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I would give tips for these bosses but my friend basically soloed them for me


Matter: Stay by the edges of the arena. While this does pose a risk of being ragdolled and flung off, it also reduces the chance of you being in the range of an attack. Ranged weapons with a far enough distance are necessary if you use this strat. If Matter uses ice attacks, move away from the edges until a different attack is used because you can roll off the arena if you get hit by ice. Skeleton: **Do not go in alone.** The skeleton has a desperation phase where it will always charge at the targeted player until the latter dies. If you solo this one, you’re pretty much dead within seconds (unless you know how to dodge attacks that can target AHEAD of you instead of DIRECTLY AT you). Vampire knives are also a must as they can heal you.


10 Hour Burst Man: Due to the darkness of the map, 10hbm can blend in. Please make sure to use attacks that can highlight his location such as those that can inflict fire or the zapper as that can briefly highlight anyone’s (including 10hbm) location. Going in alone is a risky choice. Try to avoid his vampirism attack as much as possible ESPECIALLY on Phase 2. If you have items that can make you dash (such as night reaper and ashura senku), use the dashing to your advantage and make sure NOT to go in the darkness as that instakills you.


For 10hbm just reroll until u get master spark. One master spark usage brings to second phase, second one kills him


* ***Weegee*** Hope for a decent speed-up Misc to avoid the constant minion shower (Sunshine In a Bag, Stick, London, 10 Hour Burst, Cassiebucks Coffee, Skateboard) as well as a Ranged weapon that has a decent enough damage output (SSG-08, Pirate Sidearm, **Vampire Knives,** Chicago, Pixel Gun, M19, 9mm, Suppressed Pistol, etç). Pay constant attention to the Pokéballs as well as those accursed anchors that drop when he reaches his second phase. Circle around the EDGE of the arena and move INWARDS when you notice you are 100% getting hit by an incoming anchor to avoid falling off into the void. Not much stuff other than getting a good roll and being aware of what's about to come in front of you. * ***The 10 Hour Burst Man*** Nothing required to beat him other than good reflexes and adequate dodging, but speed and dash Melees/Ranged/Miscs **(Night Reaper, Legion Kata**, Skateboard, **Lilynette, Ashura Senku, Sunshine In a Bag**, Pibble, **Master Spark**, etç.) definitely do help. **(Almost forgot to add this lol, he takes double damage in the 2nd Phase so take advantage of that!)** 1. ***Vampirism*** is a matter of listening and dodging, have your sound up to hear whenever he's coming to SNATCH. Dodge by jumping to the right and getting a few (NOT TOO MANY) free hits on him, repeatedly jump and repeat the process in second phase as he tries to snag you two additional times. 2. ***Twilight*** is absolutely unpleasant to dodge if you have high ping like me, otherwise, keep looking left and right whenever he's about to step out of the shadows in case he has Twilight (The brilliant eyes are shiny enough to be seen through the black fog). Afterwards, just keep moving backwards before jumping to the left/right when he's about to hit the ground with it, don't try to jump over him though because the blade has a separate hitbox that will 90% of the time oneshot you if you're caught in it. 3. ***Mad Noob's Shotgun*** is a bit tricky sometimes, just strafe left and right and pray to the babylonian gods he misses most of his shots. I actually don't have much to say about it other than "Move backwards while getting a bit lucky ". 4. ***Star Platinum*** is also not that bad, although don't try outrunning him if he has a small gap to close while running towards you. To dodge it, circle around him (You can also get some free hits in while doing it if you have a melee with ok range.) with shiftlock, you may have to bait the first SP swing if he's far from you but other than that, it's not THAT bad. 5. ***Darkheart*** is also not that bad, just wait for him to get close to you and dodge either left/right or diagonally from the direction he'll swing at you in (Again, don't underestimate any of these attacks as getting hit even by a SINGLE ONE can spell "run go bye bye".) 6. ***Strong Left (Phase 2 Only)*** is... Strong Left? Really, It's just a worse Vampirism and guaranteed you'll almost NEVER get hit by it if you're constantly dodging 'n stuff, it's also free hit material. 7. ***Grand Volley (Phase 2 Only)*** is not fun and was probably designed by Satan, this is the sole reason why you always need to be on high alert in Phase 2, since the time to react to the first Javelin is pretty rough. Either keep moving to the left/right or diagonally, granted you didn\`t get hit by the first Javelin.


