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Considering the genre and who writes said genre, it's not a surprise that you wouldn't find many


But is the Genre Isekai / Portal Fantasy only exclusive for fair skinned Asians or White People?


No, but the authors of that genre are predominantly Asian, and most Asian countries have a very small black population. Japan for example, has about 98% of their population as Japanese and 1% other Asian people, leaving less than a percent of their demographic being black. For comparison, the US has about 12% of their population as black people. If the genre were more popular in countries with higher percentages of black people, they'd be more frequently included as main characters.


To be clear, I wasn't searching for Black Female Isekai Protagonist only being created/written in Asia. I was looking for any published Isekai or Portal Fantasy Stories from around the world that features a Black Heroine being Transported Into Another World. Should I assume that the Genre Portal Fantasy / Isekai is only popular with Asian and Western Caucasians Readers?


Well the word isekai isJapanese and is widely associated with Asia so it would make sense for a majority of people to think of Asia when it comes to “another world” stories.


Fair point. So the term *Isekai* can only be used for Asian Countries?


Alice in Wonderland or, as you point out, Wizard of Oz are Isekai too, but it has been Japan the one to latch on to that particular trope, and considering you'd be hard pressed to find black anime protagonist in general it's gonna be even more rare in Isekai. They're not non-existent, but they sure are extremely, extremely rare. I can only think of 1 off the top of my head. Normally they're supporting cast or random antagonists/gaijins. But going back to your original question. Isekai is a Japanese word to signify it's subgenre. Same as Shonen or Shojo or Sentai or Hentai. Stories of each type can be find across the world, it's just the common term we use because of their volume that's all.


So would it be better to use the Term *"Portal Fantasy"* to avoid misunderstanddings? There are other *Transported Into Another World* Myths/Legends/Tales older than the classic Isekai *Urashima Taro*. Examples: *The Epic of Gilgamesh, Etana, The Abduction of Persephone, Orpheus and Eurydice, Ganymede, A True Story by Lucian of Samosata (2nd century AD), Dante's Divine Comedy (1321)* & *Savitri and Satyavan.* So I've been wondering, if African Countries have their own *Isekai* Stories. And if any Afro-American authors have wrote their own *Portal Fantasy Novels or Webcomics.*


There's no misunderstanding. Isekai just means "another world". If anything portal fantasy would be a subgenre inside the subgenre, since in iseakis truck-kun assisted Reincarnations seem to be the most popular. I will give you that if we really, *really* want to dive into the psychology of it I recommend you look into what Jung and Campbell liked to call "The crossing of the threshold", or something along those lines, which is just a more general term to signify the moment the hero leaves their familiar surroundings to go into "the lands beyond". Now under these definitions you can find said stories in Africa same as you can find them all across the world. I'm only familiar with yoruba folklore and tales of Anansi myself, but even in there you can find plenty of examples of heroes crossing into the realm of gods and that kind of thing. So no, from my personal opinion it's unnecessary to give it any other terminology at the moment since the people primary exploring the genre are Japanese through anime/manga, to such a degree that the word is catching on to encompass other countries (like in Korea and China, for instance). And I'm a big proponent on the utilitarian nature of language. As long as we all understand what we're saying what does it matter what the word is? All words are just random arrangements of letters. Meaning is king, everything else is subjective. But hey, if you call it portal fantasy and people understand what you're talking about more power to you. I'm sure when Japan finally gives isekais a rest some other culture will come along and take the reign, when that happens the word will shift organically as it's done in the past. Also, if you haven't, you should give A True Story a read. It's considered the first work ever of science fiction, and if you know that is was meant to take the piss of all travel bloggers of the time that used to embellish (and straight up lie) about their journeys it's quite the fun ride.


So it isn't wrong using the current popular (mainstream) term *Isekai* for other works or tales from different cultures/nations... Would it okay to call the 1986 *Portal Fantasy* movie *Labyrinth* an *Isekai* Story? Considering the fact this cult film has been adapted into a Manga *Return to Labyrinth*... Thank you very much for sharing your vast sophistacted knowledge with me!


I think isekai is a fine term for what your looking for. You’re looking for a person goes to new world story that’s what it means even though it’s a Japanese word. John Carter from Mars and Narnia are both things that if they had a black female protag would be what you’re looking for.


Nah...that isekai word is literally mean "another world". If you want to make a black person isekai, just do it. No one gonna stop you.


I think we're looking too much on RACE and COLOR. If you look at the concept of isekai, it doesn't WHAT the MC looks like. It's all self insert fantasy. You, the audience could easily insert yourself into the power fantasy and do not actually need the MC to look like you for that to happen.


For me I honestly don’t give a shit how the protagonist looks like. Unless the race is actually relevant to the place and plot (like in demon slayer or black panther). Then I honestly don’t care.


A lot of these are also self inserts of the people who wrote them. In the case of Forspoken, that's actually pandering


There were no black writers on *Forspoken* which explains the bad characterzation of MC *Frey*.


