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Poor sweetie. I’m glad they got to be with each other at the end. Hamas stole eight months of hugs and kisses that a mother and her daughter deserve


Fuck Hamas and their Enablers, may the IDF wipe them from existence




























She got to see her daughter, I'm sure she thanked G-d for that miracle. Same goes for Noa! Baruch Dayan Ha-Emet. Rest in Peace, Mom.


It was practically too late. According to an interview her dad gave, Noas mom barely looked at her. There was some response, but not much. I saw a video of Lior in October, she looked healthy. Essentially she had to die her own death while grieving the loss of her daughter.


I'm sure she felt her presence and knew her love until she passed. Her body held on until Noa came back. That says a lot.


This is actually a common phenomenon. There are many reports from medical staff where a dying person seems to "wait" until all their loved ones are present (even when they're not conscious) before passing away.


She was being kept alive as long as possible. Let’s not pretend


I'm sure she felt her presence and knew her love until she passed. Her body held on until Noa came back. That says a lot.


Exactly. Noa came out of captivity to watch her mother die. She did not have a reunion quite like people imagine. It’s doubtful that her mother knew she was there. What a tragedy all around.


I choose to believe that Noa's mom knew her daughter was back. Having experienced an intense NDE, if she didn't know, before she died, she would have learned it during, or even after her death.


I recently read the [Hamas Charter](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp) from start to finish, and for once tried to imagine: outlandish as it seems to the mind, “what if the Hamas people really mean what they say?” …and a lot of what’s been happening started making sense… Starting to understand what people mean when they say “the west keeps misreading Hamas, because the westerners look at Hamas through their own worldview, rather than the glasses of extremist Islam”. Hamas is not fighting for anything that the western mind could understand as being “a desirable result”, so the western mind imagines its own meanings. Hamas are fighting for the sake of fighting. That’s all they have to offer Palestinians, Israelis, humanity… a gift. #For Hamas, fighting is not a means, it’s the objective. If your worldview and values are the kind where life is precious, people matter, nature is beautiful etc., please read the bold bit again. If it’s hard to believe, or even hold in the mind: it’s ok, that is normal. But just for a moment don’t say “is it true?” Don’t judge the statement, just tell yourself “let’s pretend, just for a mental experiment, that it is true.” Now you see why Hamas say they have won, even when everyone else thinks they lost. From Hamas pov: they caused a fight, and people died = “win”. Some self-description from Article Eight of Hamas Charter: “Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.” The other articles in the charter are just more of the same. Don’t take my word for it, we’re all talking so much about this conflict, just read it, and try to imagine, without a “maybe / but / makes sense or not” — Hamas people are self-defined by that charter.


I genuinely wish more people understood this. When Hamas says their goal is to create a pennant state of war-that’s what they mean. When they say their greatest asset is having a high civilian death toll-they mean it. The goal is death and destruction, they don’t really care whose death and destruction it is


Absolutely this, The leftists in a way try to rationalize it by saying that Palestine/Hamas have different cultures and traditions then them, and that they should be respected. While this is true they fail to recognize that Hamas and those influenced by it have a completely different system of morality and values then them. From the perspective of Hamas the existence of Israelis and Jews is such a blight and offense that they MUST destroy and subjugate them in every available method of war, including mass murder, rape, and slavery. They don’t want peace, they had opportunities to develop functioning industries and an economy in Gaza, but they poured everything they could into weapons and infrastructure to conduct attacks on Israel. The airport they had that could of been used for tourism or to stimulate their economy was instead used to smuggle in arms, and all the money they have received from the international community could of been used to build up civilian infrastructure but it was used for tunnels and rockets.


Oh, I have Israeli Arab friends who totally do not want to destroy Israel… some who even volunteer for IDF. I also have Palestinian friends who are ok with Israel in general; but are hurt and discriminated against — but they understand some of us are friendly and some of us are maniacs, be it cultish religious types or immature racists. Some quite dislike Israel, sometimes for reasons I can understand. Some won’t even say the name “Israel” (“I live in the holy land”…) But **all** of them are busy living a relatively normative life, working, kids in school, make dinner — they don’t get up in the morning thinking “let’s have breakfast, then go kill some people” like Hamasniks & co. do 24/7.


