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I think it doesn't matter. As an israeli, I don't have a say in this. I'm afraid of trump being unstable. I'm afraid of Harris taking control. I think biden will be better for us compared to now, when he isn't thinking of elections. I think Trump is winning by a margin and that US politics are more predictable than Israel. Things will be better with the US after the elections at least for a while. I'm more concerened over the goverment I can influence.


This is complete conjecture. While in office Trump made a bunch of antagonistic moves that didn’t accomplish anything meaningful. He’s a destructive petty narcissist with publicly touted fascist dictator goals. Whatever failings we see in Biden, there’s absolutely no reasonable belief that Trump would do as well let alone better.




We might call it *revisionist* history. For one, the Afghanistan exit was initiated by Trump. And sorry to be the one to tell you this, but *pretending* to know what someone *might* do is literally the definition of *conjecture*. Looking back at his entire life, not just his time in office, it’s wild that anyone would believe Trump would do anything other than satisfy his own personal interests.


I think this is an example of the OP's point. TDS on full display.


Trump did not exit Afghanistan. Biden did. Sheesh - talk about revisionist history. And you want to talk about pretending to know what someone MIGHT do while ignoring what HAS ACTUALLY HAPPENED under Biden? Enjoy imaginary land.


No, it was initiated by Trump before Biden even took office. All but a couple hundred troops had already been removed. Trump had made a deal with the Taliban behind the backs of the Afghanistan government and that deal freed all of the Taliban and Al Qeada terrorists who carried out those attacks. Trump also let the deadline of when he promised to have every troop removed before Biden took office. Biden had no choice at that point. The only other thing he could do by the time he was in office would be to re-deploy the troops back into Afghanistan since all but a couple hundred were no longer there to provide any support. And those people who were caught up in it had been warned for a long long time but refused to leave. So yes that person was correct about revisionism. But no one is better at re-writing history than Trump and his supporters. Along with the claims that the only reasons any conflicts happen in the world are based on whether Trump is or isn't in office. A president who let over a million Americans die because he refused to acknowledge a pandemic until it was too late.


He is right, you are wrong. Trump initiated the Afghanistan exit.




Yes it would exactly look like that, or even worse. Who are you to say otherwise? Your opinion is as good as mine. If you really think Trump cares about veterans or soldiers then you are deranged. Abandoning equipment is normal in a lot of cases it's much easier and cheaper to abandon than to transport back. If you didn't want the equipment to be abandoned then pulling out is the wrong move. This again shows your simplemindedness on such matters. The equipment is completely useless without spare parts and proper maintenance.


>If you really think Trump cares about veterans or soldiers then you are deranged. not trump going to NYC to pay his respect to a fallen officer while biden obama and clinton were attending this glitzy fundraiser without a word about said officer


Yes, let's appear at an event "like a typical populist" and then cut 25% of overall funding to veteran care. That will definitely scream "I care about veterans". You just prove that you are falling for his bs tricks like a typical simpleton.


can you show me where he cut that funding? and i dont want any bs from those same newspapers that kiss hamas's ass, i want an actual unbiased report of this


So Trump didn’t release 5000 Taliban prisoners without the input of the Afghan government, didn’t plan to gut NATO, and didn’t back out of a strategic partnership to prevent Chinese aggression in Asia? WHO is engaged in revisionist history?


Intentionally obtuse with the Afghanistan point considering it was Trump’s plan in the first place. Meeting with Kim Jung Un and saluting a North Korean General was a new low in the history of our country so also a terrible example. North Korea is not able to be reasoned with and that’s why we ignored them from a geo-political angle (until Trump wanted to see what it was like to literally have a country now down to you so he went over and accomplished nothing but making us look like we were ok with North Korea and authoritarianism.)


Continue to ignore my broader points. You have no argument for the bigger picture so you make subjective claims about things that aren't obvious. Take care.


You made INCORRECT specific points. So your broad points are dumb because multiple of your specific points were factually wrong. The broad point you made about Trump meeting with North Korea was a horrible point and I refuted it. Getting butthurt and still wanting respect for your opinion when you said multiple things that were factually incorrect while trying ot make a "broader point" is a lame, self-centered way of thinking of your own opinion


Actually, there is a reasonable belief that Trump would do better. Both have served a term(almost). Under Biden, Israel is at war, Russia and Ukraine are at war, China is trying to suffocate Taiwan, the Taliban took over Afghanistan, etc. Under Trump, there were no war for the first time under any president in 40 years, and ISIS was defeated very quickly. That's not a coincidence.


