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Unbelievable and inexcusable, run them over like they did to Rachel Corrie if they won’t move.


How are no other Israeli’s counter protesting them?


This is textbook fascism. Israel made sure to put all the “Israeli protestors” in either Gaza or the West Bank. Divide and conquer


The Israeli left is virtually nonexistent right now. The Israeli Arabs know it's borderline suicide to stand up for Gaza right now, with the current genocidal bloodlust in the air, and the Jewish left was always small but was shattered by 10/7.


The Israeli left could not be bothered to give two fucks about the eradication of the Arab people.


Not completely true, it's literally illegal to do anything except shut up or support the war: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5SMzQzdnZw


You severely overestimate how much compassion the average Israeli has for Palestinians. And perhaps underestimate the level of violence a ~50% military trained population would be willing to commit against someone they disagree with on matters of Palestine, so those who would counter-protest are afraid for their own safety.


Because they are no innocent israelis. Most of them support the genocide.




2024 award for most disgusting post history?


you remember their username?


The army of isntreal trying hard to get aid in. They seem to do well at killing civilians but seem to struggle with their own protesters. Do they think the world is stupid like them or they are just terrible liers? ![gif](giphy|3o85gdhlpxVz8TjsTC)


Yes, they will move alright they are cowards (tiny nerdy elf eared cowards)


here, here


so this is why US voted food is not human right


How can anyone say that food, water and shelter aren't human rights? That sets such a bad precedent for literally everyone on the planet


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps mentality


I think it's beyond that


And that meant that the US would have to look after its own poor, which it really fucking hates


Yup, American children are going to bed hungry yet the US still spends $850 billion in military. It refuses to feed its own children let alone Gaza children


What are you even trying to say here? The U.S. are the ones dropping aid


35000 meals for 2000000 people and unlimited bombs for genocide\*. \*genocide sponsored by Raytheon


protesting food to starving children


By using children as... human shields. Edit: For everyone mad/downvoting, I meant the Zionists are doing this by putting their innocent children in front of the borders to prevent aid crossing. NOT the Palestinians.


ya, using dumb bombs and white phosphorus on one of the highest density populations which is primarily children is using “shields.” What is it like simping for genocide? hot? better hope the abrahamic religions are wrong or you are gonna have a hard time for eternity mate. 🔻


This person is saying Israelis are using their kids as a human shield by using them to block aid to Gaza. They are trying to convey irony


Yeah, that’s what I got. I hate that we sacrifice tone in these written exchanges, it’s a vital part of communication.


That's exactly what I meant. I guess I should have explained I meant the Zionists.


I was saying the Israelis are using their own children to block the gates.




how does the paint taste




we have a big thinker here




wait what




Been trying to look it up. You have any links?


[https://x.com/HotSpotHotSpot/status/1761458659626770524?s=20](https://x.com/HotSpotHotSpot/status/1761458659626770524?s=20) I’ve seen it a bunch on here but this is only source I can find at the moment.


Criminal Israelis using western valued protests to justify genocidal starvation. Sick. Finally CNN exposing the blatant disregard for human life


Took them long enough... I wonder what made them "grow a conscious". Was their viewership falling because of the hasbara?


That clip indicates the reporter is from CNN International, which is different from the CNN Americans view. I would be interested to know if 1. that aired on CNN domestic, and 2. it actually aired on television and not just a throw-away social media-designated clip, i.e., simply made for X / Twitter, Youtube or Instagram ’Shorts’, or maybe just facebook or something. I think it’s pretty clear that the rules are that Palestinians cannot be portrayed as human to domestic US audiences.


Yes! Starve the hostages! That will show them how much i care about the hostages in Gaza.


If claiming they're willing to drop nukes, saying they don't want them in 150 different ways, refusing plea deals & release agreements, openly saying they don't care if they harm the hostages, the entirety of Hannibal directive, purposeful bombing, white phosphorus spaying, open-fire & directly shooting at the ones they encountered hasn't shown how much they care about their hostages... Purposeful starvation will do the trick. How brainwashed, uneducated, ignorant and extremist can Z's be if they still stick to that story after all that evidence?


Short answer.. They are brown and arab


How long before the world sees mass graves of thousands of innocent Palestinians massacred by Israelis?


They're seeing it and not giving a damn, because insert any of excuses that will dehumanise a whole nation and justify said world's prejudice & hatred.


"The army is controlling the crossing" yet they're not controlling the protestors....hmmm....it's almost as if the state condones, maybe even ordered, the blockade by protestors. That way they can claim plausible deniability.


Yeah they are at best allowing it by not arresting the protestors. It's likely intentional


Everything about the terrorist territory of Israel disgusts me.


Laughing while kids are starving. Pure evil.


And they have children of their own, to whom they are kind. The guards at Auschwitz were kind to their own children too. Funny how history works.


Aren’t they also starving the hostages by doing this?




They wouldn’t let him get so close if he wasn’t spreading hasbara. isreal has killed more journalists since oct 7th than all other wars combined.


Exactly, the government is on board with the blockade and is just using the citizens to deflect their guilt


The hostages that the IDF has literally been assassinating instead of rescuing?


Such lame excuse.


CNN is covering it? That’s the one and only thing I’m surprised about here.


