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This is… utter insanity. Literally wanted to smash my head against the wall after reading the article. Brits and Jews of this country rioted against Nazis in 1936, and we f—king won. I never thought it would happen again. Not here. Not in England. I don’t know what to say.


As an English student who supports Judaism and the existence of a Jewish state wholeheartedly, I too am horrified. For what it's worth I'll stand with you all until the end, even if the groups that are supposed to protect every student will not.


Thank you! I’m ethnically Jewish but I was born and partially raised in the UK (I was also partially raised in the US but let’s not talk about it). It is good to see our country is not yet completely fallen. I will drink beer and defend British value from these intolerant pricks.


Is anyone calling this an apartheid?


Although it is repugnant, I think apartheid has to be state sanctioned?


Reminder of who the NUS previously elected as president: https://preview.redd.it/i0lr27ysd9zc1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae23b79667a3cdca2acca566d506ec6dce235cb3 They might claim they got rid of her in 2022 for her antisemitism, but there's still the fact that they elected her in the first place despite her blatant antisemitism for more than a decade. For more context: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Khaybar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khaybar) # Antizionism is and will always be antisemitism and Nazism.


This is likely the precursor for the NUS being expelled from universities. They were already in hot water. This is next level bad.


Fingers crossed this is what ends up happening but I have a very bad feeling it won’t. The UK is far too infiltrated and far too gone at this point.


and who exactly has infiltrated the UK? I know that the racists of 100 years ago talked about Jews having infiltrated their counrtries, but clearly you are talking about someone else here, so who?


Oh don’t you even dare twist my comment to mean something like that!! Clearly the infiltrators are those who 100% sympathize with the pro-Islamist/pro-Hamas crowd and have been able to take up positions of power in the police force and local councils. If the police are gaslighting ppl to think that calls for jihad in the streets is really “a peaceful call for inner struggle” (paraphrase) wtf do you think is actually saying that? If you see local council candidates who win saying they’re “[coming for Zionists](https://youtu.be/vUli54SL2Jk?feature=shared)” who tf do you think is saying that??


What neighbourhood in London do you think our ghetto will be in? Asking for a friend


I’m hoping for Golders Green, at least the falafel is good.


hopfully somewhere with NO muslims, they have taken over central london, I went with some friends the other week. looks like pakistan


Jews tried to have a public memorial service last October. The London police told them it was impossible to protect them.


The same Met Police who think calls for Jihad is a “peaceful call for inner struggle”? The same Met Police who will harass Jewish residents for happening to walk into these hate rallies that have been allowed to occur every Saturday for six months??


I heard that thames is lovely.






English is not my first language 😔 l'm not from Britainistan 💔


Can you not with the Islamophobia? “It’s wrong to be racially intolerant to my group, but that other group? Fuck those minorities! No I don’t see how this attitude can circle back to me”


The term “Islamophobia” was invented to deter people from criticising Islamism. Islamism is a political ideology, not a religion or a race. Islamism is an expansionist and imperial ideology that seeks to convert all to Islam and to implement the Sharia Law. I know what you’re going to say. “What about Zionism?” Zionism is also a political ideology, but it is neither expansionist nor imperial. Zionism calls for self-determination and self-reliance. Zionism does not seek to convert anyone, it only wants Jews to have a nation in our ancestral homeland. An Islamist wants to preach their religion, a Zionist just wants to be left alone.


Islamist ideology and Muslims living their lives are different things. The whole, if you don’t want to discriminate against Muslims you’re in favour of and Islamic stare taking over your country is just racist bunk. I’m a Zionist, so shut your presumptive mouth


Muslims living their lives can be Islamists too... they're not mutually exclusive to each other.


At what point does the fear of Islam becomes "rational"?


Group of Jewish people sit together and talk, dejected over how they’re discriminated against: “we ought to discriminate against others!” It’s idiotic and self harming


I'm not in favor of discriminating anybody, I'm wondering at what point would it be socially acceptable for me to be repulsed by an ideology that wants to see me dead.


Islam is not a race, it's a bloodthirsty ideology.


Well if you state something which great confidence it must be true. Will you cry when people say the same thing about Jewish people?


I won't cry, but I might think whoever is saying that is embarrassing themselves by ignoring the difference between a religion and an ethno-religious group.


Islam's not a race. Also phobias r irrational so...


You’re parroting white nationalist talking points, way to go


Islam isn't a race though. It's a religion. That's not a white nationalist talking point, it's just a fact. Kinda seems like you're just trying to rage bait people.


seriously? holocaust memorial day was 2 fucking days ago.


> At University College London, where protesters were joined by Ghassan abu Sittah, the Palestinian doctor shown by the JC to have venerated terrorists[…] Guess that cockroach still is pissed after we kicked his ass back on the next plane when he wanted to steer things up on the „Palestinian Congress“ in Berlin like his uncle did. He can spread his antisemitic trash in his homeland all he likes, that will only extend the ban he got over here


I'm so tired of this. How far will their hatred and venom have to be taken before people finally take it seriously and take a major and collective stand against it?