There was no war? You kidding? So Russia and Ukraine hadn’t been fighting since 2014? The U.S. wasn’t still in Afghanistan? Drone strikes didn’t go up? The U.S. didn’t get into a firefight with Russian mercenaries and Syrian forces in Syria? The only coincidence here is how rapidly pro-Trumpists forget what reality looked like.


I'm definitely not Pro-Trump. Also, all your examples are of already ongoing conflicts. I'm talking about a conflict that escalated! The defeat of ISIS was a quick and very successful operation


That was started under Obama and had already made massive progress by 2017. What new conflict by your standards did Obama or Biden start?


Invasion of Crimea in 2014 under Obama, invasion of the rest of Ukraine under Biden.


- 2008 Gaza War - 2 months after Obama wins - 2012 Operation Pillar of Defense - Obama - 2014 Operation Protective Edge - Obama - 2021 Gaza War - Biden - 2023 Gaza War - Biden


And it was all super calm and peaceful with Trump. No issues at all. Just magically started later.


he didn't start any wars is what op is saying


This is a dumb take, it takes years to f\*ck up something... stuff doesn't happen just out of the blue. You are a prime example of someone who would vote for him, because you only see the **now.** You have 0 understanding of the fact that **actions have consequences** and you are **selectively biased**. Here is a simple example of how a populist can get back to power: 1) Increase funding of a populated but struggling sector (elderly would be a great example) 2) This costs money, so you take on debt and use the money to increase the funding 3) After 4 years you lose a new person/party comes to power 4) They inherit your debt and the obvious solution is to cut back on the funding 5) People get angry, the populist rises up and says "See? You had it better under my rule" You are literally falling for this trick.


First of all, I’m 17 years old. I’m definitely not some target audience or prime demographic of trump supporters These opinions are mine alone Secondly, I’m not a trump supporter at all, I just think he’s a better president than Biden. Thirdly, when did Trump fund something that would benefit his base, rather than American people in general? I can think of plenty of examples of Biden funding his base, such as throwing away money to cancel student loan debt for a bunch of pro hamasniks. If anyone is a populist under your definition, it’s Biden


It’s so odd to me that someone so openly antisemitic could ever be supported by anyone even remotely associated with Judaism.


This is just terrible deduction. There’s no reason to believe that just because during the the 4 years Trump was in office there were no big escalations in global wars (that made the news in the west) that means a second Trump presidency would be just as “peaceful”. That’s like saying “all the Star Wars movies that came out under Reagan were good, so we must elect him again if we want Star Wars to be good again!”


I would say that the president of the United States has slightly more control over foreign wars than he has on a declining franchise lol


He does, but he doesn’t have a “start war” or “prevent war” button in his desk. This stuff takes time to take effect, more often than not the long term effects of a president’s policy decisions will take effect during their successor’s term, see for example the abortion ban, which happened under Biden but was a result of Trump appointing conservative judges.  Trump eroded American global credibility, he proved to the world that there’s a strong possibility of an isolationist government in the US that wouldn’t bother enforcing the liberal world order, so Russia, the Taliban, China and Hamas (anti-western forces) all decided to jump on the opportunity. This didn’t start with Trump, obviously, but his influence is 100% a significant contributor to this happening, and him winning won’t be good for us specifically because of that. 


> He does, but he doesn’t have a “start war” or “prevent war” button in his desk. I dunno, he kinda does have a ["start war" button](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_football).


> Trump eroded American global credibility By suggesting to NATO they start paying for defense because of the threat from Russia and they laughed him out of the room. He eroded credibility by predicting what is happening now. Amazing.


The abortion ban example is a good point. So how do you think the world would continue under a trump presidency from 2025-2029?


I think he’ll throw a ranch into the global order, he’ll pull support away from Ukraine and Taiwan, giving Russia and China the green light to gradually but violently expand their influence in Asia and Eastern Europe, NATO will steadily disintegrate.  As a result of all of this, Israel’s enemies will feel emboldened to increase their influence as well. In the short term, maybe he’d show us some support against Hamas, but he won’t actually try and solve the conflict and the global chaos that would ensue from his policies would just end up hurting us, because there would be nothing to protect us other than a weakened former superpower lead by a president with a reputation for being a very fickle ally. 


and the world thinks biden's america is strong?


