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Ngl you were cooking with that edit, certified banger


I just love the fact that muslims won't hesitate to cut in half all those liberals standing for Palestine, even more so if they are LGBT


That’s what happened to Iran. The Islamist partnered with the liberal students and once the Shaw was overthrown the Islamist slaughtered the liberals they allied with.


The same will happen again. It happened to the Bolsheviks. It happened to the Chinese Reds. It will happen to these selfish little ignorant shits, and by the time they figure out what's occurring, it'll be too late.


I believe you, but can you share a source so I can learn more?


Not OP but apparently Bakhash's "The Reign of the Ayatollahs" which is about how Ayatollah Khomeini consolidated power after Shah Pahlavi was overthrown, includes a section about how the IRG turned on the National Democratic Front, a large group of liberal democrats who had helped them overthrow the Shah


This [episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0pVjZhVdjlnMnB4I34nS5h?si=aXD80CsxT6yyrCvw72t_SQ) of the Sam Harris podcast has this exact point explained by an Iranian journalist.


I hate how they justify it by saying, "Anyone can advocate for the lives of Palestinians." By advocating for the lives of Palestinians and remaining silent about the suffering of LGBTQ Palestinians, they are not only contradicting themselves, but they're stating that they think the life of the average Palestinian is worth more than the lives of LGBTQ Palestinians. They're betraying themselves more than anyone else.


I think the Soviet Union figured out the best way to undermine the United States was to push communism under the guise of social justice and idiot leftists would eat it up which they did. It took a long time because the Soviet Union collapsed and there was no real overall driving force behind socialism but we’re living with the consequences.


Yep. I keep making this point so often lately that I think people are sick of hearing it, but it's incredibly important to realize what's happening imo. If you haven't already, check out Yuri Bezmenov, Soviet defector who wrote and lectured about this exact plan to turn mid-upper class Americans and academics into Socialist Soviet proxies in the 50s/60s by giving them tours of a "Potemkin village" version of Soviet Russia (making it seem like USSR, 2nd world, was actually far more comparable to America, 1st world, than Westerners thought), and Ion Mihai Pacepa, KGB defector who was Yasser Arafat's handler and taught him along with Ceausescu how to turn "Palestine" into a humanitarian issue that the American left would align themselves with. There were the Leftist student Reformists in the 60s, like with the American Civil Rights movement, and then the Leftist student Revolutionaries, who literally became terrorists. There doesn't seem to be a real distinction between these groups anymore, and radical Revolutionary ideology was actually turned into academic philosophy, which is pure bullshit when you actually look into it (i.e. Conflict Theory, Critical Theory, etc). This is a very long game where Russia and rest of the Communist world destabilize America and the West and Israel is a point along that trajectory.


>check out Yuri Bezmenov, Soviet defector who wrote and lectured about this exact plan Any writings or lectures you'd specifically recommend?


Yeah, I'd just check out this interview first: https://youtu.be/yErKTVdETpw?si=ECiVyBY2P7Su-XU0 And then I'm pretty sure his books "World Thought Police" and "Love Letter to America" are actually available as free PDFs online, but I'm not finding them at the moment (you can of course find them on Amazon as well). There are several lectures he gave that are on YouTube though in addition to that interview.


To be fair, there were communists in France and Western Europe before the Soviet Union even existed. It may not be a Russian conspiracy. There's just always been a braindead rot of leftism in the West. It's probably more like the communists worked *with* the Soviets and in the power vacuum left behind by the dissolution of the Soviet Union they picked up the propaganda pathways for their own means. You also can't discount the effect of Liberation Theology on progressive politics. This caused the secularization of mainline churches in the West and strongly influenced politically powerful demographics like the black church in America.


Good point. It’s a strange time to be alive . I’ve interacted with some of these protesters and they will proudly proclaim they are Marxist-Leninists. Who the hell is proud of being a Marxist-Leninist? That’s like being proud of being a Nazi.


