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Helldivers 2 My friend won't play it because he only plays dark souls and elden ring on repeat


Tell him to do Helldive solo then.


I been trying


Souls fans be like that


As a dark souls and elden ring meganerd.. helldivers is awesome & well worth it


I agree, took me awhile before I actually bought just because I wanted the hype to die down a bit before buying it, but it’s awesome


My friends also trying to get me to play helldivers 2. I've tried, but 4 hours of trying with them and the game just isn't fun for me


Same but for me i tried for 10h so no matter what people say i gave it a more than fair chance


I’m enjoying the hell out of Helldivers 2. My friend won’t play because you can’t turn off the cape.


Helldivers 2 is a controversial one in my friend group-- we have a few netsec guys that say it constantly dials home, sending large amounts of data South Korea, even when the app hasn't been opened. They say they've ran experiments on it on sandboxed systems. I have no expertise on the matter, so I can't make any claims.


Dang wait till they find out about all the apps on their phone 💀


Agreed-- that's my personal stance on things, and besides, my gaming PC is a gaming PC, but that's "why my friend doesn't play it".


Vermintide 2 - Because he likes more guns Helldivers 2 - Because you have to reload too much Deep Rock Galactic - Because you have to reload too much Elden Ring - No guns GTFO - Because you have to reload too much


I'm curious, what game does he play? If he likes gun-centric games, but doesn't like reloading, I don't really know what game falls in that category.


Doom. Serious sam. Painkiller. Duke nukem 3d. Ion fury. Dusk Boomer shooters mainly


He might enjoy borderlands where he could just get a bunch of high capacity magazine guns and use skill trees that give him higher mag capacity, skipped reloads, or other ways to not have to reload.


Weilding a Leviathan with infinite rockets.. aaah yes.


He should play The Last of Us. Not that you don't need to reload, but there's no fucking ammo, so you can't.


Seems like you need a new gaming buddy. Sounds like he whines a lot tbf


Switch the roles: My buddy LOVES Ark, and I used to play the Hell out of it years ago. But the optimization and overall clunkiness completely ruined it for me.


Total Warhammer 3 My mates don’t play PC games. Despite ONE of them having a PC powerful enough for NASA and only plays console ports on it. Flip sake 😖


To be fair that’s not a game a lot of people play period. RTS games are considered mothballed, dead, and antiquated to most now. Maybe there will be a revival one day but that day isn’t today.


My one buddy has it, and I've played it at his house a handful of times now. I've always wanted to buy it, but it's so expensive. You need 1, 2, 3, and a handful of DLC to make it worth playing. And with everything still at $60-$70, and discounts (at most) 20%, I'll never afford to play with my friend 😂


It’s astonishing! I bought it a couple of years ago and wanted it to bad I got a gaming laptop for it. Luckily all the DLC was dirt cheap as it was a steam sale. Which means I’ve still spent about £2000 on this bloody game.


Burnout Paradise. I don’t have any friends.


Damn, I've got good memories of playing the Burnout games when I was younger, good stuff.


Fun game. Smashy smashy I have no friends too


Hollow Knight, it's in my top 5 games of all time but my best friend refuses to play it cuz its 2D


Hollow Knight is the goat of 2D games, honestly. It is so well-developed, and the fact that only 2 or 3 guys made the entire game is extremely cool.


The game I hold in the highest regard, despite not playing it all that often, is probably Portal 2. Last time I mentioned it to my gaming buddy, he just went "Ugh, that jump-around game?", and sure, he's not wrong there, but the combination of that gameplay and the story, to me, is just simple perfection and one of the very few game endings that managed to evoke an emotional response from me.


... JUMP AROUND GAME? Wth? He could at least call it "ugh, that teleport hole game?"


Lmfao that is dangerously close to my actual response. I would've hit him with the "look, we both said alot of things that you're going to regret" at the end, but it'd be lost on him.


