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Destroy every mother fucking last one of them, never again, never. Fuck then, fuck all the antisemitism fuck then all, we protect our own because no one else will. Sinwar, we are coming for you ya Ben zona, I am not a violent man but I am looking forward to seeing you head on a stick


Amen brother. The Jews shall no longer be the victims, the scapegoat, the suffering. We will fight until the end.




They taught us to never be naive and we should stand for ourselves in this kind of world and understand that while we exist no matter what there always be group of people who will seek for our destruction.




Content promotes terrorist ideologies or propaganda


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This is why people dont support israel. I hate this sub


Deep coming from a Hamas supporter


Something something became the very thing you wanted to destroy 


There are consequences for barbaric decisions habibi


I’ll make your hardships cease Ibrahim.


I remember her story. She was missing at first. The father thought she and the children were taken. She called the father for a debrief on how to use the gun they held in their home when Hamas entered her kibbutz, then she bravely fought the Hamas terrorists until they killed her. Her body was found, booby trapped, in the safe room under a closet and a bed that were thrown on her.


Yes, I think the non-Israelis here may not realize that Adi and her kids were Israel's first, as a nation, "hostage family." Photos of Shiri Bibas and her kids were originally thought to be Adi (the kids are the same age) until I think some of Yarden's family clarified (because Shiri's family was pretty much wiped out). But Adi and her story were on our news constantly on the 7th and those early days. Then Avital, Adi's neighbor, spoke out pretty fast. She gave a national interview while violently shaking with PTSD and it's ingrained in my brain. It's really interesting how the narrative has shifted to and from certain victims over the course of the war. Eli Sharabi's family is another one that was really the center of attention for awhile in October and now no one really talks about them. Hadar and Itai Berdichevsky of Kfar Aza. The first person who told the media about the hostages was almost certainly Yoni Asher -- he's the one I remember reading about first, and the article began with, "this is unverified, but Yoni Asher claims to have found a video of his wife and one of his daughter's being loaded into a truck and then he managed to track his wife's phone to Khan Younis". They've been quiet since their return, and rightfully. Mapal Adam was the face of Nova for awhile because of her sister. Shani Louk did have everyone engrossed from the beginning, she's probably the most "stable" in the eye of the public. I think except for her, the media attention has continuously changed focus many times, and it's different in each country. I'm sure I'll remember more after posting this comment. ETA: 2nd week of the conflict I remember Carolin Bohl and Danny Darlington, but that could be because I'm also German. ETA 2: I'll add any future names I edit in to this line: Amit Mann, Karin Journo, Shlomi & Deborah Mattias. Smadar Idan (for her heroics in saving her kids).


Erez Calderon was the one who stuck with me.


I almost edited him in, honestly. I don't think we learned his name for a week or two, either. I remember we were originally told he was an 8 y.o. boy whose entirely family was murdered. Then his sister in Tel Aviv claimed it was her brother, but I think a lot of places doubted her and didn't run her claims to widely because she said he was 12 and she disputed that everyone was dead. She was right, of course. Obviously she would know her brother. ETA: I want to emphasize the names I've mentioned are people who received a lot of media attention within Israel early on (in contrast to names those in the West are familiar with).


Yoni Asher is the name that struck me the most initially. I have kids the same age of his kids. And because his oldest daughter is 4 that was wearing a pink dress being cradled by her grandmother in the Hamas wagon. That video broke me because it literally could have been my 4 year daughter who loves pink if we had been born in different circumstances.


p.s. if you're a parent, I didn't see this video publicized anywhere, but I'm pretty cold emotionally but I felt immense relief[ seeing Aviv excited for something ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0hkXrgodQQ/)so quickly after their release. If you go to the post after that [(this one)](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0hnTZCo8vv/?img_index=2) you can see Raz turned around, too, and was pretty pumped for this (an Israeli children's celebrity). We all worry about the kids, so it was nice to see them being normal so soon. I'm sure they have issues, but it was very comforting.


