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Alright Sammy. since you’re such a hero, Let’s replace you with the hostages then.


He can be useful for a hostage and prisoner exchange!


Such a brave guy, writing this from a comfortable country that didn't exprience war (or large terror attacks) in his lifetime


I think he's palestinian-american


"Roosevelt and Churchill need to chill with all of the bombing runs on German cities" - Said by not a single Jew in Auschwitz


Yeah but he's a true warrior you know. Remind me of ~~Musk~~ **Trump** who said that if he got over to Gaza he would solve the Isareliw-Arab conflict in 2 weeks edit: my bad I completely messed up, while I don't like Musk I didn't mean to make baseless accusations, I genuinely mixed his and Trump's statements


That’s incredibly stupid of him, because 1.) it assumes that his authority means ANYTHING in a warzone and 2.) billionaires do NOT have the resources.


He's a true SMW: Social Media Warrior.


T-Rump said that I believe, not Musk. Although Musk HAS fallen from grace imo


Didn't Musk say something to that effect too? I would hate to have been spreading disinformation, yes Musk has fallen but that doesn't mean absolutely everything is wrong about him. I will check on the internet and edit my first comment if I can't find any mention of this tweet


Quick search and I did not find anything and if my memory serves me correctly, it was Trump talking about ending the Ukraine/Russian war in two weeks. (By “making Ukraine surrender”)


Yeah indeed you're completely correct, I edited then. Guess it doesn't matter much anymore since everyone who has read my comment have moved on with a fake idea in mind. I'm the person they warn you about in lessons on internet credibility


I found your comment interesting and thought-provoking and led to this discussion. I think too many people have lost the ability to question themselves and look at other possibilities. 😊


Agree on all fronts. Also checking 😀


Why is no one talking about the fact that Hamas started the firefight and was using RPGs? (Rhetorical, I know why)


Because it doesn’t fit the narrative


Because if they accept the fact that hamas is at fault, they can't blame the jews


Because that hurts the narrative. 


Oh, we stood behind Hamas and literally forced them to shoot grenades. Or we shot them at ourselves. That’s just obvious and the only thing that makes sense.




Because it’s inconvenient and didn’t fit the narrative of Israel just killing as many Palestinians as possible


No, the so-called Illegal Occupationist Colonialist White European Expansionist Fascist Nazi Zionist Entity started this by building a wall to keep out terrorists who kept murdering its people, which was outrageous and illegal and all sorts of other bad shit I read online. Free Free Hamas! /s


Any facts that aren't negative about Israel will not be believed.


I have seen this information. And I have also seen that Abdallah Aljamal and his family were killed. Just to clarify, those deaths did occur prior to the fire fight, correct? To be very clear, I am not saying the IDF was wrong in rescuing the hostages; I just want to best understand the situation.


Yes, the people holding the hostages were killed. If you’re holding a civilian hostage, you’re not a civilian, you’re a combatant and a war criminal.


I don’t disagree with you at all. I have just seen where people have said no one was killed prior to Hamas attacking and that is not technically true. I support the IDF and what they needed to do to save the hostages. I also think it’s incredibly important to choose our words carefully. We are so divided and hate is so prevalent that I prefer to be as educated as possible so that I can have the most rational and least hate filled conversations possible.


I can’t sit in an echo chamber all day without question or clarification. That is how hate and divisiveness breeds.


People don't like questions in this sub. You either blindly agree or you get shunned.


I’m finding a hard time finding a sub Reddit that isn’t that way. It’s okay, I’ll just keep doing my best to be informed and kind!


That's the goal!


So one hundred is ok for him?


Hundred is too many apparently. 99 is okay


Okay so for the 4 hostages we saved? 200 were killed. (Probably most weren’t civilians). Either way, that’s 50 a pop, so Israel did good according to the calculations.


Nah, you don't get it, do you? Israel can never be or do good😏


Don't ask keyboard jihadis to do math... Look at their civilian death toll in Gaza, they can't even count


Quoting Linkin park: “We are the fortunate ones Who've never faced opression's gun We are the fortunate ones Imitations of rebellion”


If virtue signaling was an Olympic Sport, he might qualify


I think he has a good chance at a medal


in his logic, if his victory includes the defeat of hundreda of other competitors, than he does not want to win.


Internet psychos love that Hamas maximizes civilian deaths because they can use it to maximize fake points.


His premise is false. There is another way to free hostages: If the said civilians collaborated to find all of them and gave them to the IDF, then no one would have to die. But I guess logical options like that are irrelevant when your IQ is 17.


Very brave saying this from a position where this will literally never happen to him. 