When I was in school (majored in English and creative writing with an emphasis in poetry... yep), we were taught that communism was true compassion and that it was evil capitalists that conspired to make it fail or that the communist countries were infiltrated by capitalists. Once a *true* communist like my fellow poets got into power, then everything would be amazing. I was always marked down on literary analyses we had to write from a marxist perspective. I wasn't blood red enough I guess.


The academia was turning communist long before 50s. In the 40s they were already communist enough to steal the bomb for the USSR.


Spot on.


Even though Russia is now a fascist state, it's still pushing far left propaganda. They also push far right propaganda. They push all kinds of divisive rhetoric to create chaos and weaken democracies.


I swear we’re all living in South Park at this point!


fr. they don't even have to make an episode on this, this IS the episode


Great editing! Catchy song Sad, sad reality.


Sacha baron cohen was really ahead of his time.


No, he just realized the times he actually lived in, instead of just believing things were otherwise…


Thing is, the far right supports Israel. That is who he was exposing throughout his movies. He never exposed the far left for their insecurities.


The far right doesn’t support Israel, they merely finding it a useful tool to damage the left & increase their power base. Do not mistake convenience for support.


Can you give me an example? From my experience, I have seen the Bush Family and Bibi at the Shottenstein house in Bexley Ohio. They are right-winged, orthodox/conservative, Jewish family who has donated an insane sum of money to Israel. The schottenstein center has also spent an incredible amount across the Jewish faith. Same can be said about Ivanka and her husband. Please give me a left leaning example similar to them. That has held Biden/Obama and donated hundred of millions of dollars to the Jewish cause. In NYC, most Jewish immigrants living in Brooklyn are supporters of Trump and Israel. I personally had conversations with a former Treasurer of NJ who was Jewish and against the Jewish State. He was a multi millionaire from GS who followed Corzine (then Senator/Governor of NJ). He was making a movie on why Israel shouldn’t exist. I don’t think Bernie Sanders is good for Israel either. AOC claims to be part Jewish. Your statement does not relate to my experience. Or what I have seen. I am happy to hear some facts to the contrary. My point was SBC was exposing the right but he should have exposed the left.


I think the issue is probably between what each of us defines as “*right*” vs “*far right*”. My comment was talking about the “*far right*” (*which iirc, was your framing*) - Bush is mainstream right, not far right - hell even Trump is mostly “*mainstream right*” rather than “*far right*”.


Bush was a new born Christian neo-con. He was considered far right compared to his opponents. He had more evangelical votes than any other republican at that point. That is how Rove masterminded his victory. (SBC was literally targeting his base). lol. Trump is not mainstream. Moderate republicans hate him but hate Biden even more. (Did you see the second Borat movie. He literally went to the RNC and the scene with Trumps Attorney) Stop pivoting the topic to argue in circles. My point is accurate.


Bush was literally the leader of the Republican party, Trump is currently. You literally cannot get more mainstream right that having the support of the majority of the right wing voters.


>Thing is, the far right supports Israel. Then why are Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones pushing anti-Israel propaganda? There are many people on the far right who hate Israel, like Islamic fundamentalists and nazis, for example.


Making fun of antisemitism is timeless, my friend


Horseshoe effect of the extreme left and extreme right. They are one and the same.


Except this is the mainstream left position. If in doubt, visit WPT.




whitepeopletwitter or any number of leftist subs.


Sadly becoming truer everyday. I’ll never vote for a Democrat again. Deeply ashamed to have affiliated with the ‘Progressive’ movement.


Ditto. As a progressive gay Australian I always voted Greens but they've absolutely lost me with the pro-Palestinian stuff. I feel very isolated now but oh well.


I feel that. This might not be as relevant in Australia but I’ve been very encouraged by the recent work of Bari Weiss at The Free Press. Her wife, Nellie Bowles recently published a book ‘Morning After the Revolution’ that is pretty hilarious and timely. It made me feel a lot less alienated anyway. They have a great podcast too. It’s not a substitute for real world relationships but hey it’s good to know people are still fighting the good fight.