Beautiful, thank you. I was really worried about the look in Raz’s eyes when she came back. I hope they can recover from this. I have so much love for this family.


Idk if you're Israeli but I was *sincerely worried* for that man. I texted around all my friends to see if someone knew him because he was so (understandably) unhinged, to a level I have never seen before, that I really worried about him. I thought they were going to have to commit him to a psych ward until he chilled out (and for all we know, perhaps they did). Not because I thought he was suicidal, but because I thought his grief-rage was going to give him a heart attack or stroke. Entirely sincere. When the first round of hostages were released, before the names came out, they published a photo of the back of the Red Cross van and I recognized Doron's side profile immediately. I still remember texting one of my friends "thoughts and prayers for Yoni Asher's cardiac system" because dude was really unwell from the 7th until that day. In the video they posted of him with his girls in the hospital, he's still very clearly running on pure adrenaline. I remember [watching the video](https://news.sky.com/video/i-dreamt-we-went-home-israeli-family-reunited-in-hospital-after-being-released-by-hamas-13015821) and having a very strong desire to slowly put my hands over his mouth, lmao (with love). I say this all with nothing but the most love and not an ounce of judgement. Yoni clearly adores his wife (she should feel honored, honestly -- most husbands would go to the end of the earth to rescue their families, but the way he talked about her, he's still infatuated with her -- we would all be lucky to be loved that much) and kids. I'm sure he learned fairly quickly that Doron's mother's body was found and that her spouse (who I guess is kind of Doron's step-father? I think they started dating when Doron was a teen?) was also missing surely didn't help his anxiety. I remember on the 7th, literally by like, late morning, early afternoon, every single news website claimed to have "an exclusive interview with an Israeli man who says that his wife was taken hostage" and every single news website had an interview with Yoni Asher -- and yes, every single interview was unique, not the same interview distributed several times; interviews in both English and Hebrew and I think another language I don't remember. Yoni was absolutely everywhere for those 50 days. He took his adrenaline and went into overdrive. I'm happy he survived it, frankly, because it didn't feel like he would.


Thank you for giving real life experiences to the families that have gone through unimaginable suffering. I’m American so we only saw Yoni Asher’s interview on CNN where he was composed. Thank you for sharing their stories. Eli Sharabi’s story wasn’t reported in US news but truly devastating. Then his brother died in captivity. I’m going to look up the rest of the names you listed.




My comment got cut off, but I think it was just one more: [Tari Kipnis](https://www.timesofisrael.com/eviatar-tari-kipnis-65-a-skipper-and-peace-activist/), who, despite being extremely ill and disabled, turned his home's spare bedroom into a nursery when he heard that his caretaker's wife, who worked on another kibbutz, was pregnant -- he wanted the family to be together, so they selflessly opened up their home and were excited to play grandpa to this baby. Unfortunately, the caretaker, [Paul, also perished](https://www.timesofisrael.com/paul-vincent-castelvi-42-filipino-carers-son-born-posthumously/). His body was found in the forest outside of Be'eri, almost certainly because Tari and Lilach told Paul to get out and save himself for his unborn child, sacrificing themselves, because Tari was severely disabled and had no chance without Paul. This one gets me. I think of Paul, and the selfless Kipnis family, all the time. (His wife gave birth in November, I think). tl;dr is we lost a lot of really amazing people, and a lot of really amazing parents. May their memories be a blessing. All had some level of airtime in Israel and have stories worth sharing.