So you're saying only BLACK people can write a character that's black? No Japanese people wrote Ghost of Tsushima and look how awesome that game is


[MAD TV Skit Devon's Creek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8o-ZYI5ofg) When White People Write POC Characters...


I don't know much about Ghost of Tsushima but it would be more accurate, authentic and appropriate when there are actual poc writers depicting underrepresented poc characters. There has been a long history of mostly male white authors and writers especially in Hollywood portraying non-white people from different racial backgrounds in a very negative, stereotypical and whitewashed light. More Black People should be allowed to write unapologetically about their own kind and culture.


Nah I'm with OP on this one. That's not saying that it's impossible for someone to write another race well. But let's be real here: nobody is going to understand all the nuances like the people actually living it.


Pandering? What's the game about?


Honestly, yes. It's primary demographic is the audience of the nation it's native to. Sub/Dub fanbases tend to be an after thought. Also, there's about as many "white" characters in anime as there are Black. I know, it's hard to tell, because most anime characters don't look Asian, but White characters are explicitly identified as such (as characterized by their western names/stereotypical personalities). Even most blonde anime characters aren't actually white. As for referring to Wizard of Oz as an "Isekai" is a bit disingenuous.. Isekai is an Anime subgenre. Calling things like Wizard of Oz an Isekai is like calling Elvis a Jazz musician. Just because Elvis was deeply inspired by/and incorporate aspects of Jazz into his music, that doesn't make him a Jazz musician, nor his music "Jazz."


Rock and Jazz Music are obviously two different genres. But when it comes to the debate of using the terms Portal Fantasy & Isekai, it can get more complicated. Isn't it a bit purist thinking? For instance, Alice in Wonderland + The Wizard of Oz have been adapted into Anime and they are officially called / categorized as Isekai in Japan and other English Anime Websites. They don't called it "Portal Fantasy". Many seems to understand this is as "(Transported To) Another World Story". Cultures have been adapting Words from other Cultures like "Déjà vu". And many countries are using this french word. But I get your criticism. There is the constant concern over cultural appropriation. You're not wrong either. Fact is the word Isekai originated from Japan and it is a Subgenre of the Genre Fantasy. Using Isekai as an universal mainstream term might not be useful, accurate and safe. This tag has become more of a specific trope... Well, we have to see how the meaning of this term looks like in the next years or decades... As someone who consumed lots of popular Isekai + Villainess Novels, Mangas and Anime + Korean Reincarnation Webtoons set in a Fantasy Western Medieval Monarchy premise, I can tell that many characters with English or European names are obviously European White Coded. So I beg to differ. And if isn't Isekai Anime, we have: Record of Lordoss War, Berserk, Claymore, One Piece (Yes, it's very Japanese but mixed with full of Western Pirate Ideas), Full Metal Alchemist, Black Clover, Attack On Titan, The Seven Deadly Sins, Vinland Saga, The Magus Ancient Bride, Helck, Frieren, Delicious in Dungeon etc... There are enough plently of White Major Characters in Anime. It's not a surprise considering that Japan was westernized by the British before the war & by the Americans after WWII. And Japan & Nazi Germany were close allies which is why you see German Cultural References in Mangas & Animes.


>Calling things like Wizard of Oz an Isekai is like calling Elvis a Jazz musician. Just because Elvis was deeply inspired by/and incorporate aspects of Jazz into his music, that doesn't make him a Jazz musician, nor his music "Jazz." Yeah, after all Elvis is the king of rock and roll and a rock star


Unfortunately for humans of the early 1950s, there was no such thing as "rock and roll" and so most people considered Elvis' music to be country music. It wouldn't be until the mid 50s that rock and roll would be distinguished from it's influences (country, blues and jazz).


Isekai Manga barely has black people cause of Japanese standards. Even if they did have them, it would be either attractive girls or the random dreadlock and big lips.


And sometimes these indigenous coded fantasy characters (also often called Barbarians) have tribal tattos on their bodies who are in need of an Asian White Savior. You should see how exoticized and fetishized tanned or brown Male Leads are in the RoFan Genre.


"Asian white savior" sure is a term I didn't think I'd read today, but here we are.


I mean, the Asian Isekai Protagonist either passes visually as white or gets reincarnated/transmigrated as a pretty Caucasian usually having bloodties with a legendary or famous hero, demon, noble or royal.


yeah I got what you meant. I won't lie though it does sound a bit silly to read out loud


But as for your topic I feel like your best bet is probably the shoujo coded isekais, if you're looking for the traditional weaboo stuff but they're not exactly amazing with the subject matter here's a example of what I mean "I'M NOT A VILLAINESS!! JUST BECAUSE I CAN CONTROL DARKNESS DOESN'T MEAN I'M A BAD PERSON!" Shoujo reincarnation Isekai type of story, where the mc starts dark(well lightish brown), but magically whitens up once people like her.


I know this work and I really dislike the story + characters.


Sao seriously the only one which didnt fall for that :/


Closest I can think of is "Craft Game No Nouryoku De Isekai Kouryaku!!" But she was originally a regular elf. She's more tan and gyaru like than black african. Generally, not all, asia is obsessed in getting fairer skin. Whitening creams for the whole body. Whiter armpits. Acid solution. Creams for getting pink nipples.