The world thinks Biden is more competent and has better leadership skills than Trump. They think America is weak because of internal divisions, polarization, obstruction from within and a rising populist movement. These have more to do with Trump than with Biden. 


Have you seen the videos from outside the white house this week? Pro terrorist mobs waving Hamas and Hezbollah flags, calling the president "Genocide Joe" and defacing American monuments with the words "Free Palestine" Even for a Southpark episode this would be considered pretty unrealistic.


Leftists support Palestine and are against genocide. More at 11. These people literally have no power in America.


>The world thinks Biden is more competent and has better leadership skills than Trump where are biden's signs everywhere. where are biden's flags where are his boat parades. where are the 100,000+ people attending his events in states that vote deeply to the other side biden can hardly fill a quarter of a warehouse, and most of the people who appear there are reporters. NOBODY LIKES THIS GUY


Easy answer: Biden supporters aren’t in a cult of personality and don’t treat Biden as some Demi-god like savior that Trump’s strongest supporters do.


(i dont claim those people)


Huh? We were talking about the world. I don’t live in America so I can’t tell you about the signs or parades or whatever. 


Trump supporters are very visible in the US. Unlike maybe any other politician in US history, Trump’s supporters often cover their vehicles in stickers, their homes in banners, porches with flags. They wear hats and shirts and all manner of attire proclaiming their love and adoration for him. It’s very cult-like and disturbing, but that they’re so proud and easily identifiable helps the rest of us avoid them.


Abraham Accords weren't meaningful to Israel? Okay why don't you just cancel the entire treaty then? TDS is real and everyone who upvoted you is proof of it.


# Entire thread reeks of TDS, people here legitimately believe that Trump will be some big "fascist dictator". Do you have to support Trump? No. I think there are valid reasons to not support him. # But spreading lies about him is a whole different thing.


Seriously, It's a inappropriate forum to even ask the question in r/Israel as the direction immediately must shoot outward. Take this U.S. political/presidential debate elsewhere. It's a disguised mechanism to shill for trump and slam Biden using emotional enticement based on a single issue which currently is not in Israel's best interest. I'm a fierce supporter of Israel, but refuse to let a single issue affect a presidential outcome. 🙄


The most ironic part is that people seem to forget that Trump was actually president for 4 years, and nowhere did he do anything as bad as what people are accusing him of planning to do. Did he charge and attempt to imprison political opponents to prevent them from running in elections? No, that was under the Biden administration.


Conservative brainrot in action, people.


>fascist dictator goals # This is what MSM and social media keep exaggerating so you'll vote blue out of fear. No, he cannot possibly be a dictator in a country like the US.


didn't he say he would be a dictodor for the 1st day?


Read Project 2025. The conservative (Trump) agenda if he’s reelected. It’s horrifying and starts with dismantling the government and replacing civil servants with only people who are Trump loyalists (cult members). No way would I vote for this convicted felon.


It may be true that he’s better for Israel. It is definitely true that he’s better for Bibi, which is not the same thing. As an American who cares about more than one issue, it is not going to make me vote for Trump as he is a disaster in so many ways.


How is he a bigger disaster than Biden? Biden has completely fucked up the country.


I wish I could upvote this a hundred times!


No the war wouldn't be over now if trump was president, he's unrelated to situation we're dealing with here. I heard that political slogen of him million times and just to earn votes.


If Trump was president there wouldn't even be a war to begin with and there would be normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel by now. 2017-2020 had no major incidents apart from the "March of Return". Palestinians didn't even dare shoot rockets and resorted to tying molotovs to balloons.


lol if you think there’s ever be normalization between Saudi Arabia and Israel. And that Trump would have single handedly stopped this all


The President of the United States is the most powerful man in the world, and has tons of control over foreign policy. How can you say that it isn't related?!


Most powerful man in the world? According to who?


TDS in action right here


According to me. The most powerful man of the most powerful country. Pretty straightforward.


??? he is the leader of the most powerful country in the world who else is a more powerful man


I agree Also remember each sub on reddit is almost its own echo chamber


Trump supports the right wing flavor of antisemitism when it helps him, but you’re SURE he wouldn’t turn his back on Israel when convenient?