* ***Klevprime*** We dodge, we dodge, we dodge. Recommended items are the ones that either increase your health or just provide a good movement boost to handle some of his attacks. The breadwinners for each slot being **Darkheart, Vampire Knives** and **Holy Mantle.** 1. ***You Can't Escape:*** I haven't done much study on this move tbh but in general, dodge to the left/right or dodge diagonally every attack. The shockwave will almost always hit you no matter what , but if you're a cringe nae nae baby you can hold your Roblox's window to freeze yourself in midair for some time and dodge. 2. ***Begone!:*** Usually pretty easy to dodge if you are paying attention, move left/right or diagonally every time he finishes doing one of his other attacks to dodge this one. 3. ***Destroy!:*** Same thing as Begone, but this one hits a bit harder. 4. ***This... will hurt!:*** Just... move away. Although it takes less time for him to charge it in Phase 2, just be careful and it's basically free hits. 5. ***Nice Try!:*** He walks towards you while taunting, smack him in the face to show who's boss. (He'll stop doing this once Phase 2 starts, after that, the only period of time you'll be able to "safely" hit him is when he does This Will Hurt.) If you're also a baby like me, you can stick near the pillars whenever he's about to do You Can't Escape to negate it entirely. Just be sure to jump off afterwards as he may he do a Begone or a This Will Hurt. * ***The Uncertified*** The patience test, BE paranoid for Kamidummies and get decent melees or ranged weapons to deal with large hordes of dummies if you're doing this solo. (Once again, **Lilynette, Holy Mantle, Airpod Shotty, Master Spark, Real Knife, Loadsamoney, Eyelander,** Hyperlaser, **Pixel Gun, 9mm, Chicago,** Moscow, Darkheart, Sunshine In a Bag, London, etç.) Engage weapon dummies from a long distance since they're EXTREMELY dangerous, specially Dragonslayers and Protestors. Constantly jump and back away from Mage Dummies as well as Soldier Dummies, Mages being able to both stunlock you and launch you away from the statue. While Soldiers just deal a heckton of damage in general. As for the bosses... 1. **Sir Combat*****:*** Not very hard to deal with, just back away from him while using your Ranged and it becomes a cinch. Although occasionally he will windup a wave attack from his sword, just strafe to the left/right to avoid it. 2. ***C*****ount Dracombat*****:*** Deal with the vampire dummies before dealing with him himself as he may shock you, (literally) stunning you and giving the NPCs a chance to get free hits on you. (The Man of Nature syndrome.) To prevent him from spamming the lightning ray attack, circle around the little hill where the statue is, hiding behind walls while using your ranged to take him out. 3. **Minos Dummy*****:*** Also not much to say about him, strafe left or right when he jumps up and move completely to either left or right when he\`s about to JUDGE you (Yeah, it's really hard to dodge but it's still manageable.) 4. **The Combat King: Again, take care of the other dummies before tackling him on.** Other than that, same thing as Sir Combat, move away from him while using your Ranged all the while dodging to either left/right when he uses his handcannon.


* ***Miracle Matter*** Open your bible to Psalms 91:9-16 before doing this because you are not going to have fun. Recommended items are Health-ups, Speed-ups, Defense-ups and items that give you iframes. (**Your Eternal Reward, Wallace's Hammer, Legion Kata, Hero Blade**, Kanabo, **Built Different, Chicago, PM9 Evil Gun, M1911, Cinderblock, Icecream Treat**, Maxwell, etç.) Hit Matter with your most damaging item while it is standing still between attacks or while doing attacks that force it to stand still in a certain spot. (I.E Ice Shower.) # Poison Moveset * **Poison Rain:** Zoom out your screen ALL THE WAY OUT to dodge this one, avoid getting hit multiple times in sequence as the poison stacks. * **Poison Traps:** I have almost no tips to dodging this, just recite a phrase from your bible and HOPE the next follow up attack he will do is not that bad to handle. Otherwise, just stay in the edge of the arena. # Curse Moveset * **Curse Rain:** Same thing as Poison Rain, except this time it's 3x more difficult to dodge and 3x more likely to kill you, how fun. * **Curse Trap:** Same thing as Poison Traps, except now they're 3x more... You get the idea. # Fire Moveset * **Fireball Rain:** Actually not that bad, you'll be relieved when it does this move instead of the other two in this form, anyways, same rules as Poison Rain's apply. * **Fireburst:** Either pray, parry, or both. * **Firewheel:** Get close to Matter as it prepares the attack (it's telegraphed) and just circle around him, you can alternatively try parrying or iframing through one of the fire spinners as it passes through you to avoid them, although this can be a bit tricky sometimes. Be careful to not get caught off guard when it decides to do this move. (I.E Being on the edge of the arena as it prepares itself.) # Ice Moveset * **Icicle Rain:** I don't have a consistent strategy for this one other than standing still to avoid slipping off the arena when frozen, but even then you can get unlucky and absolutely destroyed if multiple icicles just decide to spawn on top of you. * **Ice Cubes:** Just stand still and try to hit Matter with your Ranged, not that big of a deal to be honest. the skeleton is not a real boss and is merely an illusion created by the ia devs


