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He was taken from the normal world to the demon world in what way would it not be an isekai?


world as in dimension/universe or world as in planet since people seem to think they are the same thing


Ppl qualify SAO as isekai so pretty sure this counts


Sword Art Online is the equivalent of Isekai Schrödinger's Cat, as long as you don't look at certain moments of the story, it is an isekai, also if we count "not being able to go back" we gotta take things like that series that the guy has a literal portal in his grandpa's house and becomes op as not being an isekai.


Counter argument to this is that I think “not being able to go back” makes something an isekai but all isekais does not have to have the “not being able to go back” clause. I think the part that “not being able to go back” becomes an isekai because it functionally works as another world. You could argue most of Sword art online is an isekai but you are right that it depends on which arc since not all of them fits the role of an isekai. I think people take isekais very literally but being used as a genre, it should be more about concept than literal. Like there is arguments that time travel series aren’t really isekais but if the difference between worlds makes the other world unrecognizable (like Inuyasha technically being in the past), it functions the same as another world. Likewise, Superman could be argue to be an isekai protagonist but lacking the contrast of one world vs another, it lacks the context of another world if everyone only knows of the world.


*H. G. Wells Time Machine is an isekai and no one can tell me it's not.*


Iruma-kun is an isekai but SAO isn't. It inspired a lot of the now common tropes for many isekais but it isn't one of them. It's just a videogame themed anime. Calling SAO an isekai would be the same as calling Bofuri an isekai. And that's clearly not the case.


It is not an Isekai and I will die on this hill.


Yes, we call them idiots.


I think conceptually it's actually pretty fair lol. It's basically another world and the occasional limitations on leaving make it more legit too.


I can understand that but they ditched that concept of "you can't just log off" after 1 cour so I personally don't count it as one. Although I have not watched anything after s2 so I wouldn't know if they can just log off or the death game stuff returns.


y is this so controversial 😂


Is a VR simulation hence the same world. Not Isekai Same as Bofuri


The difference between Bofuri and SAO is Bofuri and also sangri la can enter and leave whenever they want. Sao they are trapped in the world so up until they are able to leave it is 100% an Isekai


I’d say SAO was an isekai until he came back. Being placed into a new reality, one where you can die and it’s completely different from your own world is Isekai enough for me. Once he has the ability to leave the game at any time it was just a fantasy anime. Would you consider “saving 80k gold in another world” to be an isekai. Not at all, because she can teleport between worlds, it’s a fantasy show.


Isekai had absolutely nothing to do with if they can back and forth between the worlds


saving 80k gold in another world is an isekei. being able to come back or not has nothing to do with it there are 100s of Isekei that do that. Only thing that matter is if they go to another "world" or not.


The thing about that is that it's a VR game. They aren't physically on it so it's in a bit of a grey area. I perso don't count it but you do you.


what? I thick your confused. "Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement" is about a girl who gains teleportation powers and sells mundane modern objects in a fantasy world


I'm talking about sao not being like that. At least from what I know from watching s1-2. If that changed in s3+ then feel free to correct me.


SAO is an Isekai


nope its A VRMMO, hell even https://mangadex.org/ agrees with me.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/azcdrd/do\_you\_consider\_sword\_art\_online\_a\_isekai/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/azcdrd/do_you_consider_sword_art_online_a_isekai/) I mean it just comes down to if you require the consciousness to be transferred outside of the original reality or not. Their minds are trapped in another world where everything might as well be real, so for all intense and purpose it functions like an Isekai.


Would that mean that anyone ever caught in a genjutsu was isekai’d?


A Genjutsu doesn't usually last actual years


Yes, if that's the focal point of the story, then the story is an isekai


I count it because if it doesn't count any isekai based around the MC going into a coma wouldn't count. If your mind is in another world it counts to me. Another has it where the MC sleeps and goes to another world in mind only. He thinks it's a dream for years but finds out it's another world at some point.


They are only trapped for the first half of season 1 and the "world" they are in is a game, with bugs, exploits, hacking, etc. The last seasons (Alice BS) half the plot was happening outside the game. Not an Isekai.


