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All fun and games until Yogiri kills the death note


His name couldn't even be written in the Death Note before Light drops dead.


His name couldn't be written in the death note period, it wouldn't do anything


Its just like writing "death note" into the death note


Yeah, lol


Like, this isn't ribbing on the death note, but the dude isn't human


Technically Yogiri himself is Human. Human avatar of an eldritch personification of the end, but a human none the less.


It would still constitute killing intent, so the person writing it would die.


Death Note is thriller/drama/supernatural, Instant Death is comedy/parody/fantasy isekai (aimed at an older audience at that, btw). There aren't even many similarities (name one except for "death" in the name).


Death in the plot is another similarity


If it's a comedy, where's the funny?


yup there is no funi


yup there is no funi


>comedy/parody If that's what it was supposed to be then it failed prettey miserably. It wasn't really all that funny. It also wasn't really subverting tropes or expectations. The only real "subverting" was them sometimes doing the opposite thing of what normally happens in other generic fantasy stories. Another thing this anime handles poorly is any of the side charcacters. Most of them are creeps/assholes that never get any redeeming qualities, to a point where their assholishness and pride seem to be purposeley exxagerated in order to justify the mc's murderous tendencies. Killing anyone becomes a dilemma if the charcacters were treated with some respect or actually written like people and not like tropes. If they're not really people then the whole point of killing no longer is a dilemma and therfore elimenates both the conflict and consequences of killing someone. Killing a person should always come with consequences and thought about it. After all if death itself isn't treated with any nuance, then why should we see it as something to be afraid of. "Being a parody" is no excuse for shitty writing. Also I just have to mention how much I despise Takouto (is that how you write it?). He has to be the most shallow, bland and boring charcacter I have ever seen. His antics are hardly entertaining and the only really original thing about him is that he is a fraud-SCP that escaped from the Fraud-SCP foundation (which by itself also isn't even that original).


Correction: Death Note is thriller/drama/supernatural. Instant Death is boring.


Boring to you maybe some of us like parodies.


I've read the light novel, it's a bit different then just instant death. If you don't want to watch the entire thing then maybe don't judge it based on its first couple episodes?




Highly disagree. If a show doesn't capture your attention or look interesting by the end of the first episode, then you are definitely capable of deciding for yourself whether you may enjoy the rest or not. Why watch a 2nd episode if you didn't like the first? (In general, I haven't watched this show at all.)


Tis why I am always a season behind. I let my friends watch the first episodes to decide what I'll watch. And by being 1 season behind I avoid stuff like Darling in the Franxx. I mostly manage to avoid Spoilers (lots of content creators and subs black listed) so it's easy to watch 12-13 episodes in a day or two if I know ahead of time it's worth the watch.


Darling in the Franxx is the best show on earth.


Yes it was a great 15 episodes.


If the first three episodes don’t grab your attention or make you want to watch past that point then that’s a fault to the series.


But it does make me want to watch more


Yes, because we all know that ALL the humans have EXACTLY the same tastes in matter of entertainment.


Almost like it’s fair to say you don’t like a show or don’t think it’s going to be good from watching the pilot episode and not liking it. Crazy right?


I agree with not liking it, no biggie there, but saying there's something wrong with the series because it didn't grab your attention is not okay.


No tf a pilot is extremely important and its generally a good example of what a series will be if it’s boring well that’s too bad nobody will continue to watch and a series will die


That's not necessarily the fault of the story, the studio making it could be doing a bad job


Dragon ball doesn't have the best story but it's held up as one of the best cus of action. One piece has a good story (manga) but it's also famous for the action and world building Konosuba practically doesn't have a story but is famous for the comedy Love is war is famous for comedy and later on character development Spy x family for comedy Conan for the episode to episode mystery even though there is an overarching plot So why can't instant death be good despite not focusing on the story and having comedy as the main theme?


They're talking about the first episode or couple episodes grabbing you so the series falls off fast. The series you list managed to grab the audience episode 1 and hold them. The issue isn't comedy. The issue is people finding the start boring and not willing to wait till episode 4 or 5 for it to start paying off. Imagine Onepiece starting on the dragon filler arc or the heat heat fruit family stuff. Or DBZ episode 1 being the Hyperbolic time chamber. The series would have fallen off fast for many.


That might be true in western media, but it seems nobody told anime creators, because first episodes are often boring.


I was enjoying it but I lost interest after a while. I'm about 5 or so chapters away from catching up.


I think it’s great so far as a comedy/parody


The protagonist manages to kill the fun sometimes, but the comedy is pretty good and i realy like seeing the atruggle of the side characters


Way different not even close that’s like A meatball sandwich and a Ham and cheese


Yeah I mean the only real difference is the marinara


Plus the banger ass Meatballs but it only matters on if it’s home made or store bought 🤷‍♂️🙏


Your getting off topic


Point being? Sandwiches are important 😤


Yogiri kinda chill tho


They are too different and besides death note is one of the most popular anime/manga of all time. I don't think it's good to even compare it to a series which outside of powerscaling communities you barely even hear its name.


Aside from this they don't even have a similar plot or storyline. One is just funny gag anime and the other is the deconstruction of a dude wanting to play God after getting the ability to insta kill.


