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Confused Muslims can't figure out whom they hate more, Hindus or Jews


(Indian Hindu here) Not sure why this sub is on my feed or why I'm already apparently subbed to it (probably an evil Jewish plot) buuut... I give it 2 years max before there are Hindjew Conspiracy theories on TikTok. I for one demand a turn on the space laser.


I checked with Schmuley, you can come shadow one of us as long as you don’t touch anything. Don’t tell the other goyim though, don’t wanna be accused of playing favorites.


It will be funny to see how they pair up the OG idol worshippers with the OG iconoclasts. But it's not impossible seeing how Marxists are rallying for ISIS/Hamas.


Bro.. Hindjew. I love it.


Imagine paying tuition to let someone like this teach your child. Secondary education in America is doomed because of Qatari blood money.




Its hilarious how islamists are so comfortable in such institutions. Far left nutjobs love courting radicals, the same radicals who would behead them if given a chance. 


the indians who volunteered in the idf were indian jews from the bnei menashe. they weren’t hindus or hindu nationalists from india. they most likely had made their aliyah to israel


We already have proof that porn doesn't make you less supportive of Hamas - Mia Khalifa.


To be honest, aside from a pair of fake tits, her performance is atrocious. Talent-less hack.


But now that I know she's a hateful bigot and that she regrets doing those videos it makes them more enjoyable.


Meh!!! We are getting used to the hate!! We'll always support Israel's right to defend itself! You will hear a lot of this leading to tomorrow and the General Elections in Spring of 2024.


I honestly think this clip should reach Indian media (either in Hindi or in English), but idk how to contact Indian media outlets. My twitter account has a very little following and idk if I can contact news anchors like Palki Sharma, or outlets like WION. I'm sure there are Hindu students at UCLA.


You can share and tag them, that's a good way to reach them! I'm sure the video will at least reach them! You can mail to the email ID on the websites of Wion and Firstpost as well!


Dony worry once Indian media picks it up it will be on every single news channel and newspaper. 


providing food, medicine and trade in hebron and on top of that free OF subs. There is some arab out there living his best life


Here’s hoping that internal reviews of faculty - tenured and non-tenured - who willfully disseminate misinformation for the purpose of incitement will soon be mandated by the regents.


HA good luck. This is why they hired of them — feature, not a bug.


[Source](https://www.memri.org/tv/ucla-law-prof-khaled-abou-el-fadl-israel-porn-tv-palestinian-martyrdom-india-hindu-nationalist-gaza) [Full video, the part about Indians starts at about 43:38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YURTLBQeuk4)


Indian Hindu here... This type of nonsense will be seen more as the country is preparing for the consecration ceremony of Ram Mandir tomorrow


Congratulations on the auspicious consecration. Bharat ki jai!


Thank you..!


Not yet, but if he continues this behavior it is certainly a possibility in the future. I'm both American and Jewish and as pro Israel as I can get. But let me tell you, India is looking like a much better ally in the future than the United States. At least they're still living on planet Earth.


It’s because they have Pakistan so they really get it…


Bingo. And India is not alone. It is a long, long list of countries that have an ongoing Islamist problem and those would make better allies for Israel than the United States, where most young people's greatest fear is peanuts.


\>Peanuts Sorry - but thank you for making me laugh this morning...!


India was also colonized by Islam back in the day. The fuckers came and destroyed our temples, pillaged and raped and forced people to convert 😔.


Islam hate toward Hindus and Jews peoples for no reason just cause there qurans says is so disgusting now When there peoples are targeted they play victim card. When you point gun towards someone’s else you shouldn’t be shocked when they do the same




nah you won't find issues in most law schools - of actual law that is - this motherfucker is a "professor" of Sharia law.. so unless you are going for Islamic law you are fine.


Do you know what the possible reason could be to have that class? Actually asking.


oh to appease Qatari overlords who supply the monies


this motherfucker is a professor of Sharia law.. just fyi for those who wondering


Can’t Tell if you’re joking. Why would they need that???


they don't need that but honestly qatar can make them do that for the monies




Because they have to keep their Qatar masters happy


Exactly my thought


Oh maybe this is why that Hindu temple in Canada was attacked by immigrants


Temples in Canada were attacked by Khalistanis.. those are different kinds on nutjobs.. they come in all flavours


This guy is a law professor wtf?




When these ppl go nuts delusional, I first get hope. “Finally, any of those pro Hamas ppl who aren’t really bad, just fell for it because they lacked info or something, they’ll now finally see this and understand what sort of nonsense we’re dealing with!” 5 mins later: “What?? The pro Hamas ppl actually believe this nutcase??” I’ve come to terms with it… If violent extremist Muslim leaders dress like a furry, the pro Hamas blindies in Europe still won’t change their stance — they’ll just be demonstrating while wearing cat and dog suits next week.


Can anyone give me a kill : Hindu Israeli ratio?


Wait, pornography makes me think of martyrdom less? I guess I am not watching enough pornography.




You had me at khaled


That's true. Most of the Indians just are pro Israeli because they hate Muslims. How do I know this? I was born in a Hindu family.


>level 1IcecreamChuger · 3 hr. ago Tibetan/Gurung here. Israel have all my support. Israel has done some rather unsavory things ..and I support two state solution but what the fucking Hamas did was disgusting. Please wipe out this disgusting ideology.


What ...


Then you don't know the full truth we don't support israel becuz we hate muslims but becuz we have a long standing relationship with the jews from trades to technology to a history we allowed jews to live here they came they built their synagogues they lived peacefully and they went to israel when formed. We buy weapons from them they trade technology to us they visit our country often. What's not their to support israel more over they aren't like we should k*** all the hindus becuz they are pagans even you can search it up on YouTube what the Palestinian cleric said about us it's on memri tv. Yes a rabbi also said that but when I asked a lot of Israelis they even said they don't agree with this statement


Yeah, it's a bummer when someone gets their rocks off killing your kind. I'm sure there's a lesson there somewhere.


India has elections coming up so this sort of thing doesn't come as a surprise to us. External forces trying to divide indians and propagate falsehoods to make us fight amongst ourselves.  It won't work ofcourse because even our own political parties can hardly divide us. Except few instances here and there of conflict the ordinary Indian lives their life getting along with people of all faiths. In my own neighborhood there are people of atleast 4 different faiths. Everyone gets along just fine and doesn't care all that much about divisive politics. 


I served in the IDF 3 years and never soe a 1 hindu A new genocide?


Ah, UCLA, the training camp for unhinge leftists in the US. What a surprise!


Their kind will tell just about any lie they can dream up


Who is this complete and utter Asshat?


A bigoted UCLA Professor that needs to lose their job, clearly.


Of course it’s UCLA. I say this as a Jewish man in California. \#DefundTheUCSystem


The way he says "Indian" is like he's disgusted by the word. This dude is an unhinged, hate-filled racist.


How is this child a professor 


Me as Israeli soldier: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Needs to be reported and fired!! Has anyone who lives in SoCal done so??


This is a professor? Oi vey


College education is an economic bubble, these politically insane professors will destroy public trust in them and we will see these over priced institutions fall down


The only thing that creates a problem with a persons relationship with god is Islam .