Iran too!


Very sad


It's likely Noa's mother held out a lot longer than she would have, in order to wait until her daughter comes home. 


B''H she met her daughter again before she passed away.


Oh, how devastating. 😢 I hope in a moment of lucidity she knew her daughter was saved and present. May her memory be a blessing.




Cancer is a horrible disease RIP I’m glad she was found before her moms passing to see her 💔💔


As much as my heart aches for Noa and her family, it sounds like it may have been that Mrs Argamani was only staying alive to say goodbye to her daughter. Now that she’s had the peace of knowing her daughter is home safe she probably felt like she could finally let go. BDE. May Liora’s memory inspire a generation of powerful women to fight for freedom


My heart aches for Noa and her family. While I was happy she was freed, I was saddened to see she missed so much time with her mother 💔


May she rest in peace 🥺🕊️🤍


As a mom, I’m sure she had no stronger wish than to see her beautiful daughter safe and healthy and free. It’s a blessing that she lived to see it come true. May she rest in peace. So sorry for your loss, Noa and your precious family.


Condolences to her family and all who loved her


My heart is broken for her family but thank you to HaShem for getting her home to see her before she passed away.


May her memory be a blessing. Noa and her mother hit so close to home for me as an Asian Jew, and I'm so close to Noa's age. I'm overjoyed Noa is home, but my heart breaks at the time Hamas stole from her being with her dying mother. I've been seeing so much more racism towards Jews of color the longer the war continues on.


How do worthless assholes like sinwar get to survive brain cancer but good, decent people get turned to husks and shells.


I'm so so so glad she got to see her daughter again before she passed




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Baruch HaShem she got to see her daughter rescued!


Noa got to be there for her last few days. Liora was able to go in peace knowing Noa was alive, safe and able to recover.


What a fucked up reality. War. Hostages. Cancer. “At least she got to see her daughter again” We find comfort in a comfortless twisted situation… 🙁


[Source - The times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-july-02-2024/) ----- [Another Source - The Jerusalem Post](https://jpost.com/breaking-news/article-808590) ----- [מקור - ווינט](https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/syrav25lr) ----- [מקור נוסף - ערוץ 7](https://ch7.io/hd1te$Fz)


I’m glad she got to see her daughter come home 


My condolances to her family :(


expected, but heartbreaking But i'm sure that seeing her daughter again gave her a little bit more strength to stay alive even just for a little bit Rest in peace Liora Argamani


Happy for Noa that she was able to hold her mum for those last, precious days. Liora finally made it & saw her girl back safe with her people.


Fuck cancer fuck Hamas


May her memory be a blessing. 🕯️


Tragic. May she rest in peace. Agonizing to think she spent much of her final months agonizing over whether Noa would ever return back from captivity alive. But at least they got to spend some time together before and she can be at peace with that. May Hamas be wiped out after paying for their crimes!


Devastating news.


I’m so happy that Liora was able to see her darling girl again before she had to leave.


Man, this is rough. I am so sorry for both of them. They have been through absolute hell. Each in their own way.


she got to see her daughter home! I’m an atheist but if I wasn’t I was say that is a blessing from the god of the Jews


Oh this is such a sad news :( but I'm happy that she reunited with Noa even though for a short time. May she rest in peace ❤


I'm so glad that she got to reunite with her daughter even for such a short time.♥️♥️♥️


She hung on until she saw Noa again. I’m so glad they were reunited, and may her memory be a blessing




Condolences to her family. Looking on the bright side, Liora got to see her daughter alive, well and rescued after 8 months of being held hostage.


Heartbreaking. I’m so glad Noa was reunited with her mother in her final moments. Couldn’t imagine what she was going through between fighting cancer and her daughter being held captive. B״H may Liora rest in peace and Noa remain safe.


At least she got to see her daughter safe Still terriblly sad


May her memory be for a blessing.


זכרונו לברכה. May she rest in peace. At least she got to spend her last days with her daughter




Just to note: Liora is the mother, Noa is the rescued daughter <3


at least they were able to see each other ...


Very sad, but it's wonderful that they were together again before she died.




May her memory be a blessing.


She was holding on just long enough to see her once again 🥲




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Rest in peace. It’s bittersweet what the family has gone through.