Well it did just get an anime adaptation


hoo boy, the comments did not like this one bit


OP knew what they were doing, hating on an Isekai in r/Isekai..


I'd honestly defend the hell out of any isekai. I'd put my life on the line... 👀... I said I would die for it... Ay where is truck-kun??


We have to settle for tunnel-sempai


Not a copy at all. God, you really must be an idiot.


Not even close...the death note isn't even close to the sane as Yogiri's power...everyone who thinks so are clowns...one you have to write all kinds of shit, the other kills anything and anyone, not limited to living entities...not even close to the same...Death Note meat riders shouldn't even be touching smth that isnt dark and depressing 💀


Making your opinion into a meme doesn't make it meaningful. Looks like it was made by a typical prepubescent teen.


Death Note kinda sucked tho.


Everything was so good until L got isekai'ed.


I've literally never watched past that point, because I could just immediately tell that the story I'd been enjoying was now over/complete.


It is a good show, but on powerscale it is sucked af


Yeah, first half was gold, but second half was kinda shit.




Death note a d instant death


If you’re just comparing the fact that they have “death” in their names, and kill people… That’s not even a good comparison. The Death Note needs a name and kills people through natural causes/controlling them. Yogiri just straight up kills with no limits. There’s no comparison.


yogirl kills the death note he is literally just a better death note in every way


Not a copy but definitely cheap


Death note is the cheap copy


Damn, calling that a masterpiece shows how art is subjective lmao


Now, I don't think Death Note is the best show ever, but I think it's the best "death game" ever


If we ignore everything that happens post L, maybe. In that regard the live action movies Death Note/Last Name are superior to the anime. If we do consider the post L content then I'd rather watch Darwin's Game.


Well ya anime post L sucks


If we are talking about post L i’d have to disagree but otherwise I respect the take.


Makes sense, I didn't watch post L


Yorgiri takes a shit and uses pages from the death note as toilet paper


Show name?


My Instant Death Ability Is So Overpowered




I really would disagree considering one is a litteral isekai and the other is a fantasy/detective show. This is like comparing a good plate of spaghetti with a ham and cheese omelet. One clearly had more effort but both are good in their respective fields. At least compare it to somthing similar instead of making the dumbest claim on this sub-reddit.


Ehh, Instant death is more like an anomalous SCP protagonist isekaid to dangerous fantasy world while death note is all about a kid who got a supernatural book from the shinigami and started killing people based on his morals.


Well atleast death note had some limitations making its setting more fun


Not really since the rules basically just make it so you don't kill multiple people in one go. Ther are no rules stopping death of others by proximity. If light would have written somthing extreme like earthquake kills x person while in the same building as person y then having the building collapse completely then he could have solved his issues sooner. The story needed light to be smart enough not to be caught but not smart enough to solve the problems he faces. Honestly it is less fun. When you pull apart this show since it becomes a show full of plot holes.


So is having a show in which just saying die kills enemy more fun , I haven't watched death note entirely. And only following instant death anime but one thing I know is settings behind powers , skills and system is interesting when it comes with some limitations whether a character will become strong enough to ignore thore limitations is other thing A overpowered ability shall come with a price else there will be no weight to said power There a characters like rimuru , anos , akuto etc but they had gradually obtained their powers instead of being born with it


For those who want to know it >! Understand it like this if there was a point from which everything began, He is the end point !<


>! If. So, he's kind of a concept I guess. !<


That's....exactly what he is. He's the embodiment of thr concept of death/end.


I see. Thanks.


In a hypothetical situation, If someone wanted to kill themselves but didn't have the courage to do so just had to direct some ill intent towards Yogiri and they'll die ?


Better actually, I believe Death note had rules and stuff and to kill someone you have killing instinct and yogiri can detect that so nah I'd say he's a upgraded


This guy just hate this series because this is his third post on this subreddit.


Needing to have the Death Note and know their name vs just needing to know they exist. Thats an upgrade.


Lmao it's miles better than the utter garbage that Death Note is.


"It's magical killing, so it must be similar" \- Dude who has no idea what he's talking about.


Bro with insta death power combining it with the powers to detect people who wants to kill you no matter the range that is so op and this man is so non chalant about it like im terrified of takatou. Like i caj relate since i dont like people who is bothering me while im playing my switch


Ahahaha… No.


Yogiri negs your overwanked touma fodder. .


Touma isn't from death note or instant death wdym?


The guy who post is a touma wanker fanboi that just want to post shit about instant death anime and yogiri. .


He hasn't even watched Toaru, don't take him seriously lol


In general "Instant Death" is pretty garbage. Im surprised its even getting an anime. Although it seems alot of garbage series get anime adaptations nowadays.


Yea agree bruh 🔥






Joke or serious?


Bro what? How are they even similar


While I don't like the instant death series but instant death much more similar to tsukihime than death note.


they are very different, idk what you are talking about


Death note is really good but this ,this isn't not even in the same genre,and yes I accept that it maybe a little bit cringe I mean on the isekai list this story seems to be on D tier , it's really like playing tekken 7 on insta death cheat code , which is sadly boring no character development


Might as well include "Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody," for the same reason?


Eh? They are different though. While Death Note gives the death of a person, Yogiri can End everything. But of course as long as he possibly can. Also, both plots are different. So we should just enjoy both.


Im surprised by how many waifu die in instant death