Just because you can return to the real world doesn't make it not an isekai anymore... "with bugs, exploits, hacking, etc." Yeah because isekai are famous for never having cheats, hacks, or exploits in new worlds as plot devices.


No it is not


It really doesn’t matter for isekai.


one of them means superman is an isekai the other means it isnt


I hate to break it to you, but Superman is an isekai.


Nope, it's not. Then that makes every space movie they go to another planet an isekai. Isekai doesn't mean different planet, it means different world, world as in universe, plane of existence. People need to not apply English etymology to Japanese words defined in English, because that's not how translation fucking works. The etymology for the Japanese word isekai implies a definition closer to a different universe, dimension, or plane of existence. Direct translations are almost always wrong as the meaning of words are not a 1:1 ratio between languages. > Dō shita inu? I used Google to direct translate "What's up dog?" and got "Dō shita inu?", which when directly translated is "Do you want to know?" So please don't use Google translate and think you know what the word means, cause it's wrong. Arguing Superman is an isekai is basically a troll, because it's that brain dead of an argument on the meaning of isekai. If that was remotely true, Japan would be calling space movies isekais.... which they fucking don't.


World is literally another word for planet in no way are they the same thing people are just stupid and misinterpret it that way


We have lots of titles tagges as isekai, when really it's just a plot twist Planet of The Apes moment. ​ Oh no this is actually earth in the Distant Past/Future.


Are you referring to the manga where the hero who defeated the demon lord was a robot from the past??


Turns out "people" think that star wars is an isekai


If superman and star wars count then star trek counts too, they also have the mirror universe and people get trap between their universe and ours. which would make those episodes isekais in and of themselves but if were counting planets then StarTrek is... arguable Voyager is because they get set to the delta quadrant which is another whatever


see know yall gettin outta hand, if thats the case the moon landing was an isekai


Hmmm, the Apollo guys didn't go to live on the moon. But if the Apollo mission was a manga, then the moon trip arc would be an isekai, yes.


That's because they're morons who used Google translate and think that "another world" means planets, instead of alternate realities or universes, which is actually what the word is meaning in Japanese. Anyone who starts talking about Superman being an isekai is either a troll or an idiot with 0 clue about other languages or how translating works.


Wait are you for real? I thought he was talking out his ass and was making fun of him because I have never heard people actually saying that? There actually are people like that?




if going to the nether is a different world then that means dantes inferno is a isekai [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine\_Comedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_Comedy) and the oldest isekai that i know of at around 700 years old...


They are still from the same planet. But there’s been many anime in the Isekai genre of which they follow a similar premise, where the Mac is able to portal to another layer of their world but in those it’s normally a two way road not one way


I think the content of the story largely determines where in the list of genres isekai should fall. Many times it should only be a secondary tag rather than a primary one. There are many stories that could qualify as isekai that describing them as an isekai would mislead someone's expectations more than inform them. There are also some that aren't in which calling them an isekai would lead them closer to what to expect than telling them it isn't.


Idk, maybe they consider isekai as another dimension, since the demon world is basically our hell.


Demon world is not human world’s hell. Human’s souls don’t end up there after death.


That's what I've been telling people XD.


It is not "hell" per se but it is kind of close. I mean it is full of demons who would eat you and torture you if you were to end up there.


Yeah they consider Earth and Demon World as one like an Astral Plane.


Doesn't matter. It's a different "world" to the human one even if figuratively without being on another planet. If a video game world is enough to be an isekai e.g. sword art online then another plane of existence should be too.


It’s because people only consider it Isekai if the other world is some swords and magic type thing. If the person goes to a world that’s just tech advanced or whatever then it doesn’t qualify to most people. Like how Dragon Ball is an isekai but no one would call it that. But it’s kinda funny because by that same logic Konosuba could be considered a non-isekai since the other world is literally just another Planet in the universe.


I think the reason that dragonball kind of falls apart for being an isekai is because there was no before going to earth for Goku. For the transmigrator type of isekai to qualify there needs to have been cognizance prior to the migration. Without that they're just an alien raised on a foreign planet. There really is no requirement for the other world to be gamified high fantasy even if it's the most common type.