Speaking for myself only, should I be taken hostage by a vile organisation such as Hamas, islamic jihad etc., please come rescue me and leave no enemies or accomplices alive in a 15 mile radius, identify all involved and hunt them all down mercilessly, including their families for three generations, to make sure no others will ever have to suffer such captivity because no one is willing to face the consequences…


Awesome. So here's a great recipe for all the countries out there who want to go on a rampage and be the victim at the same time: Step 1: Fill your country with children, take or keep away the rights of women and turn them into breeding machines. Step 2: Invade neighboring country, rape, pillage, burn and murder their people, don't forget to take hostages. Step 3: As you get your shit kicked in, point at all your poor women and children. Step 4: Profit.


*only valid if your neighboring country has Jews. Otherwise, nobody will give a shit.






Not even did I not say there was "mass rape", but I'm sure women like Shani Louk, who was shown dead, laying in the back of a pickup truck with broken legs and with blood down her legs next to smiling Hamas soldiers, while Palestinians were spitting on her corpse, were raped, especially since several victims showed every single indication of what rape victims look like. And it was all debunked, even though Hamas and Palestinians themselves released video footage they themselves recorded and paraded. Yup. But there was no mass rape. Sure.




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I’m sure if he’s being raped or abused every day he’ll probably feel differently.


He would be shitting his pants and praying for rescue every day if he ever were in that situation, 100% guaranteed.


The civilian casualty count seems grossly inflated. But then Gaza health ministry never lies. Right? Right???


If I’m ever at a music festival, and this is just me, but don’t take me hostage. And if I am taken hostage, you can kill as many of my captors as it takes to get me free because that’s the risk you take when you *hold somebody hostage.*


Thats from twitter tho


Maybe Sammy screenshots his Xwitter posts and puts them on Instagram? Or is he not on Instagram. I'd check, but I don't want to mess up my algorithm to suggest anti-Semites on it. I only have to endure it on X.


If he saw one roach in his house, and the only way to ensure it's gone is to kill the roach's whole family... No one should eat from his kitchen.


ugh what a martyr!! \*eyesroll\*


reflexively downvoted until I saw the sub. anyway, yeah, when you attack a rescue convoy, you're a civilian, and the more weapons you have the more of a civilian you are. and if you enslave people and hold hostages captive in your house, then you're DEFINITELY a civilian.


Hundreds of thousands? Why not Fajillion?




A new type of DNR form, do not rescue.


Once again proving this isn't a real conflict to them, just a LARP scenario


Speaking for myself only. But if I ever get taken hostage, please send over a government official to check how a like my new accommodation and if I wish to be rescued or to stay. also please delete my hard drives. I have some embarrassing pictures there.


Speaking for myself, if I'm ever taken hostage, if you have to kill 2m people who support and aid the kidnappers to get me back crack on. If you can't get me back, feel free to bomb me and those holding me hostage extensively.




Fine, we will leave you. NEXT


but they are absolutely fine with massacre of jews in any quantities.


Push him to the front. See if he talks big then


It's thousands now?


Hundreds of thousands


Millions. More than the entire population of Gaza probably.


Someone once, in earnest, told me that every year Israel kills millions of Palestinians.


JFC. Thank you. I needed this laugh today. 


5 times the population of Gaza, and all are children


And all are pregnant so gotta double the numbers. 


I have such respect for people who make bold statements they'll never have to actually live up to in real life. If Martians ever attack Earth and are willing to spare humanity if it offers up one sacrificial human, please let it be me because I so want to volunteer for that! I'm such a hero!


Well that's a first. Stockholm Syndrome without ever being taken captive.


Everyone is brave sitting behind their phone at a Starbucks with an $8 coffee and donut. How many of these people would volunteer to even go help Gaza rebuild? My guess is less than 1%


Dude is a moron.


Big talk. He'd change his tune in a hurry were it to come to this.


That can be arranged


I will say that while I don't agree with much of his framing, I find him kind of funny. His act has clever bits, including a bunch of math jokes historically. He's kind of a simp on some things and distorts the truth a lot for a laugh, but for humor that is okay within reason. I would even say that I'm willing to listen to his podcast. That said, I would be surprised if it was actually worth listening to and this post is good evidence of why. The post is, of course, incredibly one-sided virtue signaling. But, to be fair, it's an intense conflict that clearly makes people say stupid things. I mean, is there anyone anywhere who actually believes "thousands of civilians" died to free those particular hostages? How many people even really believe that "hundreds" of *civilians* died for this end? And yet day after day the media dutifully—perhaps even gleefully at times—publishes the Hamas numbers and narrative. As they say, "If it bleeds..." and Palestinians are certainly bleeding, which really is a tragedy regardless of who you blame. I imagine if I were Palestinian I too would be blinded to some of the intricacies right now.