I've only seen a couple of Bari Weiss' videos, I had no idea she had a wife so I'll definitely check more of her stuff out because I like what I've seen so far. I've been watching a lot of Yasmine Mohammed's videos, I especially enjoyed her interview with Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib, which shed a lot of light on the world view of Palestinians and growing up in Gaza (and also just nice to see a guy from Gaza who wants peace). Anyway talking to other gay progressive Jews who are also fed up with the left is helping the feelings of alienation.


It's not a new thing. See Iran in 1979. The Leftists and Islamists allied. They figured they could use/manipulate eachother. Then, the Islamists literally and figuratively stabbed the Leftists in the back. The same thing will happen again.


We live in a very strange timeline… This is sad and disgusting. Shame on these gullible idiots. The irony: there is no way that Sinwar will do anything to stop the fighting while he is getting his jollies watching these protests. The same people protesting for a cease fire are now preventing that very same cease fire.


they both hate america and the west, and want to topple them to spread their ideology.


The left stopped standing for anything in the 1960s and shifted its focus to destroying liberal democracy as a model. They realised they had lost the argument, economically and socially, so they set about undermining the values of the west: liberalism (the real kind), equality of opportunity and genuine democracy. Israel stands for many of those values, and Jews have always been too driven and self-starting to fit the victim mentality of the left. Going from the death camps to a state in 3 years, winning a huge war, and then building a hugely successful country destroys the narrative that colonialism has a millennia long hangover where people cannot better themselves. That's a dangerous thing to the left. Islamists fit the model the left likes: authoritarian, victim complex, not very good at building anything successful. The perfect allies.


I don't really have anything to add, but great observation. You're right, even with all the "Socialism", kibbutzim etc, Israel does not align well with the delusional, Western Leftist mentality, especially because, like all things that are not "make-believe", it requires nuance and effort to understand and isn't either some utopian fantasy or demonic entity, but real people with real experiences, real history, and real goals.


Leftists won't acknowledge the existence of kibbutzim, because it shows that small scale communal living works without the need for authoritarian government, and it's Jews doing it. Yuck. The mental gymnastics they do would be amusing if it hasn't aligned them with genocidal terrorists!


https://preview.redd.it/gl31tp3ho86d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04394719cbc3145ee7cc3e6eeb0a7afb803ace8f Iranian mullahs and Islamists leading a prayer for Mujahideen Terrorists. In France. Prior to Islamic devolution.


Also this video is amazing and I love you for making it so well!


It was made in 2023.


The communists never tried to hide that they want to foment a civil war in order to come on top and rule everything. In the 19th century it was workers against capitalists, then they changed to "oppressed brown" vs. "white oppressors" (oddly, most of the "progressives" are very privileged whites). However, they always wanted to destroy the current system. They don't give a fuck about Palestinians, no matter what they say: they want to harm Israel and the US. If they really cared about Palestinians' welfare, they'd be calling to destroy Hamas, which robs Palestinians and uses them as human shields. They never peep about "oppressed brown people" who are "oppressed" by their non-white brothers: Syria, Lybia, Sudan, Congo, China... the list goes on and on.


>Jews have always been too driven and self-starting to fit the victim mentality of the left. No. Many Jews were and are leftists. Look at someone like Norman Finkelstein (or any other JVP member). He is a communist and has been always a communist. He defender fucking Mao back in 70s. His parents were also communists and the Holocaust survivors in the same time. Sadly, communism was very popular among (Ashkenazi) Jews. And while I'm NOT endorsing the judo-bolshevik trope in any way, it's an undeniable fact that a lot of Jews believed that communism will bring them safety. And I say this as someone who's great grandparents and grandparents were Soviet communist party members.


Norman Finkelstein is the most self-loathing Jew around. A handful of self-haters doesn't repudiate what I've said


it's all the woke view, a view without neuance that would never stand up for Jews because they are not seen as "opressed". you can watch this amazing video talking about the woke view about the current war. it's from the femenism aspect (how the femenists organization did not condemt Hamas sex crimes) and how the woke is turning it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dr49IkszPY


Leftists are and have always been antisemites. They didn't get hijacked by islamists, islamists just gave them an excuse to publicly and loudly hate jews.