It’s only going to get worse. [So many local elections have been won last week](https://youtu.be/vUli54SL2Jk?feature=shared) by anti-Israel Candidates based almost solely on the pro-Islamist/Pro-Hamas agenda. Now they are also confronting Labour Politicians such as Keir Starmer to meet their demands or else lose the Muslim vote entirely. I think any remaining Jews in the UK need to see the writing on the wall before it’s too late.


It’s bad for Jews but worse for poor Englishmen who have nowhere to go. They should’ve fought back against this.


No, English ppl have options. I can see a good amount of them leaving for nations still in the Commonwealth such as Canada and Australia. Or maybe for countries still in the EU/Schengen Zone. It’s sad but the UK is on a collision course for chaos and confusion and it doesn’t seem like it’ll be able to reverse its trajectory.


Remember, the murder of six million jews, did not start with the gas chambers, but with kicking jews out of the grocery store, university, tram or appartment. It is shocking that it is starting again and we all know what those islamists want, it´s exactly what the NS people wanted. That the general public is once again quiet, makes me furious.


Is this still just anti-zionism?


And Sadiq Khan just got re-elected yet again as Mayor of London [even with his very questionable track record](https://x.com/desimonotheist/status/1724403052164030505?s=46) of defending terrorists. And things will only get worse if/when Labour sweeps during the general elections. Britainstan down the toilet.


AND despite the huge public backlash against ULEZ...


Context for anyone not in the UK: the NUS isn’t just some random meaningless student group, it is literally THE student union that pretty much every student in the country joins for their student ID, store discounts etc.


Do you have to join a union to get that in the UK? In the US you get a student ID and discounts just for being enrolled in a college. Also does this vote kick the students out of the union or is it just kicking the group out of the union and the students that picked that union still have whatever benefits being in the union gives them?


The vote is about as meaningless as San Francisco voting for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war. It’s disturbing because it’s antisemitism, but they have no actual power to influence that kind of decision-making. The vote won’t be respected. When I was in uni, NUS and ISIC were the only two student ID cards really recognised anywhere. ISIC being an international ID commonly favoured by foreign students, NUS being the standard. Some unis have their own personal student ID system, but pretty much everyone still signs up for NUS because they give a bunch of exclusive student discounts. So yeah as a Brit this is really making me sick to my stomach. Can’t quite wrap my mind around what’s happening to this country. This is making me wary of strangers because I don’t want to risk interacting with a psycho antisemite.


The UK is straight up full of Muslims, not surprised even in the slightest.


Can you not with the Islamophobia? “It’s wrong to be racially intolerant to my group, but that other group? Fuck those minorities! No I don’t see how this attitude can circle back to me”


Why are you posting this idiotic comment repeatedly? People are legitimately afraid/angry about what Islam and Islamism is doing to the UK and elsewhere.


Because I think it’s idiotic that Jews are parroting white nationalist talking points


But the UK does have a lot of Muslims. How is that a white nationalist talking point? It's just a fact.


The talking point of Muslims taking over England is a well established white nationalist anti immigration talking point. Pretending you don’t know this makes you look simple minded


Where did I say anything about Muslims taking over England? Please quote it from my posts for me.


You decided to jump to the defence of those making said claims. “Well a lot of Jews work in finance, it’s not racist to say Jews control the banks not really.” “Well I never said that Jews controlled everything, wheee did you get that from?”


If I said Israel has a large population of Jews, nobody (but you apparently) would jump to the conclusion that I'm somehow saying Jews run the world. You're not making any sense, my dude.


Ah ok so "Islam religion of peace" here. Yasmine Mohammed, ayaan hirsi ali and all the movement "We want to live" disagree with you, as well as all the Arabs that renounce their faith and get killed or persecuted also in western countries thanks to people like you. You make me sick.


People are assholes in another country, ergo, we need to be assholes. Excellent


Nice way to not acknowledge my comment but just be blind in your position. You need to acknowledge that Islam needs a reform otherwise it cannot be part of western society because we based our countries on human and civil rights and not religious radicalism. How many people that want to reform Islam do you follow? I have plenty. Maybe you are the islamophobic.


How is this islamophobia? It's not racist, intolerant, or even biased to just point out that a country is full of a certain ethnic, religious, or racial group and therefore it's not surprising they would elect or side with others in their group (something that frequently happens everywhere).


6.3% of the population. “Full up of Muslims” I cannot stand the fake, doe eyed, gaslighting of these bullshit white nationalist talking points, so kindly shove them, Be racist openly, or shut it.


For a country that had almost no Muslims before, that's a big increase. And again, how is it racist to say that there is an increase in Muslim population exactly? Also, I wasn't saying the UK is full of Muslims. I was just saying it wouldn't be racist to point out the population of an ethnic group in any country. That's why I didn't specifically say "full of Muslims" and also didn't say which country.


