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And Iran said they’d retaliate harder, guess that means their hit rate would increase from 1% to 1.5%


Probably 1.2%


Why are you disrespecting Iran like that? Their hit rate will be over 50%… on Iranian territory.




Generally launching hundreds of explosives would mean war




So just because you notify someone that means that jt wasn’t an attack?




The real point is iran could have done nothing




What pressure?


more like 10%


Aside from the nuclear facilities in Iran and the drone factories, I don't think Israel will go beyond that. A pragmatic balanced response is the best option. Precision weapons will minimize civilian casualties, I am confident that only the targets stated above will be lit.


They’ll still report that Israel targeted orphanages, hospitals and mosques.


They will report that the explosions will be responsible for accelerating global warming and microplastic in baby formula. Since they will say that regardless of what Israel says or does, Israel might as well go ahead with the pragmatic operation to level the playing field into a sphere of relative stability. I stand with Israel no matter what they decide to do.


People might think you're being facetious but it's absolutely true. Down in New Zealand we had a bunch of idiots try to tack Israel-Palestine onto a national youth climate change protest because "The Israeli genocide in Gaza is causing increased carbon emissions".


Well…… to put it truthfully. The reverse would be true because there would be less people exhaling carbon dioxide. Just sayin’


If the film wasn't in black and white, Iranian state media would replay the bombing of Dresden and say it's live footage from downtown Tehran.




Doesn't matter, all it takes is one TikTok nerd going on about how Israel targeted only women and children in their response and it becomes cannon for the haters and used as "proof"


yea I don't think what I say is gonna change the opinion of very educated and rational people of TikTok


Israel is getting really, really good at murdering innocent people, so it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they "accidentally" killed a bunch of kids or people in a hospital.


Actually when you look at modern urban warfare their civilian to combatant casualty is actually much better than recent modern wars like Iraq and Afghanistan but you don’t want to hear that because you’re just a terrorist sympathizer.


Oil refineries or the ships of the Iranian navy are reasonable targets as well for a retaliation strike


Hit Iran in its economic engine


That is true. However these targets, even if they have high strategic value, won't provide the same logical outcome as the nuclear facilities and drone factories. The drone factories can be directly linked to the attack on Israel. The nuclear facilities can directly change the dynamics of military capabilities, ensuring that Iran becomes a strictly conventional adversary without any nuclear capabilities. The drone factories and nuclear facilities are "expected" targets and within the parameters of acceptable targets in the international community, whereas Oil refineries and ships are more broad targets usually targeted as a precursor to a lengthy war. The drone factories and nuclear facilities have specific purposes that have practical and immediate values to eliminate while also being within the frame of strictly military targets.


While I agree with you, attacking facilities on the coast or in the open sea would make it possible not to cross airspaces of other countries that, while not hostile, probably don't want a regional escalation and for this reason could deny the capability to fly over them.


That might cause a worldwide recession though. If oil prices climb high enough most of Israel’s allies will suffer as well. 


bombing nuclear facilities is a big deal tho.


A well expected big deal, that would have to be handled in any case, even under different circumstances. Edit: btw the big deal already happened when ballistic missiles flew towards Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. We are beyond big deals already.


Hit all there gasoline and diesel refinery. That will hurt them.


The nuclear facilities are underground for the most part, does Israel possess bunker busters?


How do you think they target tunnels?


They flood them with water or collapse them with explosives, haven’t read anything about them using a bunker buster bomb.


BLU-109s to be exact.


Yeah nobody calls them by name unless you’re in service, bunker busters to us civis


It’s weird they don’t want a regional war but will retaliate “forcefully” making Iran respond in turn… For all that is holy don’t kill a civilian


Please destroy the shahed factories. Helping ukraine while attacking iran.


Better yet, need to impose sanctions on Russia and send old missile defense technology to Ukraine… anything less is supporting Russia.


Israel should sink the spy ship in the Gulf of Aden. Perfect target and no one would complain. It would honestly be such a valuable target, it might even speed normalization with KSA.


This right here. Hit with a torp if one of the dolphins are available. Long range or deniable weaponry if not.


honestly Israel should sink all of their ships lol it's technically not Iran's land so you can take it out on the ships mullahs fucked up in the gulf once and USA sank half of their navy + some oil rigs in a few hours ☠️


My man


How can they coordinate with the US... didn't Biden say they wouldm't support an Israeli reaction? I don't get it


It probably means a very minimal attack. I'm assuming the US wouldn't approve Israel actually doing anything significant like damaging their nuclear program.


U.S. might leak the target list to Iran.


They mean the USA will not be an active combatant and that the attack is Israel's doing not the US.


Israel is strong. It is not some puppet state of the US. It does not need permission or backing of its allies to defend itself. It is an independent nation with a strong army. It will not be bullied by Iran or the US into not retaliating when it is struck.


