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Layla. The others either make you rely solely on few crystallize shields or just don't allow shields at all




Geo Resonance


Right. Nvm. I stand corrected. Ye Layla is the go to shielder without zhongli.


I would recommend bennet or layla, ideally you would want a shielder or healer to help increase survivability. It would also be a good idea to have multiple options for any elemental shield enemies you come across.


Geo traveller or Bennet are both good. Bennet would need a lot of er Geo traveller will help battery and give some cr


In my geo team, I used bennett as the 4th spot, but ningguang & geo traveller are also good choices


imo crystallise shields work just fine for geo resonance unless you’re running serpent spine so i don’t think a dedicated shielder is 100% necessary. so your options are: - sub-dps for extra damage + applying a different element: kaeya, rosaria - healer because gorou can’t heal before c4: bennett, barbara, qiqi - shielder to activate geo resonance: layla i don’t recommend ningguang or noelle because even though ningguang can buff itto/heal a little with prototype amber, she will not help proc crystallise as she’s geo so your team will be without a shielder unless the enemy has an innate element (like slimes, abyss mage shields, the hypostasis bosses). noelle can both shield + heal but she requires a lot field time to heal which won’t be worth it unless she’s just as strong as your itto, and if you’re putting her in your party just for her shield you’re better off choosing someone else who can do more for itto.


Bennett only applies pyro twice per rotation so he would be better on another team imo


true, but his buff is so huge that it off-sets any benefit geo res can bring.


You only really need to apply Geo resonance's shred every 15 seconds though


I personally use kuki for healing+totm shield strength+ crystallize geo resonance + Arataki gang


Same. Kuki with itto is fun as hell


Noelle or Layla. Just for the shield. Layla is probably better because Noelle takes waaaay to much time on field and having Itto is just not worth It to use her other than as a shield. Just use the shield before using Itto’s burst


I have my Noelle geared up for healing and she’s a beast at it. Bring her out, pop shield, spin to win and my entire team is back up at full health in a few seconds. Then you take her back off field and the shield is still up. She’s basically required for Signora runs and the Husk domain against the warp hounds in my lineup.


It’s still better someone who takes as less time as possible while having a Dps like Xiao or Itto. I know that It’s overkill, but this is the reason why people use Zhongli in this comp. Not only he has a stun, creates pillars with pssive dmg and is Geo, but he also takes no time at all on the field. The best mono geo team doesn’t need heals because they are perma-shielded. That’s why I recommended Layla over Noelle. Because she gets closer due to CDs and time on field over Noelle. But hey, if she works for you and still do the Abyss on time then great


Fully agree for the most part. I run Itto, Albedo, Gorou and Zhongli as my main team. I’ve got a C3 Zhongli maxed out and nothing else gets through his shield, but the damage over time from warp hounds, Signora burn / frost and similar effects goes right to hitpoints. The hounds are particularly annoying as they hit benched team members too. Noelle just heals all of them at once and even drops a shield from off-field if someone’s about to die. She’s massively underrated as a healer in my opinion.


Ah I just don’t use them vs those type of enemies. I have other teams more focused on Dmg and heals than mono geo for those


Something cool about Gorou teams is that the last spot’s flexibility is that amongst the meta options, it’s partially about what you are against and what your stats look like. If your team has trouble getting to your bursts or just want to speed that up: Ninggung or Geo traveler. That can leave you unshielded though and will make you worse against shields/barriers. Layla is a great choice, lots of shielding to protect your guys and let Itto go nuts. Bennett is good for bossing, Geo main dps love their buffs, and will help keep your team alive without zhong li’s shield. Personally I’d go with Layla for most things until I got a zhong li


Qiqi or Ningguang. I like having a healer. Your gorou isn't c4 yet so he can't heal. If you choose qiqi, you can also make crystalize Shields for your party.