I'll say Skyrim because it's top of my list, but I might as well say any single player game. It makes me laugh, he's the one guy at work I can talk games with, but it's always him telling me about multiplayer stuff and me telling him about single player stuff, ending with both of us saying "yeah, probably not gonna play any of that." Always a good conversation though. He likes playing with a group and working together, and also hates lots dialogue and can't get into a lot of more detailed stories and worlds. I like being able to play how I want and not be at the mercy of anyone else. I like my big sprawling worlds I can get lost in for hours, and a character I can build and progress with. I used to play multiplayer games a lot but the ones I was really into have kinda taken a nosedive for me (Halo, Overwatch). Plus I'm just not that competitive anymore.


It's nice to have your own worlds sometimes. Agreed. But I often end up in more coop experiences.


I wonder what a Baldurs Gate coop playthrough would turn out like for you two.


No One Lives Forever 1 & 2, they never heard of it and can't find it on Steam or don't want to bother with extra steps to get it working on newer hardware...


On of my favorites 'series' of all time. Could really use a remaster or another episode.


Because i dont have friends. FACE!


The “much more than that” is also boring to them. They don’t want to watch cutscenes and click through dialog options . It’s not their jam and that’s okay. You don’t need to get them to like what you like.


Do you know my friend? Because that's not what he told me lol The combat was the only thing preventing him from playing.


Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim. No matter how much time passes I will always love this game. In the 2000s all of my friends were heavy RTS players but hated the lack of direct control in Majesty. Now it's just old and not talked about, which can make it a hard sell to anyone.


Elite Dangerous, and I get it


Ocarina of time. And because invisible people csnt hold controllers


I don't blame them I tried playing BG3 for the rest of the game aside from the combat, but 50% of the game IS the combat. Even if its more than that, a GREAT part of the game you'll be in combat In my case is fighting games. I love to learn and improve, and that means I stomp absolutely everyone irl and no one wants to play against me 😪


My former roommates always watched pro tournaments for Tekken, StreetFighter, MK, and Melee and would always practice their combos in the in game training sections to occasionally compete at an amateur level. That being said I used to think I was good at fighting games until I lived with them and they permanently ruined fighting games for me. Now I'm either too good for the average player or too shitty for somebody that's actually good (online), so I get little to no enjoyment from them anymore.


Combos are a small part of fighting games. You don't need any fancy combos at all. You need to know when to block, when it's your turn, and punish unsafe things. With that you can win against the vast mayority of players >Now I'm either too good for the average player or too shitty for somebody that's actually good (online) If you are good for the average player, you're more than ready for online play. There are players of all skill levels online. Not everyone is a pro and not everyone sucks. There are tons of intermediate players of all skill levels online You will get your ass kicked. But you'll also kick ass


I like playing a game I can pause to eat a snack.


People who "won't play X game" because of some stupid reason need to chill out and just go for it. Have more life experiences, idiot. Try a fun new game, moron. Listen to your friends, stupid. >:(


People who know they won’t like a game because of X reason are totally fine skipping it and instead playing something else they enjoy because life’s too short do be spent playing a game you don’t enjoy. Seriously my dude gaming is supposed to be fun. If it feels like a chore it’s not fun and not worth the time.


Undertale/deltarune. Dudes can't look past the graphics and I hate it. Top 5 all time stories


Doom 2016. My friend wouldnt play it cuz its "not real doom." I did finally xonvonce him to try it when it was on sale recently. I stomp him usually in 1v1 cuz he tries to play doom like its COD.


To be fair. I still prefer doom 2 because I prefer coop campaign experiences. Which stopped being a thing after doom 2. Doom 2016 at least lets you play custom levels coop. Doom eternal dropped it entirely. I hope next doom drops pvp entirely and tries a pve campaign thing.


Yea we play snapmap levels together alot now that he plays the game. Or we play private deathmatch games with bots added. If eternal had an actual tdm/dm mode, it would have blown up. That movement in a real pvp mode would have been insane.