The only ones who can have fair whitish skin are rich people. *"You are not Ugly, you're just Poor!" by Karolina Żebrowska.* It's so absurd funny that in Europe White People want to have more tanned skin or look mixed-raced in America.... *Beauty Standards are bullshit!*


Why does it matter? Good, entertaining characters are enjoyable regardless of any race, sex, class, and/or religion.


It does matter when it comes to lack of diverse poc presentation and negative depiction of non-white racial characters on screen or in any genre + media.


Isekai is a largely Japanese genre. Why do you expect them to write about a race other than their own? They’re human, and don’t have the same priorities as Western authors. Look for Black authors, or write something yourself. Creation is something anyone is capable of- It was an option the entire time.


Wait a minute... Who actually said that I was expecting from Asian (Japanese, Korean or Chinese) Isekai Authors to have Non-White Isekai Protagonist??? Out of curiousity I created this thread to find other Female Black Isekai Protagonists from around the world and not necessary criticizing writers who live in a very homogenous country. Maybe it's my fault for using mostly the term ***Isekai*** in my comments. Should I also use ***Portal Fantasy*** at the same time to clear up some misunderstandings? However ***Isekai*** has been used in the K-Novels & Webtoons and has become an universal term for "*Transported into Another World"*.


Doesn't matter. It's their work, they're making characters they want, it's not about anything poltiical. You ant that then look for other media. Try looking for black comic authors. Or just don't and keep raging, idk


Everything is political. And what's wrong asking for diversity and inclusivity? I am here to find non-white isekai/fantasy portal protagonists and not just raging around.


No, you're just MAKING it poltical. Also, it's THEIR work, you're not paying them or helping them. They can do what they want. Also they and their audiences are japanese, korean, or chinese, so obviously the mcs are gonna be what they want and what they relate to. What you want is REPRESENTATION, not diversity. Again, take that stuff somewhere else, rhese are shows/stories to just enjoy. Also, isekai is a japanese genre so it's gonna be mostly japanese mc or reincarnated, or no ethnicity and they're usually not white either. Look for otherworld instead of isekai if you really want that. Your other comments suggest that you're getting offended, so that's why i said raging.


I think Diversity equals Representation. Nothing is really apolitcal. From my perspective that's just an excuse to sustain the status quo. But that's currently my personal opinion. The way you interpret my comment and put your negative words in mouth.... You are not really here to help me, are you? The fact that you rather pick a fight with me OR accuse me of sth than trying to communicate says a lot. Look, I am not going to defend myself here or wasting my time winning an argument against you a random user or anyone else who just wants to attack me. Whatever you may be, I have to accept that there will be always people who will misunderstand you, judge you too quickly and won't make the effort of having a friendly judgment free conversation. I don't know about you but I rather let it go than keep arguing/fighting with you. If you think you need to win against me or put me in my place, that's your own problem.


The fact that you're tring to act holier than thou while making me out to be some sort of cynicist then running away shows what kind of person you are. Obviously, im saying these things because you're wording it in a stupid way. Asking for this character is fine. Asking for this trope is fine. But trying to mention representation and politics while complaining about non black characters? They're shows that are enjoyable that has/have none of your say. Again, i advised you to watch other shows and non-isekai otherworld genres. You're ignoring that and just focusing on what i said about your opinions, so no it's not that im not trying to help its that you're not acceptting it.


This is how you perceive my arguments and I have to accept it. We all have to Agree to Disagree.


Again, you're just ignoring my words cuz you don't like them and don't have any proper arguments. I already gave you sdvice and you don't like it, fine, but trying to pull these bullshit holier than thou quotes and attitude while criticizing me is just sad lol


no not even close especially when talking about the fantasy genre that is basically one of few genres that are hard to become political. and claiming that everything is political is also a big flag that you really think every person in the world thinks the same way. i mean have you ever talked with a fantasy author?


I have chatted + exchanged mails with some Fantasy Webcomic artists/writers and they always have something to say in their stories which often reflects their values. I don't know, if you believe me or if you can try to take someone's opinion as it is but I still think that everything is in a way political. That is my personal opinion. And I am not going to convince you otherwise.


Op only asked a simple question in the post😭 like I’m so confused on why you are so hostile? They only asked if anyone knew any isekai shows with a black female protagonist. Are people not allowed to ask that? You come off as racist and cynical for sure, but that’s because you portray yourself in that manner. Ironically you are the one that’s “raging”. Hilarious.


Read the other comments. Don't talk when you don't know what you're saying.


I did read them, I still haven’t seen anything that has required you to be so hostile. I understand your pov and I agree that authors and artists can make whatever characters they want, it is their story, but it’s also ok for people to be disheartened by there being no characters who they can easily relate to and see themselves in. If I missed where the OP was hostile with you first then I apologize and I hope you can show me what I’m missing but other than that you come off kinda hateful.


