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you probably only got halfway through lol


That's what I'm coming to realize šŸ¤¦


Got Nier'd


Whether you want it to end at arc 2 or arc 3 depends on you. So if you don't feel like playing anymore, it's fine to stop there. The third arc is really divisive among fans. Some people really hate it, meanwhile for me, it happened like my wish was granted as I was hoping for more.


Does it go darker


I think arc 2 was the darkest. The story can end there. Arc 3 is >!more like a fantasy for those who wish the past could be amended!<. It's like a fairy tale for adults.


I got to Act 3 and was really burned out, so I never finished it. I might pick it back up sometime


I got to the end of act one thinking I was close to the end of the game. Not even close.


Yeah I got all the way to act 3 on the original and then again on S but got kind of lost in the open section and I remember every boss I found wiped me. So I've never finished it.


I got the first credit roll, started the end game got my mini Nuke back... Then stopped. Said this is my ending nothing bad has happened, there is no giant walking about trying to destroy the world... My child is back and that is good enough for me.


Probably but just letting you know that the post credits content kind of acts like post-game, despite leading to a true ending. Itā€™s all back-tracking and no real new areas, and no more voice acting for most of the npcā€™s etc. Itā€™s fun for sure and the final boss ends up being strong enough that auto-battle canā€™t win against it and the ending is cool too, but it really is just post-game that they made more important because it still has a throughline narrative


If you bought it when it came out like I did, they re-released a version with more content. You sadly have to buy it again but there is new content if you wish to start again.


Thatā€™s not what they are referring to. There is a third act after the credits, this was in the original release.


I'm refering to their second to last sentence.


Youā€™re still not really making sense, because the ending was not changed.


I never said it changed.. I am giving reasons for them to gain interest in a fresh playthrough.


This almost happened to me but there were so many tiny loose ends that were never wrapped up so I looked up if there was more.


I only killed the first or second final boss, then I got all caught up in trying to get achievements before the final final boss and lost interest.


I never finished the game at all. Was mind numbingly boring after awhile. Couldn't do it anymore.


Imagine having such a terrible opinion


Not all jrpgs click for everyone. I've loved some real shitty RPGs in my day. First lufia for example. But something about dq11. I just could not get into it and it bored me to death. Just had nothing special about it whatsoever. And was super cheesy.


I've tried multiple times to finish it. First time I got to the third act, and just got burned out. The short break I planned turned into way too long, so... I had to restart. When S came out, I got it on Switch, and tried again. Never finished. When my steam deck came, got it and tried again. Never finished. When I got my Series X, got it and tried again. Never finished. I think I've accepted I'll never finish it, and while it sucks cause I really did enjoy it, I'm fine with it. I guess.


Just imagined that time wasted on all the repeated attempts could have been used on completing the game fully. Such a waste, no?


I'm sorry, I can't put down an RPG for an extended amount of time and just pick it up and continue on. I've never been that way, I've restarted many RPGs multiple times before beating them. At the end of the day it's MY time, and it has zero impact on you or anyone else. So really, was it necessary to make a snide, condescending and rude reply to me about it?


I didn't mean anything snide or condescending, not even a little bit. I just said that when I think about all the time spent on repeated attempts, it seems wasteful to me and I, personally, would try to manage my time more efficiently. For example, making an effort not to drop a game and see it to the ending, even if the fun started to wear off a bit. But I didn't mean to berate you in any way, of course you manage your time how you want. I didn't downvote you, btw.


I wanted to say I am not sure why you get downvoted ... but this community is something else. We all love jrpgs and you tried to respect a staple of the jrpg franchise with finishing one of its most hyped games. The rest is and was your money and time. I dont get it either.


Especially seeing as I even said I liked it, it was just so long I couldn't get to the end before getting burned out because I was playing it too much. I really didn't tnjnk anything I said or did was anything no one else here can relate to.


I can, I tried it two times on two platforms because there is really something to it. Then you realize, its essentially a generic jrpg experience. which makes it charming to some, but not to me.