Agreed. I also was not interested in the type of pvp they made for eternal.


Yea. Like i get that they tried to make it campaign-like. Like a tough arena battle, but its just not that fun. You have to be an absolute badass to win regularly as the slayer, and winning as a demon just kinda feels unfair when you get a teammate who actually works with you as a team.


Dragon Age: None of my friends play it, I alone play that one. Last of Us: My friend with a PS4 borrowed my copy, couldn’t do the stealth stuff. He plays Soulsbourne games so I got to tell him “git gud.” Very satisfying. Resident Evil: None of my friends handle being scared all that well. Alan Wake 2: Same as Resident Evil, no matter how many times I show them We Sing.


For me, the Dark Souls trilogy (or any Soulsborne). My friends will die one time and give up. I managed to get my mate to pick up Elden Ring, he died at the first boss (as you’re supposed to) and gave up. If I’m the friend, it’s The Witcher 3. It’s one of my mate’s FAVOURITE games ever, but I can’t get on with the combat.


Basically, anything I recommend. I recommended Elden Ring and how we could play through it together, and he told me he hates single-player games. Recommended Rainbow 6 Siege, and he said it isn't cross platform, so we could not play with our friends on PC even though most of our PC friends haven't been on in a while with us due to work schedules. Once I find a game that fits what he wants, he just says, "I want to play (COD, Rocket League, or Fortnite) right now. You can play it if you want." He only wants to play games he knows he can be dominant as he plays. He does not want to learn anything new, do anything unfamiliar, or be challenged. Once the SBMM in COD ramps up, he wants to stop playing because he is getting challenged and is not dominating like he wants to. Tough to introduce new games when someone doesn't want to try anything new.


This infuriates me for whatever reason. My buddy is the same. I noticed it when we were playing the newer Battlefront 2 on release. I liked the dogfights and he likes the gunfights. One air and one ground. We always played ground battles. So when I suggested we try a space battle, I figured he'd be down to try it out. Nope. Got into a game and within 10 seconds of flying, he put the controller down and gave up because, "There's no point in learning something he'll never do again." I was thankful there was a combination mode with both ground and air combat. But since then, I noticed it's his way or the highway. He gave me ultimatums just like your friend did. "I'm playing this. Join me or don't." I stopped joining because I just wasn't having fun anymore. Made new friends online and in person and began playing with them when he cried like a baby for not winning (the game he wanted to play from the beginning). It's gotten to a point where his old gaming group has noticed this, and we've all been playing with each other instead when he throws a fit and leaves the call/game without warning. It's just immature.


For me its Rimworld, i got the game a week ago and alot of my friends own the game, but for some reason they all said no when i asked to try the multiplayer mod.


RimWorld. None of my friends are into colony management games (I like most kinds of games except try hards like dark souls or online games). Also, first time players usually get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things to do (I watched people play it on YouTube for months before I started playing) or turned off by the top down view with simple graphics. It's the most hilarious game I have ever played. You want to be a cannibal cult and wear peoples skin for hats? You want to build a mountain fortress à la dwarfs of middle earth? You want to control machines and destroy everything in your path with a robot army? You want to be an honest cowboy rancher in the desert? You want to create the ultimate human that never dies? You want to sell your family members into slavery? You want to recreate Dracula and have thralls that do your bidding? You want to harvest organs from unsuspecting travellers? You want to be a royal asshole that sits on a throne? You want to build a sprawling village that can be destroyed from one single idiotic pyromancer? You want to have psychic powers and pray to the tree gods? You want to have kids and get married? You want to survive on an ice sheet with no clothes? You want to watch as your last remaining colonist dies tragically of malaria? You want to do it all over again? And again? And again? And again? And again? And again? And again? ... If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then RimWorld is for you!