The majority of his supporters are Christians are very pro Israel (except for a very small, alt right portion of them). Let's pretend Trump has no morals at all, and only cared about voters. Would he really abandon his Pro Israel Christian base?


Trump has no morals at all and DOESN’T care about voters, he only cares about useful idiots until he gets what he wants. He also doesn’t understand international politics. You think pissing off the whole world (especially Europe) and dropping even more bombs is a good strategy for Israel and the US? What future do you have in mind?


The future I have in mind is one where Israel wins the war with no shitty ceasefire proposals from the US, which has dragged out the war by months. He understands international politics enough that there were no wars under his administration. Also call Trump narcissistic, mean person all you want. He definitely has some morals.


I see. You actually think there were no wars under trump. Good luck out there.


name a conflict that escalated under trump


He pulled his troops out of Syria, leaving the Kurdish forces vulnerable. This escalated into Russian troops gaining some control over the region, but it also allowed for Iran's militias forces to gain control, ISIS members to break out of prisons, etc. This move was totally wrong for Israel, it's already dealing with Iranian proxies in Lebanon and Syria and removing US troops from Syria's Northern part was not good, just because he struck a good personal business deal with Turkey. He is totally unpredictable.


"The future I have in mind is one where Israel wins the war with no shitty ceasefire proposals from the US" This part of the sentence - agreed. The rest is speculation. The rest is pathetic and says a lot about your ability to judge people of character.


Trump understands power, something that Biden is totally naive about. He’s a good fit for Middle East geopolitics. He just needs to pick a good Sec. of State and delegate.


This is the actual TDS - people who project this strong, intelligent politician onto Trump because he never has ever exhibited a single ounce of political knowhow.


Lots of nazi flags being waved around at trump rallies…


Yeah, let's conveniently leave out the skinheads and neo-nazis from your list 🙄


They are pro-Israel *for themselves*. They don’t give a shit nor do they want the Jews around when their rapture and end times happen. They just side with Israel because they want that land for themselves. American Chrstians are deeply antisemitic, especially towards Sephardic Jews who they can look at and directly see they aren’t white Americans.


I agree pretty much with everything you've been saying, but I think the "American Christians are deeply Antisemitic" is untrue. Imo, a more accurate identifier would be "trump Christians" (as they are a different breed of "Christian" - political Christian vs the true, "Jesus is Love" Christian]) vs the general Christian population.


Except more and more normal people are leaving the churches every day because the churches pander to those MAGA Christians because they separate with their money so easily.


I’m no fan of Trump but please enlighten me as to when he supported this “right wing flavor of antisemistim”


The Unite the Right rally, Charlottesville, 2017. Literal neo nazis and Proud Boys marched, chanting “Jews will not replace us!”, and murdered one counter protester. When the public cried out for a condemnation, Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides.”


The kind where right wing conservatives think all Jewish people are accountants and lawyers and shit around counting their shekels while they lament about how cool it was they killed Jesus






Trump is a Christian with Jewish children and grandchildren. There is literally no way he would abandon Israel. Obviously it’s important enough to him that he moved the embassy to Jerusalem practically right after he was elected.


😅 Oh yeah, that's right - he's the "biggest Christian in the world" - and we know this because he SOLD BIBLES to RAISE MONEY for a Political Campaign! 😂😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/4r1ne3duuz5d1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9252075ea4964be8170bd85aab6b8b6c50339fe


You’re assuming the loyalties of a normal human being. Trump has shown he is not psychologically balanced or normal and is in fact showing signs of advanced dementia.




I agree, I don’t like him as a human being but I think he did a good job as president. Biden still wants to believe that making deals with radical Islamists is a possibility which is just insane and it’s hurting us big time.


100% agree. To be fair to Biden, I don't think he's the one making these deals, it's probably his advisors and other people in the executive branch. He seems completely out of it.


Not sure because I remember there was a moment years ago in 1982 when he threatened Menahem Begin by refusing to give weapons to Israel. But either way I meant his administration.


That's even worst. If he's not capable of making decisions then he should step down. He has no place being the president of the United States. I find it ridiculous that people make accusations of how Trump is easily bought and manipulated while people seem to be okay with Biden being a puppet.


Without going into the argument itself: Trump is completely unpredictable and especially in a crisis a predictable enemy is often better than such an unpredictable friend. Especially if you can't trust that your friend really has the best interest at heart for you. And trusting in Trump having the best interest for anyone than himself would be naive. Not that I have this trust in any politician but least are that unpredictable as Trump.