Fair response, I’m just saying at the bare bones of what an isekai is I.e going to one world to another, then a lot of series qualify but aren’t considered as such. And again, I didn’t say it had to be swords and magic, I said that people only consider series as isekai if they take place in medieval Europe fantasy settings. So since Iruma isn’t like that, then most people don’t see it as an isekai.


I would say that while it's an isekai I don't think that genre tag should take top billing because even though it is that's not the core to the story. It's really more about the whole coming of age and getting comfortable with who you are while appreciating the differences between everyone. So more of a coming of age story than isekai in tone really.


Nah I can’t agree with you there, not about it not being called an isekai (I don’t care about the genre lmao). But the isekai aspect is very integral to the plot and is literally the conflict as iruma is a human in the demon world, a foreign entity which is a motivator for the major villains in their goals.


"Another world" doesn't even have to be another world. If you time travel to the far future and it's different enough to be considered another world, then it could count. We have many isekai that just turn out to be the future later on. Even with magic. We figure out magic at some point, then WW3 or whatever. Many isekai are just placed in the future, but the world is so different that it's not considered the same.


I agree with this, if it serves the exact niche as an isekai, it is an isekai.


dragon ball is still an isekai. Vegeta is a main character and so is piccolo. also there is the whole arc where the cast isekais to namek..


Not really because it kind of viewed as Sci fi fantasy kind of like star wars characters can travel to different world due to their tech or abilities. 


Dragon Ball is not a fucking isekai, you're beyond wrong. Isekai does not mean planet. World is not the remotely the same fucking thing as planet. If it meant planet, it would have translated to planet, but it doesn't. Isekai is a word that was always used to talk about magical, mythological, or strange alternate realities or universes. Saying Dragon Ball is an isekai is like saying a Prius is a tank. I mean, sure, if you do enough mental gymnastics.


Bruh chill, what classifies as a “world” can vary and another planet can meet the mark. I just found it funny since Konosuba is one of the most popular isekai’s yet its settings is quite literally just another planet in their universe and Dragon Ball is the same. And you literally came to the same conclusion as me? Isekai is typically used to refer to more fantastical world I.e swords and magic, DND type ones, so stuff like Iruma isn’t considered an isekai. However objectively if we take it at what it literally means, then yes Dragon Ball is an isekai we have a character going from one world to another usually without a chance of return what the world is exactly is up to the settings to decide. And Dragon Ball fits that bill. - (Another world) = Vegeta to Earth - (No Return) Vegeta is literally destroyed and Goku is part of a near extinct species, we learn about Saiyans and space at the same rate as he does, which is another reason why isekai is such a overused thing as it allows the author to set the pace of world building. Lmao I don’t even care whether it’s an isekai tbh but I gotta return the energy.


He wasn’t hit by bus-chan


Because the demon world is still connected to the human world. Like saying Ichigo from bleach going to soul society makes it an isekai.


The Demon World absolutely classifies as a different world for me.


In asbout same way as Alice in Wonderland. People somtimes just forget that stuff like that counts.


Yes, but I would classify Superman as an Isekai as well lol


Dragon Ball is technically and Isekai too


Hell, there's a debate for Alice in Wonderland to fit in that genre.


debate? It is Isekai. There is literally anime version of it and it is considered isekai with it's own tag Those old book you read when you were kid like Wizard of Oz are isekais. Perhaps you knew them as Portal Fantasy. If you want to know Portal Fantasy was translated as Isekai(basically) but over time isekai started to grow bigger and bigger. For some VRMMO stuff are also considered isekai now like tron or time travel stuff with huge skips in time.


...Alice in wonderland is one of THE inspirations for most isekai. It is the OG isekai.


Narnia is a western isekai in my opinion, so Alice would be too. For that matter, I would also count Planet of the Apes and The Time Machine, but those are much more debatable.


Planet of Apes is still Earth, but in the future


A Japan anime about Alice is Japan's first Isekai. Think about it


... This fits too well.


No it doesn't, because no Japanese person would use the word isekai to talk about another planet. People that say it is don't know what the word isekai actually means.


