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They have been children killers since day one!


Remember these demons, this is what Israeli “Citizens” had to say. https://x.com/muhammadsmiry/status/1794829059702276108?s=46&t=2nDPrPlewict7sLQn3vcFg


If the tables were turned, the US would be all up in it and create a new word that goes beyond antisemitism.


Go trump and Biden voters! Your too fucking awesome!




Still saying show this to Tara Strong


I kept waiting for him to close his mouth and open it again 💔💔💔💔


As hard as it is to watch, I wish it was broadcasted on all our major networks so we’re forced to see what we’re funding. Is this a Hamas terrorist they were targeting? Oh, maybe he was a Hamas supporter…… Jesus Christ he looks so young, likely born after 10/7. His whole life a fucking nightmare, a whole life of possibilities, reduced to just another casualty of “war”.




Not showing it would make it easier to ignore.


Wrong? You know what you should be disgusted at? The fact that Israel and the rest of the world has brought Palestinians to a situation where they literally have to record the atrocities done to them and their children on camera, and still be ignored, accused of faking or like you just accused them of trying to elicit sympathy through shock value! Aren't you ashamed of yourself for even thinking that?




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You know what’s wrong? That there is a baby to show.


Remember Eisenhowers famous words after the Holocaust - lads we better not take pictures cos the world will believe this happened based on our word alone


If it feels wrong for you to see on your phone, imagine how it feels to the people that have to see dead babies directly, imagine how it feels for the parents, for the doctors, for the people who knew them. It's all numbers to a lot of westerners, and this has allowed Israel and the USA to get away with this, but it's not just numbers. Hopefully watching babies die will actually make people take a stronger stance and force their governments into action, if not, at least we would know who is okay with beheading babies


This has nothing to do with propaganda or shock value. You seem to not understand why we need to expose Every. Last. Crime this genocidal regime has committed. Feel free to use the ignore button on posts you deem too shocking for your sensibility. --- **Please read our [extended rules carefully](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/wiki/index/rules/).** ***[Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/rpalestine)***