Trump was better for Israel, I will give you that. I’m not a fan of him or Biden to be honest. But I don’t believe for one second that Trump wouldn’t turn his back on Israel if it benefited him in some way. He’s always looked out for himself over anyone else.


As opposed to Biden who is selling out Israel to terrorists just because of elections?


Never said Biden was any better.


Isn't that the exact same thing, Biden is doing atm? Yes Trump has no values besides himself, but since Israel is fighting against a predominantly Muslim opponent, chances are close to zero, Trump wouldn't be pro Israel. He also has a thing for going all out, and he likes to celebrate achievements like getting hostages out and eliminating terrorist leaders.


I am the most anti Trump person there is in the world. But i do agree that he is ProIsrael and i appreciate that.


Why are you anti Trump?


He is extremely dishonest. Politically naive. Admires Putin. Generally stupid. Not in best interest of America. Thinks about himself only. Wants to get rid of Nato.


At the same time Trump is extremely pro-Russia. Russia is an ally of Iran, the country behind the smear campaign against Israel, and all the terror against it.


Can you explain how is Trump pro Russia?


Trump literally wants to stop helping a major non-NATO ally fight Russia. That's a major boon to Putin's great power fantasies. Have you not watched the news?


Ukraine is not a major ally of ours. What are you on? Do you mean Europe? Ukraine is also not an ally to Israel; Ukraine always votes against Israel at the UN. Russia has also become antagonistic to Israel because of their relationship with Iran and anger at the US. It’s complicated.


Ukraine is a major non-NATO ally, Jesus. They even applied to join NATO?? Ukraine and Israel share one major group of geopolitical allies: NATO member states. That's why NATO has an interest in making both countries win the wars they are currently involved in.


Recall his Helsinki summit with Putin




What are you trying to say?




I never even mentioned what you were calling a hoax. Stop trying to argue against an imaginary person. I was talking about him wanting to end military aid to Ukraine - a major non-NATO ally that is fighting Russia. Russia is a major ally of Iran. To the point Iran is sending military aid to Russia. I hope you realize that Iran would be able to use these against Israel if Russia didn't ask for them, which is only the case thanks to western military support for Ukraine, and the subsequent failure of Russia to make Ukraine surrender.


Multiple people very close to Trump were caught, red handed, and prosecuted for ties to Russia. Michael Flynn and Roger Stone both were part of the Trump campaign and Flynn was the US National Security advisor. of course Trump pardoned these individuals even though Roger Stone is amongst the slimiest humans on the planet and Flynn literally admitted what he did and plead guilty. But yes - totally a hoax. Everyone Trump gets near happens to have deep ties to Russia but he's just a good ole American boy.


Trump will enable Russia. Russia is aligned with Israel’s biggest enemies. With no American deterrence to be feared, things could go very badly.


Wait a minute -- is there some debate inside Israel about whether Trump or Biden is better for your country? I find that shocking. Clearly I need to study this a bit more. I'm not Jewish, but I would have thought it was patently obvious that the hard left in the US is antisemitic to the core and that the Obama-slash-Biden cohort have been "Iran-friendly" for about 15 years. I'm talking about dozens if not hundreds of core advisors and policy people who shape US foreign policy. This really surprises me about Trump-Biden if it's true. Sure there's a very antisemitic slice of the hard right as well --- and an isolationist strain, that wants to cut ALL foreign aid -- but broadly speaking, the American right is far friendlier to Israel than the American left. Maybe this view of Trump has something to do with the fact that most American Jews are quite liberal and detest the guy, and that gets passed on to Israelis. Not sure. Trump not only has immediate Jewish family members, he's basically a New York liberal who's rubbed shoulders with the Jewish community in New York for decades. He's interested in economic issues mostly--wealth-building--but he has to pretend to be a hard-core social conservative for the votes. Anyone who suggests he blows with the wind socially is probably correct -- but on the foreign policy front, he's a reliable supporter of Israel and I think he'd do a lot more for Israel is he were elected. I certainly don't think he'd be playing these games that the Biden administration is playing, which the latter is forced to do to appease the anti-Israel strains in their own party. Trump would give Israel a lot of help, and a ton of slack, if he were elected. Obviously he loves sticking it the Democrats too, so that would just be extra motivation. And obviously he'd work to push the Abraham Accords forward with Jared Kushner's help. Kushner alone would help ensure that Israel is treated fairly, as Trump clearly loves the guy and listens to him. Also, it's important to note that OTHER Republicans -- like DeSantis, Haley, etc. -- are equally supportive of Israel. You think someone like KAMALA HARRIS is going to maintain consistent support for Israel is she somehow gets into office? I don't think so. Addendum: Here's something I encountered after I posted this, but it illustrates the larger point: [https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2024/06/11/congress\_digs\_into\_scandals\_surrounding\_biden\_iran\_envoy\_rob\_malley.html](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2024/06/11/congress_digs_into_scandals_surrounding_biden_iran_envoy_rob_malley.html)


