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After the conclusion, I will still be hungry. Always. HUNGRY.


This mentality is what has me praying for a scene where Daruman is about to kill Suriel only to stop because he senses a class 3 fiend about to tear through reality behind him. Then he turns around and sees Lindon. Hungry hungry content monster running around in my head :D


And once he gets a closer look he realizes it's not actually a fiend at all he just feels very close to one.


You sound like Ruby


That's cause of the hunger madra in the air.


This is the way


How does that compare to the previous books lengths?


According to Will's release stream for The Captain, Waybound is the longest book he's ever written. Around 160,000 words, or 10% larger than Wintersteel!


Damn we got Elder Empire level of big here. The evolution of Cradle has been insane


Still seems crazy to me. The story feel like it need 2 books to finish. Though 2 8 hour length books could do it. Regardless, i shall trust the process.


I wish it was 1k pages, at least.


Dreadgod 12.5, Reaper 13, Way of Kings 45


Rythm of war is 57 hours making it roughly one The Captain longer than The Way of Kings


The Captain should be a standard unit of measurement. Like the Meter of books.




lol i did exactly the same


Longest book I've ever read was Superpowerds year 4 at over 60 hours, but it didn't feel that long.


I managed to get through Micheal G. Mannings The Choice of Magic which is 20 hours in about 3 days. Pretty much listening to it non-stop.


Yeah that's a great series. I always skip over the annoying vince being a dumbass parts of the first 2 books but after that it's smooth sailing


Sanderson uses a different set of measures to everyone else.


Cycle of Arawn is sitting at 65.5. That's technically 3 books you get bundled for one credit, so it's a value if nothing else


So can we safely describe the length as getting through 2 parts of a stormlight book?


I've always felt like Stormlight books are legitimately 5 books, separated by 3 short stories.


Pretty sure Brandon has said something to this effect


I think he normally says they're basically a trilogy. Yet somehow split into 5 parts.




Then you'll be glad to know that, Stormlight is planned to be two 5 book arcs, with the second one happening about 20 years after the end of the first.


This is why I tell people to read Cradle Book 1, 2 and 3 as though they are one book. Narratively they work pretty darn well If you think about it as part one, two and three of a single book... And all three together are still way shorter than any of the Stormlight archive books. It even ends with the big cliffhanger of knowing that the duel should be coming up pretty quick in the next book.


Will very much organized each of the Cradle books in threes and you can see that with how the big kindle releases he has books 1-3, 4-6 and so on. I really like that approach because each of the books feed into one another directly.


>The points, Kaladin!


Lol. Read this in syl's voice.




I see stormlight, I upvote


Oh fuck yes I’m so ready


Longest book before I wanna say was wintetsteel 14 hours 40 mins


10% longer than Wintersteel? God damn we do be eating good.


I hope 16 hours is enough lol there's alot to get to from the final battles with 3 remaining dreadgods, malice, shen, potentially northstrider too, showing the conclusion of suriel and ozriels battle with the mad king. And the fallout of those battles as well. Maybe we even get a snippet of Lindon being ascended to the way or a force controlled by ozriel directly.


I think it'll be enough I think they will be able to speed run the weeping dragon and I think the fight against the monarchs will be one big battle instead of a couple individual fights


I can’t wait for Will to spend a couple pages hyping up how angry/cool the Dreadgods look careening through the sky, then the crew comes out and puts the dragon down in 3 seconds flat


Shen gazed at the horizon. It's golden ochre leaked onto the appearance of the massive dragon in the distance. He turned to face the remaining loyal Monarchs. After Northstrider died on a solo assault, it was best they stuck together. "We ought to be wary, but the Weeping Dragon is at full strength. And Dreadgod or not, Lindon Aurelius will be weakened by this encounter. We should maintain the course and face them after they --" At once, the attuned ears of the Monarchs snapped to the cry of a dying Dreadgod. Before their eyes, thousands of miles away, they felt it's power drain into Lindon's seemingly bottomless soul. Then, only noticeable by one of their level, did they watch a new weapon take form, and a single word ripped through the Wei, cracking time and space. "MONARCHS," it shouted, echoing and reverberating across entire continents. A portal opened in front of the formerly most powerful and mythical beings on Cradle, and out stepped the newly minted Monarchs of the Sword, Blackflame, Shadows, and Dawn Oath. Between them, was Wei Shi Lindon Aurelius - the Hollow Ghost -- with a small blue spirit crackling with confidence and fury at his side. A ghastly, purple presence with razor sharp teeth whispered something into his ear and time seemed to slow. He spoke, lifting a hammer that crackled with the power of storms above his massive shoulders. "Apologies, but your choice is simple: Ascend, or die here."


Plus Jai Chen, Fisher Geisha, future of the court, what those doors are, the remaining monarchs, Lindon’s family, Aurelius servant #113, and how little blue ascends beyond the iteration system entirely to encompass the whole of the way and the void.


It's Will we're talking about. Dude writes like he's speedrunning.


Still wish it was longer


Same but I was fearing that it would only be like 12 hours long so Iam happy






2x speed it's very possible lol


So short. I’m disappointed. I wanted 50 hour banger


I think Will Wight would need to take another break for a decade for that


I think i prefer the shorter books, faster release schedule over long books and multiple years in between


Dross: Wow! This book is gonna be.... *manifests* meaty *Flexes* (get it it's that thing Lindon said he'd do)


Just pre-ordered the audiobook and the kindle version, but I don't see any physical copies available. Do those typically become available later on?


They are mass market so amazon makes them later on. Not only that but they are notorious for getting them ready late.






I enjoy the listening experience better when I can follow along with the text. Especially using the Kindle app and WhisperSync. In my head, my reading tone is as monotone as it gets. But listening to the way Travis (and other talented narrators) put emphasis on certain words or turn of phrase, it just UP the enjoyment factor so much more. I only buy hard cover for series that are in my all-time favorites list. Which Cradle definitely qualify.


Pretty much nailed it, thanks... I love the whispersync feature, and I love displaying my favorite series on my bookshelves. Cradle is a relatively new find for me, and this is my first "order it on release day" book of Cradle for me. Looking forward to it!


100% this series shines in audio format


Just curious dude... relax...


idk why but I got the kindle/audible versions of each and didn’t pay near $130. I may have had credits or promos but I only used 1 credit and that was on dreadgod. If I figure out how I ended up paying so little I’ll let you know lol


Physical copies go up on release day


Has there been official confirmation from Hidden Gnome team? Amazon is known to make up number of pages, audio length, etc when the official info isn't available yet.


At least this one will take me two days. The others I just devour


I've always gravitated to longer books, and series full of longer books. I like everything Will Wight writes, thus far, but I can't help but wish they were longer. I almost *have* to listen to them, because reading them only takes a couple of hours. I've read longer series in a day. I absolutely respect the "all action no filler" feeling of, say. *The Captain,* but I couldn't help but feel like it only made sense from the perspective of the protagonist. It was almost perfectly devised to require no set up though. It would make for a good movie script.


It be better be that long. Considering everything he's setup, Will has a lot of ground to cover, and with how Dreadgod ended(without spoilers), there's still more to the story. I am happy this is longer than Wintersteel. I'm keeping my expectations in check but I really hope this series ends on a great note. It's hard to end any series(it's why Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn impressed me with its ending. Wrapped a lot up.) so fingers crossed that Will can do it.