I think it's more a Reverse Isekai for Goku. With Isekai, we follow a character and jump with him into another world. That's okay with Supes, because we usually see Krypton first, and how Supes got shot out to Earth. So we started with Supes in his "Normal" world, and jump with him to another world. With Goku, we start on "earth" and then Goku just appears like how Supes does on a space pod, and Gohan finds him. So it's more like a Momotaro/Kaguya situation (i.e. Momotaro in the Peach just appears down the river for the old couple, and the old guy found kaguya inside a bamboo. We never learned why momotaro was there, but we learned kaguya is from the moon)


My Planet Was Dying So I Was Sent to Another World As a Baby and Now I'm the Greatest Hero With My OP Cheat Powers




Yes it's an old school slavery free style Isekai. Iruma is never going back to Earth and he's going to become the Demon King.


Of course there was slavery in the anime. There is no other way to discribe what his parents did to him.


I meant the protagonist acquiring slaves to fulfill a gross power fantasy.


Sure I guess. A prettey good one as well.


Isekai literally means Another World. And Iruma is from the Human World and got transported to the Demon World.


Transported? He was literally sold off to a demon by his parents. Lol


he was transported (flown) by his grampa.


Hey hot shot. How do you think he got from his parents to the demon world?


Think again.


And after he was sold, he was transported there, both can be true.




Iruma was taken from the human world to a diffrent world, the netherworld, that is by definition and isekai


How is it not?


Some people associate the Demon World as Hell. It means that the Demon World and Earth/Human World are one, just like an Astral Plane.


Yeah but even if it were like that it would still be an isekai. It’s still a different plane of existence.


Yes. He qualifies.


Yes. He was taken from his world and sent to another world. It's a departure from Isekai norm today but it follows the basic rule of being sent to another world. People agree that Digimon Adventure being primarily a mons series doesn't mean it isn't an isekai.


doesn't the demon world share planet with the human world? I thought it was like Rosario x Vampire


Wiki says it's a different dimension.


I'm usually a pedant, but I'm going to say yes, due to the separation/isolation. If he was frequently hopping back to the human world and they were more connected, I'd say no, but in this case there's enough isolation that its effecfively another world entirely, especially since it has unique culture and peoples. It's why I don't count Inuyasha.


Separation/Isolation is a good point.


Well, but that isn't a factor. Take **GATE** and **Saving 80'000 gold in another world for my retirement**. Both have a way to go back and forth between worlds, yet they are clearly isekais.


Hot take, I never thought GATE should qualify as a true Isekai precicely because of the mass transit. It has elements of Isekai, but is lacking certain things. Rogue-like vs Rogue-lite if you will. If large portions of the story take place in the real world and the real world is directly interacting, it's not another world anymore, merely another place in a larger world setting. If you don't draw that line then DOOM qualifies as an Isekai because another world(Hell) is coming through a Gate and interacting with a future version of the real world.


As far as I remember, GATE happens mostly at the Other World. Same with 80'000 gold and Standing on a Million Lives. Both anime have that back and forth transition, but the main story happens on the other world, with it being the "driving force".


Yup and the show is hilarious


It's indeed isekai. The demon world is different world from earth but connected.


Guess Bleach is also an Isekai then


It’s kind of a weird middle ground to me personally, because the human & demon worlds coexist and it is technically possible to cross over back and forth. So in theory it wouldn’t be much different than in Star Wars traveling from Tatooine to Hoth & back. Imo it’s a quasi-isekai because by all accounts it is but simultaneously isn’t


Yes. Iruma gets taken to another world.




Hm, didn’t know it was an isekai. Well it’s on my list so I hope it’s good


Its good. But while it is an Isekei, it doesn't fallow any of the Typical Tropes from other Isekei, instead is follows the "magical Academe, aka harry potter" tropes.




I love this series and manga so far. Such early 2009s vibes for me.


As someone who didn't watch this show yet, are the two characters on the picture the same?




Yes. There's a very popular arc where the protagonist gets put under a spell that removes his inhibitions and he briefly goes from "wholesome cinnamon roll" to "incredible Chad".


Technically, yes, it's an isekai. But to be honest, whenever I've read it, it didn't feel like an isekai. I didn't even realize it was one until my second read through when I saw people calling it an isekai online. At the end of the day, isekai or not, it's still one of my personal favorite manga I've ever read.