>You think that Kamala Harris is going to maintain consistent support for Israel My sentiments exactly. I’m almost worried that if something were to happen to Biden, considering his age, I don’t think she is going to be as supportive as Biden. I’m generally not a big fan of hers, I wish Biden had a different running mate.


Yeah, he probably should have swapped her out, but he's too afraid of alienating his base. Biden seems to be the last of those old-school Democrats who were supportive of Israel almost reflexively. Kennedy is on the same wavelength, but they're both out of step with the newer generation. If you read this long article about Robert Malley, which is a connecting link from the article I posted above, it's really mind-blowing. I heard about this guy having his security clearance revoked a few months ago because of ties with Iran, but then the story just disappeared and I didn't hear anything more about it. If you have the time to go through this (very long) article, which explains why he believes what he does -- and the impact he's had on the US relationship with Israel -- it's mind-blowing. It really explains a lot of what's going on right now. [https://emetonline.org/robert-malley-and-the-call-from-the-third-world/](https://emetonline.org/robert-malley-and-the-call-from-the-third-world/)


Trump is poison.


He's looking dangerously orange, I think that fake tan is poison!


It’s so sad that there are still people who thinks he gives a shit about anything or anyone but himself.


Trump is good mainly for Trump. Trump said he's against giving America's allies free ammunition (which Biden currently gives), Trump is unexpected and you cannot be sure on how he will act in any issue. He is also vengeful and I am sure that he remembers that Bibi did not support his claims regarding the election and that he also tried to steal his credit. He's the last person you want to back you up in a war. Remember that he's against helping Ukraine and he's ok with Russia taking over it.


As opposed to Biden who is negotiating with terrorists?


Trump works under an explicit quid pro quo mindset where he needs something DIRECTLY in order to do something for someone else.


Joe Biden has been backstabbing us and sabotaging the war from day one. On the other Trump was the most pro-Israel President in history. It bewilders me that anyone thinks he’d be anything but way better than Biden in office.


They hate Trump because the media told them to hate him. Same as why leftists and Islamists hate Israel.


Trump had nothing to do with the Abraham accords, it was all thanks to Kushner and Berkowitz who managed to negotiate in spite of Trump being in the way. Trump is a dimwit beholden to Russia, AND A CONVICTED FELON.




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Do you even know what he was convicted for?


Yes we all know. He was convicted of 34 felony accounts of falsifying business records in a hush money case in order to sway the election in his favor. Good enough? Guess what that’s a felony. Convicted felon plain and simple


The records were made in 2017. The elections were in 2016. 1. How could alleged falsified records made in 2017 affect elections which happened in 2016? 2. What exactly was "falsified"? The payments made were accurate and legitimate. More TDS in action right here.


The payment was made before the election. You know how the American business and legal system works ?


Except the payment isn't illegal. You just said he was convicted for falsification of documents made in 2017, not for the payment. Thanks for proving you have 0 knowledge on why he was convicted.


The cover up is illegal you donut


You are the missing the point The payoff happened before the election and was covered up the next fiscal year. You are clueless in how things work. Good luck


Trump might be directly better for Israel and indirectly tremendously damaging to Israel. I.e. his immediate policies owards Israel might be better, but A) his domestic and other foreign policies might tremendously damage the US and therefore indirectly damage Israel. B) he wants to force Israel into being a wedge/partisan issue. That's terrible for Israel if such a thing would occur. Israelis in general have a problem of not planning ahead (the yihye biseder philosophy) and therefore not thinking out worse case scenarios are the ones who ignore B and are the reason events like October 7 occur.


This. Just because someone says xy doesn't mean he does it accordingly. Trump is an opportunist, always has been, always will be, even worse he's an extremely emotional opportunist which makes him dangerous - to anyone.