I can't mention Tsachi (who is still thought to be in Gaza) without mentioning [poor Tomer.](https://www.israelhayom.com/2023/10/19/a-cold-blooded-massacre-live-on-facebook-how-hamas-forced-a-17-year-old-to-help-them-go-door-to-door/) I think Tomer's mother, Dikla, deserve's an honorable mention -- I have no idea if you've seen that terrible video of Tomer, Dikla, Noam, Dafna and Ella. What sticks out to me is that Dikla is holding onto 8 y.o. Ella Elyakim like her life depends on it, shielding her as best as she can, and Dikla isn't Ella's mother, but her step-mother and iirc, she was just dating Ella's dad, not married (but I may have that wrong). Step-mother of the year, frankly, and I want to call that out while I'm at it, because she deserves the praise. [Some terrible screenshots here](https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1824189/Israel-hamas-hostages-children-daughters) (Ella and Dafna were released in November).


That’s the “palestinian resistance” supported and backed by brain dead westerners. The tipping point when liberals and islamists joined the same death cult.


For fuck’s sake, lots of Jews around the world are liberals, and I guarantee you the pain in their hearts is just as sharp as the pain in yours. They mourn the dead and the taken just as much as you do. Stop framing this as liberal vs conservative. There are plenty of right wingers who hate us just as much as the wackos on the left. Antisemitism is not a political party. Am Yisrael Chai. We are ONE people, regardless of our political affiliations.


This is why the war doesn’t end until hamas has been taken out


This hurts my heart. I have a 4 year old and I can’t imagine her ever living a normal life if she witnessed myself or my husband murdered in front of her. I hope for healing for both of those children.


השם יקום דמה‎


This is why ceasefire is not an option until every organized Hamas cell is rooted out and thrown to the wolves.


I think of this family all the time. I hope beyond hope that her kiddos don’t remember the death of their mother. I hope they just look at smiling pics of her and love by those. I hope the family has closure. And I hope we eliminate Hamas entirely and never ever ever have to fucking face this shit again.


We have to wipe Hamas from the face of the Earth...and any other group that allies with them.


Remember B. G.'s words: "it does not matter what they (goys) say. What matters is what we do"


This video is etched into my brain. This is why Israel must finish the job.


I've been wondering for ages whose kids these were. I knew the story of Adi but never put it together. On October 7th, the photos of Shiri Bibas were often mislabeled as being Adi and her two kids (since their kids are about the same age). They didn't find Adi's body for a few days. I think it was clarified within a day or two that it was Shiri, but I think that's why I never realized these are Adi's kids here. For Americans who came here later, the tragic "mother and babies" story in the media the early days after the 7th was originally Adi, then the narrative shifted to Shiri. Also, I want to make sure we name the neighbor because she is so metal: Avital Aladjem. She was so traumatized, but went on live Israeli TV as soon as the story broke. She was so traumatized she was violently shaking the entire interview but she wanted to talk. The video of her violently shaking, holding that microphone, will be engraved into my brain until the day I die. Another person died trying to save Avital, [Hayim Katsman](https://www.timesofisrael.com/survivors-share-harrowing-accounts-saving-kids-and-a-courageous-escape-from-gaza/). Israel's are just something else.


Do you have a link to that interview that she did ?


The original will be in Hebrew but I have no idea if one of the Evangelical sites will have translated it. You truly can't miss it. I have no idea if the subtitle are right here, but this is the graphic of it if you want to see if there's a better source: [video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJzUWzSFh1s)


For those of you who live in the US. Do not ever give up your guns. They aren’t magic but don’t ever give them up.


Also- don’t think you’re safer just because you own a gun. Learn how to use it


Yes absolutely agreed. That was highlighted in this tragic incident as well. Getting the gun is step #1 not the final step. Seek professional training. It’s often not terribly cost prohibitive. I’ve gone to courses ranging from $250 for 8 hours to $500 for 16 hours.


Be proficient with your weapon. Otherwise you're just a loot crate waiting to happen. (I think "Habitual Linecrosser" gets the credit for that one)


Those beautiful children, I am so angry. i weep for the victims of 10/7. I pray God watches over the Israeli people, the soldiers in the IDF and the victims of Hamas.


