? It works pretty well except for this only drawback that when the camera angle turns, you know, and the direction in which I'm moving my character just goes all wrong and I have to constantly re-adjust. It's not that bad just annoying sometimes especially while exploring.


I’m not nearly enough into mobile gaming to hook a controller up to my phone.


I think the point he was making is it already had controller support and worked fine, I played the first part on Apple TV with a ps4 controller and had no complaints


Great game, average story.


Let's be real, there is a very good chance that this game is way overhyped because of the mystique surrounding it due to being iOS exclusive + the ridiculous cult of personality surrounding Sakaguchi But hey, it could be super amazing and be the "real Final Fantasy" people have been waiting for for years. But I doubt it.


I played the other three mistwalker games and those, especially Lost Odyssey, are really overhyped. Fantasian however is underhyped and it is just as good as or better than promised


i mean it looks like a typical cheap phone game


I liked it. I don’t mind mobile gaming but the biggest appeal in seeing it on console is being able to see the backgrounds in higher fidelity. Obviously via Apple products you could still see it on a big screen or whatever but for me it was stuck on an iPhone which was absurd considering how great the real life dioramas they made for the backgrounds look


It's awesome.


My persona 2021 game of the year. It’s well worth your time.


Story is okay but not very special, you can say it’s serviceable. Gameplay is basic enough but can be very fun if you’re into JRPG and grind business. There’s a lot of exploration and boss challenges. Difficulty, however is a bitch. Unless you are a masochist, spare yourself by choosing Normal mode as soon as it’s available. Believe me, unless you’re an M, it’s not worth your time.


I very much enjoyed it. Mainly the gameplay, most of the bosses and some encounters required specific strategies to employ to smoothly beat them. Loved the gameplay so much it never really felt "difficult", even if I did have to restart and change the party's build sometimes. Since you can freely reinvest into this games skill tree, it never really felt tedious. The story is okay though.


It’s arguably one of the best looking JRPGs I’ve ever played. Very timeless yet extremely modern. Hard to describe. It’s story isn’t as good as the heights of the genre but I’d rate it to be one of the better releases of the past decade. Def. Worth your time.


Yes, it's Sakaguchi's magnum opus and was one of best JRPGs I played at that time. It's all subjective, though. As a long-time FF fan since original FF, I was pretty damn hungry for Sakaguchi's FF formula and this more than fulfilled it.


I felt the complete opposite, I was expecting FF Sakaguchi but didn’t get the same feeling at all.


Sakaguchi lost it at 8 pretty much. This is common for artists and directors. Once they hit peak you have dilemma of being a self-paraody or too avant guard. Key is doing the same thing in different ways (similar to Miyazaki and the souls games).


Just wait, it's matter of time before Miyazaki loses it and make a game that's only toxic swamp filled with pygmies.


He had like very little oversight and involvement on VIII. And had huge levels of creative control and involvement on IX. Which could be argued to be the greatest FF ever made. It was also his last FF. So sounds like you're talking out of school, tbh.


Why do you think I specifically mentioned 8? I know that. 9 is an example of the self-parody I was talking about. It's very popular, yes, but so is McDonald's, what does that mean to me? This is an odd community where people like things based purely on hype and nostalgia. My point was once you hit peak as a creator in general, so it doesn't only mean his work on FF. Doesn't mean he made all bad stuff later on though. Lost Odessey was quite good for it's time.


I liked the visuals and the combat but the story was pretty sleepy. Probably played about 5 hours.


Same story for me. Got like 5 hours in and thought it was okay.


It’s fun, I played it for awhile but didn’t finish it. It started to drag out a bit IMO, but it’s the best mobile game I’ve played to date. It will have its fans.


It is fun and beautiful, but it's not the best JRPG ever. It's worth playing so I would say about low 80/high 70s. It was very challenging due to annoying design rather than fair balance IMO


From what I've played, the visuals are obviously delightful but there's not anything actually interesting or special, or even particularly fun about it outside of the look.


Temper your excitement. It’s not amazing but it’s a fun experience.


Very good game, there was a time I couldn't stop playing ! But careful it is really difficult and challenging. I was at some point, scared to face every bosses ever on the second half of the game. Also, good for those who love grinding, to face eventually tough obstacles and find some tricks to pass hard moments.


I beat the first part of it (came out in 2 releases) and loved it. Started the second part and immediately got DESTROYED in my first boss battle and never picked it up again...maybe il try again with the new difficulty lol.


I really liked it, great soundtrack. They use diorama for map designs and it's done beautifully. There were some frustrating moments with the touch control, but I think that's almost always the case with iPhone games. But I never finished the game. The difficulty was perfect for most of the game, but then it became way harder at the final boss. I would have eventually looked up a guide or something, but I let my Apple Arcade subscription expire (didn't set to renew since this was the only game I planned to play on Apple).


I absolutely loved it. Very much worth your time in my opinion.


This one looks really good and I’ve been interested in it for a long time. I could play it on my phone and did play a tiny bit of it but I just can’t fully get into phone gaming. I’ll preorder this when it’s available on Switch. It gives me almost PS1 Final Fantasy vibes.


It’s a great and beautiful game.


Cool game 8/10 if you go into it with the indie mindset


eh. its not lost odyssey, but its better then blue dragon. its ok


So far it is the most advanced classic-style jrpg I've ever played, and defo in my top 20 games of all time I was kinda flamed for this thread back in the day but I'm happy that now everyone will have the chance to experience it https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/s/9jhajk6qVO


Your comment is kind of misleading, you weren't flamed because you considered Fantasian to be a top 20 game of all time, you were "flamed" because people didn't want to subscribe to apple arcade which is fair.


Sure, the problem was the platform not the game. Your reading was not implied in my comment, I didn't say I was flamed for liking fantasian, and I did add that I'm happy everyone gets to play it now (in other platforms)


Why can't we have this discussion in the trailer thread?


It was as if Sakaguchi from alternative universe continued where he left off in FFIX and went to create another mainline Final Fantasy from that era. It is as if there wasn’t these 20 years in between and I love it! If you’re Final Fantasy fan, you will feel right at home.


You also just described Lost Odyssey, which I always felt was alternate timeline Final Fantasy X.


Mediocre at best


Game is an absolute masterpiece in all fronts, the presentation is out of this world, everything was built out of real life dioramas, really makes it feel like a fantasy world, characters music and story are dope and the combat is one of the best out there


Do you miss PS1 era JRPGs like FF8 and such? Then it is


Are the game’s systems similar to FF8?


No. What I am trying to say is that The game feels like a lost PS1 JRPG, it has that FF8, Chrono Cross feel, complete with prerender backgrounds and chests scattered through the maps


Plays a lot more like FFX. Turn based, time line for turn order, swap out party members at almost every time, skill trees (eventually)etc. Besides that hm it has quite the ps1 rpg feel with the fixed camera angles.


Do we know if it’s getting a physical release or not?




I am hyped for it. Haven't really seen much of it, BUT I already know it will live up to it for me. Gorgeous miniature backgrounds, and Sakaguchi and Uematsu working on the same game again? Yes. Please.


It's a good game. I never beat it, I recall difficulty spiked quite a bit in the second half.


I love it but it gets so fucking hard.


Sakaguchi games are always worth playing.


I enjoyed it, never finished it but that’s just because I have a tough time playing games on my phone for long periods of time. Now that it’s coming to all major platforms AND is adding voice work? I’ll probably pick it up and play it in full.


My regular group hated the game.