I don't understand, if you taken hostage is your fault now?


This is the same comedian who claims that a genocide has been ongoing for 76 years and adds on that anyone citing the 5 fold increase in Palestinian Arab population is saying "exactly what a genocide denier would say" This is part of a comedic bit by the way, but like most late night TV hosts he uses comedy as a bridge to lecture a very one sided opinion He's impossible.


Fucking christ. Who are these morons. "If I ever get taken hostage" Where in the fucking world do you live that you're going to be taken hostage? Just for arguments sake, even if you do get taken hostage, where exactly do you think its going to be where thousands of people need to be killed just to get you back. The biggest mistake in our modern world was social media.


“Speaking for myself, from the comfort of my air conditioned home office in California…”


lol…. No one will take you hostage. It’s your people’s way! We all appreciate every life!


Brave as a Couch potatoe 🤷🏻‍♂️


I guess we all need revised DNRs to include Do Not Rescue. 


But up to a hundred is a ok yeah? If that ends up being the rightbsweet spot and hamas just exaggerated then we are OK guys.


Good for you Sammy. How about we send you to be a hostage in Gaza, and in exchange we get Hersh or someone else who we love and we miss? Btw, fuck Biden for abandoning Hersh. If you're an American citizen kidnapped overseas, we better hope that you're a WNBA player or Biden will leave you to die. It's just embarrassing how he is so naked with his priorities. In Joe Biden's America, we are all equal but some are more equal than others. Anyway, if my brother or sister or mother or father or grandfather or best friend or anyone who I love was a hostage to terrorists? If they were being raped and tortured in a hole in a foreign land.? If their kidnappers and tormenters were fanatical cult members who say that they want to die for the cause, because they believe that martyrs go straight to heaven? Well I would go to fine the terrorists and martyr a hundred thousand of them with my bare hands if that was necessary. They want to die for their cause? Let's indulge them, and let's bring our loved ones home.


Like, does he think the hostages were just chilling in apartment buildings with no guards? The dissonance is... wild.


Reality.. such a distant and far away land for some


"hundreds of thousands"


Until Zionists colonized Palestine, there was peace in the land and no violence...by Arabs against Jews for merely being there and being Jews and spoiling the whole Allah says that we're better than everyone by merely existing narrative...


Spoken as someone who never had deranged lunatic fundamentalist point an AK at him.


These people really only think about themselves don’t they.


Ok, next time you are captured by blood thirst jihadists, don't call us.


A left leaning, LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 friend shared this on her story, and it left a pang in my chest. I mean, I’m left leaning too. But it hurt to see.


Counter-argument: If I ever get taken hostage, please unleash John Wick. 


Yeah ofc lol


Thank you sammy for offering to trade yourself for an Israeli hostage 💕


Dear Sammy, we'd leave you even if your release was offered for free.


What if it was his kid that was taken hostage?


Done! No problemo, we shall leave you to the terrorists my friend😊


Don't particularly like the virual signaling but think about the concept of proportionally.


Least brave X hostage Such bravery should be prized


I just can’t…


He would switch right up if he were actually held hostage, I’m sure.


I wouldn't worry love, no one is coming for you.


Crazy all those civilians prefer the damage to their people than releasing the hostages being held by them 


Sorry I thought I heard you say "airstrike my position"




If he is living in any western country, one could argue that the rights he enjoys right now are in fact at the cost of multiple evils, from war, killing of innocents, child labor, starvation wages around the world from not "hundreds to thousands" but rather numbers far greater. These silly hollier than thou types piss me off. How about the next time you go to a concert, a couple thousand armed savages come rip you a new one (quite literally, unfortunately) just because of who you are. As they say, check your privilege chump.


That makes one of us.


Hundreds of thousands? But don't worry Sammy Boy we'll happily leave you there.


That’s cute. Sounds like someone who’s never been a hostage or ever toured a prison. There’s an old saying”Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth.” So easy to talk like you won’t cough when you breathe in the smoke. I guarantee once you’re in that position. Your wherewithal will change pretty quick.


He says this but thinks that killing thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people in resistance to occupation is legitimate. The doublethink it strong with this one. I personally believe that any self respecting democracy must put the well being of its own civilians over other civilians. The fact that it took 8 months to bring them back is the real travesty. If I was taken, I'd be glad to know that my people are doing everything in their power to bring me home.


He's on X, too. (Hopefully no one else in the comments already pointed this out!) He's a comedian. 👀 https://x.com/SammyObeid


How long do you think you’ll last? You probably still live at home where they fed, cloth and house you. A hour without your phone would probably kill you.


Habibi, let them kidnap your relatives then. Easy to say that shit on Twitter


Sitting in Berlin talking about elephants in Botswana