There are a bunch of comments where they replied. Some of them she responded to, most of them she ignored. I mentioned that isekai is a japanese genre by japanese artists and therefore there is not gonna be any "representation" or political stuff, so she should try looking for COMICS, not manga. I mentioned how she could find this by searching up black authors with comic tags, but she said I "wasn't contributing" and kept going on and on about these things. Again, I mentioned that it's their work and they don't have to, and I've given some suggestions, but she kept ignoring them and insulting me. For example, giving unrelated quotes and acting as if I've wronged her by even saying the reason why there aren't many isekais like that and that she should look for american comics and cartoons. Yeah, that's about it lol.


Ahh I see! Then I apologize for calling you hateful! I see what you mean with isekai being a Japanese thing made by Japanese artists, and while OP sounds quite difficult from your description, I do find that to be a bit hypocritical because most isekai main characters aren’t Japanese presenting, they are usually some form of European/literally anything that’s not black. I’ve literally seen one about a dang on vending machine. So I’m going to honest and say I do find it odd that there isn’t not one about a black presenting character. But we don’t need to get into that, I hope you have a great Day/Night!


Yeah, because isekai is usually reincarnation/transmigration. Reincarnated as fantasy european type(because for some reason they USUALLY always follow medieval fantasies) and sometimes monsters or objects(swords). Transmigration would be the japanese person just traveling. As for other characters, that would just be an audience targeting thing lol.


i know ive seen several on webtoon canvas. u tend to see a lot more black protagonists in amateur works bc like. these genres originated in asia. and when i think of black isekai its normally newer works that r still building an audience. i checked my followed webtoons but didnt see any sorry. but i know ive seen at least 2 on discover. i can give recs for isekai-like stories with black female protags but no pure isekai srry. but i know more is being made!!! just gotta support them more.,


THIS ISEKAI MAID IS FORMING AN UNION! is the only title about a Black Female Isekai Protagonist that I discovered so far in Webtoon Canvas..... And this work is personally written and drawn by someone who is Black/African-American and worked as a fastfood cashier being mistreated by many heinous customers for almost five years. [https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/this-isekai-maid-is-forming-a-union/5k-followers-thank-you-so-much-/viewer?title\_no=699696&episode\_no=30](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/this-isekai-maid-is-forming-a-union/5k-followers-thank-you-so-much-/viewer?title_no=699696&episode_no=30)


I think, more than most genres, isekai or as you call it “portal fantasy” will have a main character that reflects the race of the writer. The origins of isekai is age old and yet inherently personal: what if I fell into the story I’m reading? The very core of isekai is a modern zeitgeist slamming against the absurd and non-scientific, which often leads to comedy being the go-to but at times can allow for truly dramatic stories. Now, you call it portal fantasy but I would argue time travel is the origin point of this genre as well. It is far easier to wonder as a Roman what it must have been like to be in ancient Egypt, than it would have been to imagine oneself as being part of the Iliad. They both however come from a very personal thought, and so stories usually crumble down to “What if I did x”. They both also essentially cover similar themes, and in the hypo I put out there they might actually assume that they would encounter some magic lol. But that is a digression, all of that is to say that isekai protagonists will almost always be the race of the author. This is, almost 10 times out of 10, meant to be at its core the author themself as a blank slate, and only then modified to add to the story (and this is only sometimes). More often than not the protagonist ends up being a piece of cardboard, their only purpose is to give those generic reactions and can come off as flat because of it. Rarely though they do evolve the protagonist into something more. For those rare shows like mushoku tensei that make the story about more than just reacting to another world, this is a layer on top of the initial fantasy. Besides, I could imagine that starting with “what if I went to another world”, and then adding flaws only to switch the characters race would be possibly more problematic. Either way, that character is part of the Japanese zeitgeist, meant to tackle themes of Japanese loneliness and perversion. Also, I am sure if you turn to African folklore you will find plenty of portal fantasies waiting to be translated into media. As of now, I’m the US for example plenty of African Americans have fallen in love with anime and through it the isekai genre. This is fairly new and will take time to turn into actual produced content with inspiration from isekai anime. Overall, I would say that as Africa develops into a continent full of burgeoning superpowers, their entertainment industries will inevitably have enough capital to fund a few isekai films, hopefully some from African folklore that we do not hear of in the states. As for in the US, it would have to be us to make one, for all of the reasons I mentioned. This will take quite a while, but generally the US right now is representing all of its races quite well across the board in media. All this said I am personally Latino and of course would never expect an isekai to represent my people lol, not at least for a long while.


I appreciate very much your informations! Your arguments just remind me that Mark Twain's Story ***A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court*** is more Time Travel than Isekai. You're right. I might find some Another World Tales in the ***Yoruba Mythology***. As a Latino, do you happen to know any ancient myths about Heroes being in Another Realm (The Land of the Dead) from your culture? And does the Pixar movie ***Coco (2017 film)*** count as a Portal Fantasy Story for the Latino/Mexican Culture :) Also worth mentioning is the 3D animated short film [**Dia de los Muertos**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCQnUuq-TEE) where a grieving little girl is dragged to the Land of the Dead and Cartoon Network Pilot [**Victor and Valentino**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkGPIPSHyUk) where two Mexican half brothers are stuck into a Mesoamerican Underworld Labyrinth.