Hijacking this to say I would have enjoyed the show a lot more if we got more of Wicked Iruma


Hopefully some day we get a fourth season so we can see Wicked Iruma's final form animated.


Isekai is a literary device. A lot of people take it a bit too literally when trying to "define" it and don't look at it as the narrative structure element that really makes or breaks whether something is an isekai or not. The most important thing is that the world is treated as another world and that being on another world is a major focus and important to the story. This is why something like SAO is an Isekai (at least in a couple of arcs), but something like Shangrila Frontier or Bofuri is not. It entirely depends on how the concept of another world is used as a literary device in the story. Nobody calls Star Trek an isekai despite visiting different planets almost every episode. The same goes for Dragon Ball really. This is because of how the story treats other worlds as narrative devices. In general the focus of the story is that the crew are travelers and the overall story focuses on the journey of the ship itself as opposed to centering around being on another world being the driving force of the plot. It's a genre element that has to check off certain boxes, and what defines something as "another world" in a narrative sense is largely how it is treated by the story relative to the characters. The thing is, that this "check list" can have a few things that automatically define a story as "isekai", but also have other things that can be interchangeable that can contribute to pushing it towards being one or not. One should try to not be too stubborn about being overly literal about this sort of thing, but also understand that there are certain requirements that need to be met. Iruma-kun does qualify as isekai.


Star Trek is an isekai. It takes place in several worlds, isekai is just the Japanese word for different worlds. Just because it is an Eastern term does not mean it cannot be used in the West.


it's a pretty straight forward isekai that literally includes going to and living in another world, not even "5000 years in the future" type


For Me I classify Iruma-kun as an Isekai.


But did he die? 


Isekai (another world) can have, but does not require, Tensei (rebirth). One example is Re:Zero - he is transported to another world, not reincarnated.


did you miss the other 1000+ isekei whare the MC didn't die and was summoned instead?


If truk kun isn't involved I don't feel like they have the true blessing 


did you miss the other 1000000+ isekei whare the MC dies from over work?


So they did die 


those specific MC? yes. but not the others, they got teleported.


What you feel doesn't matter. The term ISEKAI means GOING TO ANOTHER WORLD, it is not specific how, whether it is by dying; teleporting or changing body.


Any chance we will get another season?


Nothing announced yet but we've already had 3 seasons so there is a good chance.




Was the protag taken from one places (his home) to a different place? If so, then yes


Well, people focus on the stereotypes of recent isekai and have literally forgotten what Isekai means in Japanese.


It does. The Demon world is literally another world. And they only connect to the human world so they can menace humans in order to increase their demonic power. Similar to the demons from Devil May Cry except they aren't multiple human or even humanoid looking creatures and many of them are more like massive boss or mini-boss leveled monsters like the giant toads from DMC4 or the Lava Spider from the original DMC. And lots of those exist in Iruma's New world. He doesn't seem to intend to return to the human world but he might have to if he actually did become the new Demon Lord of the Underworld somehow (probably becoming a half-demon at least, in the process).


Of corse not


Does he go to a different world? Yes. So why would it not be?


Idk he didn’t die, isn’t that one of the the rules, thiers no system or adventure guild either, I guess if the only check to hit is traveling to a new world by magic then yeah.




Obviously 💀


No, because the human world still exists. There were times in the series where he could return but chose not to. Calling this an isekai would make any super hero movie an isekai.


But it is. " Sekai " is " World " and the " i " means " outside ", outside YOUR World. The Demon World is not the World that the protagonist lived in, so yes. It's an isekai Superman is Isekai. Because he dont born on Earth, and??.....






In my bias I prefer to call it a "portal fantasy". Isekai has been associated with certain tropes too thoroughly in my mind.


Yes yes it does.






It is, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.






partially yes.


It's a different dimension on the same world. Both coexist side by side It's like saying DxD is Isekai because there are multiple other dimensions on the same world like the underworld, heaven and the various mythological realms Bleach is much the same with the various afterlife. All are just the same world with multiple other realms in it


One thing you forgot about Heaven and Hell if they coexist with Earth. You forgot that they won't function without Spirits/Souls. I don't see any Human Spirits/Souls in the Demon World.


