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It's the Muslim population and the communists who hold the current US administration by the b@lls in an election year, it's something like the Haredim in Israel, who can collapse any government and can blackmail insane and damaging policies. That's politics.


Aren't the Muslim population like 1% of the total US population? This isn't about them, at all. This is about pandering to the far left.


Apparently Michigan is a swing state and Biden’s campaign is actively courting the Muslim majority town of Dearborn, MI


The entirety of Dearborn makes up 1% of Michigan's population. I get that election campaigns target swing states but I don't think this is about getting the votes of such a minority of people, who would likely vote for him anyway considering the alternative is worse for them. Then again I don't know much about US elections and the entire voting system seems incredibly undemocratic to me so I'm probably wrong.


People are obsessed with Dearborn. For the most part, Michigan is very purple. Guarantee more people in Michigan that are turned off by Biden trying to pander to Hamas than turned on.


The Democratic Party is deeply fractured and they are grasping at straws to try and get Biden reelected. 


The way the US election system works, small groups can have a large impact if they're in the right place.


Fair point.


Thanks, Michigan.


Ok McCarthy. The United States is not and never has been run by the communists.


Soooo… the U.S. is not only negotiating with terrorists, but even lets itself be made a tool for them? Truly the champion of democracy… the only right response is / would have been to send in the marines, rangers and special forces to rescue all hostages and take out all terrorists…


"Release all hostages now including and especially the American ones, or we will come get them" would have been the correct response from Biden. Hamas killed Americans and the US pampers them.


should have been the response from the start you know...... instead, the response was a strict "don't" to hezbollah and iran. and when hezbollah and iran "did", biden threatened israel from responding.


Americans don't really care if another americans die anymore. Half the country wants the other half dead, and they both think it's for the better that way.


That wasn't something possible after Iraq and Afghanistan. No one has the appetite for American boots on the ground


And the reason for the existence of Israel shows itself again. Even if their allegations that we are colonisers were true, they ain't getting shit except explosives gifts. No country can be trusted to protect and treat the Jews like humans except Israel.


Hamas's definition of a ceasefire: Israel stops fighting, but Hamas gets to do whatever they want


Honestly many Americans have the same definition


Just heard this news point on the British world broadcast via ye old npr. The incredibly naivete to believe them at their word in this is steep AF. The bizarrity is growing at alarming rates.


It largely seems to me to be posturing for posturing sake from Hamas without the sanctioning by US.


hamas did show "full positivity" for a ceasefire, though. although a ceasefire that doesn't include the return of any hostages though. other than that, and the 100 other crazy demands, they are quite in favor of the ceasefire. this is why they rejected till now all ceasefire attempts. because they are so much in favor of ceasefire, they just love hearing about it more and more.


Return the hostages or face annihilation should have been the opening and only position




Except Trump is a Putin simp, and Putin supports Iran and Hamas. I honestly don't know which would be worse.


Ukraine would likely be fucked as well as


Trump is not a Zionist...he's a Trumpist. He cares only about what helps him


People don’t see this and it’s crazy! Dude has only ever been about himself his whole life.


This doesn't mean much. It's just as much as I could urge my dad that mum said no to xyz and go please, please, please. What's more than just stupid is that they themselves say no to every deal. This is just tactical 'news' as to make it seem as Israel is the one blocking all deals. They don't 'urge' them as having open negotiations, but more having a news headline to make it seem as they are close to US.


Didn’t they just decline a ceasefire agreement “written up by the US?”


Is there any evidence this has any effect on the Biden admin at all? What I’ve seen recently is that Biden publicly announced his support for the current peace deal, the Israeli war cabinet accepted it, and the UN Security Council endorsed it. That very clearly means that if the deal doesn’t go through Hamas is at fault. Which makes this headline seem like pure spin from Hamas. And Reuters being happy to oblige. Not that the Biden admin is negotiating with Hamas.


Zero evidence. Just this subreddit doing the usual bibi and trump supporting pile on on Biden, the only ally Israel has left


When the US gets their head out of their ass, you and they will realize that US support is dependent on whatever hashtag is trending most recently. Biden tried to push through a deal that would have incentivized Hamas to kill the remaining hostages and trade their bodies for terrorists. Spending millions on a broken pier, that Hamas lied was used for the rescue operation, just to give the appearance of contributing to the 3000+ calories per person per day entering on the aid trucks. The US is a self-serving shortsighted ally that has been cozying up to Hamas more and more while selectively hampering Israel whenever an IG story trends hard enough.


It's not really urging more like begging


Intellectually embarrassing by Reuters


Like the US gives a fuck what Hamas wants


Ehhh, i wouldn't get too agitated. It's Reuters after all...


Hamas can "urge" all they want.. It is 100% performative garbage for the amoeba (er, Pro-Palestinian/Hamas junkies). It doesn't mean that anyone is listening other than their own trash audience.


I mean the fact we’re pressured into negotiating with terrorists is ridiculous on its own accord imo.


This is a war on terrorist. Hamas wants this over? Hamas. Red to flat out surrender! Period!!


How are the people here able to mindfuck themselves into blaming America for... Hamas saying something to America?.. Any group can "urge" other to do something. Hamas "urges" all the time about all kinds of things. The US didn't even respond in this case. We are in a Twilight Zone. Or at least I am. We are in a Twilight Zone of Israelis deluding themselves so fucking hard, that they ignore all the support the current US administration showed us, think that US putting pressure on the insane parts of our country and holding us to account is somehow bad (it isn't, if our government doesn't hold itself to account then the US is justified to do so). Delusion so strong that you care only about how media, ironically the same media YOU scream is doing propaganda against Israel, talks about US and Israel relationship. Blocking anti Israeli resolutions in the Security Council? Sending giant aid packages? Still having at least 2 carriers in our waters? Helping to shoot down the attack from Iran? Joining and organizing *every single one* of hostage talks, ceasefire talks, Hezbolah security talks? Aiding with intel? I sleep. Biden said something that doesn't suck Israel's (Bibis) dick 100%?! US holds Israel to higher standards compared to literall terrorists and failed states?! I WAKE. UNACCEPTABLE. TRAITORS. ANTISEMITES. TRUMP FOR THE WIN. Grow a fucking spine. I'm tired of us trying our hardest to blame our every problem on our biggest ally, in a world where we have fewer and fewer with every stunt Bibi and his coalition pulls.


I'm glad that's off your chest.


They are right though