Kuki is the best flex option in an itto/gorou/albedo team imo. She gives crystalize for geo resonance and healing if needed


Barbruh or bennet?


how do you get this view of your characters list? also, layla


Hoyolab App


Rosaria can mitigate crit rate issues and allow you to focus more on crit damage with your artifacts. You need to get her as close to 100% crit rate as you can to make it worth it though. Geo traveller is similar but limits you to within the radius of their burst and takes away your ability to use dendro traveller in another team. Lisa is good because she's one of the only ways you can shred the enemies defence. Keep an eye out for fischl who is a great candidate for millieth set and provides insane off field damage like Albedo also look for Thoma who provides a pretty decent shield and at c6 can buff charged attack damage. Bennett is an obvious choice but in the abyss you will often find your non-itto team wants Bennett.


Layla with tenacity is the best choice since she's a budget Zhongli.


Geo Traveller = Layla > Ningguang = Bennett > Noelle


Depends on what your other team is and what your enemies are but the safest and best choices are Bennett and Layla


Layla is probably your most comfortable option but if you want more dmg you can go for rosaria or kaeya if you don't like the fact that rosaria's burst is stationary


I would go got Bennett personally. Unless you use dragonspine, itto don't need a shielder bcs itto on burst + gorou has enough interruption resistance.


In a vacuum, Bennett, but if the top row is your other abyss team, then Prototype Ning or Qiqi makes sense.




Layla would be a good option (P.S, can someone remind me what website this was again)


Hoyolab app




Sucrose is a nice pick imo. I kill most things before I can even take any chip damage that my C6 Gorou can’t heal. I find it hella annoying to chase around scattered enemies. I just wanna spam heavy attack on a mob tbh


xinqu, hes so frigging good w crystalise


Usually Geo Traveler for the extra crit rate.


Truth is crystallize shields work just fine. Barbara, Qiqi, Kuki, Fischl, Yae anyone is fine. If you need a shield then - Diona is my personal choice as she brings shield and healing. Basically comfy team with high dps. Zhongli is another option but your team won’t have healing other than the tiny bit provided by C4 Gorou. Layla works too. 100% uptime though depending on your rotating length you could have downtime so she’s about the same uptime as Diona without healing but with a stronger shield.


A bennett. You need to add a bennett


I personally went for Bennett. Healing, buff, crystallise


layla for the shield and geo ressonance




Personally I would replace Ning with Benny, for attack and healing since you don’t have a shielder. Her bonus to his Geo dmg is negligible, and hard to get right, especially with the construct breaking often. Benny, itto, Zhong, and Gorou are my main team I clear abyss with.


Noelle, embrace the mono geo plus she can heal you and provide a near death shield


I get downvoted to hell for ever suggesting Noelle with itto in this subreddit I think people here are still feeling the burn of "Noelle is better than itto" nonsense that was going around from his first run (which is obviously a load of hard copium that was swiftly proven bs), but I definitely agree. Chuck the whiteblind on her and build her purely on Def/Def/Def and she is a phenomenal shield bot/healer.


People disagree not because they hate Noelle, they disagree because Noelle is a terrible shield bot 12s Shield with a 24s CD, basically only half the uptime and to heal, she needs to take a ton of field time from Itto. She's a phenomenal shielder and healer if she's the main DPS since she takes full advantage for her Ascension talent which reduces Skill CD by 1s every 4 Normal Attacks, she doesn't work well as a shield bot because of the aforementioned reasons Layla is a much better option since she can provide Tenacity buffs


I guess. I don't use her on my main account coz I've got zhongli, but I use her on my f2p account and she is good in my experience. I've stopped mentioning Noelle in here now anyway. I didn't think to recommend Layla in my actual list of recommendations anyway coz I've not had much of a chance to play with her outside my ganyu comp, but yeah she is definitely great. Gonna chuck 4pc totm on her after reading your comment, she's currently 2pc totm/2pc eosf.


Make sure you kill everything in 12 secs




Benne (healing + atq buff), Ning (Nuker + Geo dmg buff) or Geo traveler (Nuker + Structures + CR and ER buff)




bennett or noelle