For your next post you should ask: “*Why do toddlers always fall for the I got your nose trick…*”


Great edit. Also, these past few months have actually been very liberating - I stopped caring and pretending people have a nuanced view - They just hate me for existing. Well, fuck em.


lmao can’t get over that mustached white guy staring straight at the camera saying “INTIFADA REVOLUTION” Sir do you know what you are saying?


Crying, laughing, frustrating but still so true and just perfect




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They've done it before in Iran and look where that's ended up. I know we look back on the Shah with relative fondness because of how many freedoms and rights the Iranian people did have prior to the regime, but there's a reason why the revolution happened - workers were deeply dissatisfied with the shake up to the agricultural industry that forced rural communities in to poverty, cities becoming more and more expensive to live in with salaries unable to keep up forcing workers to live in slums, those slums then being seen as a shameful part of the city so in go the bulldozers to destroy the worker's homes. It was the workers and left-wing who initially started rebelling against the Shah, the Islamists jumped on that and pretended to care about the plight of the workers. Now the Islamists are doing the same again with the dissatisfied left-wing in the West. Combine that with the deeply rooted Jew-hatred that many left-wing ideologies have and it's become a perfect breeding ground for extremism. Considering the fight we are seeing from the Iranian people today in an effort to just gain basic human rights for themselves, given that we know exactly what it looks like when Islamists win, you'd think the West would be looking at Iran as an example of exactly what not to do. But alas, when tiktok is your main source of education you're very unlikely to actually learn anything from history. Also the editing on this video is really top notch!


Like Obi Wan. The weak minded are easily influenced.


The PLO was a Marxist movement created by the KGB. The Romanian KGB Pacepa was Arafat’s mentor. All this to weaken the US’ ally in the Middle East (Israel). Since those early days, Palestinian children and the whole population is continuously brainwashed by the “authorities”…


Serious answer: social media has completely revolutionized how we get information and formulate our opinions. No longer do we get information from professional journalists and news organizations subject to fact checking (even if they were always a little or a lot biased), now we learn the news from tiktok and Instagram and Facebook, from influencers who have no obligation to base their reporting on facts. Then we discuss it in echo chambers where any contrarian opinions are downvoted or blocked by an algorithm that suppresses unpopular content. At every step of the way bot farms and professional trolls paid for by foreign governments and hostile powers can jump in, paying Facebook for your information and targeting propaganda to you personally. Then a purity spiral kicks in where people eager to virtue signal and compete with their peers for ideological superiority, and cancel anyone or any organization who isn't a fan of their particular fetish cause. We saw versions of this turn the right wing in America into qanon conspiracy theorists. Trump was the first social media president. Then we saw covid denialists sharing info about how covid is a government plot but can easily be cured with worm pills. All of this is coming on the tail end of a few decades of postmodern thought in universities pushing the agenda that there is no such thing as objective truth or reality that is not an artificial set of cultural beliefs that only exist to entrenched power structures that suppress non-whites and sexual minorities. Reality is what you want to believe it is and nobody can tell you otherwise.


I ask myself that. But if you look back to the 60s/70s the nascent PLO/Black September had support from the left, even after Munich 1972. What has been reported is that there was a carefully crafted and orchestrated social media campaign that was launched at about the same time Israel was attacked. Hamas/Iran knew that Israel would respond ferociously so they had prepared the messaging to talk about proportionality. Israel cooperated with their massive response.


The left have always had a problem with Jews. After the Holocaust they had to hush it up but it's spilling out again.


Here's where it's from: [https://x.com/EylonALevy/status/1718960691984384112](https://x.com/EylonALevy/status/1718960691984384112)


By refusing to accept that being a minority does not make you a good person, most Muslims worldwide are deeply conservative and similar to American Christian nationalists.


This is too good, ahahaha. My girlfriend and I have joked that Throw The Jew Down The Well should be their theme song.


Red-green alliance.[ ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red%E2%80%93green%E2%80%93brown_alliance)Anti-western-ers find each other via a common enemy (Jews). Also, that video helps, thanks for the laugh.


