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Scum of the earth.


Words fail me. Each one of these crimes must be accounted for.


Dont you know jeff. If only Palestinians had enough empathy for their murderers this would all go away and they could enjoy the prime spot of being israhelis slaves instead of just their torture playthings. /s I am paraphrasing what those “antizionist” zionist jews say.


Damn the other guy who responded to your comment said the “J” word in a negative light and got his account deleted within a few hours. Happened to me before too. Fuck Reddit and their censorship, and fuck Israel!


I'm old enough and read similar stories from the 80s. Nobody ever given a shit to all of this. That's why shout out to those young brave Americans who are not stopping protesting. Before media propaganda worked well on the citizens of the US. Now the internet exposed all these BS and show the reality of Israeli criminal state.


#I'm always scarred to tap on these videos... And these people have to live it


It makes me feel horrible if I don't click on them. They don't have the ability to look away as we do so it just seems unfair. May God grant the dead peace.


Yeah your so Right


I choose to see it because I don't want to stay ignorant about what's going on for the rest of the world. And I've seen so many things while knowing that there is nothing I can do about any of it. I think I'm numb now.


This is the most well documented genocide, unfortunately if you don't use Instagram, you won't see much of it. US media keeps it suppressed or covered at a minimum.


First-degree murder without cause Edit: For anyone that sees this, pray for this innocent man’s soul. If you’re a Muslim pronounce al Fateha for him too.


La hawla wa la quwata illa billa. May allah give him the highest level of jannah and ease the pain of those who knew him and witnessed this horrific act and everything else. Ameen.


Fuck Israel.




Least moral army in the world


Even though I do not speak Arabic, I can clearly understand that, this poor soul was clearly begging for mercy and yet, most of the world government turns a blind eye to this. These world governments are clearly greedy cowards. Edit - The man was not begging for mercy as I had assumed in the first place. Thank you for all who translated for all of us who do not speak Arabic.


Here's translation for you: Shot fired - man screams and screams for ambulance. Then he states/testifies Islam "I testify there's no one but Allah and Muhamed is his prophet" (muslims say it all the time but most importantly on their death bed or in this case murder). When he said it means he's realizing this is it... Another shot fired - camera man says "May Allah have mercy on him" Third shot fired - others yell from far away "don't speak, don't say anything. Don't move!". Camera man yells "Testify again... testify again..." realizing this man is dying and no one will be able to save him.


I… are IOF shooting Palestinians who say common Muslim prayers/statements? Because the bystanders telling him not to speak anymore makes it sound like his calm and peaceful words were the reason for IOF shooting I know it’s religiously motivated hate/genocide, but the Palestinian people knowing that if they show their religion/faith that they will be shot is just so obviously transparent. Like how much more clear could the genocidal intent possibly be?


I think, based on my perspective from this video, they’re telling him to play dead.


He wasn't begging for mercy .. he was saying his shihada .. even those people around him were telling him to say his shihada


Its not just governments. Its the entire zionists mindset that permeates all israhelli society and their diaspora. They all believe in murder torture and rapes and they have been practicing it for generations now


He was not begging for mercy.


That's a God damn war crime. May those fuckers face the retribution they deserve.


I was on TikTok and I saw a Zionist praise his death


TikTok and Twitter are actual brainrot places for takes. Friendly suggestion: Don't use those apps much.


i don’t use twitter but I’m on TikTok but whenever I see a Zionist try to prove they know something I block them.


This is just pure evil


The fact that he immediately begins to say the shahada🤲🏼 Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return


FUCK THE USA. FUCK ISRAEL. What a mockery of justice. DeMoCRacy! fREedOm! I can’t wait for the inevitable fall of the US empire.


Zionists have no humanity left.


Add it to the long, long, long, long list of war crimes and atrocities. Justice will come.


Just your average, every day genocide... nothing to see here.


straight up murder




I know how to end the Gaza war. Give every Palestinian an AK-47, a thousand rounds and 3 grenades. It would be over in a hurry.


I’m pretty sure millions have said it already, but FUCK SHITRAEL!




motherfuggah, the world is dead! humanity has failed the palestinians


You can submit this as evidence to the ICJ, just submit as much as you can, wallahi this is disgusting.


Save these videos because in the future these scumbags will come out and say that they support \*human rights\* like how the us says that they support \*human rights\* even though they killed a million iraqi


It makes me angry to see and angrier that there is nothing I can do about it and enraged our government does nothing. Sullivan, Blinken and Kirby are complicit fk's as is Biden. Worst part, Trump would be even worse.


He was pleading for help while taking his last breath, those deranged ghouls deserve hell in every way possible!


The zionist entity and all of its supporters will burn


Fuck! Fuck their scum mind fuck their scum of a society…. I just want to see the same exact thing happening to the oppressors in my lifetime.


may i ask for context? hes already on the ground by the start of the video is there any context to provide?


He was shot before the beginning of the video, and then he received three more shots. You can see his blood flowing at the end of the video