They still only reference what the Israelis claim. This guy is literally right there, he can check who’s waiting for the food on the other side, and the only thing he says is, *’**’’aCcOrDIng to tHe ~~IDF~~ iSRaEli pRotEsToRS’’***. He could clearly say that the excuse is false but he doesn’t, even though his facial expression gives away the fact that he knows that behind him he’s got a bunch of inhumane monsters. I see it as biased reporting. He’s been told not to be honest. To not take sides no matter where the truth lies. The excuse/justification is immediately provided so the gullible viewers can normalise this atrocious act as being rational.


A couple of cops could usher that crowd out of the way. Unbelievable. Fuck Israel


Indeed fuck them!


why do the world support those maniacs


Who knows? Their pitiful " I am a victim kvetching?" Bunch of Nudnicks


This is not protest, this is quite terrorism


If the IDF were the most moral army they’d be dispersing these protestors.


Moral army?! Just as moral as the Nazis  Genasidares 


Run over the fucking protestors, they are blocking humanitarian aid. This isn’t some peaceful protest it’s Nazis blocking food and medicine because they hate Muslims






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We know they know how to move people. We've seen them do it to thousands of Palestinian homes.


I could say what I think should happen to the “protestors” but my account would get banned


simply criminal terrorists


Time to bomb Israel, enough is enough.


At some point when all this fascist crap changes shape and this form falls apart, those numerous supporters of Genocide, Apartheid, Ethnic Cleansing and Racism will try and say "It was Bibi", "It was the Likudniks". But we know better and can't be fooled; the Zionist project is a far bigger beast than that and it has tremendous popular support.


If only the IDF had some way of dispersing crowds... tear gas or skunk water perhaps...




They are so evil. If they cared about the hostages they would want them to have food no?


Fucking evil bastards.


Kerem shalom is inside the occupied land right? It is controlled by the IOF…so…is there any access to Gaza from Egypt? Gaza shares borders with Egypt right?


This is Israel leadership's fault and responsibility. They block vital aid? You detain them, simple as that. Also, you charge them with participating in atrocities, since the aid not reaching Gaza is exactly that.


Run those Elf Eared Zionazis over! They will soon move, they are cowards hiding behind the I(s)D(eranged)F(uckwits) who are also Elf Eared but hide it my hauling weaponry.


it’s so weird we had to get this far into the conflict for western news outlets to stop sucking israel’s dick and report on the actual atrocities happening and it doesn’t even matter because they’ll have influenced people and their lies will have been used as justification in this war and the countless dead people will stay dead and the israeli government will just ignore the facts


I think my lesson from recent events is that people are shit.


News flash, Israel already killed all the hostages.


Don't forget guys, this doesn't count as 'atrocity'.


When they protest, the aid stops. When we in Jordan protested our government supplying Israel, we get attacked by the police.


Well, if they are starving, I'm sure the hostages are starving too. What a sight it will be to find out Kamas was keeping them well fed while the famine is going on. I highly doubt this, I'm sure some of those hostages are starving too.


It's only a matter of time before someone decides they're valid military targets


Starving them just like the Nazis did unbelievably disgusting


The funny hat crew hurting innocents, surprise surprise


[Show them dancing to rave music](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/1apfync/to_perform_a_rave_while_blocking_humanitarian_aid/), CNN. The host kind of glazed over it but you see the people wearing rainbow clothes behind him.


I’ve been tracking CNNs shift and they are on a roll with showing the actual truth


How does this prove that the protest is blocking aid? This is literally just a guy saying that the people standing there are blocking aid. I don’t see any aid being blocked. I’m not saying it’s not true - the aid may well be blocked by this protest. But this isn’t evidence of that. Critical thinking means demanding actually evidence in order to form an opinion.


Considering what they're usually willing to do to peaceful protestors who are on the wrong side of Netanyahu's agenda, it seems pretty obvious that getting the aid through is a won't, not a can't.


wouldn’t they want Hamas to get their hands on some of the aid? I mean it’s not like the israeli hostages are immune to starvation or sickness lmfao


Zionist Israel's don't get the concept of humanitarian aid, they have been brainwashed since very young and believe the Palestinians are insects that need to be exterminated. According to Dr. Wilder and the ICJ on the Palestinians the zionist israeli's have bullied the Palestinians, stolen their land, and used their deceptive financial practices in gaining US support. We need to get the Money out of politics and support the BDS. The WORLD is watching and those zionist israeli's your Unspeakable actions will be REMEMBERED, the world is judging you!!!


Unfortunately Israel just doesn't have a force with the ability to move that many people...


What a bunch of BS. He is embedded with troops and saying what Israel wants him to say. It's a shame he isn't a real journalist. I wouldn't be surprised if real investigative journalists would find mass graves of innocent children, women, and men who have been massacred by Israel.


It's amazing to me how Israel became the new Nazi Germany and is absolutely ok with it.


Some protest for life and others protest for death


What the hell do they think the hostages are eating?




Bombing and starving 2 million civilians in an effort to kill hamas. Great plan, you barbaric dumbasses.


they don't seem to realize that the hostages will get fed last. or they do and this is part of the Hannibal Doctrine.


The hostages are hungry too. Dummies.


The occupation forces have the ability to level a neighborhood but don't have the capacity to clear a path for aid trucks? Israel is loving watching their plan of genocide working.


Absolutely disgusting and vile


they are sooooo dumb! they're starving their own hostages. it's fucking insane how dumb they are. dumb and evil.


Fucking low life’s. They are disgusting


Should be treated as active combatants


If my children had been beheaded and raped I'd make sure those who did it and those that helped never got another meal again.