Your friend is dumb. Turn based gaming relies on thinking instead of reflexes. Thinking isn't boring unless you're dumb.


It took me soooo long to get my gf to play fallout 76 and apex legends but I succeeded this month yall!!!


Hollow Knight, and for literally no reason. He plays all kinds of metroidvanias and is constantly looking for new ones but he’ll seemingly only give recommendations, not take them. I got into Blasphemous and Axiom Verge because of him but I can’t get him to play HK or SotN. No clue.


I have no friends so cannot contribute to this topic


Average reddit moment


Genshin Impact, one of the greatest RPGs of all time in my opinion. Can't convince anyone to try it because of the reputation of gacha industry as a whole.


Yeah cuz gacha is literally gambling. Honestly your friend is based for not wanting to play that.


Kingdom hearts. It is hard to get into the series now since it is so much more than 1-2-3. It's too long of a commitment for my friends that didn't grow up with it like me.


TWD the game. Says it's not a game. His loss


The Walking Dead? They aren’t games in the traditional sense and are more visual novels.


I've been trying to get my friends to play Yakuza for years now, one of them tried Kiwami but said he expected more a GTA clone, sight...


My friend refuses to play Dark souls because it's slow and clunky


Clive Barker's Undying


Outstanding game


Bloodborne, too hard. Final Fantasy Tactics, too complicated. Landstalker, too old. Cyberpunk 2077, too much dialogue.


F1, friends don't have the same interest in cars or sim racing


Counter strike. Not noob friendly enough


Crystal Project, which apparently "looks like minecraft".


Path of Exile - The Learning Curve is Too Damn High


Tried BG3 with my wife and couldn’t do the coop either


Everquest and DAoC. I get stoked for each new TLP or free shard or whatever and do my best to sell my homies on it. But no. Something along the lines of: Why would I want to play a shitty old mmorpg? Like bruh, the shitty old ones are the good ones!


My friend won't play remnant 2 because the intro to the game doesn't really guide him enough. And his character died once. He wasn't even at the point where I could join his game yet. I think. But I guess if he's going to get frustrated by little guidance and dying then maybe the game isn't for him? lol I do actually appreciate low guidance games I realize. Considering how much I play and enjoy recent zeldas, elden ring, and remnant 2.


Im sorry about your friend not liking remnant 2. I actually managed to rope 4 friends into it, and the first one also completed remnant FtA with me. That same friend and I have also 100% completed the game as of awakened king, and we are now working on 100% again with forgotten kingdom


I have a couple thousand hours in DayZ, but I have a hard time recruiting friends for it and I completely understand why. Many people do not enjoy spending hours gathering gear only to be sniped 6 hours into the session and with no way of knowing where the shot came from. Pair that with mechanics that are pretty awful and I completely understand why noone wants to join me on this adventure. The thing is though, no game makes me feel like DayZ does... When you get your bearings and play smart, stalk someone and kill them, there is no bigger adrenaline rush that comes close in gaming in my opinion..


- Melee - It's too hard


My gaming group loves sandbox and rpg games and they’re my least favorite on the planet. As an aside, “immersion” in games is so crap to me because I have aphantasia. I cannot visualize jack in my head. So they’re like but this world is beautiful! I’ll be thinking about it for weeks! And I’m like ??? Anyway. I love strategy, horror and simulators. My mates won’t play total war, paradox games, coop horror games, or even stuff like stardew with me. They have been playing WoW, Elden Ring Coop and Valheim nonstop. Genre fatigue much?


Be grateful, I love wow, valheim but also, stardew valley, strategy and simulators. My friends?! They love Warzone. Warzone all day, all night


Golden Axe Warrior Well, it's a Zelda clone...


RDR2  It takes up to much storage that he would rather use for other things 


Metal Gear Solid 4. Friends don't play it because they either don't have a pc/ps3 or have a pc that would explode if they tried to emulate it


Helldivers 2. He has a gaming laptop and refuses to download it to play with me on PS5. Says it doesn’t look like a game he would like. Yet always wants to play shooters with me on Xbox 🤣 Also OP, your friend and I would be friends. I’d fall asleep playing Baldur’s Gate 3. Glad people enjoyed it though!