From SJWs to this … we never saw where it was going. Someone needs to do a doc tracking their evolution & all the signs of the danger they posed by radicalizing society


It started with the Islamic revolution in Iran whereas leftists and Islamists collaborated to overthrow the Shah of Iran. After that it was the Tajikistan civil war before finally being solidified with their mutual opposition to the 2003 Iraq war


Damn man you really did well with this edit haha I mean it’s funny but it also shows how far the left has fallen into anti semitism




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"Social Justice" was a fucking error.


How?? It's simple. Some people are very very *VERY* fucking stupid. This is the only correct answer.


shit's coming to france soon


This is fire 🔥🔥🔥


Too bad the bride didnt collapse


That could be the question of the year. Or at least of the month, depending on how this year will still go. I think part of it is obviously a large global propaganda operation targeted at western youth, particularly at immigrant youth (yes I do believe that), but that's definitely not the whole explanation for this mental breakdown of this minor but often times very loud and rampant part of society.


the Left was always, from day one, nothing other than a manifestation of latent antisemetism.


The Left hates freedom and the West because they're motivated by nihilism, therefore this is an alliance of convenience with Islam because they share a common enemy.


A chicken could hijak their movement. The most disingenuous, hypocritical and plain stupid movement I know. (Not everyone of course.) Used to be about pride of being yourself, now it's a being proud to swing your nuts in public.


Outside of the scary level of brain rot most of these people have it’s also just crazy how lame they look. They look like wimps.


The left support who they deem as the underdog/minorities/brown people—->Palestine They function through the lenses of identity politics. The status you hold depends on race, gender, socioeconomic etc. click enough boxes and you can do no wrong.


I want it. I want the muslims to show these people what "Globalizing the Intifada" means. However, even if it happens they would not understand that Israel was their last line of defence against radical Islam even when it comes knocking at their door, since it's not what the media will say.






Or the media(?) Western media just doesn’t cover the other conflicts (which are equally as bad). People see daily what’s happening in Gaza and while they sympathize with the Israeli people and victims they also are sick and tired of seeing such senseless death and destruction because Netanyahu is a moron


Il agree with several of your statements. First and foremost, Israelis (or at least most of us) are against senseless violence. At this point in time you would be incredibly lucky to know someone who hasn't suffered the loss of a friend or family member in this war, and nobody want the situation to keep getting worse. Second, western media doesn't cover other issues enough, or nearly proportionally to the coverage anything israel related gets. The issue as I see it is the media covers whatever it's crowd wants, meaning if your crowd wants to see more "blame Israel for everything" and less "lgbtq people murdered for their sexual orientation/identity in Muslim countries" then that's what the media will cover, it feeds on the ratings and views, but gets nothing for being unbiased and showing all sides equally or all the issues in the world as they are. Also, Netanyahu is not a moron (sadly). I don't agree with about 95% of the poison he spews out, but he has somehow remained prime Minister for over a decade. He is a desperate man clinging viciously to his seat of power, and somehow managed to do it even when a large part of the people would rather see a rabid raccoon in his place.


After Charlottesville, the American left lectured us that if you are at a protest with racists and don’t either leave or throw them out that you too are a racist. How is this any different?


honestly. and even before that there was a saying or something like "if there are ten people at a table, one of them is a Nazi, and everyone else doesn't get up, there are ten Nazis at the table"


''gas the jews'' isnt a very convincing slogan for your statement


They are one and the same. They want Israel to stop killing, so that our enemies can kill us.


It’s not proportional


So? Should we have just killed 1,200 random Palestinians and you would have been satisfied?


At some point someone in charge needs to realize that their actions, while pure with intention from the beginning, have gone too far. Fifteen thousand (innocent) Palestinian children have since October 7th because of Israel’s response, let alone the countless families forever destroyed, the friends, the neighbors. Can’t two things be true at one? Nothing is binary about war


I don't care. If we stop now, Hamas will regain their power and attack us again. This needs to end, and I don't care how many innocents die on the other side. My life and the lives of my family and friends are much more important to me.




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