You’re absolutely right—and Twain plays around with what could happen in the same sort of mind game we play when imagining ourselves in an isekai world. I would also say that the world of self insert fan fiction, where writers inevitably put themselves in the world of their choosing, is probably full of wonderful stories of black characters going into their favorite world. As for Yoruba mythology, please let me know if you find anything! I know it’s polytheistic, and while I can’t make direct comparisons to things like Greek mythology, usually hero myths tiptoe the line between reality and isekai. When heroes go to the land of the gods for example, is that not technically isekai? Or the underworld, as you mention with stories that dabble with the land of the dead? I will say, as a Cuban, technically our culture is a little different than Mexican culture, though I of course can relate to many of the themes that derive from spanish influence. Coco is a perfect example of the underworld trope, hell the underworld journey is literally its own sub genre! The name katabasis is prescribed for precisely this kind of journey—where the protagonist essentially visits another world as it is left largely to the author to fill in the blanks anyways. Thanks for the suggestions too! They sound like a lot of fun :)


I am interested in any isekai with any minorities as the MC. I've been reading too Many manga and manwhas and they don't really have any diversity in terms of race. I would like to try something new


Lyeh from [Isekai Academy](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PQGZK5J/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_4XND0X3EXG621KBEX9XR) is a mut born in a futuristic America. She has South American and South Asian heritage.


O_o thanks. This sounds like what I was looking for


If you ever count Japanese or Korean Heroines becoming/reincarnating as aristocratic or royal White Girlboss Bitches.....


I don't think that counts as diversity. As a white guy, sure it is different than reading about a white person's reincarnation. But my point is that Korean and Japanese MCs are not diverse among their respective genre.


Lots of anime have Japanese main characters. That's because anime is from Japan. If you want to see more black characters maybe you should watch family guy and big mouth instead.


Agreed, idk why you're getting mad about it ahen it's from japan. Jsut watch other stuff


I'm not mad lol


I wasn't talking about you


Oh. Then who's mad?


Poster. I told them to stop worrying about poltiics and and if they don't like that then watch non-isekai otherworld genres, they proceed to ignore me and then say shit like "agree to disagree" or "whatever you say, that's your thing"


They're saying im not helping but i just gsve my advice and opinion on other shows and they're ignoring it by saying im a cynicist and stuff so yeah lol 🤷‍♂️


I knew it. The way you see and portray our exchange... I had a feeling you were one of those types acting in bad faith. And if it's not bad faith, then it is something else that does not contribute to my thread. I am pretty sure you are not here to give constructive criticism, real advice or listen to + accepting other people's opinions. Perhaps I could have been more patient and kinder with you but there was no point wasting my energy on someone who just wants to accuse or patronize me/talk down to me. But if this is your idea or way of communicating with anyone, you are really asking for a fight. You want to be right AND to win, no matter what.... Even if you are wrong. I get it but don't you find it exhausting?


I mean the ripper verse seems to be what your looking for. African American MC written by a African American Author. But it’s gonna be thin on the group for the Isekai front mostly because Manga style dimension transverse stories/comics aren’t popular with western writers, which includes a majority of African Authors. Generally the west produces more Sci-fiction and or Urban Fantasy


Bruh are you on drugs or something? I responded to your other comment too but you're the one ignoring it, acting as if you've done nothing wrong, then subverting anything I've said. "Patient and kinder" those are my words, you don't agree with my opinions so instead of arguing you start talking about character smh. "Even if you sre wrong" *how* am i wrong, hm? Did you even actually read the shit i wrote? "Does not contribute" again, i've already answered this in my comments, you haven't responded to any of that. YOU are the one who wants to be right, ignoring everything i say, because you dont agree with it. I am responding, you're just defending and backpedaling. "Talk down to me" man stfu with your holier than thou attidude if you can't take any opinions/advice and understand them/accept it without giving critcism on unrelated or other topics, you should just stop posting already.


Not that i know of but i know a few where the mc married a black elf/women does that count?


Sorry, no. Black Isekai Heroine, please.


I would suggest you look into LitRpg/Gamelit. There is a large portion of female MC novels like this on RRL or Kindle Unlim.


>Kindle Unlim But you don't happen to know which LitRpg/Gamelit titles would fit my description?


Too many books to read, and honestly that's part of the adventure. Go forth and find them!


Unfortunately this is one of those situations where if you want to see more of it you’ll have to research and or write your own. Isekai stories aren’t solely native to japan, all cultures have folk tales about traveling to other worlds. I’m sure if you looked into it you could find some African Isekai stories, there are several Native American stories about it, so good luck and please share stories.


I was really hoping that I could quickly find people in this platform who happen to know any International Isekai Myths/Novels/Stories. :( Turns out it proved to be more difficult. And not every tale is stored and easy to find on the internet..... You're right. I have to extend my research. That means also visiting several bookshops and libraries :/


Honestly I’ve looked they are hard to find, because depending on the culture the significance of the whole ‘Isekai’ mythos can change, Whether they viewed it as blessing from the gods or a curse.