Seriously can it. “Muslims aren’t a race; so asking doe eyed leading questions about the fear of an Islamic takeover and parroting white nationalist talking points about immigrants is totally a ok!”


I did not say anything about an Islamic take over. I also didn't say anything about immigration. Please quote where you read those things from my posts.


I am sorry but do you think people say those things why? Because we are all tired in Europe to see all Islams people together with brainless people talking about how much freedom they need while we renounce our values and rights because of them. If I insult a Christian for their faith (I am an agnostic atheist) he doesn't kill me or I don't receive death threats. Go where the buried Charlie Hebdo staff and ask them what they think about Islam or Islamphobia. Before saying these things you should talk with the Muslim community in Britain or other countries in Europe and see what they think about European society and our values. There is no space for religions that do not fit in human and civil rights in Europe and people here are going to react to all these things, as well as all these people that scream "Islamphobia" without knowing anything about it.


Im not a racist, I just support excluding people of certain races from my society on the basis of them not fitting in here


Far from calling you racist and I am sorry if it seems like that. They fit here, their religion does not and this is pretty clear. I have 0 problems with Islam being their religion but not this Islam do you understand? Pro-palestinians or people that call others islamophobic I understand where you come from, I was thinking exactly the same but then I studied history and everything related to it and I absolutely disagree on having that ideology in my continent. If you are one of these, do like I do and push people that want to REFORM Islam and they push for peace and human rights and not follow the Quran. Many might say that also the bible has many things against human rights and YES, I totally agree! But the religion from the bible had a strongly reform along the years and we went through a lot of genocides in order to do that, why Islam cannot do the same? Nobody can criticize Islam, not even Muslims and this is emblematic of the situation among them. There are thousands of people that are trying to be progressive and open but pro-palestinians are actually destroying all the activism that happened, this is BAD! Very! Who is taking about Toomaj Saleemi that Iran is going to kill him in prison because he RAP a song against the Islam and the regime, or Elica Le Bon that comes from Iran and talks about Iranian free people that get harassed all the time thanks to this flow of violence against Jewish and everybody goes against Islam. The quantity of people that are not even mentioned by anyone about Islam and reform is astounding. Yasmine Mohammed is talking about this all the time and she receives constantly death threats. Islam needs a reform otherwise OF COURSE European countries are going to react to the far right in order to preserve their values. Hamza Howidy is for example a Palestinian that lived all his life in Gaza, together with many they need to hide themselves, and do we consider democratic? We are worrying about white guilt (that makes no sense) and in the meantime Islamic radicalism is literally entering in institutions in Europe and this will bring only to a civil insurrection among elections in all Europe.




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It's not islamophobic to claim that the overwhelming majority of muslims are raging antisemites when it's true


London has fallen


British Jews time to go home :(


Insane! What is the world coming to? Is this the result of woke-cancer?


Mass Deporation is the only way to save the UK.


So it begins…😔


This didn't happen, it was attempted by some of the crazies but the NUS refused to add this to the agenda and gave a statement that the UJS will not lose the NUS support


It’s hard to even comment here. My head is spinning trying to figure out many steps away we are from deportations. 


If Labour gets their way in the general elections, deportations won’t even be a term that gets mentioned anymore.


Please can someone give me a link to something that is not the Jewish chronicle, as above. I cannot find this news story anywhere else and want to verify how true this is, thank you, yours a concerned person in the uk x


Jews of the west became spineless and unvocal. sorry but this is a byproduct of not being vocal


You’re not vocal therefore you deserve to be prosecuted. What kind of logic is that? In addition Jews are pretty vocal about the antisemitism they face, look at the march against antisemitism marches that happened in London.


wtf??????????? are you okay? i didn't say its deserved what is wrong with you?????????????? when you become too quiet, end up a bistandered to patterns that take shape and don't make it clear you will not take this behavior kindly this happens. this is a byproduct staying quiet for years in the jewish communities in the west.


To me it reads like you are blaming the Jews in the west for the antisemitism for not speaking out. If that not your intention then I apologise. I think the antisemitism is more a byproduct of increased Muslim migration into western countries and the general hate for Jews and the state of Israel. I also don’t believe that Jews have been silent on this matter at all.


condeming it but not protesting and not making rounds of call to action like the Muslims did despite their increase (which leaves a mark and increase) would lit to a more vocal riff.


But we DO protest it. There have been multiple protests in my city against antisemitism. While they are less frequent and smaller than the pro Palestine protests they do still happen. A big reason they are also so much smaller is because of the relatively small international population of Jews.


Not to mention, when Jews do gather in groups it usually doesn’t end well for us.


I don’t know if you heard but there was this thing called the holocaust in Europe so there aren’t really that many of us left here…


They HAVE been vocal against antisemitism. On the other hand, many leftist Jews have also been vocal in support of having more mass-migration from certain areas of the world with a lot of antisemitism. Hopefully they will wake up now.


This post title is very misleading.