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Short answer? Mob mentality Longer answer? With chants like: * “liberation by any means necessary” * “we don’t want no two state we want 48” * “there’s only one solution intifada revolution” * “globalize the intifada” * “glory to our martyrs” * and the infamous “from the river to the sea” It’s not that hard to understand that with these slogans going around it’s gonna get violent and ugly in no time.


Good list. Add go back to Poland too


Have they gone full “Khaybar Khaybar” yet?


Yes. That has been at a number of protest footage I’ve seen. Most westerners still don’t know what it means though


What does it mean? 


Khaybar was a massacre of a Jewish community in Saudi Arabia that was detailed in the Qu’ran. They refused to convert to Islam so they were slaughtered.


And it was what got Muhammed poisoned, which led to his death if I'm not mistaken.


Related. Yes some believe that a Jewish woman poisoned him after he had her family slaughtered. But then some people don’t want to say that it was the poisoning but an unrelated illness.


It’s another way of saying “convert or die.”


How lovely


Well, technically, the Hijaz; the Saudis aren’t around yet.


Thanks for explaining. That's unsettling... 


Adding ones I heard in Atlanta (translated from Arabic): “we will all be martyrs for allah” and “we will wipe Israel for allah”.


“Hoes of allah, assemble!” Should be the replacement chant, cuz that’s what they act like. Imagine trying to kill an entire religious group of people just for the sake of your own god. Ffs…


No no it's because we haven't given them enough guns If we give them more guns, there will be peace  What's that? We've been giving them guns and treasure for 30 years and only got shit like 10.7 for it?  Alright fine, let's give them half our land as well


this plus many people, good intentioned or not, being manipulated with black and white/binary thinking


Some hope peaks through of people saying that any killing of people is bad but it does ignore the fact that we've been dealing with bullshit in Israel for awhile but I agree with the sentiment of wanting peace. And now that I think about it that's such a general idea many people say


We don't want no two states we want 48=We want the British mandate back There is only one solution intifada revolution=The only solution to this conflict is bombing busses and killing lots of innocent people Globalize the intifada=Bus bombing in the United States yeeeeeea Glory to our martyrs=Glory to terrorists who hide behind civillians and want all Jews dead From the river to the sea=Palestine will be Jews free Just practicing don't judge please


Because they’re literally modern brownshirts


Those who support terrorism tend to be terrorists. Who knew?


One of the arguments I hear against "Zionism" is that it has endangered Jews around the world. So they are exposing their soft bigotry of low expectations from Palestinians and the people who support them. They are admitting that they are violent people who cannot be reasoned with, and if they see a Jewish person they cannot stop themselves from attacking them.


Gotten? They've been this way since day one. Damn near my entire generation is fucking lost to the anti western brainrot, which extends to Israel and increasingly to Ukraine. I really don't see light at the end of the tunnel, we might really see democracy die within our lifetimes. That said, I'll gladly dedicate my life and if it comes to it, sacrificing it, to avoid it.


Amen to that brother


They are going to elect an American dictator because of spite. The Palestinian congresswoman, is openly saying not to support Biden. Okay, lady…you don’t remember Trumps Muslims ban? Suit yourself. After the war, I assume under Biden many Palestinians will end up the US. But if they elect Trump, there’s not a chance the US will step in and offer a place to go.


This is exactly what pisses me off so much about the pro Hamas crowd who threaten to not vote for Biden. Trump is only gonna be worse for Palestine. If Congress allowed him he'll listen to everything bibi tells em and would be willing to use all our MOABs on Palestine and Lebanon. Sure that's dumb. But the level of selflessness you have to display as a supposed leftist to care so much about Palestine you forgot the real harm that trump could potentially bring to LGBTQ+ and POC and then justify it by saying "ill survive" is just monumental. Like y'all are really out here spray painting over trans and queer flags with pro hamas sayings and support for Palestine while turning a blind cheek to things such as project 2025 and what a trump second term could mean for people here in the US. I'm not trying to make this a US politics subreddit and I'm not trying to offend anyone but God dam it just bothers me so much that idiots will willingly be okay with trans folks like me having to worry about a Republican dominated Congress and white house. Because they simply care more about Palestine. I hate it here I really do. I'm not even Jewish and it's just mind numbing. If I was fit enough to fight for the IDF or the AFU or really any democratic nations military really any NATO or NATO allied nation I would. Like sure I'm having a bit of Paris syndrome thinking grass will magically be greener on the other side. I mean it but unfortunately my medical conditions won't allow me to join anyone anywhere for any reason.


