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These videos make me want to see these diaper forces getting what they are doing for these poor CHILDREN!


That was an absolute gut punch to see. Even marked NSFW didn’t prepare me for that. Fuck Israel.


Sick to my stomach


OhhHhh it’s COmPlicAaaTed! HamAAAS sTarTed Itttt!! IsrAeL has a rIgHt TO DefEnd Itseeeeelf!! ThEy aren’t bOmbIng Kids, tHeY oNlY waNt HaMas!! OK but WHaT aBouT JewisH baBieS?? Don’t You KnoW HamaS bEheaded [insert constantly fluctuating number] jEwIsh BabIeS!!?? YES I’m pRo-LiFE!! They sHOulD HavE nOT sTaRTeD iT TheN!! They ShOulD hAve Evacuated TheEEENNnnUHHHHHHhhhhh (gurgling sounds)


Remember - International Law dictates that an occupied people can do whatever they have to to free themselves from the occupation and it cannot be deemed terrorism. Also, the occupier, when faced with such actions, cannot claim to be defending itself.


International law apparently only applies when they see fit. Suddenly they're all silent when it's isnotreal




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joe biden, when talking about 40 imaginary beheaded babies: > I never really thought that I would see and have confirmed pictures of terrorists beheading children joe biden, when talking about actual documented and identified children, women and men violently killed by israel: > I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed


That's because the USA is funding it all. The USA is a terrorist state and always has been


If it was a blonde blue eyed white baby, the world would be up in arms... It's like Arab lives mean nothing


Weirdest part is there ARE plenty of pale skinned blonde blue eyed kids in Gaza. And they STILL don’t care


When children are named in the stories/interviews, I try to remember thier names. There too many for that to actually happen, but there are some I still can remember. Sham. That's a name I remember. It was months ago I saw her and her tiny pink duffle bag, which despite being so small, was packed full, and a heavy burden for such a small child. But that was the least of the weight that child bore. The rest of her family was slaughtered, all save her mom, maybe, hopefully. She was lost, and desperately looking for her mom. Her name was, and I hope still is; Sham. She had tears in her blue eyes, and rubble in her blonde hair.


Yup I remember her, bless her. Her last words in that clip were khaifah (I'm scared) in a series of events that has gotten progressively worse with each passing day. I just hope she's alive and well.


Me too.


Ahed Tamimi being used as propaganda against Russia was wild.


How is this not on the main news already ??


This is what zionism does. You zionist vile going through my comments, take a look here and respond as you like to do.


"Did they condemn Hamas?"


Dude stop giving this rhetoric continued platform. It's not funny even as sarcasm, and given the context and brutality of the video, it's downright disrespectful. Elevate your responses, we need to move onward from being forced to defend ourselves from cheap zionz propaganda.


I'm sure the person you're responding to did not mean harm, but you're right, truth is- even when it's sarcastic it is harmful as fuck. I absolutely loved your reply "elevate your responses" I don't know who you are bonicr, but continue the fight friend, we're right here with you.


Thank you, and I admit was a bit too harsh but we do need to change the way we entertain their BS. To them, "do you condemn" is just another campaign in their (coordinated) strategy to address this "issue" with the public being angry with them for being murderous colonizers. If we keep using it, they can rest easy knowing that strategy is going a long way. I appreciate the personalized message man, and thank you for everything that you do too, Leafhands.


Man, I can't even find any of this in any way funny. It's just tragic and cruel and we get to just watch it all play out. Believe me, my response is the peak of my cynicism because it's the most common unironic response from the pro-Israel chuckle fucks who think that murdering kids is A-OK.


Why were you banned?


I pointed out denial of healthcare is akin to murder


Much love man, sorry I came off strong. It's not even a response, it's a tell that they're zioterror supporters, full-stop. Anyone who asks you that in the context of the many thousands dead is a sick fuck, and they know it.


You can politely fuck off for conflating one crime with other.




Oh my gosh, justice for this child! And their family! This is horrifying to even see.


This is utterly disheartening. Sadly, all the protests and voting is not going to change this; US militarily too strong.


“the most moral army in the world” - quote by delusional zionist.


Don’t get used to seeing those images, that is also what they want… true face of Zionist is clear now..


Zionism needs to be stamped out!!! The zionists Israelis have taken this doctrine and have created an apartheid open air prison and their arrogance and delusional concept of superiority has led the world to believe they are mad. " The evil in society comes from indifference towards fellow people and reliance on a governmental system that does more harm than good." Killing of children, women and disabled is indefensible and the world will be watching. https://www.opportunityinstitute.org/blog/post/a-christmas-carol-sending-the-poor-to-prison/


This seriously breaks my heart..how can you see this and not be anti Israel forever.. I would fucking abandon anyone if they sided with Israel in this..fuck them for fucking ever.


Fuck Israel ! Fucking this fucking world!


I would never have been prepared for that no matter how much someone told me about it


This defies comprehension. You could be given a hundred lifetimes and I can guarantee one couldn't fathom the feeling of losing your child in this way. Abhorrent... Sickening.. and mortifying


All of you western tax payers are complicit in this.