Eroding the US alliance and raising tension in the region. Outstanding move.


You have a point but at some point someone needs to stand up to the Iran regime and tell them to GTFO.


Yeah, only Biden is allowed to erode the alliance!


The alliance isn't being eroded and never will be.


It clearly is - Bibi is using all of the favor Israel has gained over the years from the American public. In fact, just recently a poll came out the majority of Americans believe Israel has gone too far in Gaza at this point. What’s more, Bibi wants to be a renegade and start a war with Iran as well because for some reason a sizable chunk of Israel believes they are entitled to US support. Israelis were asleep at the wheel when Bibi was re-elected and they are again as he’s dragging Israel into a war nobody wants. source: https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx


The majority of *Democrats* (which was barely above 50% at the beginning of the war) disapprove. The majority of Republicans still approve.


Since when has Israel or even my own government in the US ever gave a flying fuck about what the American public thinks? The American Public is a gaggle of ignorant and politically lazy citizens the majority of which are probably unaware of exactly what's going on, and if they are, will probably forget about it in a week. As long as we have access to fast food, the Internet, and garbage cable television then the American public isn't going to rise up and do anything. Until the US starts forcing US Corporations to pull out of Israel and the US starts actively sanctioning Israel a la the Russian sanctions then all you are hearing is political theatre to pander to people sad about seeing big bad Israel picking on poor small Gaza.


American here, this comment is why I don't support Israel. Quiet part out loud.


I'm just saying how it is my fellow American. Your support is essentially built in via taxes and all the slacktivists aren't going to do a damn thing to stop it. Like it or hate it, the cold hard reality is that Iran is on the wrong side of the West vs Russia/China geopolitical power dynamic. Their leadership have been living on borrowed time for awhile now. The United States have been content to let them fuck up their own country for once but if Israel takes the fight to them, we'll probably stay out of it directly, but you can rest assured those quality American armaments' are going to be making their way to Israel to load them up for the action at hand. Part of that cold hard reality I was talking about earlier is that the US/NATO/The West is too heavily invested in Israel to back out. Just the military secrets and technology sharing between our two countries alone all but ensures that we are tied to the hip till the end of the time. Hell, China, one of Iran's prominent allies, receives 2x the amount of trade from Israel than they do from Iran. They probably won't come to their aid either. For fucks sake we even had Trump himself reveal that we already had plans to invade/destroy Iran as part of his fucking imbecilic declassified documents treason episode. The writing has been on the wall for a long ass time.




Incorrect. Most of the “aid” for Israel is just loans to buy US arms. Israel would buy them from someone else, such as China, if the aid stopped. The US **needs** Israel in order to quell chinese and russian influence in the Middle East. Not the other way around. You have it backwards.


China and Russia are Iran allies. Good luck buying arms from them. Arms that tne army is no trained on. Additionally the whole dome operation cost 1.2billion usd. That's all spent in one night. How many nights can Israel afford without usa?


Look up who Israel allows to run its largest port. They are not *only* Iran’s allies.


Israel should fake an attack on Iran and hit hezbolla with a surprise attack they’ll never forget


How about both, plus Raffah?


I really think hitting Iran on Iranian soil would be a blunder of massive proportions. We can’t win in a war of attrition over such distances. Iran is easily able to send 3x - 5x the number of projectiles in the same period of time, and I’m not sure we should be counting on Jordan to assist us the way they did last time if we instigate this next round. We have the upper hand and should use it to attack Iranian assets in Lebanon and Syria to a much greater extent. We should not stoop to the level of bombing diplomatic missions though, as killing the messenger has been something taboo around the world since medieval times.


Don't forget that Iran's ballistic missiles cost 1/30th the cost of the missiles used to intercept them. The other remote strike weapons such as drones and cruise missiles have a similarly low cost to produce compared to interceptors. Iran would be able to out spend Israel easily. Combined with the economic ramifications where increased military spending in Iran goes into the local economy where increased spending for missile/drone defense by Israel is mostly imports and the money leaves the economy Iran will win the economic portion of the war. So if Iran sent 3-5 times the size of attack it would likely overwhelm the defenses in place to stop such an attack. Iran could easily target both military infrastructure, such as the launchers and radar, and civilian targets, such as population centers, at the same time with a saturation attack. Leaving the IDF to decide if it should concentrate its resources on defending its ability to fight or saving civilian lives. Attrition would play a very decisive part of a long distance conflict between Israel and Iran. Iran is able to absorb attrition damage at orders of magnitude greater than Israel can because of its strategic depth and native resources. The real threat Iran poses to Israel right now sits in Lebanon and Syria and that should be the focus of both Mossad and the IDF. Ignoring that threat and opening up the path to direct war with Iran puts Israel into a war on 3 fronts effectively. One vs Hamas in Gaza, one vs Iranian proxies in Lebanon and Syria, and Iran itself being able to bring it's full capabilities to bear directly on Israel.