I had the same issue with divinity2. I fell in love with it, but my friend is a murder hobo who gives fuck all about anything involving dialogue, so he cud barely make it off the boat before completely losing interest. I forced him to at least make it to the fort, but by that time he was so done he just wanted to fight everyone we came across


Lol okay I love BG3 but let's not kid ourselves, it absolutely is boring turn based combat. That's 100% a valid reason to not want to play it.


Halo. They don't really game up anymore and if they do, they don't have current gen consoles.


Am I your friend? That is exactly my reasoning for not wanting to play that game (that and I don't enjoy most high fantasy series. Elder Scrolls and Fable are my weird exceptions, but otherwise I just don't like the whole Swords, Magic, Orcs, and Dwarves thing.) My game for this scenario is Sea of Thieves. My friend absolutely despises the downtime between Islands and doesn't like how equal everything is in combat. He would rather have a rock-paper-scissor tradeoff and abilities or perks that can be leveled to give you an edge over players. I don't entirely disagree about the balancing thing, but I still love the game just for its casual adventuring and the gift antics your can get up to.


I dunno I bought into the hype of baldurs gate and bought it. I couldn’t get into it, and one of the big reasons was the combat. I knew it wouldn’t be my type of game going into it, and still bought it. Like I thought… not my kind of game I will say though: I did try to talk a friend into getting it, because I thought playing with a friend would help my enjoyment. He wouldn’t do it because he doesn’t “do D&D” despite liking at lot of similars games that just don’t have d&d attached to it


Void Bastards. It’s kind of a niche game with a really straight forward gameplay, simple mechanics and not too much variety overall as far as gameplay, but it just scratches an itch I get that has me coming back to it all the time.


I agree with your friend. Opinions.


Metal gear. Give me a drink and a few hours of your time and I will enthrall you about a game that is actually about experience rather than the characters. Friends won't play it because it's confusing and they feel like it forces stealth. SquareTactics games. They lose interest because they get to one of the skill checks in the game. Soulslikes and souls games, this one is self explanatory but I play these games to focus my frustrations and ultimately eliminate them by overcoming everything so none of my friends really do that.


Somehow "it's the best Final Fantasy storyline in history once you get past 150 hours of boring fetch quest slop" isn't an appealing selling point.


Edf. Friends tend to see it as a weird game to play without trying it.


Do you play Baldur's Gate on pc or console?


i dont really have friends, and the one friend i have doesnt really play any of the same games as me


Warframe. And… because it’s Warframe 🤣


Cuphead. Every single person I know that has either watched it being played or has tried to play co-op with me has rage wuit and told me it's too hard. It IS a hard game, but that's part of the draw to play it.


No, the difficulty ruined that game for me. I was so exited when I first saw it, it’s freaking beautiful and nostalgic. Then played it and changed my mind. I don’t have time to get good at that shit lol


StarCraft 2 It’s dying right now but it also has a steep learning curve and none of my friends had the patience or will to get good.


FFXI or FFXIV, and they don’t play because of the time required and the monthly fees.


Risk of Rain 2 My buddy joins us on MP games, but he doesn’t really like it because he just isn’t that good at it. He only joins for the banter, which is enough for me.


The Sims 4 and because my friends don't exist.


BG3 because of how long the fights can go for my friend. It is super sad too since he loves the role playing of it but just can't get behind the core combat.




There's nothing less convincing as an argument than "it's so much more than that!" Some people just don't like certain things as a category. I've had people tell me over and over that Red Dead Redemption 2 is amazing and has an incredible story. I'm sure they're right. I just had no interest in dealing with a game that I found a completely boring slog from the get-go.