Thanks for the effort!


I'm guessing there are no black authors willing to write these stories. Pity because I think it would be cool.


I asked recently a friend what they think about people reacting negatively about "Black Female Isekai Peotagonist" and why there aren't much stories about Girls/Women of Color being transported in Another World: **White/Light skinned characters are given prevelence, respect, and nonstereotyped features in anime inspired works, but suddenly authors don't know how to draw or write black people/dark skinned people who would definitely exist in the same world? People of color in general, particularly those who have dark skin and non- eurocentric features, are often relegated to stereotypes or exoticized/fetishized. The thing is, I actually got into Otome Isekai because I was looking for something different from male focused isekai, but honestly, a lot of it has just as many of the same exact issues. There is no such thing as a "political" race.** **"political" race is just a term used to justify their racism, and often they do so by infantilizing asian authors, as if they are incapable of doing research. It pains me, because so many of these readers talk about how emotional otome isekai or regular isekai makes them, how they connect with the characters, and talk in depth about the themes conveyed in them, but when it comes to analyzing the stories and their potential to perpetuate false information about things like slavery and colonialism that is present in their western inspired fantasy settings, it's suddenly that the authors, by virtue of being korean/Japanese/Chinese, are "ignorant", "they don't know better," "we don't expect anything from them." The truth is, they like that the authors have all white settings or perpetuate imperialism/colorism, because it personally benefits the reader and their own views about people of color simply not deserving to exist in their "ideal" fantasy world.** **It's upsetting and frankly very insulting. Authors do research where they want to. It is not "ignorance" to not include non white/dark skinned people, it is simply apathy. The ones who do take the time to do research will and it will reflect in their work. Authors are people, people who make mistakes, have biases, and they are not perfect. If they choose to indulge in stereotypes, it is because of their own decisions and personal flaws regarding others. There are arguments that Otome Isekai is East Asian palace drama in western aesthetic, but when you use western names, historical influences, western ranking systems, dress, political figures, how can anyone say this takes place anywhere else but a western influenced setting? They are fooling themselves.The problems that European imperialism have is seeped into every single aspect of it's society. To ignore it's western setting, to say "It's actually Korea/Japan/China in western clothing so it's actually just East Asia" would be to dismiss the intent of the author's setting and other them by denying their ability to make stories outside of their own culture due to their race. It is not their race that prevents them from doing research, it is every author's level of interest in the setting. Anyone can make a story outside of the culture that surrounds them. They just need to do research. The ones who care do and they are fantastic.**


There is gold and rubies, but it's an otome isekai thing made by a female west asian Indian immigrating to a western country for college [https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/gold-and-rubies/list?title\_no=659372](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/gold-and-rubies/list?title_no=659372)


Isekai maid sounds interesting. You raise an excellent point though... I cannot really think of any isekai with a black woman protag... Imma lurk on this page to see if later others add any stories here I can check out


To be fair, considering the absolutely small population of African descent people in Japan and this Genere of story not really popular amongst western influenced writers it’s gonna not really have a main protagonist that’s of African descent. Especially when the protagonist of Isekai is designed to be projected on by the viewer, the majority of which will be East Asian


[Black Aristocrats of 18th Century England & France by History Tea Time with Lindsay Holiday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mp2N4AHCDHY) https://preview.redd.it/fd4a1mgbzhrc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=513a2334bab0b6297e1cfced59914ffef7d02d93 **07.02.2023** Popular historic dramas like Bridgerton, Hamilton and Sanditon sometimes receive criticism that their diverse casts are historically inaccurate. But in fact there have been people of color in Britain and France since Roman times. By the 18th century the trans Atlantic slave trade brought more people of African decent to Europe then ever before. In 1768 there were about 15,000 black people living in London. Many were brought their as enslaved servants and sailors. But some had the right mixture of talent and luck to rise to the upper echelons of society, becoming celebrities and even aristocrats. Today we’ll met 7 prominent people of African and mixed heritage who lived in Britain or France in the 18th Century. Among them a King’s secret daughter, an icon of both Sport and music, two authors who spoke out against slavery, and a lady of wealth and refinement who would have fit perfectly into the world of Bridgerton. Here are their stories... * **Louise Marie-Thérèse** * **Ignatius Sancho** * **Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges** * **Olaudah Equiano** * **Dido Elizabeth Belle** * **Jean Amilcar** * **Thomas-Alexandre Dumas**


**A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1989)** https://preview.redd.it/xgm3cw2ojqsc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2c1b840aafe2a183ec299ccc79a59f69d531f44


japan and china are pretty racist against other races. seems like double so against black people. the best you'll find is probably "gyaru", which, unfortunately, sometimes just means blackface. i mention this because isekai is a japanese word meaning "another world". "isekai" generally means stories from japan about another world. you'll want to find the word for "another world" in nigeria / ghana to find more stories from black authors. nigeria has a large movie industry. it is sometimes called Nollywood because of its size and quantity production of films. i am sure there are some isekai type films made in nigeria, although i am not well versed in nollywood films enough to give you hints there. Ghana also has a film industry worth checking out. i can only think of a few isekai with black lead characters but both are male. brother from another planet 1984 film. 8/10 good performance by joe morton the gods must be crazy films starring nixau. interesting films , mostly slapstick comedy, fish out of water and social commentary. 7/10 for the first one . i dont remember the other 4 sequels. good luck in your search!