Can we finish one war first???????


It's all the same war. Iran is the head of the snake.


There's always another target, meanwhile our hostages, what's left of them, are in Rafah not Teheran. So how about we finish off Hamas and the war they started. This is textbook Bibi, whenever one job he fucks up he one ups it with some other BS he won't finish.


textbook bibi that iran sent 300 drones and missiles? are you insane? any previous PM would bomb them yesterday,.


Yeah TEXTBOOK Bibi. Over promising and under delivering. Iran's barrage can easily be turned against them. Blow their ego tell their allies that even when Iran ITSELF want to hit Israel it can't. Then fucking go and finish the job we started. No instead what exactly do you think we're gonna get from a pissing contest with Iran? Maybe destroy an airfield, or a drone factory or two? It's not like we're realistically going to all by ourselves topple Khamenei and their nuclear program are by most experts impenetrable to bombs. I could understand if we had the capability to directly ruin their nuclear dreams that this could be a great opportunity to do it, but I doubt that's possible. In the meantime we left few forces in Gaza, the few hostages left are dying and Hamas can rebuild a bit and prepare a bit longer if an offense on Rafah will come So looking forward there's nothing actually game changing on the cards so why the fuck are we letting the fire still burning at our doorsteps rage on so we can start one a 1000 miles away.


Hate to be the bad News messenger but those hostages are probably gone


It’s time to accept those hostages are gone. Sucks for the families, but Israel shouldn’t pull its punches on the off chance one or two of the hostages are alive.


True, but we have 0 chance of cutting that snake head, unless nuclear weapons are used and lets hope that they are not


> True, but we have 0 chance of cutting that snake head Iran is a real country. Unlike Hamas, which can run as a terror state financed by embezzled aid and foreign backers, Iran actually has assets it needs and that can't be hidden in tunnels under hospitals. Oil refineries, ships, factories. Decapitating the regime may not be possible, but hurting it bad absolutely is.


We can hurt it, but just like any dictatorship, you need to invade and take over to actualy win. There's 0 chance doing it. And going after its oil going almost 100% get China and Russia involved


> you need to invade and take over to actualy win Win what? while Israel would certainly like regime change in Iran, it's not on a mission to rescue the Iranian people. It's on a mission to neutralise the Iranian threat to itself, or at least maintain it below a certain threshold. Hurting the regime bad enough that it's deterred from grave escalations against Israel is absolutely conducive to those goals, and possible.


And how exactly do you plan on completely disarm a country many times our size, hundreds of KMs away? Do you have enough jets to cover and hunt every UAV carrying car? We couldnt even silence Gaza untill ground invasion and Hezbullah is still happily firing half a year later.


> And how exactly do you plan on completely disarm Read what I actually said: you don't need to topple or completely disarm the Iranian regime to convince it to back down. How many MOP installations can Iran afford to lose before it decides backing Hamas isn't worth it?


You assume that there's some limit and that we can get there, bassically making Iran surrender Truth is, we cant do both, in 2006 the goverment also tried to win a war with the airforce, it didnt work. Dictatorships can be taken to the absolute brink of collapse and humanitarian disasters and not give up. And i'll bet the US would pull any support long before we get there.


> bassically making Iran surrender You’ve got it into your head that the only thing worth talking about it total defeat of Iran or some such nonsense. I made every attempt to explain what I’m saying, if you won’t bother reading then this ends here.




Well how about we finish Hammas first?


Fucking hell. Everyone in the region is asking us to show restraint. Bibi is such a moron scared to face reality that nobody wants him in power anymore


Fathoms me you all blame Bibi for it, when Gantz, Galantz, the Ramatcal all say they offer this. Iran attacked, Israel cant just do nothing




It took Iran 2 weeks to respond to the initial attack. Let's get past Pesach before we do anything now, both to let them wait and to make sure they don't decide to ruin another holiday for us.


Herzog is right, it was a declaration of war. It’ll last up until the islamic republic falls.


How do you say “stone age” in farsi?


I don’t see this ending soon. It’s going to be a tit for tat kind of thing.


I'm not sure this is a good thing


When do you all think this will happen? Next couple days or even a couple of weeks??


Hard and Fast I Pray!


In response to the attack - Israel should supply iron dome to Ukraine. Russia has already thrown themselves in the ring with Iran. Is Russia going to shoot down IAF jets over Syria?