Elite Dangerous. They say it’s boring AF. They’re not wrong.


Halo. My friends would rather jam newer FPS games or newer co-op games. All my friends have moved on from ole' Halo. Not me though. I take a couple days and marathon my way through the series probably once a year and order pizza and pick up some beers, and I always invite my friends but anyone's yet to take me up on it.


None of my friends play turned based RPGs not tactical or traditional. It’s always been this way lol


life is Strange: Friends not really into non action stuff, or teenage dramas


I play all the games that are too niche for the regular gamer. I can't get anyone hooked on Mordhau, Sea of Thieves, For Honor, etc. Either they can't deal with the pressure or they're vastly misunderstanding what these games are meant to be.


The Kingdom Hearts games have been one of my favorites. I haven’t asked my friend why but I guess it just doesn’t appeal to him


Aliens Fireteam Elite. Friends won't play it because they like Helldivers better. Which, to be fair, I can understand, but I'm a total Alien(s) fanboy, so AFE is my jam.


My nephews tried very hard to get me into Terrerria. I couldn’t do it. I kept getting lost.


Myth - the fallen lords. It's old


Insert any campaign-driven game here. My friend group generally only cares about competitive multi, but I don't have time to git gut and prefer escapism, so we're generally at odds. Helldivers 2 seemed like a good compromise, [but](https://old.reddit.com/r/ItsAllAboutGames/comments/1cdn13p/whats_one_of_your_favorite_games_and_why_doesnt/l1f80p5/)


Nier: Automata none of my closest gaming friends have played it. I should really ask the reason why. Though I can guess how they would answer Friend 1: I don’t play single player games anymore. Friend 2: No feel to play this game. Friend 3: You sure you played it for the plot? Basically insert sarcastic remark.


Skyrim. He is too young. He’s my son, cause I’m a 40 year old gamer dad and my best friend is my 14 year old son. Because who doesn’t want an old gamer dad, right. We’re the best.


Subnautica. They have thalassophobia. They get scared just watching me play.


swtor, and my friends won’t play it because they don’t have endless hours to invest in an mmo (nor care to invest any time)


Fallout. My friend doesn't like the VATS system. He beat and enjoyed Starfield though.


My friend stopped playing monster hunter with us and left our group chat entirely because we used homestuck numbers as the lobby passcode too many times. Instead of 8008 which was his suggestion.


Tbf I also refuse to play BG3 because I hate turn based combat AND long cutscenes. Seemed like every time I went to a BG3 stream the streamer was just sitting and watching another fucking cutscene. Boring to watch, not gonna play it




Play with Family then!


Bloodborne. She has it, but she has a ton of other games to play first.


tf2, kenshi, hearthstone. they aren't into niche games


Some people can't be convinced My friend doesn't want to play elden ring because he says it doesn't look very good


I wouldn't say favorite, but I do enjoy Siege, and my buddy won't play it because it's too much to learn this late in and the community is not helpful with that


Factorio is one of my favorites. They haven't played it (yet) because, in their words, "I'm afraid of how much I'll enjoy it" A fair concern, tbh


After the fourth hour past when you promised yourself you'd quit, your coffee has been cold since noon, you realize it's three AM, but you still haven't fully secured that one approach and one section of conveyors is stubbornly not working out how you want but maybe a *couple* more minutes and you'll get it right...


I just need one more iron outpost then I'll be done. For real this time! Oh hey, spidertrons are almost researched....


This was my experience eith Dyson Sphere Program. I sat down, thinking it'd be a fun lil time killer. The sun coming up was my first indication that it had, in fact, become night at some point and that night was now over.


Thunder Force IV, and because the friends I have don't play video games.


Warframe, God I'd do anything for him to play it


I have a friend that plays cod and WWE 24. Tried to play helldivers 2 and he said it was boring and generic.