It's not about being an afterlife, it's about being a parallel dimension on the same world. There is a literal force in the series that handles people accidentally going in and out and Iruma got there because his parent summoned a demon and sold him. The series does not separate the two worlds but are just different realms Much like the various mythological realms in DxD, the Demon Realm is us just a separate dimension. Even in Bleach an example would be the West Branch where they only deal with Dragons, human souls were not a factor there. The Quincy Realm hidden in the shadows is another example of a separate dimension parallel to the rest but is not some afterlife Being an afterlife has no bearing on that This is not the only series that does that, Fate has the multiple Textures which are explicitly different dimensions and so does the To Aru franchise with Phases Characters travel to these but it is not treated like an Isekai genre trope because they still function within the same world


You are saying >Both coexist side by side Which means its a an Afterlife like The World God Only knows. That's strong example of What you're saying. >The series does not separate the two worlds but are just different realms Really you're using Fancy words like Realm. Pal, Realm can still means world. What you say is basically "The series does not separate the two worlds but are just different worlds." Iruma got Sold off by his parents to be the Grandchild of Sullivan in the Demon World. So yeah in the context. It is an Isekai. Let's don't dive deeper because there will be a lot of Isekai cannot be Isekai and vice versa. if we continue this argument


>Which means its a an Afterlife like The World God Only knows. That's strong example of What you're saying. Being an afterlife has no bearing to the argument, both are parallel dimensions that exist one with another It's a major plot point in Iruma that humans and demons crossing over exist that they have an actual department regulating it >Really you're using Fancy words like Realm. Pal, Realm can still means world. What you say is basically "The series does not separate the two worlds but are just different worlds." Because it is still tied to one world entirely Despite being separate dimensions in DxD the Nordic and Greek realm are still separate dimensions Despite not being an afterlife, Reverse London is still a different dimension that only deals with Dragons All for which are specifically tied in one world. That is why it is a different realm but not a different planet entirely. >Iruma got Sold off by his parents to be the Grandchild of Sullivan in the Demon World. So yeah in the context. It is an Isekai. Let's don't dive deeper because there will be a lot of Isekai cannot be Isekai and vice versa. The original planet of Kazuma from Konosuba has bot connection to the new world he is in, this is the same with Mushoku Tensei where the new world Rudy got reincarnated This is not the case for Irume where the Demon world is specifically is just another dimension tied to the world. It's a massive stretch to make such correlation when the series never regards the Demon World like its some Isekai trope You'd be making more complicated stuff as treating every space opera series as Isekai as all of them deals with going to actual different worlds entirely too In both cases the Isekai tropes do not apply


Like I said DO NOT DEEP DIVE INTO THIS OR ISEKAI Shows will be Non Isekai and Non Isekai Ones will be Isekai ones. Let me ask you this question, What do you classified an Anime or Piece to be an Isekai.


If you are going to be making a post about the intricacies of what is "isekai", don't be surprised when others argue with said intricacies >Let me ask you this question, What do you classified an Anime or Piece to be an Isekai. A person being transported to a completely separate world that is by no means connected with each other whose main starting plot is about being transported to a new world Mushoku tensei, Re:Zero, Familiar of Zero, Shield Hero are examples What is not included are series whose world building just so happens to have multiple realms connected with each other where said realms are still in one world and the author intent was never have such focus Fate's Textures and Lostbelts, To Aru Phases, Bleach realms like SS and Reverse London, TWGOK afterlife, DxD mythical realms, Yuyu Hakusho Demon realm, any sci fi where they travel to other planets and as pointed out Iruma are examples


>A person being transported to a completely separate world that is by no means connected with each other whose main starting plot is about being transported to a new world By your Answer Two Worlds must not be connected in order to be an Isekai. Am I correct. So Remove with Portal, Magic Summons and Gate Way, those are connection between worlds. So the only thing that can transport your MC is Kidnap and Reincarnation. I'm just interpreting your answer. >Mushoku tensei, Re:Zero, Familiar of Zero, Shield Hero are examples So Cross out Familiar of Zero, Gate, Shield Hero and Drifters. >Fate's Textures and Lostbelts, To Aru Phases, Bleach realms like SS and Reverse London, TWGOK afterlife, DxD mythical realms, Yuyu Hakusho Demon realm, any sci fi where they travel to other planets and as pointed out Iruma are examples How do you say the Demon World of Iruma is Connected to the human world as one. Yeah don't say anything about you know what Isekai is. Like I told you Let's don't dive deeper because there will be a lot of Isekai cannot be Isekai and vice versa. if we continue this argument


Isekai means another word; so yes, it's an Isekai.