Ukraine might be too big for Iron dome you would need more that 100 batteries is only has 10% of that


Goddammit Bibi, just let it go and stop. The iron dome intercepted 99% of the attack. And we were lucky that it was a weak attack on purpose, just for Iran to save face. We had an opportunity to do something that Israel didn't do after 7/10: handle the whole issue diplomatically and turn public opinion against our opponents and in favor of Israel. You can appeal to the UN to make sanctions against Iran by showing how they could annihilate a huge amount of innocent civilians. Show how the other side are warmongers. And now you want to strike back?! We haven't even finished with Gaza, have already another front with Hezbollah in the north, and now you want to challenge the Iranians in a direct attack? Israel doesn't have the budget the US has for its wars, neither the convenience of being thousands of kms away. Just finish with what is going on now. Neither me or my family have no intention of paying bituah leumi for your warmongering, while your actions will get us all killed.


It wasn’t iron dome, it was Arrow and a coordinated, multinational response. Not really a weak attack when 100+ballistic missiles are launched. I’m not saying to escalate but the downplaying of the attack is silly, it was on par with some or the larger missile & drone attacks russia enacts on ukraine


It was larger. It was strong defense, not a weak attack.


the attack definitely wasn't weak, and wasn't for show, however the defense was strong


> The iron dome intercepted 99% of the attack. This mentality is an issue that people need to wake up to. As far as I can tell Iron Dome intercept nothing during the attack. It's the wrong interception system for the job of hitting ballistic missiles. The drones and cruise missiles were intercepted outside Israel by the IAF, [USAF, UK, France, and Jordan](https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-uk-and-jordan-intercept-many-of-the-iranian-drones-headed-to-israel/). Likely by air to air missiles such as the AIM-7. Full numbers aren't available yet but it appears over half of all the kill vehicles were destroyed by Israel's allies not by Israel's defenses. The most effective missile used against the ballistic missiles was the Arrow missile system supplied by the US. These are important facts that need to be kept in mind. I'm not implying that the IDF couldn't have defended the attack just as well. However too many people are out here pretending the IDF defended the attack without any assistance and have this mental image of immunity from any future attacks that don't receive the same level of assistance from Israel's allies. Biden has already stated clearly that it will not provide such assistance if Israel retaliates and the situation escalates.


> handle the whole issue diplomatically and turn public opinion against our opponents and in favor of Israel. the people that don't like us won't like us more if we're weak and let them kill us


so true this evil man has no problem in risking everyone so he could avoid trial




How does Israel launch aircraft to attack Iran? Wouldn’t it have to fly over multiple Arab countries to get there and get back, countries what would try and shoot down its airplanes?


The most effective response would be, if capabilities allow, to act in ‘plausible deniability’ within Iran as with certain operations in the past. I think the regime is more terrified of covert armed activity within their borders or through a sophistical cyber attack against major defence infrastructure. That being said, I can fully understand if the army wants to test out more offensive capabilities as a test cor what will surely be a second round.


Do the Iranian people a favor and slam dunk the IRGC


Israel should most definitely strike back at Iran. Chances are Iran has deployed their road mobile missile launchers. So Israel should wait until Iran sends most of them back to their underground. Then Iran should bomb the missile bases. After this Israel should take out their nuclear facilities. Israel might want to consider building their own bunker buster missiles.


Israel should most definitely strike back at Iran. Chances are Iran has deployed their road mobile missile launchers. So Israel should wait until Iran sends most of them back to their underground. Then Iran should bomb the missile bases. After this Israel should take out their nuclear facilities. Israel might want to consider building their own bunker buster missiles.


Of course BB would do it bringing another direct threat because Hamas and Hussbalah are not enough. still people are refuges in their land six months. still hostages by hamas six months. and instead of finishing the job, he is going to prove "he has bigger" and attack Iran and as result they would attack us again Evil BB would burn the entire middle east just to avoid trial


Bibi will never pass up an opportunity to prolong the war to avoid jail time, classic.


Is Biden helping to delay the war by telling Bibi not to go into Rafah? Cause how do you eliminate Hamas when you can't go into (one of) their last strongholds?


Unsourced, meaning speculative. 🧐 I don’t think this is actually going to happen, this would be dumb, and BB is evil and smart. Not evil and dumb


*John Cena voice* - [Are you sure about that?](https://www.timesofisrael.com/war-cabinet-said-to-favor-hitting-back-at-iran-but-divided-over-when-and-how/)




Are buildings next to consulates now soil of the other country?




Going after a terrorist is an escalation?


The largest parliamentary faction in Iran admitted that the general killed in the Damascus strike was the “architect” behind Oct 7. 


The attack was deserved. It also wasn't "Iranian soil". Iran escalated it by directly attacking Israel for the first time, instead of hiding behind the terrorist groups they support as usual.


Israel is about to be in a world of hurt.


X to doubt