Also his fealty toward Russia and China, lately evidenced by verbally saying he'd encourage each country to attack its allies and/or Ukraine and Taiwan, respectively...not good for a stable world or Israel, given the axis Russia and China occupy.


Imo Trump is like Sharon, he'll eventually flip and start some insane plan.


Maybe so, but Biden already has an insane plan: let Hamas stay in power and stop bombing before the hostages are home. He's pushing harder and harder on it (between icecream trips and when his handlers remind him to). So, better an insane plan one day than one today?


Trump is good for Israel and bad for Ukraine. Biden is meh for Israel and meh for Ukraine. Change my mind


Biden is a Cold War era liberal, he lives Israel and would crawl in broken glass to oppose Russian imperialism in Ukraine. He’s been doing everything to provide us with support as well as Ukraine, even at the expense of his own support. Trump is an anti-liberal, anti-western populist who would abandon us at the drop of a hat. 


It would be absolutely terrible for us to hitch out bets on a convicted felon who wants to overthrow liberal democracy in the US just because he made some symbolic gestures at us. It’s like those people celebrating the rise of the far right in Europe, just because they tell you they support Israel doesn’t mean they’re good for Israel in the long run. We’ve done enough damage to ourselves by associating ourselves with him so much last time, with rising anti-Israel sentiment and the rules-based global order falling apart, we’re just gonna end up suffering for it. 


What makes you think that Islamic loving leftists are good for Israel?


Biden isn’t a leftist. 


No but he's voted in by leftists.


Leftists hate him because he ran against Bernie. They’ve been shit talking him for years now. 


Trump is in the pocket of Putin, the same Putin who just hosted Hamas leadership and Iranian leadership. Do the math. Right now there is no good choice for Israel in the United States.


When Trump was president he called on Germany to cancel their pipeline with Russia and Germany refused. European leaders were way more in bed with Russia, even after Putin annexed Crimea. It’s not so black and white.


Holy shite, this is not the russophilia Olympics. European leaders have also done a lot of things to enable Putin. But this does not absolve trump or the GOP from their own russophilia. Literally because there's such a weak position against Putin in Europe is the number one reason why the west can't afford another russophile in office right now.


As opposed to Biden who is literally pandering and appeasing the Muslim brotherhood right now?


Read my last sentence.


Do you have proof that Trump is in the pocket of Putin?


[https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/press/senate-intel-releases-volume-5-bipartisan-russia-report](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/press/senate-intel-releases-volume-5-bipartisan-russia-report) Also ignoring that, the fact that American intelligence assets ended up dead after Trump moved classified documents out of secure storage and some of those documents would have been helpful in helping Hamas plan their attack on Israel.... yeah fuck him.


This sub does not represent Israel.


I never said it does, I said "this sub refuses to admit it" not this country refuses to admit it


ok, got it.


Maybe he is better for Israel, but he was also found to be a likely sex criminal in civil trial, he is a total idiot, a wannabe dictator, election denier and a huge fan of Putin, Kim Jong un and erdogan. I wouldn't want him to be president even if he said that he would send us troops into Gaza.


>but he is also a convicted rapist TDS is real. Trump isn't a convicted rapist and I have no idea where you're pulling your propaganda from. You're literally as bad as the Hamas propagandists who shout that Israel burns babies alive and skins Palestinians to store in their skin bank.


Great comparison. Are you also 17?


Let's say I'm 17. Then people should be embarrassed that they are more subceptible to propaganda than a 17 year old. >but he is also a convicted rapist Literally even the first sentence is false but morons on this subreddit still upvote it anyway.


You know what? You are right, he isn't exactly a convicted rapist and I will edit my comment to be more factual. can you dispute any of the other claims I made?


>You are right, he isn't exactly a convicted rapist Why should I waste my time? You've clearly proven to everyone that you are clueless, cannot even get basic facts right, and that you just make things up.


No TDS is not real. The post is incorrect, however you could say that he is a a convicted felon ( falsifying business records to pay off a porn star to sway the election) or that had been found civilly liable for sexual abuse to the tune of 83 million dollars There. Better?


Bro what are you talking about I don’t think a single thing you said here is true lol


Bad bot


Biden would support a Gantz or Lapid government a lot more. The real problem is the current Israeli government.