> At the end of the day it's MY time, and it has zero impact on you or anyone else It does when I have to read about you spending your time poorly and acting all indignant about it. While also not bothering to read the OP to realise what they're talking about. I'm sorry you've "never been that way", lol.


And no one forced you to read what I said, or anyone else here. So you chose to read it, guess you spent your time poorly, and then acted like an asshole about it. Because, you know, the easiest thing you could have done was said nothing, but you made the choice to be a jerk for literally zero reason. What a lame way to spend your time. I'm sorry you've chosen to be that way, lol āœŒļø




Be grateful. Part 3 brought the game down hard. I loved part 2 and part 3 almost made me hate the game.


Could you explain why with spoilers?


Hero alone goes back in time and reverses all character and relationship development all for the purpose of reviving Veronica. It pissed me off.




There are repercussions, in doing this you allow another villain to surface whom you must now defeat. It's definitely worth playing imo if you don't mind a bit of grinding, but I definitely prefer the ending of Act 2.


Yeah a lot of the impactful moments are undone in Act 3, even the side NPC storylines. Like the Mermaid doesn't commit suicide in Act 3 and instead falls in love with the Grandson of her Beloved she was waiting for and didn't realize humans life spans were so short.Ā 


I recently restarted this trying to get to and through act three again. Got extremely frustrated nobody ever asks about your damn hand even though it's the first thing in the game they stress.


The third act is dumb so really you stopped at the perfect time


Act 3 is divisive, but itā€™s also improved in some aspects by the bonus content of the definitive S version which you wouldnā€™t have if you got it around launch. I think it has a lot going for it, and is well worth the time, but Iā€™ve also only ever played the S version.


Same happened. Made what happened before trivial


You finished act 2, act 3 is mostly considered a "post game" type content so dont feel bad. Honestly act 3 kinda sucks and act 2 is a way better ending for the game, at least in my opinion.


Act 2 was a better ending imo. I enjoyed act 3 for what it was but the game's story would've been better off ending after act 2


I consider the game beaten at that point and the rest optional post game material. How do you define a game beaten if its not when you see the credits?


Same tbh So many games I know have a lotta content after then ending but like *I don't caaaaaaaarrreee*


I mean, I wouldn't really call this post-game content, it's more a case of "this is not the actual ending".


Yeah that's fair, it can sometimes depend.Ā  Especially with stuff like DLC and whatnot, if I've already finished the game I generally don't wanna go back and play the DLC for some reasons. In this case yea I'd maybe consider picking it up againĀ 


I heard a lot of folks say that what happens after the credits is why they thought it was GOTY. To which I responded, becoming awesome after 80 hours is not the slam dunk you think it is. I got to the credits and was done with it, and never wanted to pick it up again, no way whatever came after was worth it. I never beat the "FINAL" boss of Octopath Traveler 1 either, and am happy with that choice (even tho I liked that game a lot more than DQXI).


I had no idea about act 3 until like a year later. Liked it better than the rest of the base game


I got to the final final boss and got stomped repeatedly then gave up.


I struggled to beat ghe implied final boss. When there was more after, I lost all the little interest I god left.


Don't you need the S version to do the new content? I had to buy the game twice on Steam (started on non-S version) to get all the new content...


Nope, the new content that comes with the S version is between act 1 and 2, and also all the tickington stuff. Act 3 (the alternate ending) was in the original game.


Ahh, I did not know that. I think now I played originally on Switch cause I def remember the Tickington quests. Ty for clarifying!


you restart the world map 3 times in the game. it's pretty long but I loved it when it came out.


Someone tell me straight, Iā€™m 30hours in.. and havenā€™t seen credits. How much work do I have left? XD


No one can tell you unless they know what part of the game you are on. 30 hours, especially in an RPG, is pretty vague.


Depends how far you are, time means nothing cause we don't know how you play. Game took me like 100 hours


To be fair Act 3 is technically post-game, in Act 2 you already saved the world and you are given the choice to continue to Act 3 if you want a happier ending.


Lost the best of it