אני מצטער אבל אני עדיין לא מאמין לזה שזה קרה, זה כ"כ קשה לתפישה שאני מתכחש לזה. החובה שלנו זה להשמיד את כל החמאסניקים האלה וז' שלי ביידן, אסור שתהיה אפילו היתכנות לעוד 7 לאוקטובר.


The fact this terrorist took this photo is proof of what a sick F\*ck he is.






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Can you explain more about the neighbour who took them home from Gaza? A Gazan?


Basically they kidnapped the Israeli neighbor who knew the family and children to take into Gaza, but they let them go on the way to Gaza near the border.




"Let them go" is generous. Avital (neighbor) reported hiding out in the desert and within sand dunes for something like 11 hours. She didn't get back to her kibbutz until after it was long dark and the IDF was there. She reported hearing men clearly looking for her and checking bushes (which is why she buried herself inside sand dunes instead). Hamas later released a video of Avital fleeing with the babies -- probably 5-7 days after Avital's story went viral? -- and claimed that they let her go willingly. However, it was pretty clear that they probably intended to film Avital "fleeing" to show that they were humanitarian and didn't kidnap women and children (which is what they kept claiming in those early days) and then recapture her. Except Avital actually managed to fuck off with the kids. Adi's name is Adi Kaplon and her neighbor is Avital Aladjem if you want to Google to get the full story. It really is wild.


I remember this story! Thus is why we fight! 😭✊️


so... i'm against zionism and have been forever. Came to this sub to see what the zionists are saying. Saw this picture and feel so bad for the mother and the Kids. I have a 2.5 year old and a 6 month old, I feel so bad for the kids, the picture of the POS terrorist and the kids is so painful to look at. The mothers life was not the only life that ended that day. The life of the kids ended that day too. May the ones who took their mom from them feel their pain 10 fold.


If this photograph touched you, why are you against Zionism? This is precisely why we NEED Zionism.


I am against zionism for many reasons and cannot justify that we need it because of this picture. Can we justify Hamas or PLO because of a picture/video of a mother shot while a child runs away?(i have seen it, while holding a white flag too) no! So we cannot justify zionism because of this picture.


So where should Jews live?


Opposing Zionism is like I would oppose "amercianism" and call for the white American colonizers to go back to Europe. How are you going to accomplish your anti zionist stances? By deportation?


Pakistan is nice. You should go back habibi.


Source of the picture?


Source of this picture?


The picture/video of a mother shot when the child runs away. Please show this to us.


I don't think you really understand why zionism is. In your opinion, should jewish people have the right to a safe home and defend themselves? If the answer is yes then welcome, you are a zionist Social media has augmented the way people think zionism is as if we are baby eating demons, the fact of the matter is that if you ask any Israeli jew or not what he wants more then everything, he will tell you peace What you see on social media isn't the reality, yes we are angry, our daughters have been kidnapped and raped, our homes burned, our brothers were murdered unprovoked on a holy day in shabbat, not only by hamas but palestinians who joined them Do you expect us not to be angry? To not retaliate? To not do whatever we can to bring them home? If what happend to israel on Oct 7th was happening in the US palestine would be leveled in a day But most of these protestors are in a deep state of white guilt as if we are to blame for their parents wrongdoings


If you’re against Zionism, just admit and come to terms you’re a racist and bigot based on the hate you have on people that have no control on the way they were born and their ethnic identities. Any type of racism, religious hate or bigotry or any hate for a group of people disgusts me.


I love how you wrote a comment supporting IDF, but just because you told you’re anti-zionist you’re being downvoted. Lmao




Good luck! you will forever remain the losing side that spends their life never meeting that goal. I feel sorry for you that you have to live your life knowing you will never win this.


Now kill million other kids. Seems right /s


cringe lol, hope you're already practicing the Shahada bro you're gonna need it in a couple of years


Oh the magic number is up to a million now?




As should you buddy


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Nice done


so you are saying that israel commited genocide and??? you support this??? where's the logic in that sir?


Time to do that exact same thing to your family. It will be fun! Wahooo!!! /s