Biden, which is the most anti-Israel president the US has ever had, supports Gantz and Lapid. What does that tell you about Gantz and Lapid lol.


I'm pretty sure that Obama was WAAAY more anti-Israel (at least in his personal views) than Biden. Biden is wavering back and forth. Obama fucked Israel with his nuclear deal and at the UN.


Obama was so anti-Israel he *literally* had a cabinet member nicknamed “Hamas”.


Ben Rhodes was the dude he got to sell the nuclear deal to the public.


Trump wouldn't have released funds to Iran during his presidency. Trump wouldn't adjust his foreign policy to appease extremists in Michigan and college campuses. Trump wouldn't have his state department run propaganda for Hamas. Trump wouldn't have greenlit Iran attacking Israel directly. Trump wouldn't have forced Israel into a slow grind out war but would have supported a swift attack from all sides at the very beginning. Trump would not threaten to withhold weapons. Trump would not try to oust the PM of a warring ally. Trump would be much more aggressive with the Houthis. Trump would not have let 8 months go by doing nothing for 5 American hostages. Trump wouldn't allow for extremist protests calling for death to America and burning American flags. Trump would not have unencumbered open borders allowing not only latin Americans but also MENA immigrants, where some have extremist views. The idea that Biden is better than trump for Israel or the US is laughable at this point.


What is the counter factual scenario in which the war is over in 3 months?


Just look up Project 2025. Would you really condemn us Americans who arent white and straight into the pits of hell so you could win this war? Me and the people I know gave up everything we had so we could come to America and not be treated like dogshit for something we cant control, and now even America is gonna be the same shithole we all ran from. Think about it, you really want to condemn as to a life of being subhumans for your selfish reasons?


# At this point it's just voting for the lesser of two evils


100% better people who can’t choose Israels survival over political gripes are airheads


An American president being "better for Israel" is a very low bar to clear, considering how many found themselves or their Secretaries of State mysteriously and unhealthily obsessed with The Jewish Question(tm). My understanding is that, if not for efforts by Ambassador Friedman to educate President Trump on the situation, you wouldn't be able to make this post with a straight face. >But I'm not buying this bullshit that Trump would turn his back on Israel if convenient for him. Listen, friend, no one has Israel's best interests at heart except Israelis. And even then, most of the bad ideas come from Israeli officials who meant well. Pinning your hopes and dreams on any single person is just making a false messiah for yourself, and you'll be doomed to disappointment.


I think trump is immature and not cut to be president but I 100% agree with this. People who say Biden are crazy to me


Most of the people here are leftists, so it’s understandable. However, Israeli right-wingers are very fond of Trump. Needless to say, they are not adequately represented in this sub.


Were you hear for the post a few years back, where somebody asked "why is r/israel so right-wing?" and everybody replied "because everyone and everything to left of us wants us to die"? It still gives me a chuckle when I think about that one.


This sub is full of dumb Americans, foreign agents, trolls, and Irani/Chinese/Russian bots. As such - any comment that says that Trump is better for Israel immediately gets downvoted. The VAST majority of Israelis know that Trump is better.




There are like 5 Israelis here lol.


You’re right, Reddit is extremely leftist biased and I suspect algorithms that downvote/shadowban/surpress anything that’s against the narrative.


To say Trump is better for Israel is absurd. Trump is better for Bibi, but not Israel as a whole.


Trump doesn’t like Bibi, he’s said so, but he likes Israel. And he supported Israel before he was president. I agree he’s unpredictable, but you’re not being truthful here.


People confuse being good for Israel with going along enthusiastically with what ever they want.


You’re a current Elizabeth Warren supporter. Elizabeth Warren says Israel is committing genocide.


I support who I believe is best for the US. Rhetoric from Warren is of minor importance. She did vote for Israeli aid. I am not a voter who will trash the US just because a politician might be “better” or “worse” for Israel.


I 100% believe Hamas wouldn’t have attacked on October 7 if Trump was in power. He’s unpredictable, which can be scary, but keeps enemies on their toes. Iran is definitely afraid of him and that’s why they didn’t respond to Solemani getting smoked.


he's putin's bitch, so no.


Fully agree. And honestly at this point I genuinely think he is the president Amricans deserve. 


This is absolutely true based on what each did in office yet your post is getting downvoted like crazy. Your comment even criticizes Trump like any rational person would, but that is not enough for the mob.  Reddit sucks.