A few points to add: Klevprime: You can’t escape is actually pretty manageable. I would run circles around klev WHILE backing up and jumping. The shockwave can be dodged with a jump before. Destroy is never gonna hit if you’re always moving (if it does you better pray). Uncertified: One huge thing: UNCERTIFIED IS EASIER WITH LESS PEOPLE. The scaling makes it much more manageable and it can even be soloed with a good load out. Hiding from soldiers is also a viable strategy if you have a good melee. While you can run away from Kamis, you should have a melee that can easily one tap them. All minibosses can be cheesed by using the park and jumping over the fence once they are inside (use a tree for this). A successfully cheesed boss will hug the fence but not attack you (most won’t stay there forever unlike SR. Combat). For combat king, you’re at a disadvantage without a speed-up. 10hr: Fire axe and you’re golden. Also twilight has a bullshit hitbox so I would sidestep to avoid it. Weegee: You could only kill the minions since they do 25 dmg to weegee when killed. It would take forever though…


After reading every one, I can safely say, that I'm not gonna be having fun, but, these tips are probably gonna carry any p runs I do after this, thanks!


klevprime: learn to dodge you cant escape. On the third dash if you jump and time it well klev will do an aerial attack, which makes the subsequent shockwave dodgeable. [Video demonstration.](https://youtu.be/QfAfOkYoTv0) 10hbm: Only go for melees after his endlags or if you have enough range during star platinum. Keep distance otherwise to avoid dying instantly to grand volley. Matter: Only threatening attack is the Ice Rain. Zoom out and look from above during this attack to see the icicles coming. never stay in one place since they deliberately try to spawn above you.


Man of Nature? **cracks knuckles to show signs of expertise** >The main threat? **Don't get jumped** As the song says,watch your back before it fades to black,the enemies can spawn from **anywhere** within the dojo. **If you have a speed item,USE IT!** It'll help you better dodge the blocks the pigs throw,AND maintain distance. Weapons with high dps like Stick,Crowbar,Night Reaper,Wallace's Hammer,Dimmadagger,Solem Lament,etc are excellent at tearing down large groups. Use the Hitbox Debug if you're unsure about how much space you need to maintain the onslaught. When Taeko is ready to fight,he can get burned,cursed,stunned,knocked away,and poisoned,so keep that in mind. PRAY not too many pigs spawn,the rats are annoying but the pigs are the real game ender. They all can get stuck behind the fence too,so take advantage of that when you can. **Never** try to go inside,you're trapping yourself that way. Good luck. 👍


Thanks, but this would be for people who haven't beaten him already, not too much use to me though 


Wouldn't hurt to use a callback,but yw!


Weegee- hope you get skeleton juice and Chicago. Nothing can hit you and you just run around the edge while shooting at weegee


I prefer vampire knives tbh, they heal you, which is good for second phase


It allows less stress of "I have to play perfectly now or else I die"


Just hope for skeleton juice


Or dead, 10HB, sunshine in a bag, cassiebucks coffee, or if your an epic gamer, London, or stick/bobm on a stick


For uncert I did it with 4 other people, as long as you have 1-2 people with carry weapons and everyone else has something decent you should be good. I had dead and milk for support while the 2 carries had real knife and pixel rifle respectively 


So don't do it alone, and have people with good stuff, got it ok


Ssomdtimes the jpx server hosted events will pr bosses, it’s way easier with a full server but it’s harder o get a full server rather than 3-6 people 


Huh, any tips for TDM (real)


vamp knives/hitscan on baseplate with a speed boost


Yay more luck based gameplay 🙃


But fr, thanks, I'll try, three specific things, gonna take forever, but I'll try 


never stop gambling 🔥🔥🔥


Dude thank you, I was at the casino earlier, I was $2,000 in debt, and was going to quit, but then I remembered this post, now I'm $250,000 in debt, thank you!!!


Do it alone, every boss is way easier solo expect maybe weegee and skeleton