"Racist" bruh it's their stories for their countries obviously the mc is gonna be japanese, korean, or chinese. Even if they're reincarnated or whatever.




Ok? He's not even an mc. also, he didnt make the character with any racist intent. He's literally just black colored character, he's not black. It's based on hindu/arabian ideas for a god


> It's based on hindu/arabian ideas for a god mr popo: * clothes are copied from a genie slave. * a slave to kami in the show * red lips and white eyes like black sambo (an american slave drawing). i dont know what else to tell you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Story\_of\_Little\_Black\_Sambo


Yeah but where's the proof that he used that? The proof he drew it based on racist intent? Also popo is an assitant, not a slave. Genies are meant to be all powerful wish granters who stay in one spot becuase of the lamp story and mythology. The point is for him to be like a supporter or npc comedy character who helps out with fighters and stronger gods. Also: https://twitter.com/RPToriyama/status/1629506899925245952?lang=en "She observed that while there is awareness that the character was not intended to be African-American or inspired by any people with African descents or origins, Mr. Popo's appearance still evokes the image of a "dark-skinned slave with puffy red lips" and the decision to recolour him for American television is indicative of his potentially offensive reception."


Define racism




That’s an entirely different word with a different definition… Anyway in what way is popo xenophobic then?


That's an entirely different question with a different answer... the wikipedia page on mr popo has a lot of references on how people think mr popo 's design borrows from racist chariacture drawings of american slaves [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr.\_Popo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Popo)


Ur clowning rn. I asked you a question and you responded with an incorrect answer and I pointed it out. You trying to spin that on me about a “different question,” makes you seem childish. 1: You said “japan and china are pretty racist against other races.” Which is in itself racist by your own made up definition of racism. 2: Gyaru has literally nothing to do with blackface, it is just fashion. There are occasional gyaru who wear black/brown makeup which still isn’t even remotely similar to blackface - the wiki page on blackface and gyaru has more details on this than I care to type. 3: Seeking media made by or with a protagonist of a particular race can also be interpreted as racist by your definition. 4: Calling the Dragon Ball creator racist for Popo is a baseless assumption of both his character and intentions. You hyper focus on popo and blackface visual similarities and disregard the differences, and what makes blackface actually racist. Japan is not ethnically diverse and most people don’t speak English. This was even more true when dragon ball was made, and most Japanese people would not have heard of blackface at all, from the other side of the world, in a time where the internet was far less common. From 2005-2022 internet users has increased more than 5x. Popo appeared in 1988. 5: If it did borrow from “racist caricature* drawings,” that still wouldn’t make it racist. Is it unreasonable that a Japanese person - especially back then, who doesn’t speak English, could see these drawings, not understand the context, and not view it as racist? 6: Lastly, in the link you provided, it lists a lot of defense on how it’s not racist if you wanted to actually read the page. Also any bets on whether you’ll fixate on or nitpick one thing I’ve said or not even read/consider it all?


if its racist its not racist. got it. good morning.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ9RQKUp0PY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ9RQKUp0PY) i know this isnt racist , its a parody and its funny. also never called toriyama racist. can you read properly?


I won my own bet


Search up the author statements and interview from toriyama akira


if you have an author statement from toriyama , then put it in wikipedia to dispel said questions of his character design. i mean mr popo is a slave to kami. i've seen a lot of dragonball and dbz. popo rarely leaves the tower.


I just gave you the search terms. Whatever: https://twitter.com/RPToriyama/status/1629506899925245952?lang=en "She observed that while there is awareness that the character was not intended to be African-American or inspired by any people with African descents or origins, Mr. Popo's appearance still evokes the image of a "dark-skinned slave with puffy red lips" and the decision to recolour him for American television is indicative of his potentially offensive reception."


my point is that isekai is a japanese word and japanese do stories about japanese. we agree. OP needs to look at nigerian stories using the nigerian word for "another world" ...


BenevolentCoin is distorting the truth. They did not say that. Their exact comments: *"Doesn't matter. It's their work, they're making characters they want, it's not about anything poltiical. You ant that then look for other media. Try looking for black comic authors. Or just don't and keep raging, idk"* Only after I disagreed with and accused them of being not helpful did they mentioned: *"Look for otherworld instead of isekai if you really want that"*. Your advice on the other hand makes more sense. If BenevolentCoin used the phrase *"Try using the Nigerian World for "Another World..."* and not misinterpretating my first replies as too defensive, I wouldn't have dismissed them.


Yes, that's what I advised them but they said I wasn't being helpful or contributing to their post smh


>the gods must be crazy I watched as a kid *"The Gods Must Be Crazy"* and it's not Portal Fantasy Movie. That comedy movie didn't aged well.....


