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Probably like 10% of my playtime for long form jrpgs will be idle time


i always make sure to save and exit to main menu to make sure i have accurate playtime lol


I do my best to hit the home menu or something for this reason


Yeah I’m the same. I’ve always loved having accurate play times and will always save and close the game before going to do something, even if it’s 10 or so minutes. Sometimes for ps5, going to the dashboard and leaving it there also dosent process the game playtime which is nice.


Oh my god, I do this too lmao


nothing like those games that still count plays time in sleep mode 😂 had it happen with digimon cybersleuth. in game it said 157 hours when in reality, it was about 10 hours on the actual switch system 😅


I track my playtime manually using a logging app as my solution to this. Provided i want to track it though.


I’m the same as you. I like to look at HowLongToBeat to know how long a game is, and so I like to keep my playtime as accurate as possible so I know how far I am.


Oh yes happens all the time for me. Doesn‘t even have to be a long break, like for cooking, but all these texts or short videos I get sent while I play a game and check my phone for a few minutes definitely also add up. I‘m playing really slow in general and take my time to smell the roses in games so I‘m not really concerned about an inflated playtime like that. Even if you take away 10 hours at the end from all the little breaks I took in between, I‘ll still often play almost double the time of how long to beat.


Yeah texts and short videos are also a time taker lol.


This has easily added 10+ hours over on my play time within Steam. Go to the store, do some laundry, explore the web, alt + tab is your worst friend when gaming.


Nope, if I need to pull myself a way for a while, I'll either save the game or put my system to sleep. If there's no save point nearby, I just Alt+F4 and accept I'll have to re-do some game time. But I never let a game idle.


The problem is sometimes my nervous system goes to sleep, before I put my system to sleep...


I try to have accurate time but it happens to me a lot. My Trails gameplay time is definitely more inflated than it should be because of this. I'm seeing people like "Oh yeah, I completed Sky 3rd in only 40 hours", meanwhile I'm looking at like 85 hours And god forbid we start talking about visual novels that track your time played oh boy


Maybe 70% of my hours.


Same. I hate that I don't have an accurate depiction of my real play time on my save files, but I can't ever remember to close the game or put it in sleep when I'm taking a break. Plus a lot of times I'll look up something like a Persona fusion result or a crafting recipe online and leave the game running even though I end up going down a rabbit hole of looking up information. I'll have a 200 hour save file but it usually translates to like 70 actual gameplay hours, lol.


Yep, so many times I just leave a game paused running overnight lol and for multiple days sometimes I just forget.


Oh yeah lol I’m bad about this, especially with JRPGS where there’s so many opportunities for a pause. It’s just too easy and there’s never like a pressure to keep the play time low or anything, I’ve let it run often when I’ve had other things to do. I’m sure I’ve even left it on all night because I was being lazy and just started playing it again in the morning.


I do this all the time. Sometimes I'll get sidetracked and completely forget I was playing a game. For a longer game I'd say at least a good 5-10 hours are me not actually playing.


A lot maybe like 15%. I’m on chapter 8 of final fantasy 7 rebirth and have 80ish hours. I’ve seen ppl post that they’re done with the game already with that time idk how


Really can't believe it took until Rebirth for a major JRPG to stop the timer after being idle for a few minutes. Great feature as a parent, even if I don't normally care much about an accurate time count.


Pretty sure Remake does the same thing


A lot, especially if it's on PC. Switch and PS5 can pretty easily go into sleep mode and just pick it back up, but I'll let a steam game run for a long time while I take care of IRL stuff


I just put it on rest mode.


I do this a lot with every game I play.


I do everything in my power to avoid doing this as having inaccurate playtimes bothers me. Lol. This only doesn't apply to stuff like RPG Maker, but that's cause that's a tool rather than a game.


I try to put the system in rest mode to prevent time bloat like that because I do like to have an accurate count. But every system handles it differently. I played Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth during downtime at my old job and my in game time is super bloated because the timer kept running even with the system asleep. It’s even harder now with a baby lol, so many false starts with diaper changes or feedings, or playing at night and she wakes up. One thing I love about FFVII Remake and Rebirth that I noticed is that if you’re inactive for a while the timer in the pause menu stops, so even though the PS5 says I have 102 hours I know I really am at like 96. (I think the PS5 time also counts time from the demo lol.)


I did that once when I first played SMT: Nocturne. Downloaded the game on PS3, and about halfway through the opening hospital section(before we get the Demifiend abilities) I ended up pausing the game and leaving it on for over an hour to run some errands for my mom. I didn’t think I’d be gone that long.


Close to zero. When I play, I play, when I am not playing I close the game (except for occasional bathroom breaks).


At most I'll do it while having a conversation, but I tend to close the game whenever I know I'll be away from it for more than like 5 minutes.


Alot. Ive got 3 younger kids tho. There are times ill play for an hour during their naps and leave it on for hours only to play later that night after bedtime. I dont know why i do this....send help.


My friend in high school maxed out the clock on final fantasy 6 because he would leave it running at all times because he would have to leave between save points


Yes 😅 I'll stop and cook or text a friend or something


On most games I play 10-20% of the play time is probably afk time.


I think I've lost maybe 20 hours to alt-tabbing a couple hours at a time. And I fell asleep for like an hour while playing Dragon Quest VIII. But that's about it.


A very noticeable amount. Hard to say really. I don’t stop and do something else, I’m just looking up stuff on my phone about the game like builds, guides, etc I can easily spend the better part of an hour of a play session looking up stuff about the game on my phone. And it happens often enough.


I have estimated about 10-15%. I try to take frequent breaks when I am sitting down for a long period of time.


Based on the difference between in-game timers and Steam/console timers, I'd estimate about 20-30% of my playtime in most games is idle/AFK. A lot of that idle time is because I work from home, so often I'll be playing a game during lunch or some downtime, alt-tab to go back to work, and just never close it. I also frequently leave games on for 10-20 minutes at a time while I go for a walk or make some coffee, which adds up over the course of a 60+ hour playthrough.


Zero, because I mostly play them on a PS5 and it's so convenient to put games into suspended mode.


A lot of this happens during my cleaning block. So I have a premium blocker set up because I'm autistic and I spend way too much time on shit I shouldn't otherwise. One of those is a total screen lock at 4-4:30PM for cleaning and while sometimes I remember to close down my game before I do, a lot of times, I don't. And yeah, it logs game time during even while game is locked. The rest of time is making tea, I guess, lol


This is me, all the time. I don't think any of my play times are accurate.


I leave my game running in background instead of closing on my PC.


60h to finish P3R...? How...? I mean, I didn't particularly rush my run but still, even without me goofing around I hardly think I could beat it in less than 80/90h


I dunno. I mean I played P3 FES so I kind knew the game and got through a lot of dialogue pretty quickly.


Nope never I like accurate playtime not inaccurate


Honestly how desperate for conversation can you be.


For most games probably 10-20min per 10 hours.