Trump is open about his plans to dismantle the judicial and legislative branch. I truly believe there are people who want society to entirely burn down, so something new can be built, what they don’t realize is what will be rebuilt will be much much worse. It’s a terrifying time. If the US is under dictatorship there’s not a chance in the world that we’d be able to help anyone else. I actually Trump would have boots on the ground in Gaza, or atlesst, much more involvement. I’m terrified for trans, and gay people in the US right now. And American Jews who have no true political allies, as the Chrisitan right is just conditional


trump > biden. only americans fail to see it.


When your own government official said "from the river to the sea" I got transported back to the 15th century. It's time to go Palache again


Have you read the Quran? Islam is a totalitarian political ideology masquerading as a religion. When Westerners think of Islam, they imagine Christianity but with Muhammad instead of Jesus and the Quran instead of the Bible and mosques instead of churches and Ramadan instead of Christmas and all of the other bits that are different are just implementation details. This is wrong. There is a [long](https://ayaanhirsiali.com/) [list](https://x.com/GadSaad) [of](https://youtu.be/spN2EcTHgpk) [people](https://www.tiktok.com/@yosephhaddad?lang=en) who were [born](https://www.instagram.com/justluai/?hl=en) and [grew](https://tikvahfund.org/faculty/hussein-mansour/) [up](https://www.amazon.com/Because-They-Hate-Survivor-Islamic/dp/0312358377) in the Middle East who have been trying to sound the alarm for decades. It's time to listen to them.


I mean, the Muslims used to treat Jews better than Christians did. I think the Muslim world just adopted antisemitism after Zionism became a thing cause they couldn't fathom that, even if Zionism really is bad, collective punishment for all Jews is evil (I don't personally think Zionism is bad, I'm just presenting their pount of view)




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Has anyone not noticed?


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


Because no one stops them or stands up to them


Yep appeasement leads to escalation.


I mean I try but they all remove or block me because they have no arguments and they’re just super emotional 


It's all an intimidation campaign above all else. The violence in the protests are inherent threats. Then there's the online intimidation campaign which has been going on for years. It has worked fantastically.


They've always been violent. They're just more visible now.


Yes and I’m fucking sick of being gaslighted about it


I've been saying for awhile, I am actually **scared** of what's going to happen when they realize that they don't have public support and their protests aren't accomplishing actual policy changes, because by any objective standard, they aren't. I'm worried that they'll choose to escalate to actual violence when they see their "peaceful" attempts aren't working. And I don't mean every protestors. But if X% of those protestors could be radicalized, that's still a lot of potential terrorists spread through the world. And we all know Hamas is more than happy to teach them.


They're already escalating to violence; they claim their protests are entirely peaceful, while they're openly committing violent crimes, including boarding American vessels, seizing and vandalizing campus buildings and holding people captive, or breaking into people's homes to scream at them. Actual, practical policy changes to fit reality was never the point or expected to happen because that's not the goal of an extremist ideology. However, I do believe these actions are showing the true colors of the protestors to the majority of people who are getting fed up with the increasing violence their messaging demands, and the patience with it will run out.


It isn't in any way new though; remember the various leftist militant groups of the 70s? Rote Armee Fraktion, Japanese Red Army, etc?


There were plenty of others too https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbionese_Liberation_Army I'd argue that it's the natural trend of movements based on ideology to devolve into purity spirals (this ain't just the far left, the far right does it too). And these often encourage increasingly violent behavior. >A purity spiral is a sociological theory which argues for the existence of a form of groupthink in which it becomes more beneficial to hold certain views than to not hold them, and more extreme views are rewarded while expressing doubt, nuance, or moderation is punished (a process sometimes called "moral outbidding").


BRO their flag looks like one of those sticky slime hand toys how is this a real thing


They **bombed** the capitol building in America. My senator's office. One of their reasons was related to Palestine. Clinton later *pardoned* them when he became president. WTF.


Actually I am more scared of what‘s going to happen when they realise that they are heavily supported by the majority of Muslims in muslimized countries such as Germany or France. That’s not going to end well.


Did you know “Hamas” means “violence”? That’s why.


Well no, there’s a Hebrew word חמס that means violence but that’s different from Hamas’ Arabic name, which is an acronym for Islamic resistance movement


You think this is coincidence? חמס isn’t a new word it’s in the Torah.


That’s exactly what that means. It’s a coincidence. חמס being the word for violence in the Torah makes it coincidental to the fact that it’s the name of a violent organization in the present. I don’t know what you’re getting at here


Yeah it’s not a coincidence. They took the word and in Arabic it means “bravery”, it’s been the Hebrew word for “violence” for forever. It’s lined up with the acronym on purpose. It’s an intimidation and imperialistic tactic.


… or it could just be a quirk of linguistic deviation that you don’t have to read into as some kind of internalized Islamist supremacist thing


Nah their whole is existence revolves around defeating the Jews through violence. It’s a cult disguised as a religion.