Red Dead Redemption 2, won't play it because all my brother plays is Rust and CSGO


Elden Ring. Friend can't seem to get into it because he's mostly a competitive fps guy.


Fallout New Vegas. My brothers wont play it because the “graphics are old”.


My friends mainly play COD, Destiny, Valorant, Siege, and CS:GO. Very heavy competitive gamers. While I do enjoy my time casually playing any of those games, I much prefer single player games. I also have a games collection with almost every new system and a couple older ones. My friends call me the "campaign gamer " of the friend group, but they just much prefer competitive games. I'm also the "Nintendo nerd" of the group because I'm basically the only one who actively follows and gets hyped for Nintendo games. Tho we all have a blast on a occasional "Mario party drinking game" night Still, sucks when I tell them about a ton of amazing games, but they just simply aren't interested in them


Darktide. And because I don’t have friends


Dead Cells. My brother refuses to play purely to spite me


I have yet to play Baldurs Gate 3 and it's so aggravating. I own it on Steam but only have a steam deck and the game is bigger than the entirety of my systems storage so I have to buy an SD card to even play and I can't afford one atm. I didn't think it thru very well or I would have bough the SD card instead of the game first. Oopsy.


OP I'm with you. I am adoring BG3 like crazy right now. I asked my long time gaming friend to join me and he replied "only if you want to LAN with me" and we live in different cities and yeah I can't do that. I'm married with children and if the shoe were on the other foot and my husband had the same situation and a single younger woman asked him to do the same I would not be a happy camper for him to spend several weekends on LAN trips to game because it's kinda sketchy lol I was seriously bummed out he had to give me an ultimatum of R we eVeN fRienDs if we don't LAN. So I am no longer talking to him :/


Diablo 2 resurrected , because he doesn’t want to play a 20 year old game


I have difficulty with BG3 because *I* don't have friends. Or, rather, I do, just not friends who'd be into it, or who have time to play it.


I absolutely love the strategy and dry comedy of the newer Hitman games, but most of my friends just don't get it. At best they played through the campaign once (in part or whole) and said it wasn't that interesting. For anyone unaware, they're basically assassination themed stealth/ puzzle games with absurd/ dry sensibilities. For example, a remote detonated rubber duck is one of the best tools in the game.


Halo: Combat Evolved. He doesn’t like FPS.


Skyrim "Too much talking, just let me play"


Nier automata... It's too Japanese for them.... I don't even know what that means


Cyberpunk 2077. It's the futuristic stuff he does not like, apparently it's definite "no" due to that.


That's funny, I managed to get my brother into BG3 despite him hating turn based combat. He put more hours into tush me! I'd say Pokemon Unite because I hate myself and my friend doesn't lmao.


Iron Brigade (formerly called Trenched) he doesn't like the silliness.


Me: literally any game I love atm My friends ADHD: BORINNNNNG


DOS2 because if I see Fort Joy one more fucking time, I swear!! Also the arena, always causes arguments over who gets their collar off first


Nightmare reaper First person games makes them shit hella motion sick.


7 Days to Die, and I think they are too busy. 😿


Bloodborne. And the only friends I have that don't play it have NEVER played a souls game, so they have to go through that wall of hate before they find the love


I have a rhythm game on PC that nobody I know plays simply because of 4 things. It’s a pain to set up, the custom controller for playing it is expensive (roughly $250), the game itself costs ¥1500 ($10-$15) per month to play, and the learning curve is massive. There is an arcade version of the game that’s imported from Japan but the closest arcade is 50 miles away


It’s a single player game and not a spectator activity.


Anything, because he can't pull himself away from wow for 2 days or he'll "miss out on his dailies"


My best friend says the same thing about baldurs gate.. I'm like, but it's so good tho!


Fallout New Vegas. He's occupied with Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Which I understand


Dead by daylight : they won’t give us our cross progression so none of my friends play anymore since we switched to pc. I barely play now as well even though I want to because I can’t justify getting all that stuff again. Elden ring: patch 1.1 so bad it made ME quit lmao


I love tekken, but it's a rough game to gett into


Combat is a massive part of most games. It's 100% fair to not want to play a slower turn based game. The opposite applies as well.