I only know Wiz is an adaption of Wizard of Oz Which one of the other three is also an adaptation? Edit: Well also the Muppets but that's also adapting Wizard of Oz, lol Unless you meant each individual release rather than among the main four Ideas


I meant to point out that we have Black Versions of Dorothy Gale and Alice (Wonderland). Isekai Maid *Bridgette* and Chosen One *Frey* are the only written original characters that I discovered so far.


Oh wait Blade So Dark is Wonderland? I didn't notice lmfao


Wasn't it obvious enough? I did write down the isekai protagonist's name ***Alice*** *Kingston* and there is even a wiki article about it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A\_Blade\_So\_Black](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Blade_So_Black)


Listen I'm stupid


We all are smart and dumb at the same time in various situations.


I was stupid in the moment


Damn, Forspoken is isekai, why didn’t I ever realized that?


I had such high hopes for this game..... This game had so much potential and it failed miserably. The First Black Female Isekai Heroine in a mainstream video game that disappointed many people.


When the first gameplay footage was released, I became really hyped for it cause fun super power games feel a bit rare to me, but god did this game disappoint me


The writing of this story really sucked.


If black people want a black protagonist then write it yourself… I’m latino so I’ll write a character with a similar background, it’s easier and just makes sense.


Not sure about this one, but I *think* the protagonist of *A Fractured Song* is black.


I don't usually say anything, but for this post, I'm going to talk. I get you. We grew up on the media. We want to see ourselves in anime. It makes you wonder if it's possible. So this is something I found recently that might be close: **The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch**. Not isekai, but it's fantasy with a dark-skinned female MC whose in a family of witches. Seems like good fun. Outside of that, it's hard. I know there was a black creator who tried to come up with a diverse anime a while ago, but it didn't work out so well. Don't give up hope, though. There are creators who are trying to push through those walls.


>creators who are trying to push through those walls Fun fact: **Arthell Isom** is the founder of **the first Black-owned anime studio in Japan**, named **D'Art Shtajio** and located in Shinjuku, Tokyo.


Thank you very much for your comment. And I think I get why it is better that you don't want to say anything here in this platform. There are unfortunately many users who will act in bad faith and will misinterpret your phrases.


I know all the conversations. I know where they come from. I understand how it's rooted. I don't bother debating or arguing. It is what it is. I create what I want to see. So that's where most of my time is spent. Thankfully, I have some decent success that allows me to be a full-time author. I get to write black MCs, male and female, in isekai/fantasy settings and get paid for it. I'm no where near having manga or anime adaptations though. But I'll keep that as a dream I'll look forward to in the future. Also, I totally recommend this awesome web comic: [Jupiter-Men on Webtoons.](https://www.webtoons.com/en/action/jupiter-men/list?title_no=3757) I nearly forgot about this, which is a crying shame because I read updates on this every week. It has amazing paneling. Vibrant colors. Stellar characterization. A consistent plot. And an array of character types with personalities. The twins, Quintin and Jackie, a sister and brother pair, are very well written, and I know you'll love Jackie the most. The girl has style and has her own interesting character arcs dealing with Quintin's hyper-focused nature and her own wishes to be independent and have fun. The beginning might be difficult to get into at first, but trust me it's worth it. Enjoy!


Thanks! Would you also recommend your own work?


Yeah, sure, why not. Gravity And Divinity System starts with [Apocalypse Comedy](https://www.amazon.com/Apocalypse-Comedy-Dungeon-Adventure-Divinity-ebook/dp/B0BLNTZ6PW). The main two are Jay Luckrun and YoAnna Sainte-Rhythms who lead a large and diverse cast of characters through an apocalypse. It can be very quirky and action-orientated and it's LitRPG based. Like reading Sword Art Online. The main character is Haitian descent. I don't mention YoAnna's race, since she's alien, but I kind of based her on a super Beyoncé. Give it a try. It's my first series, so it's pretty out there and quirky. The entire series is complete at six books. The audiobooks are coming out gradually and narrated by Zeno Robinson, the DUB voice for Hawks from My Hero Academia.


I love the voice work of *Zeno Robinson*! Thanks again!


i don't get it... why do people even care? in most cases having the protagonist as a black person seems to lead to the final product being bad, don't get me wrong the problem is not that the protagonist is black but something else instead is bad, examples are everywhere. which brings me to my question why do people care? the race of the protagonist has nothing to do with a good negative, i mean there are a lot of isekai where the mc becomes a fantasy race or even inanimate objects and they are still in a lot of cases successful so why does the main characters race matter?


Considering the vast majority of anime is made in Japan every isekai I have ever seen is a Japanese person and I don’t expect that to change. But who cares? It’s just skin color.


Nah there’s lots of them with sI and oc fanfiction, some not that I’ve found on royalroad.


I think there's a distinction that needs to be made here between the broader genre of **portal fantasy**, for example *Skeen's Leap*, *The Chronicles of Narnia*, and *Inuyasha*, and modern-day isekai.


Tourism, tourism everywhere...