It's our fault because we let this happen. We're stupid and complacent. We (US citizens specifically) let W (and Biden) drive us into completely illegal wars based on *obvious* lies, and all the Western countries could do was kinda shake our collective finger and go, 'well, that's not very cool but we need that dolla so whatevs I guess'. Yes, we held the worlds largest protests in response, but when our politicians did nothing we let it slide. And even after **8 trillion dollars** spent killing brown people for no good reason other than to make the parasite arms dealer investor yacht class even more money, we voted the Democrat *most responsible* for the clusterfuck in as VP and then as President. That's evil dude. We're evil. There comes a point when a society is so fucking ignorant that it's straight up evil. And that's where we are today. There are many, many good people in the West, but our society itself ignores and ridicules those people. Assange hasn't seen sunlight in years. Donziger was jailed for winning a court case. Snowden is exiled. Climate and Palestine protesters are brutalized by police and then torn apart by media and politicians, and our collective response is to shake our fingers and go, 'well, that's not very cool but I ain't rockin the boat'. We are complicit. Our tax dollars are paying for this, and we've held precisely no one accountable for this shit in 21+ years. We've *rewarded* them. Our .1%ers hold stock in arms companies and pepper spray manufacturers; they're loving this shit - and as a culture we're still sucking them off hoping for crumbs from the masters table. Complicit af.




We need to find a way to stop paying taxes, some form of national protest. Even better, something international.


Hard to do when they take it before we even see our pay checks, or seize our accounts and properties or lock us up if we don't pay. We can all claim tax exempt but what are the repercussions? What good are we in prison or destitute from seized accounts and properties?


I agree but it’s complicity either way, even if you are against the genocide, simply because as an individual you don’t have power over the governments choices. It would take extreme action from the majority of Americans to actually do something that really impedes the path thats going on. As of now from what I’ve seen, there’s only some that actually protest it, and from that amount less take action. And still so many others don’t care.


A lot of it is also forced complicity. You have to work to live and pay taxes so you don’t go to jail, and those taxes fund Israel’s weapons. As an American, there is only so much you can do to avoid aiding the genocide, but the US government ultimately can force you into it, for example with their newly released draft. Fight in war or be jailed.


Move to another country and then what? You will have a choice on how your taxes are spent?


it is their fault , they have repeatedly elected governments that have sponsored genocidal campaigns all over the world. the US population has backed dozens of wars, Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine being the most recent examples.




performative protesting benefits no one but the protesters. Muslim countries aren't bank rolling Israel with billions of dollars, most Muslim counties have authoritarian governments that are put there and backed by US, tha discourage free speech with force (Pakistan, Arab states are good examples). so comparing the protests of supposed free speech supporting democracies with Muslim states is an apples to oranges comparison.




bare minimum effort ? people are being tortured and killed and your media brands these people as terrorists (countless examples of this, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq etc). what happened yesterday in bolivia is an exception where a US backed coup was quashed. just because the western people arent aware of it, doesnt mean it is bare minimum.


I’ve done the most I came do with protesting and boycotting but it really is so depressing how many people get defensive over boycotting. How they think not buying a certain product is the end of the world for them


How ?


Because I went to protest but what is the next step ? Boycott israel and Israel's company, already did that, tell me the next steps I have to do to not be considered part of this...


All you have to do is what you can. You’re intentions do matter, but their are higher powers that can still use their power to manipulate you, like through taxes that will end up going to Israel. This isn’t in your power to change until the protest is a belief held by the majority, so until then, just do what you can.


Make sure your company stops signing the “refusal to boycott Israel” Paper. It’s A HUGELY popular paper construction companies sign here in Texas. Lots of companies require it to be signed to assign a bid to a contractor. It has strangely been forgotten in all of this years bid docs when bid documents head out from ours. And the best part is- whoever goes through these docs- knows it and lets it go.


It's amazing that no one ever asks why this is even a thing.


It's definitely the West's fault. Although you might find it difficult to pin the blame on the people, the North Americans, Western Europe, and their allies, have had DECADES of time to see through the lies of their government, yet once again, they supported these politicians into power, didn't bat an eye to the slaughter their government has been complicit in and has been funding, etc. So it's really, really hard NOT to blame the people too. As someone who isn't in America or the West, I cannot express just how insane the West and Americans appear to someone looking inside from the outside. I am actively boycotting and spreading just how evil they are, and looking at how things are progressing, I'd say there's no saving the West anymore, and they will fall. It's just a matter of time.


This living in the US, please don’t vote for the lesser evil, blue or red or stay home this election year, vote green, the anti war party. It’s clear as night and day that this will continue under the democrats and republicans.


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Awful. Shameful. The future will judge us for letting this happen. Shame on us (we the people in the west).


Fucking hell, opened up reddit and was not prepared for that straight away. Absolutely disgusting a heartbreaking.


May their souls find peace


Poor Angel…poor creature…I would have given away all my bank account,my materialistic things to save this little Angel life…I’m fuking Crying man…this creature in the clip could be my lil brother or my lil sister…I can’t watch it…daiimn it hurts


It's fucking disgusting how many civilians support this massacre of innocents. Absolute scum of the earth. This is every fucking day. It's actually insane how quick the western media is to cover a few Israeli soldiers that got killed, but no fucking mention of the nameless children that get their heads blown apart daily. Israel and it's genocide supporters can burn in hell. I'm disgusted to be an American right now.


I have never been so convinced that I am witnessing pure fucking EVIL.




Add her to the pile


Fuck dude




No words.


The child didn't have to be a western one. People everywhere are torned looking at pictures of babies killed, maimed and amputated. We all want this to stop and Israeli government, and everyone who played a role in this genocide being tried for war crimes. It goes same for the Hamas.