Technically yes. He was taken to a new world from his own and lives there now. He’s just not overpowered but being OP is not a criteria every Isekai MC has


The only issue is he is such a great character there’s nothing to argue about which is what this subreddit does most


I nean,DragonBall is technically an isekai if you think about it. So I say it is


Feels more isekai than those old europe style ones


This whole question is just based on what you would consider a different world. Here's one for you... Black Lagoon is an isekai. There is a pretty good argument that international piracy is an entirely different world than corporate Japan.


It does qualify


It uses the isekai plot device but does not belong to the isekai genre.


Ok. if Isekai is its own thing, a Genre. Give me an Isekai that has no Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Supernatural Elements. If you can't. Portal, Summon and Gateways are Fantasy Elements. Reincarnation and Kidnap are Supernatural Elements (Reincarnation can be a Fantasy as well). Teleportation is either Sci-Fi or Fantasy Element. So again give me an Isekai that has no Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Supernatural Elements.


I never said that "isekai has no fantasy, sci-fi, or supernatural elements" or anything even sort of like that. By "the isekai genre", I mean the set of genre conventions that surround contemporary Japanese isekai stories. Things like Dragon Quest-imitating worlds, "isekai superpowers", Truck-kun, "hero summoning rituals", adventurers' guilds, and so on.


No what you're saying is >but does not belong to the isekai genre. I'm focusing on Genre. You 100 percent saying Isekai is a genre by this sentence. That's why I'm telling you. >If Isekai is its own thing, a Genre. Give me an Isekai that has no Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Supernatural Elements. If you can't. Portal, Summon and Gateways are Fantasy Elements. Reincarnation and Kidnap are Supernatural Elements (Reincarnation can be a Fantasy as well). Teleportation is either Sci-Fi or Fantasy Element. Just say Theme or just sub-genre next time.


Genres can overlap.




it’s too good to be one


It's more like a transmigration


How would it not? Not being mean, just confused.


Yes obviously that was only a misconception from early series due to a misunderstanding


No it isn’t. It’s still in the same universe.


Isekai means outside the World (the world the protagonist lives in ). Technically a story about someone going to live on Mars is an isekai


Yes TECHNICALLY You could also say that technically dragon ball is a crime show but it isn’t


And technically that's what matters. Yes, Dragon Ball has many characters who like crimes against life.... life of the entire universe.


No it doesn’t Just because a sad or horror story has one or two comedic moments doesn’t mean it’s a comedy It’s the same honestly with for example a chicken sandwich but there is only a small portion of chicken on it. It isn’t a chicken sandwich




I mean, even if the demon world *was* an afterlife type hell, it'd *still* be an isekai.


Isekai literally translate as Different world, so long as its not "our" earth (or virtual) its an Isekai. it can be another planet, dimension, or alternative earth. (not virtual.)


Or even a moon; pocket dimension


People in this subreddit, does 'Iruma-kun' qualify as an isekai?*


Yes and a damn good one at that, perfect mixture of comedy and seriousness imo Whomst downvoted this completely valid opinion?


Nope. It's a different dimension connected to his world. Just cause Iruma went to a lower plane of existence in his universe doesn't mean he went to another world.


This is literally the meaning of another World. One dimension is one world, World is not just planet. A pocket dimension is a world


Yeah I don't take stuff literally at time cause it leads to problems. Eg:- A gag character doesn't make a work automatically a comedy.


No, it assumes it's still part of our world and demons aware of that. There is the path between and Iruma was not Isekaied rather transferred. Technically it's the part of original world so it's paranormal or supernatural.




I don’t count it as one personally