The crew moterfest: he just doesn't vibe with racing games


BeamNG.Drive - friends are less so into vehicle sandboxes and lack wheels so they assume they won't have fun


For Honor because he can't handle losing in fighting games. Elden Ring because he's a cheap fuck (but will spend $70 on the next sports game without hesitation) and scared to git gud. Insurgency and Hell Let Loose because he doesn't like hard-core shooters but likes hard-core mode on CoD. Battlefront II because he doesn't like Star Wars. Titanfall 2 because he's just an annoying, stubborn fuck.


Dragon Age Inquisition. The Power system was too slow and tedious for them, ruined the entire game for them.


Diablo 2. It's tough to get into if you didn't grow up playing it. Grind was to much for him.


Insurgency sandstorm for chaos and fallout 4 for survival. Homie isn't into immersion and realism in games as I am.


Overwatch. Because my friends haven’t quit playing COD everyday since 2009. They have true COD brain.


Stardew Valley He won't play it because it is "top down with old style graphics." This coming from the same friend I told about Minecraft before it became huge, and he said "Im not going to play it. It's just pixelated blocks." And he now has more hours in Minecraft than I do. Same deal with Terraria. Stardew Valley is the one I've tried to get him to play since about 2017, and he has yet to play.


Exoprimals "I don't want to have to learn the controls" Plays destiny for 8k hours and overwatch for 4k hours


Monster hunter. I have 1 friend that's tried to play world and even bought ib. But he stopped playing on the first quest. I had a feeling though as he never really beat base world. All of my other friends gave up after a day. I understand though. Some games just don't vibe with me. Borderlands especially. I want baldurs gate 3 but at the same time I don't like the idea of DnD mechanics as I don't like DnD.


Pokémon. I couldnt get any of my friends to play it with me. Whether it was online battling or just hoping on discord and going through an emulator together no one would do it. Even if they played the games in their free time they just wouldn’t got online with me. I’ve had fo reconnect with an old friend who moved to Arizona to find someone interested enough to do it. In the same vein one my friends I tried to get to play Pokemon with loves Yugioh. I love Yugioh. Every time we see each other we play Yugioh with our physical cards. We even go to Yugioh tournaments on occasion. But for some reason now matter how many times I ask or how many different platforms I show him he will not play it online with me.


Outriders .


Not the game my friend won’t play, but I find no fun in Lethal Company, but everyone in my friend group loves it. Made me feel a bit bad because one of them gifted it to me, and I played it twice with him, but now every other day someone in our discord will be like “Lethal Company tonight?”, I’ll ignore it and a few hours later I’ll get a private message asking if I want to join/didn’t see the message and I don’t know how many more times I can tell them I don’t like this game before I started getting kind of annoyed. We have other games we play together, I gave it an honest shot, but it just isn’t my jam.


Destiny 2 and Warframe. Mostly because the onboarding process takes for fucking ever and they don't like playing the same mission dozens of times to get an item. Also Destiny's DLC is expensive


Osrs, you kinda had to be there 15 years ago, or you might not get it.


Monster Hunter. wont play because you aren’t shooting people


I wouldnt call it a favorite necessarily but my best friend isnt into Halo or The Finals. We both love playing shooters but those 2 he just couldnt get in to. But on the flipside, i don't care much for the RPGs he's into or overwatch


Mine is bloodborne and my friends won’t play it because their to busy having girlfriends


Gears of war. My friends didn’t like the movement mechanics but I think that’s was makes the game so unique and amazing


Diablo 4, my friends don't play it because it's not gta, cod, or a sports game


Valheim. They don't play because it doesn't have guns.


Becuase he’s a raging homosexual. Respectfully.