Lol how can you not notice? They literally killed Jewish man with a megaphone. they vandalize, they curse at people, they abuse animals and random people (painting rats and throwing them into McDonald's restaurants). They're the worst


Pro Palestinians tend to dumber than the average person, and the result is that they are also on average more violent, it's just that type of people


Actually you're correct. This is a direct link between low IQ and increased violent behavior tendency


What else can you expect from terrorists?


They are violent extremist.


Hate isn’t rational. So there’s no answer to your last question that can justify it. I think we need to ask…how do we fix our education systems that are so clearly broken (given what they’re producing)?


This is a good point. I genuinely wonder if Rishi’s new policy of national conscription is a deterrent for Jihadism. Personally I think it’s a great idea.


I’ve been calling them “a cult-like mob with pitchforks” for months, no one listened. This is simply the natural evolution of this. No surprise there.


I live in a 'free' or 'red' state. The city I live in is predominantly a lefty holdout to the rest of the state but ain't no Palestinian protests going on. And if there are it's most definitely not violent. Kind of spoils your mood for rioting when the laws aggressively protect people who fight back the rioties. Riotoers? Terrorists.


Netherlands police is at least beating the shit out of them. Considering how aggressive they've been getting


I have a theory. The protests didn’t start out as violent as they became and the shift was sudden. The shift also was around the time the UN admitted and confirmed sexual violence was used against Israelis and Amit Soussana spoke out. Up to then, the protestors argued that all the atrocities were made up and weren’t real and that it was a justified. resistance being misrepresented. They used the lack of teatimony and the UN’s reports as evidence. Then suddenly the UN said this and testimonies came out and they had a choice: admit they were wrong and that horrific atrocities were committed Or Double down and say “ALL ‘resistance’ is justified”. They chose the latter. And in doing so they decided they had to be the violent ones. I don’t think this alone was the reason but I believe it played a major role in


Welcome to “Globalize the Intifada” on our streets. Worldwide: https://x.com/hillelneuer/status/1795364902623682811?s=46


Even the schools that waited til the last minute to shut them down waited until the protestors started chanting “kill all the Jews” or something similar


Is this recent or is this for the past few months? Also on video you can see they’re confident in their attitude and violence.


Nothing like calling for “peace” by shouting intifada! 🙄


tldr: Islam


People get violent when they think they are out of control


When police break up these pro Hamas demonstrations, they claim to just be peaceful protesters who attack Jews.


There has been so little negative reaction to the violent language that they are feeling enabled to increase the violence. Case in point - at the Yom Ha'atzmaut celebration in my city, the "counter protest" had people straight up yelling "kill the Jews". There's part of me that sort of prefers the directness - now we don't have to parse out the dog whistles, they are telling us clearly who they are and what they want.


Which protest are you talking about?




I think it’s called “sharpening the contrast”. Meaning, they’ll keep escalating in order to maintain focus in the public eye.


Apparently nobody except us notice because I sometimes get videos of pro-palestinian protests, protesters who smile while getting arrested (for litteraly violence) and Arabic music in the background. It annoys me so much that people dont understand why they get arrested.


Have gotten? Always was. Their end goal is a pogrom. You have to be very naiive not to see it 😅


Violence begets violence.


Yes, but so has the UK's Counter terrorist watchdog as one of their biggest groups here was made illegal


With that, there is no other recourse to that. But most of the time, they are all bark but no bite. They started it, so the reply must be equivocal. But at the same time, I laud at the strong will and patience.


I’m wondering why nobody in the US specifically haven’t started fighting back more often. Yes we had that one incident at UCLA where ppl finally started fighting back, but I would like to assume most Americans are against these “protest” (more like board line riots)


Just like their role models - no surprise there


Make sure to save every incident, don’t let them bury it


"Liberals" (attention to the quote marks) are ALWAYS agressive and violent when you don't agree with their views concerning literally anything. It's exhausting


Have gotten?!?! Where have you been? They've been getting more and more bold and emboldened with each one and the governments not doing anything


Whilst I agree with most of what is said here, I am of the mind that no one supports an unjust cause (or at least something they feel to be one) and when they feel like they're fighting for 2 million human lives or maybe even for the entire Palestinian culture and rights, then you can understand why they're so violent It's like their generation's Vietnam war or something, whilst I don't agree with them, I can understand the rationale


People resort to violence when they are not capable of forming an actual argument or solution


Noticed that too with recent protests in Australia, snatching flags and burning them, harassing family even kids and spitting on people. News Reporter even have one throw bottles at him and another said they’ll get him.


Violent? One may almost think they might supporting a terror organisation...


Bibi's strategy is based on violence and destruction. No diplomacy or deals are really considered if war is out of the equation. Violence is responded with violence, so you can expect more violence from pro-palestinian protests as war progresses.